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1、2022年吉林省长春市第一八学校中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1I enjoy having _ breakfast with my family at home. It makes me feel relaxed.AaBanCtheD/2We are in a tough time at present. As long as we pull together, victory must belong to _.AourBweCusDours3We are proud of our Party. The year 2021 is its _ birthday.A

2、hundredBthe hundredChundredthDthe hundredth4Kelly, did you go to the countryside with your family by car or by bike?_. I think it is good exercise.AYes, I didBNo, I didntCBy bikeDBy car5_ useful advice you have given her! She is out of trouble now.AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow6Come on, Tom! You will surely a

3、chieve your dream _ you give it up halfway.AafterBuntilCunlessDif7Tang Muhan, a girl from Changchun, is a swimmer _ won womens 4200 freestyle at Tokyo 2021.AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhose8Mary has ordered a coat online for her mother and it _ to her next Monday.Awill be sentBwas sentCsendDsent9Whats wrong wit

4、h Lily? She looks very upset.She _ lose the math competition. Her name isnt on the winner list.AcanBmustCcantDmustnt10We went to Nanhu Park last weekend, but it was not easy to find a suitable place to _ our tent.Agive upBstay upCturn upDput up11The books are so nice. Which one can I take?You can ta

5、ke _ of them. Ill keep none.AallBbothCneitherDeither12_ English better, we should express our ideas in English and dont be afraid of making mistakes.ASpeakBSpokeCSpeakingDTo speak13 Tom, do you know _?Yes. From February 4 to 20, 2022.Awhen will the Beijing Winter Olympics take placeBwhen the Beijing

6、 Winter Olympics will take placeCwhere will the 2022 Winter Olympics take placeDwhere the 2022 Winter Olympics will take place14A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much _ than the one with 4GAfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest15Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can buy some postcards?_. Pl

7、ease go and ask the policeman over there.AYes, Id love toBIt doesnt matterCThats rightDSorry, Im new here二、补全对话6选5(In New York, Cindy is chatting with Su Li from Hangzhou about gifts.)Cindy: Im traveling to your hometown, Hangzhou. What can I buy for my family and friends? Su Li: Well, there are man

8、y fantastic things about Hangzhou, like tea and silk.Cindy: Sounds good. I think my family would like to try Chinese tea. _16_Su Li: Sure. We have different kinds of tea, such as green tea, black tea, white tea and so on. Cindy: Wow, so many! _17_Su Li: Green tea. The most popular green tea is Longj

9、ing tea produced near the West Lake.Cindy: I see. _18_Su Li: Im sure they will like it. Cindy: I think so. What about silk?Su Li: _19_ If you want to buy silk products, you can go to any silk shop in Hangzhou. Cindy: Great! Ill buy some silk scarves for my friends.Su Li: And there is a silk museum i

10、n Hangzhou. _20_Cindy: Really! That must be interesting. Thanks for your advice. Su Li:- My pleasure. Enjoy yourself!AWhich is your favorite, Su Li?BThey dont like Chinese tea at all.CYou can find out how silk is made there.DIll buy some Longjing tea for my family.ESilk made in Hangzhou is famous al

11、l over the world.FCould you please tell me something about Chinese tea?三、完形填空阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 I started college about 20 months ago. From then on, I struggled with everything, classes, friends and so on. I quickly became upset, _21_ with myself for not being able to do better in sc

12、hool.This went on for months, until my 19th birthday. My parents sent me a _22_. It was a big delicious cake, _23_ no one would share it with me. I ended up _24_ out the cake after having one piece, with about 90% of it wasted. That night I was so upset that I decided to go outside and _25_. Putting

13、 my earphones in, I went outside and ran about 2 miles.When I got back inside, I was _26_ and I was proud of what I was able to do. The next _27_ I did the same. The running continued for about 2 months until I _28_ worked up the courage to go to the gym (健身房), _29_ I started swimming again, as I us

14、ed to do in high school. A month went by and I started lifting weights and _30_ running.Looking back, I can see that _31_ helped me out of my upset. But _32_ didnt only do that. At the gym, I met new _33_. Back at my school, I grew _34_ to communicate with my schoolmates.So for now, I exercise every

15、 day and _35_ that time I get daily to do what I love. I hope my story helps someone who may be or has been in a similar situation.21AhappyBsurprisedCangryDworried22AflowerBcandyCcakeDpizza23AandBsoCbutDif24AgivingBsendingCtakingDthrowing25AwalkBplayCswimDrun26AcomfortableBawfulClonelyDkind27AmonthB

16、weekCnightDmoment28AluckilyBquicklyCfinallyDquietly29AwhereBwhatCwhoDwhom30AstillBneverCevenDjust31AexerciseBsmileCtimeDfriendship32AIBitCheDthey33AcoachesBteachersCfriendsDschoolmates34AcarefulBpleasedCconfidentDhealthy35Athink ofBforget aboutClook forward toDget lost in四、阅读单选Einstein said, “The bi

17、ggest difference between people is how they spend their spare time. Control your spare time, and you control your life!” In order to learn about how students spend their spare time after school, NO.12 Junior High School did a survey among 1,000 students and here is the result.After getting the resul

18、t, the school teachers and some parents get much more worries about the teenagers study, for most students waste their spare time on computer games. Meanwhile there is only about 130 students choosing to kill time by reading. That really shocked the school principal. He is always thinking about help

19、ing the students develop reading habits, so he made a decision to put “reading” into their daily schedule. As for playing sports, about 20% students prefer to exercise outside rather than stay at home or go to after-school classes. According to the survey, the ones who go to after-school classes act

20、ually dont top the list. Instead, those who enjoy reading and doing sports normally get much better grades. The percentage of helping with housework reminded the school to call on the parents not to do too much for their kids. Taking responsibility for the family is a great way to shape their charac

21、ter.根据短文和图表内容,选择最佳答案。36What can we know from Einsteins words?APeople have a lot of spare time to spend in the whole life.BWhether a person can succeed or not depends on how he controls his spare time.CPeople surely differ from each other.DWhether a person can succeed or not depends on how much time

22、he spends.37How many students are there choosing to play computer games in their spare time?A336.B330C369D24038How many percent of students help with housework at home?A28%.B20%.C80%.D11%.39What is the school principal going to do to help students develop reading habits?AHe will ask the students to

23、go to the library often.BHe will advise teachers to read together with students.CHe will set up a daily reading class for students.DHe will buy lots of books for students.40What can we know from the survey?APlaying sports is the most popular after-school activity.BBeing responsibility for the family

24、 is a good way for the students to develop independence.CThe students who enjoy reading and playing sports might study better than those who go to after-school classes.DPlaying computer games is seen by the parents as a good way to kill time.In San Francisco, there is a special group of volunteers c

25、alled Friends of the Urban Forest (FUF). They work hard to make their city greener. Now it has been 40 years since the group planted its first tree. Since then, FUF plants nearly 1,000 trees every year.FUF welcomes new volunteers of all ages and abilities all year round. On Weekend Planting Days, FU

26、F volunteers plant trees from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. After the work, everyone celebrates over a community lunch. On Thursday Planting Days, they plant “replacement trees”. As the name suggests, these trees replace trees that have died. Planting Leaders are very experienced volunteers. They usually wear a

27、special FUF T-shirt. Some new volunteers who know little about “replacement trees” can easily find Planting Leaders and ask them for help.In 1995, a programme called Tree Care was set up by FUF to improve the health of street trees in San Francisco. FUFs tree experts make “house calls” to every newl

28、y-planted street tree once a month. They make sure the trees are growing well. Through Tree Care, people can learn why trees are important and how to take care of them. There are also Emergency Tree Care Volunteers at FUF. These volunteers save young trees that have fallen. They set out to work when

29、ever FUF tells them which tree is in need.In order to plant a love for trees in every person, FUF sends newsletters to people. It also offers tree tours and planting training. FUFs Youth Programme trains teenagers like you to plant trees and care for trees. They hope to work with more people in the

30、future.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。41How many trees does FUF plan a year?ANearly 500.BNearly 1000.CNearly 1995.DNearly 2001.42What does the underlined word “replace” mean in Paragraph 2?Ato make something happenBto find something that was hiddenCto be used instead of something elseDto make it easier for somebody

31、to do something43Which is the right order of the following things?Tree Care was set up.FUF was set up.Experts make “house calls”ABCD44Why do Planting Leaders wear FUF T-shirts?ATo make themselves popular.BTo plant more trees.CTo protect themselves well.DTo be found easily.45What is the purpose of th

32、e passage?ATo explain the importance of trees.BTo describe the environmental problems in San Francisco.CTo teach people how to take care of the street trees.DTo call on more people to volunteer in FUF.五、阅读判断Have you ever read The Million Pound Note before? It is a very well-known work of the America

33、n writer Mark Twain.The story occurred in Britain in the early twentieth Century, when a poor American, Henry Adams, came to London. He came to England by working on the ship to mortgage his tickets. A pair of rich brothers bet on a one million-pound note to see if a man can live in London for a mon

34、th on this bill.Henry was found by two brothers while wandering on the sidewalk. They gave him an envelope (信封). It contains a million pound note issued by the bank. Henry accepted the envelope in a confusing way.Because he was in poor clothes, no matter where he went, people treated him in a rude m

35、anner. When he took out the bill, the attitude of the people changed. They flattered him. As for the bill, they even allow him to have everything without paying the bill. After a period of time, Henry has become the focus of upper class society. Everyone was curious about him and wanted to know him.

36、Soon after, he was in trouble. He was in debt, and then the waitress joked with him to hide the bill. As a result, the stock market plunged. People think he is a cheat, and the hotel was packed with people asking for their money.Fortunately, a months deadline is coming soon. Henry gave the bill back

37、 to the two brothers. After a big rise and fall, Henry is tired of pursue of (追求) money. He left with his beloved girl Portia.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。46The Million Pound Note is written by Mark Twain.47People treated Henry in a rude manner because of his poor clothes.48Henry Adams came from London.49He

38、nry owned the bill at last.50Henry wanted to make more money after the thing.六、阅读还原5选5Will this years gift money from your parents and grandparents be the most that youve ever had? Yes? _51_“Once, I wanted to swim. I spent 2,000 yuan and decided to take a swimming class,” said 12-year-old Wang Yue f

39、rom Wuxi in Jiangsu Province. _52_ I regretted the decision that I made.It can be difficult to keep your money when shopping. Everything is packed to catch your eyes. And there are advertisements designed to push you into buying. But if you ask yourself a few questions, you may save your money: Do I

40、 need it? If I dont need it, do I want it? _53_ Could I find it cheaper somewhere else? After answering these questions, will you still buy? Probably not. _54_ They will also help you to get a proper choice. If you truly like it but cant decide now, ask your parents for help and tell them what you w

41、ill do with it.Follow these ideas. _55_ Once it starts, there will be a second and third time. Your money will run out before you want to use it. If theres something that you think you like a lot, stop, look again and think twice.阅读短文,把AE五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。AGood questions will help you keep a cool

42、head.BLater I lost interest in swimming and only went to a few classes.CDont ever spend savings without thinking twice.DIf I buy now, do I have enough money for other things?ETo begin with, you should think carefully about how to spend it wisely.七、阅读回答问题Henry is going through a very hard time. His w

43、ife has just passed away. He feels that life without her is meaningless. For several months, Henry sits in his house, doing nothing. His family try to encourage him to do new things and enjoy life, but theyre not successful. Henrys neighbour, an old woman named Lisa, sees him from her yard one day.

44、She has not seen him outside for a long time! She asks him to come closer to the fence next to her house. “Hello, Henry. Just look at this fence. It is falling apart. You are a strong man. Can you help me fix this fence?” Lisa asks. Henry is angry inside. He is the one who needs help right now. He t

45、hinks the old lady is being kind of rude. But she is too old to fix the fence herself, so he agrees. Henry works on the fence for days. Lisa brings him lemonade while he works. When he finishes, she thanks him. Henry smiles for the first time in months. “What a wonderful job! Could you please paint

46、it for me?” Lisa says to him. Henry cannot believe she is asking for more help. Doesnt she know how sad he is? But because he respects her, he agrees. He works hard painting the fence in the hot sun, but Lisas lemonade and encouragement are helpful. As their neighbors pass by, they all tell Henry what a beautiful job he has done. Henry feels very happy. Thanks to his neighbors encouragement and praise, Henry no longer feels that life is meaningless. He finally realizes that Lisa w


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