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1、2022年山东省潍坊市潍城区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读单选LostWhite Persian male cat called Lizie 18 months old, friendly natureAny information about Lizie$ 500 for rewardPhone Peter 555-4140 eveningsHelp WantedLove travel?Join us as a tour guide!Full time, must speak English, $ 12 per hourE-mail: guidehr126. com

2、For RentGood rooms for girls, single(单人房), $35 a weekdouble, $185 a monthCall John 555-0698Family Home, 3 bedrooms, large yardCall Andrew 555-48631If you find a cat called Lizie, what can you do?ACall 555-4863.BCall 555-4040.CCall 555-4140.DEmail guidehr 126. com.2What does the underlined word “rewa

3、rd” mean in Chinese?A交换B货币C价钱D酬金3According to the information above, which of the following is TRUE?AAndrew can help you find a house with a yard.BA tour guide doesnt have to speak English.CA girl can rent a room for $35 a month.DLizie is a very friendly female cat.4Where might you find this informa

4、tion?AIn a storybook.BOn a notice board.CIn a science book.DIn a comic book.I was on the train one afternoon. Our carriage was almost empty, just a few people. At one station, a drunk man suddenly entered the train. He shouted and swung his fists at a woman holding a baby. Luckily, the baby wasnt hu

5、rt. Then he tried to kick an old woman. Everyone was scared. Ive been learning aikido (合气道,功夫的一种)for the past three years. But Id never fought in real life. As students of aikido, we are not allowed to start a fight. “Aikido, ”my teacher always told us, “is about solving conflict(冲突), not starting i

6、t. ”I decided that this was my moment. If I didnt do something fast, somebody might get hurt. So I stood up, ready to fight. Just then someone shouted, “Hey!” It was an old man. He was smiling at the drunk man. “What have you been drinking?” he asked. “Ive been drinking wine, but its none of your bu

7、siness!” said the drunk man angrily. “Oh, thats wonderful!” said the old man. Then he told how he loved drinking wine with his wife and eating watermelon. “And I also love watermelon.” said the drunk man. “And Im sure you have a wonderful wife too.” said the old man. “No,” replied the drunk man. “My

8、 wife died.” Then he began to sob(啜泣). “I have no wife, no home, no job. I am so ashamed of my myself.” “Oh, thats so difficult. Sit down here and tell me about it. ” said the old man. As I got off the train, I realized Id just seen real aikido in action. This was the real spirit of how to solve con

9、flict.5What happened on the train?AA man was drinking wine.BA drunk man was acting wildly.CA baby was hurt by a mans fists.DAn old woman was knocked down.6What can we learn from the aikido teachers words in Paragraph 3?AStudents shouldnt learn aikido.BAidiko is not used to start fights.CUsing aikido

10、 may start conflicts.DAikido cant actually solve conflicts.7What was probably the drunk mans situation?AHis business was successful.BHe had a bad wife.CHe was living a great life.DHe met some difficulties in life.8Which one is TRUE according to the passage?AFighting is a good way to solve conflicts.

11、BThe real spirit of aikido is to start conflict.CFighting is not the only way to solve conflicts.DEveryone should learn aikido to protect themselves.Boots is a company in the United Kingdom. It started a new program. It rewards(奖励)customers who bring in their old products to the company. Boots recyc

12、les the old products packaging. Recycling is a way to reduce the amount of dust. It processes(处理)old and discarded items. These items are then made into new products. The program was successful.But should governments give rewards for recycling, too? We did a survey with some kids. Some people say no

13、, others say yes.YesConor Maples, 11: People should be rewarded for recycling. San Francisco rewards recycling. The city has one of the highest recycling rates in the country. Meanwhile, Chicago doesnt reward recycling. Its recycling rate is very low. Rewards help people recycle. Many cities would b

14、e cleaner and have less waste.YesElizabeth Card, 10: Rewards help people recycle. One example is a deposit-return scheme(存款返还方案). Customers can pay a small deposit fee on an item. They later return the item when it is empty. They then get their deposit back. And then the item gets recycled. Countrie

15、s with deposit-return schemes have a higher rate of recycling.NoRuhi Patel, 9: People who recycle already have their reward: A cleaner environment for future generations. Rewards only encourage people to buy more things. They will not be reducing the amount of waste.NoAndrew Horan, 9: People should

16、not be rewarded for recycling. They should recycle anyway because the world has a lot of waste. Recycling is a part of being a good citizen of Planet Earth. It is the right thing to do. Recycling should be a part of everyday life now.9Why did the author write this article?ATo tell who has the idea t

17、o reward people for recycling.BTo show different points on giving rewards for recycling.CTo explain why Boots started rewarding people for recycling.DTo compare how different countries reward people for recycling.10Which sentence shows that people should be rewarded for recycling?AAll they have to d

18、o is to bring in their old products.BAnything that encourages recycling is helpful.CRewards only encourage people to buy more things.DThey should recycle anyway because the world has a lot of waste.11What did Ruhi Patel want to express in the passage?AAway that recycling can help the planet.BAway re

19、wards for recycling have changed.CA reason rewards for recycling can be bad.DA reason people do not want to recycle.二、阅读还原5选4Alzheimers patients (阿尔茨海默氏症患者) forget many things in their lives. _12_. It seems that no company wants to hire (雇佣) these patients and society has “forgotten” about them. How

20、ever, a restaurant in Shanghai invites these patients to work there. And it has a beautiful name: Forget Me Not Cafe.In this restaurant, six of the waiters and waitresses have Alzheimers disease. Every day before work, a group of volunteers retrain them on how to take orders and serve the dishes. _1

21、3_. In this way, these waiters and waitresses can remember the orders more easily.These people may not work as fast as other servers, but they always try to do their best. “_14_. And the customers are very nice and tolerant (宽容的), “ said one of them. “Im happy and confident here!”Working at this res

22、taurant provides these patients with a good chance to connect with society: _15_, but most Alzheimers patients dont have that chance. According to a recent report, more than ten million people in China have this disease. The restaurant hopes to bring more attention to this group. This disease may ma

23、ke people forget, but lets help them to remember with love.根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,有一项是多余选项。AThis can help to develop their hobbiesBThe volunteers take good care of usCSome of them cant even take care of themselvesDThis can help to slow the worsening (恶化) of their diseaseEThe volunteers also ma

24、rk the name of each dish with a number三、完形填空When you walk into a dining room or a restaurant on the street, you can often see tofu on the menu. Yes, tofu! Tofu is a big part of our daily diet.Tofu can be made _16_ many foods, such as Mapo Tofu, assorted Tofu and snacks like stinky tofu(臭豆腐). Do you

25、know _17_ tofu can be used for so many different things? Tofu has a mild(淡味的)taste, which gives it the ability to take on nearly any flavor.So it is easy to add to many dishes and snacks.People like eating tofu because it is a _18_ food. Tofu is _19_ in soy protein(大豆蛋白), vitamins and minerals(矿物质)a

26、ll of which are _20_ for health. According to a recent study by nutrition experts at the University of Illinois, US, _21_ you eat soy protein often, it can help lower cholesterol(胆固醇)levels by as much as 30%.Tofu was _22_ over 2000 years ago by the Chinese. While the true story behind its creation i

27、s uncertain, legend(传说)has it that tofu was discovered _23_. When a Chinese cook added Nigari to a pot of soybean milk, it caused the milk to curdle(凝固)and the result was tofu.Tofu is not only _24_ in China, also in western countries. Western people began to pay their attention to tofu in the 1960s

28、because they thought tofu could be the healthy food they were _25_. Westerners sometimes call it “the cheese of Asia”, because a block of tofu can look like a block of cheese.16AofBintoCfromDby17AwhichBwhatCthatDwhy18AmildBdeliciousCsoftDhealthy19ArichBhighCenoughDplenty20AsimpleBharmfulCnecessaryDp

29、ossible21AunlessBifCthoughDwhether22ApreparedBencouragedCdecidedDinvented23Aby handBby natureCby accidentDby heart24AinterestingBactiveChealthyDpopular25Acarrying outBsending outClooking forDwatching out四、语法填空阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Weifang in Shangdong Province is not a very big city. But W

30、eifang is well-known as the birthplace of kites in China. It has a long history of _26_ (make) kites.According to a local _27_ (art), Weifang kite-making dates back to 2, 000 years ago. At first, the army used kites to measure distances and send _28_ (message). During the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), ki

31、tes became popular among ordinary people.Kites are made from bamboo and decorated with _29_ (tradition) Chinese paintings. Weifang kite-making _30_ (include) in the national-level intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) list in 2006. Weifang _31_ (hold) the International Kite Festival each year since

32、 1984.Yang Hongwei, 56, was born in a kite-making family in Weifang. After practicing the skill for 10 years, she set up her own shop in 1992. On her kites, people can _32_ (see) not only common patterns like butterflies and birds, but also some prints _33_ (tell) Chinese myths(神话), legends (传说) and

33、 history. Yang talked about details with experts and made lots of effort _34_ (check) historical records.In her free time, she travels to many countries including Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand. She tells the stories of Chinese kites they made. “It is an important job of _35_

34、(my) to spread our culture around.” she said.五、汉译英:整句36这些玻璃杯很贵,请小心对待它们。 (careful)(汉译英)_37大明成功地解出了这道数学题。(succeed in.)(汉译英)_38即使你打的去,你也赶不上这趟火车了。(even if )(汉译英)_六、多任务混合阅读阅读下面的短文,根据短文后的要求答题。Chinese President Xi Jinping once said, “Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes come from the people.” Every

35、year there are ordinary people spreading positive energy and touching our hearts. On March 3, 2021 Annual People Award(感动中国年度人物)Ceremony was held on CCTV. 10 role models were on the list. Lets take a look at one of themZhu Yanfu. In 2021, audiences were impressed by the soldiers in The Battle at Lak

36、e Changjin(长津湖). Zhu Yanfu was one of the real soldiers. In freezing cold, Zhu, 17 years old then, fought against the US army at Lake Changjin in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. After endless bombing(轰炸), Zhu _all his fellow soldiers and was seriously injured. After 93 days of treatment an

37、d operations, Zhu lost his hands, left eye and both legs below the knees. Even so, Zhu never stopped giving himself to his country. In 1956, he returned to his mountain village of Zibo, Shandong. Fitted with artificial limbs(义肢) , Zhu became secretary of the village party branch(党支部)in 1957. After t

38、hat, he worked hard to help villagers out of poverty. Knowing that the best way to end poverty was through education, in 1957 Zhu used all his savings to open a reading room. Later he set up the first evening school in the village. At the same time, he also encouraged villagers to dig three wells in

39、 the mountain and to create 7. 3 hectares of farmland. On this land, Zhu led the villagers to plant apples and Sichuan pepper. With these fruits and vegetables selling in different parts of the country, the villagers have made more money for the past 25 years. He said, “There are two ways to spend l

40、ife. One is to rot(腐烂) , while the other is to burn. I prefer to burn.”39Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (将文中划线句子翻译成汉语)_40Fill in the blank with a proper word in Paragraph 3. (请在第三段横线上填一个恰当的词)_41What does Zhu Yanfu look like after the battle? (根据短文内容回答) _42Please list two ways to hel

41、p the villagers out of poverty. (请列举文中两个帮助农民脱贫的方法)_43How does Zhu Yanfu “burn” himself in his life ? (根据短文内容回答问题)_七、材料作文44雏鹰在不断的尝试中才能学会飞翔;毛毛虫在一次次的努力后方可破茧成蝶。在学习技能、增长本领的道路上,同学们一定也做过很多尝试,如游泳、舞蹈、绘画、钢琴等,哪种尝试让你感受最深呢?请你以“I try, I succeed”为题,用英语写一篇文章讲讲你的故事,说说你的感受。注意:1. 不要出现考生本人信息;2. 80 词左右I try, I succeed_试卷第9页,共10页


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