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1、2022年黑龙江省龙东地区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Have you listened to _ class given by Wang Yaping in space?Yes, I have. Its really fantastic.AanBtheC/2I have a sense of _. I dont depend on my parents too much.AindependenceBsadnessChumor3The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was very d

2、ifferent _ that of the 2008 Summer Games, but was equally impressive (同样震撼).AlikeBasCfrom4Im afraid that I may not win the match.Believe in yourself, _ youll miss such a nice chance.AandBbutCor5_ nice weather it is! Why not go fishing?Good idea.AWhatBHowCWhat a6I saw some boys _ basketball as I walk

3、ed by the playground.AplayBplayingCto play7It is _ an interesting story _ every kid wants to listen to it again.Aso; thatBsuch; thatCsuch; as8China beat South Korea 3-2 in the AFC Womens Asian Cup final. Have you watched the match _ was held in Navi Mumbai?AthatBwhyCwho9The movie Snipers (狙击手) _ sin

4、ce a week ago. Why not go and see it tonight?Go with you if I finish the work early.Ahas begunBbeganChas been on10Sweeping robots _ more and more widely today. Why not buy one?AuseBare usingCare used11Though we two used different ways to solve the math problem, we _ with the same answer.Atook upBend

5、ed upCset up12After the Winter Olympics, ice and snow sports are getting _ than before.Avery popularBmore popularCthe most popular13You shouldnt _ Tom for the mistake. Hes only a child.AadmireBpunishCpraise14What does the traffic sign mean?It warns people _ in this area.Ano parkingBdont parkCnot to

6、park15A nice shirt! A present?Yes, it is. My aunt _ it to me for my coming birthday yesterday.AsentBhad sentCwas sending16You cant have both of them. You can choose _ the kite _ the toy car.Aeither; orBneither; norCboth; and17Parents _ play too much on the phone before their children.I agree. It has

7、 a great influence on them.AshouldntBneedntCmay not18Can I hang out with my friends this Sunday, Mum?_, unless you finish your homework completely.AOf courseBNo wayCGood luck19No one knows _ in the future.Awhat will our life be likeBwhat our life will be likeChow will our life be20The sign _ means t

8、hat you cant make a telephone call here.ABC二、完形填空There were two men who lived next to each other. One of them was a retired (已退休的) teacher and _21_ was an insurance agent (保险代理人). Both of them had planted many different plants in their gardens. The retired teacher _22_ watered his plants and didnt p

9、ay a lot of attention to them. But his neighbor was very _23_ with his plants and watered them often. The retired teachers plants were _24_, but looked okay, _25_ the insurance agents plants were much bigger and _26_. One night, there was a heavy rain and wind because of a _27_. The next morning, bo

10、th of the neighbors came out to _28_ on their gardens. The insurance agent saw that his plants had _29_. But the retired teachers plants stood firmly (牢牢地).The insurance agent thought it was _30_. He went to ask the retired teacher. “We both grew the same plants and I _31_ for my plants better than

11、you did. How could your plants _32_ survive (存活)?”The retired teacher smiled and said, “Because you gave your plants too much _33_ . You made it too easy _34_ them to grow. I gave my plants just a little bit of water, so their roots (根) had to grow _35_ to absorb (吸收) more water. That is why my plan

12、ts survived.”21AotherBthe otherCothers22AoftenBalwaysCseldom23AcarefulBpopularCcareless24AbigBsmallCstrong25AwhenBwhileCas26AgreyerBgreenerCdarker27AstormBcloudCcold28AcheerBworkCcheck29AprotectedBfallenCprevented30AunbelievableBunluckyCnatural31AwaitedBlookedCcared32AstillByetCever33ApreparationBat

13、tentionCinstruction34AofBforCto35AwiderBlongerCdeeper三、用所给单词的正确形式填空36According to CCTV news of Oct. 12, the first Chinese national parks were set up in ten provinces _ (include) Heilongjiang Province.37I have great difficulty _ (finish) this job by myself. Could you help me?38He is always _ (care) a

14、bout his schoolwork, so he keeps making the same mistakes.39He works _ (hard) than before. This makes his parents very pleased.40Could you please tell me whats _ (happen) over there?41Games can make learning more _ (enjoy).42The man to whom you just now _ (speak) is Mr. Li.43Nothing is _ (possible)

15、if you put your heart into it.44Our teacher often tells us to be a person who treats others with kindness and _ (warm).45It rained so _ (heavy) last night that many streets were in water.四、补全对话6选5(Ann: A, Bruce: B)A: Hi, Bruce. Have you seen the soccer game between China and Vietnam(越南)?B: _46_ Have

16、 you seen it?A: Yes, China lost the game.B: Really? _47_A: Yes, I expected that the Chinese team would be able to win the game.B: _48_A: Yes, very much. Im a soccer fan, you know.B: Anything can happen while competing. _49_A: Maybe you are right. But I will still support the Chinese mens soccer team

17、. By the way, what are you going to do this coming Sunday?B: Im going to see a movie. A new movie is on. _50_A: Why not?B: OK. Ill book(预订)tickets online.AWould you like to go with me?BSo you must be very disappointed now?CThats too bad.DNo, I havent.EDont take it seriously.FSorry, I cant.五、填写适当的句子补

18、全对话A: Mum, Im hungry. Is there anything to eat in the kitchen?B: Sorry, Alice. There is nothing. Ill cook for you. _51_?A: Id like gongbao chicken. Mum.B: But I cant cook it.A: _52_.B: Good idea. But I dont know how to order food online.A: Its easy, Mum. Give me your phone.B: OK. _53_.A: There are m

19、any restaurants here. Which one do you think is the best?B: Let me see. Try this one, Sanjiang Restaurant. Its said the food in this restaurant is very delicious.A: OK. Here, Mum. Gongbao chicken. _54_?B: Mapo tofu and two bowls of rice.A: Sure.B: _55_?A: 80 yuan. They will be sent in 30 minutes.B:

20、Good.六、阅读还原6选5Teens are putting on weight. Today most teenagers are at least one size larger than teens were 20 years ago. What can they do to keep fit?_56_ Physical activity can make your body strong. It can also keep you at a healthy weight. Doctors say that people who stay at a healthy weight hav

21、e fewer health problems._57_ Doctors call watching TV or playing video games screen time. You should have no more than two hours of screen time a day. You will enjoy life more if you live it instead of watching it!_58_ An hour a day can seem like a long time. Start with 10 minutes of new activities

22、every day. Add more as you get stronger. Think about walking. Take the stairs instead of the lift. You will feel healthier._59_ Find a sport you like. It doesnt need to be the traditional sports of basketball, soccer or baseball. Those are all great sports and if you like them, play them. However, y

23、ou can also try hiking, skateboarding or even rope jumping. If you enjoy the sport, you will do it._60_ Help your family shop for healthy food. Read the labels (标签). Look for healthy foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Stop buying soft drinks and junk foods. You will feel better if you eat rig

24、ht.Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage.AMake sports funBStart slowlyCTake exerciseDWalk away from the screenEMake your mind openFChoose food carefully七、阅读判断I often cycle (骑自行车) around Australia and I am going to cycle the Nullarbor to raise money for multiple sc

25、lerosis (MS, 多发性硬化症). I have MS myself, but cycling is a pain-free activity for me. I feel quite relaxed after cycling. But a not-so-kind person stole all of my bikes when I was traveling.A kind lady bought a mountain bike for me to continue my way. A gentleman gave away another bike to me. But it w

26、as almost impossible to find a bike in my size because the bike I had before was very short. My hometown raised some money. With this money, I have bought a bike that is just the right size for me.So far, people have offered me places to stay, welcomed me into their warm homes and made sure I have e

27、nough water when riding long distances. They also put money in my hands in the street to help me reach my goal. The stolen bikes turned into an interview with ABC Radio and papers in Tasmania.There are so many good and kind-hearted people out there. My experience is that people are mainly kind and b

28、eautiful. I could never doubt the fact that the world holds more good and kind people than unkind (不友善的) people. That, in itself, is hope!Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.61The writer has MS and is unable to move around.62The writers bikes were stolen whil

29、e he was traveling.63The writer wants to express that he doubted if other people were ever kind to him in Paragraph 2.64With the help of his hometown, the writer bought a bike that suited him right.65The story tells us that there are more kind people than unkind people in the world.八、阅读单选Have you ev

30、er been to Taiwan, the biggest island of China? Do you want to visit there? Well show you Taiwan Island.On a four-day tourPrice: Only ¥5,000 per personIncluding: Round-way plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan. Bus service around Taiwan. Best tour guide service.Places to visit:Sun and Moon LakeA

31、beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun; on the other side, it looks like the moon. That is why people call it Sun and Moon Lake.Ali MountainThe nearest mountain around Sun and Moon Lake. A nice experience to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderfu

32、l place to see a very beautiful sunrise.Peng LakeA great place for swimming, fishing. boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.Kaohsiung City (高雄市)A full day to go shopping.Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.Tel: 6459-9561Sold out this month. Book

33、by phone now for next month.Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to the passage.66You will visit _ tourist spots (地点) if you take the tour.AthreeBfourCfive67If you go on a trip in Taiwan, where can you see the beautiful sunrise?AOn Sun and Moon Lake.BOn Ali Mountain.COn Peng Lake.68The wr

34、iter of this passage wants to _.Atell more people to join the tourBtell you something about TaiwanCdescribe how beautiful Taiwan is69If you want to visit Taiwan this month, you have to _.Avisit their office on SaturdayBphone the number 6459-9561Cturn to some other travel agencies (旅行社)70If you want

35、to take the tour to Taiwan, you can book it by phone at _.A4:00 p.m. on SundayB7:00 a.m. on MondayC4:00 p.m. on WednesdayOn Nov. 11, there is a holiday created by Chinese people for singles (单身人士). It is known as Singles Day. It has become the biggest online shopping day in the world. T-mall, Taobao

36、, Pinduoduo and many other online shopping sites offer huge discounts (打折扣) on this day to attract shoppers. Take T-mall as an example, on November 11, 2021, T-malls sales reached 540 billion yuan.There are similar shopping days in the United States. The most well-known of these is Black Friday. It

37、always falls on the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. On this day, stores offer special deals, just like on Singles Day.On Black Friday, shoppers will wake up very early to wait in line at stores before they open. They might start waiting in line as early as 2 or 3 a.m. Sometimes the crowds will b

38、e so big that it is impossible to get inside the stores.Another similar holiday is Cyber (网络的) Monday. This day always falls on the Monday after Thanksgiving. It is like Singles Day, since it is only for online shopping.Personally, I dont like any of these holidays. They place too much importance on

39、 buying things. I prefer to celebrate Buy Nothing Day. It is a “holiday” that falls on the same day as Black Friday. It is an international day of protest (抗议) to draw attention to the problem of over-consumption. What do you think of these holidays?Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to

40、 the passage.71What do people do on Singles Day?ACome to be single again.BOpen stores online.CShop online.72What do people usually do on Black Friday?AGet up very early and wait in line at stores.BStay at home to avoid bad luck.CGet together to celebrate the holiday.73What does the writer think of t

41、hese shopping holidays?AHe doesnt say anything about these holidays.BHe prefers to celebrate these holidays on other days.CHe thinks they cause a problem of over-consumption.74The underlined word “over-consumption” means “_” in Chinese.A过度消费B过度享乐C过度自我75What is the passage mainly about?ATo introduce

42、Singles Day in China.BTo introduce some well-known shopping festivals.CTo call on people to save time.九、阅读回答问题“Its a waste of time,” I said when my mom told me to join Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club that helps charities (慈善机构). When she told me I had to volunteer at a homeless shelter (收容所),

43、I thought that things could not get worse.We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter, where we saw a lady shouting at the guard. He dealt with her and then led us to the kitchen, where we met our five fellows (同伴) of the club.Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl,

44、 around 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was handing out. I handed her a cold sandwich and she nodded to say thanks. She then walked over to her parents, who were seated at a large table.As she walked away, I thought about how much I had. I go to one of the top schools in San Diego,

45、I have a great house by the water, and I have a warm meal every night. Then I thought of how little she had. She probably didnt go to school, and this is where she sleeps and eats every day. That little girl makes me realize just how lucky I am.After that moment, I had a change of heart. Now, I love Madcaps and dont miss one meeting. I believe that if you have an open mind about things, you can learn a lot about yourself and the people in your community. You can make new friends and realize j


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