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1、2022年江苏省无锡江阴市中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Daily exercise has made me runner. Now I can beat most of my classmates in the running test.Aa betterBa bestCthe betterDthe best2We should forget those heroes who fought and gave their lives for our country.AsometimesBseldomCalwaysDnever3Too much time on s

2、creen before sleep keeps our brain _ and makes it hard for us to fall asleep.AaloneBawakeCasleepDafraid4Would you like a trip to France with me this summer holiday?Im afraid I cant, _ the epidemic (流行病) is brought under control.AsinceBbecauseCunlessDuntil5Mr. Wu, should I tell my parents about the c

3、hange of the time right now?Yes, you , or they will be late for the parents meeting.AcanBwillCmayDmust6Amy, how many of your classmates have brothers or sisters?Believe it or not, it _ to be one quarter.Atakes outBbreaks outCturns outDfinds out7Do you know the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzh

4、ou this September?Yes, of course. Though it is full of _, we still have full confidence that it will be a great success.AchancesBchallengesCchoicesDcompetitions8Mom, look at the floor! See what a mess Tommy has made!Dont be so hard on him, Jane. , hes only 15 months old. Help him clean it up, will y

5、ou?AIn allBAfter allCAbove allDAt all9It is very important that we must be honest about _ we do not know. Thats how we can improve.AwhenBwhereCwhatDwhy10The Annual People Award is _ to people who have warmed our hearts with their actions.ApresentedBpreparedCproducedDprovided11I thought Jim late agai

6、n, but he was right on time. Thats quite unusual.Well, that is Jim! You never know what he will do.AarrivedBarrivesCwould arriveDhave arrived12Our graduation party will be on June 28.Thats wonderful! Could you tell me _?Aif all of our teachers joined usBwhere will it be heldCwho will give the perfor

7、mancesDthat we should wear school uniforms13 The kids say theyve kept the house clean and tidy since we left home. Hmm, . Well see if it is true.Apractice makes perfectBseeing is believingCevery dog has its dayDtheres no smoke without fire14Im really sorry, Mary, but I cant find the book you lent me

8、 last week. Can I get you a new one? . Its not a big deal.AThats too badBThats all rightCForget about itDBuy me a new one二、完形填空Mrs. Hudson walked into the classroom with a girl limping (瘸着走) behind her. She introduced, “This is Margaret. She just moved here from Florida. Lets _15_ her.” The teacher

9、guided her gently to a front seat, then bent over and _16_ something in her ear. Finishing explaining the math problems, Mrs. Hudson _17_, “Milk- break time. See you in ten minutes.”Boys rushed out first. “Today, lets meet at the far end of the sidewalk. And make sure the new girl doesnt follow us!”

10、 I said. After a while, I came back to the _18_. I wanted to find out if Mrs. Hudson liked my book report. With her usual big smile, she began, “Jack, you are a good person.” Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I was a little embarrassed (尴尬的) that Mrs. Hudson liked me so much. Her words

11、let me know how much she liked having me around. My teacher _19_ in her quiet voice. “Thats why I am sure you will invite Margaret to play with you today.” Her _20_ words sounded like frozen knives aiming at my heart. Could she _21_ suspect what we had been saying about Margaret? Could she know how

12、_22_ I was?Then I managed to _23_ Margaret in our group. While many school memories have faded over the years, the _24_ Mrs. Hudson taught me has stayed with me. Mrs. Hudson gently guided me, challenging me to do the right thing. She believed in me, and because of what she did, I rose to the level o

13、f her expectations, both for Margaret long ago and even later in my choice of career.15AwelcomeBintroduceCinviteDfollow16AspreadBshoutedCrepeatedDwhispered17AconfirmedBconcludedCannouncedDagreed18AschoolBofficeCclassroomDplayground19ArepeatedBrepliedCorderedDcontinued20AwiseBconfidentChonestDcomfort

14、able21AwiselyBcloselyChardlyDpossibly22AawfulBsmartCweakDoutgoing23ArefuseBpraiseCseparateDinclude24AlessonBruleCsecretDknowledge三、阅读单选Thursday, July 7, 2022Harvisbwig Family Life center1901 Fenwick StreetAugusta GA 309017:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Clean out your closet and sell your treasures in support of

15、 the Augusta Partnership for Children, Inc.!Details, DetailsBooth rental (租金) space $ 25.00 (must provide table)Table rental available (可用的) for an extra $ 10.00Must provide your own chairsSpace is limited so book your booth today!For more information contact: Darlene Higgins 706-721-1044dhigginsaug

16、ustapartnership.org25This picture above is a/an _.AposterBplayCreportDadvertisement26This event is held _.Ato clean up your yardBto help you clean your closetCto support a charity programDto help you make some money27If you want to have a booth, you must _.Apay at least $ 35.00Bbook before July 7Cpr

17、ovide tables and chairsDsell all your treasuresWordle: The Game that Quickly Became an Internet HitYou might have heard of the word game Wordle. Maybe you have even tried the game yourself. The online puzzle has become so popular that some people cannot go a day without it. Many players share their

18、game results on social media.Wordle is a very simple game. That may be why its popularity spread so quickly and widely. Compared to many other computer games, the design is also very simple. It contains just 30 empty squares appearing under the name “WORDLE.”Players get six chances to guess a five-l

19、etter word that has been chosen by the game for that day. The goal is to guess the word in the least number of tries.To start, players enter a real word. Then, the letters turn different colors to provide the player clues about the word. A green letter means the letter is in the word and is in the r

20、ight position. Yellow means the letter appears in the word but is in the wrong place. A gray letter means it does not appear in the word at all.The game is web-based, not an app. So, users do not need to download it. It is also free to play. Users can play the game once per day.Wordle was created by

21、 Josh Wardle, a New York software engineer. He said he first made it for his partner, who likes playing word games like crossword puzzles. But he decided in October to release it publicly. The game immediately took off.As Wordle has grown, so has the number of experts offering advice for the best wa

22、ys to play the game. One language expert, David Sidhu, recently gave his opinion on the best words to start a game with. He lists the most common letters from English words. The top letters he provides are a, r, o, i, and s. Sidhu also came up with a suggestion for the best starting word for Wordle.

23、 That word is “soare,” which means a young hawk. It is a British English word that was used commonly in the 1700s, the Collins English Dictionary reports.28When you turn on the game, which of the following pictures will appear on your screen?A BC D 29The game becomes so popular because _.Apeople can

24、t go a day without playing itBit is simply designed and very easy to playCplayers can share their results on social mediaDmany people offer advice on how to play the game30If you want to play the game, you have to _.Aknow millions of wordsBdownload it from the Internet firstCstart with a real wordDc

25、hoose the right color for the lettersI began working in journalism(新闻工作) when I was eight. It was my mothers idea. She wanted me to “make something” of myself, and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition.With my load of magazines, I went to Bel

26、leville Avenue. The crowds were there. There were two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union. For several hours I made myself highly visible(可见的), making sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY EVENING POST. When it was supper time, I walk

27、ed back home. “How many did you sell, my boy?” my mother asked. “None.” “Where did you go?” “The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues.” “What did you do?” “Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post.” “You just stood there?” “Didnt sell a single one.” “My God, Russell!

28、” Uncle Allen put in, “Well, Ive decided to take the Post.” I handed him a copy and he paid me a nickle(五分镍币). It was the first nickle I made. Afterwards my mother taught me how to be a salesman. I would have to ring doorbells, talk to people with self-confidence, and persuade(劝说) them by saying tha

29、t no one, no matter how poor, could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home. One day, I told my mother Id changed my mind. I didnt want to make a success in the magazine business.“If you think you can change your mind like this,” she replied, “youll become a good-for-nothing.” She

30、 insisted that, as soon as school was over, I should start ringing doorbells, selling magazines. Whenever I said no, she would scold me. My mother and I had fought this battle almost as long as I could remember. My mother, dissatisfied with my fathers common workmans life, made up her mind that I wo

31、uld not grow up like him and his people. But never did she expect that, forty years later, such a successful journalist as me would go back to her husbands people for true life and love.31The boy started his job young because _.Ahe wanted to be famous in the futureBthe job was quite easy for himChis

32、 mother had high hopes for himDthe competition for the job was serious32From the dialogue between the boy and his mother, we learn that the mother was _.AexcitedBinterestedCdoubtfulDdissatisfied33Which of the following can be the best title for the story?AMy Happy ChildhoodBMy Early Life of A Journa

33、listCThe First Nickle I MadeDMy Early Success of A JournalistThe end of the year is drawing near, and winter is in full activity. The season brings along with its strong winds and snow an environment thats never comfortable to be in. This unpleasant and even frightening part of winter can be often s

34、een in literature. In Shakespeares King Lear (1606), the king has given away his kingdom and been driven out by his two ungrateful daughters. He is out in the winter cold, suffering (遭受痛苦) things that are usually saved for the poorest and most unlucky human beings.The winter is bad enough for Lear,

35、but being driven out by his family is worse. A song from another Shakespeares play, As You Like It (1599), is fitting for this poor old mans situation: “Blow, blow, thou winter wind/Thou art not so unkind/As mans ingratitude (忘恩负义)”. Here, winter is used to bring out the ugliness of inhumanity (无人性)

36、. There arent many things that are worse than winter, according to Shakespeare.Once winter became less of a danger to human beings, it became more positive in literary works. Since Charles Dickens, the representation of the season in literature often has something to do with happy Christmas celebrat

37、ions.The cold of the winter weather provides a contrast (对比) to the fun going on indoors.Dickens A Christmas Carol (1843) was the start of this, but Christmas is still a common, cheery element (元素) in stories that feature winter scenes today. Consider the joy felt by Harry Potter and his friends in

38、J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (1997) as they sit down for their festive meal:“Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. A hundred fat, roast turkeys; mountains of roast and boiled potatoes; platters of chipolatas; tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of

39、thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce.”It is almost as much a pleasure to read about the meal as it might have been to eat it.Although winter still isnt the most cheerful season in novels and poems, its safe to say that writers have surely “warmed up” since Shakespeares days.34What can we learn from

40、 Shakespeares works?AWinter is compared with the ugly side of humanity.BShakespeare didnt like winter for its bad weather.CIts in winter when King Lear drove his two daughters off.DKing Lear was forced to give away his kingdom in a cold winter.35The author mentions Charles Dickens in the passage bec

41、ause _.Aa lot of his works are related to winterBhe started a new way of representing winterChe is the most popular author of winter storiesDhis works make people feel cheerful in winter36The example of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is used mainly to show _.AChristmas is still a symbol of

42、joy in modern storiesBtraditional Christmas food makes the winter cheeryCits a pleasure to read Christmas-related books in winterDwinter has become the happiest season in literary works37The authors main purpose in writing this article is to _.Arecommend some winter stories in literatureBexplain wha

43、t winter is like in literary worksCdescribe certain customs that are related to winterDtell us why winter is described as unpleasant in literature四、根据汉语提示填空38It is believed that Mozi was the first to _ (发明) kites.39There are still some things that you cant explain _ (以,凭借) science.40Xingguo Tower, a

44、n _ (古老的) tower in Jiangyin, was built about 1,000 years ago.41The athletes in Beijing Winter Paralympics impressed us with their _ (勇气) and strength.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空42Anne sat in the corner of the room and read a book _ (peaceful).43What makes Tom so _ (patient)? He has looked at his watch several ti

45、mes.44You can easily clean out the virus on your computer without _ (shut) it down.45After acting for nearly ten years, she is now trying to learn how to be a good _ (direct).46My granny _(fall)asleep while she was watching TV. So I put a blanket on her quietly.47Chinese womens football coach Shui Qingxia said, “I would like to thank all my players for _ (practise) so hard these years.”48_ (finish) building the hospital as soon as possible, these workers worked day and night.49Detective Lu, I really know nothing about it. I will never.Calm down, young man. Just


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