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1、河南省新乡市2021-2022学年高三下学期第二次模拟考试(二模)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解The Comfortable Kitchen: 105 Laid-Back. Healthy.and Wholesome Recipes Here are healthy meals the whole family can enjoy, night after night.What does comfort mean in The Comfortable Kitchen? For Alex Snodgrass. New York Times bestselling auth

2、or of The Defined Dish , bringing her family around the table to share a home-cooked meal is a favorite way to show love Her recipes are designed to bring joy into that display of affection. from your own comfort cooking to your loved ones delight at the delicious flavors, to knowing that youre cari

3、ng for your familys nutrition with each bite.There are plenty of recipes with simple, flexible ingredients for a meal when desired- perfect for people who are enjoying their food freedom stage of their health journey. And for those who have diet restrictions, Alex clearly marks each recipe as gluten

4、-free(无麸质), dairy-free and grain-free,as appropriate.Alex brings back the joy of being in the kitchen for those at all levels of cooking skills and provides food for every occasion. with soups, salads, pasta, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, ranging from one pot meals to not-so-junky junk food-and eve

5、n cocktails and desserts with recipes including:Cajun Chicken and Wild Rice SoupGreen Curry Poached Halibut with HerbsTexas Style Brisket TacosHerby Green Olive Pasta with FetaSheet Pan Honey-Sesame CauliflowerClaytons Margarita7-lngredient Almond Butter CookiesWith 105 approachable and nutritious r

6、ecipes for real, busy life, The Comfortable Kitchen is a must-have cookbook for everyone who cares about what they eat and what they make.1What is the text about?AA dessert.BA cookbook.CKitchen facilities.DFamily meals.2What can be learnt about The Comfortable Kitchen?AIt contains many recipesBIt re

7、ceives many complaints.CIt can only be bought online.DIt is published by New York Times.3Who are most likely to be interested in the text?ACooks.BEnvironmentalists.CKids.DPublishers.One morning I noticed a woman sitting alone at the bus stop. She seemed not to go to work hurriedly. She wasnt going a

8、nywhere as well. Was she waiting for the bus? Did mall(商场)buses come this early when the stores wouldnt be open for hours? As I drove by.l heard a voice saying, “Give her a bottle of water”.“She looks like she is sleeping. Why would I wake her? What is wrong with me? What is so hard about doing the

9、right thing? Its just a bottle of water! ”So I drove by her again and again. Finally, I pulled my car into a parking zone, stepping out with a bottle of water in one hand and a twenty-dollar bill in the other. Each step seemed to fill me with purpose and focus. No words can describe what happened be

10、tween us at that moment. I thought I was bringing her a cold drink, but instead I was bringing her a hope she needed. We sat together for a while as she talked. She had a sad story to tell, but she was no longer sad. Before we parted, I grabbed all the cash I had in my purse and found more water in

11、my car along with some snacks. We stood at the bus stop hugging and said our goodbyes.I still have a thousand questions as to why I struggled to act. Why did it take me many circles around the mall and an argument with myself? I once wavered between helping her and ignoring her. All I know for sure

12、is that while walking toward that woman at the bus stop, a miracle happened.There are opportunities for us to love every day. Maybe our doubts keep us from acting. Maybe we dont want to take the risk or be uncomfortable. That day, I learned how love answers when asked and how love both gives and rec

13、eives.4What did the author think of the woman sitting alone at the beginning?AShe was short of sleep.BShe was full of curiosityCShe was a little strange.DShe was out of work.5Why did the author drive by the woman over and over again?ATo improve the terribly poor driving skills.BTo evaluate whether t

14、o help her.CTo search for a parking space.DTo observe the poor woman6What does the underlined word wavered in paragraph 4 probably mean?AHesitated.BDisagreed.CBalanced.DObjected.7What can we learn from the text?ALove breaks down racial barriers.BThe wealth of life is action.CActions speak louder tha

15、n words.DThe best act to love is taking action.International Womens Day is March 8. The first celebration was held in 1911, and the event was recognized by the United Nations starting in 1975. Its a great time to think about the origin of the word woman. Some people think the word “woman is a compou

16、nd(混合)of the words“womb”and“man. Not so. Rather,its a compound of wife and man, a combination that can be traced back to Old English. You see, when Old English was first being spoken in the 5th century AD, there were two distinct words for men and women: wer meant adult male,and wif” meant “adult fe

17、male. There was a third word,“man, which simply meant personor human being”. These words could be combined:“wer plus“man(in the form of waepman)meant adult male person and“wif” plusman”(wilman) meant “adult female person”. Those middle forms,“wimnanand wommonwith the two Ms in the middle, remind me

18、of Noah Websters efforts to simplify English spelling by suggesting changing the spelling woman” to“wimmen to have the spelling better match the pronunciation. He put that in his 1806 Compendious Dictionary o f the English Language, but it didnt become popular.And the Old English word for adult male

19、 evolved into a simplified form. The compound word weapman melted into the simple word we use today: man.Maybe the lesson to take from all this is that the role of women in society has always been complex. Whatever the case, the word woman today was originally a compound of the Old English words for

20、woman” and “human being”.8Where can you find the first source of the word woman?AIn paragraph 1.BIn paragraph 2.CIn paragraph 3.DIn paragraph 4.9Why did Webster suggest changing the spelling woman to wimmen?ATo link the spelling to the pronunciation.BTo keep up with the times more closely.CTo satisf

21、y the readers requestsDTo make it easy to pronounce.10When did the spelling woman started?ABy the 1600s.BIn the 5th century AD,CIn 1809.DBy the Middle English period11What is the purpose of the author in writing the text?ATo tell us the origin of Womens Day.BTo tell us the history of the word woman.

22、CTo stress the roles women are playingDTo teach us the development of a languageUnlike human students, computers dont seem to get bored or frustrated when a lesson is too easy or too hard. But just like humans, they do better when a lesson plan is just right for their level of skill. Coming up with

23、the right curriculum isnt easy, though, so computer scientists wondered what if they could make machines design their own?Thats what researchers have done in several new studies to create artificial intelligence (AI) that can figure out how best to teach itself. The work could speed learning in self

24、-driving cars and household robots, and it might even help handle previously unsolvable math problems. In one of the new experiments, an Al program tries to quickly reach a destination by navigating a 2D grid (网格) populated with solid blocks. Theagent improves its abilities through a process called

25、reinforcement learning, a kind of trial and error.To help it navigate increasingly complex worlds, the researchers considered two ways in which it could draw the maps. One method randomly distributed blocks; with it, the Al didnt learn much. Another method remembered what the AI had struggled with i

26、n the past, and maximized difficulty accordingly. But that made the worlds too hard and sometimes even impossible to complete.So the scientists created a setting, using a new approach they called PAIREDFirst, they coupled their Al with a nearly identical one, which they called the antagonist (敌手). T

27、hen, they had a third AI design the world that was easy for the antagonist-but hard for the original protagonist (主角). That kept the tasks just at the edge of the protagonists ability to solve. The designer used a neural network to learn its task over many trials. After training, the protagonist sol

28、ved the problems offered to it successfully. The PAIRED approach is a clever way to get Al to learn, says Bart Selman, a computer scientist at Cornell University and president of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.12Which of the following is a problem for computer scienti

29、sts?ADesigning a suitable lesson plan for computers.BAsking human students to be active in a lesson.CHelping students to work out their owe curriculum.DImproving human students computer skills quickly.13What did the two ways used by the researchers have in common?AThey were practical for the Al rese

30、arch.BThey both had their own weakness.CThey were too hard for the AI to teach itself.DThey both made the AI struggle with the past.14What does Bart Selman think of the PAIRED approach?ADifficultBSimple.CPromisingDUseless15What is the best title for the text?AThe Application of Artificial Intelligen

31、ceBThe Impact of Artificial IntelligenceCArtificial Intelligence Researches Navigation for Self-drivingDArtificial Intelligence Designs Lesson Plans for Itself二、七选五Most people feel shy at one point or another. For some, however, shyness can be no disturbing that it prevents then from participating i

32、n social situations.Shy people do want to be close to others but fear being rejected or criticzed_16_ They often end up feeling lonely and isolated. which increases their risk for developing other problems like depression or anxiety.Research shows that shyness is maintained through a vicious cycle (

33、恶性循环) in which people approach a social situation, feel the excessive fear of negative evaluation, and then avoid the situation._17_However, it often leads to feelings of shame and self-blame eventually. Fortunately, we have ways to increase your own social fitness.Plan for it to go well. There is a

34、n enormous anxiety that others will evaluate you m a negative way, so a good deal of thought in social settings is spent on how not to do something wrong, instead of on how to do something right. _18_Be curious about others._19_Instead, focus on being curious about others. This help you to start con

35、versations. Everyones got a story to tell Find out what it is, then sit back and listen. The way to be the most interesting person in the room is to find others interesting.Give yourself a role. Many of the socially shy people are highly successful professionals, including doctors, lawyers, etc They

36、 often comment on bow confident they feel at work, but they lose their self confidence in situations where their role isnt defined by their job._20_AThis initially provides relief. BShy people are often highly critical of themselves.CIn a social setting. try taking your focus off yourself.DAs a resu

37、lt,they even avoid social events they want to attendEExposing yourself to your fear is the best way to overcome itFSo,more time should be spent on how to make the situation a successGHaving a role gives you a sense of purpose. and guidelines for your behaviour.三、完形填空As a young man, I wanted to see t

38、he world and be inspired by new cultures. So with a full backpack, an open mind and lots of curiosity, I set off. _21_the familiarity of what call home.I remember feeling both anxious and excited about the _22_that day before setting off. Traveling _23_me to new people, places and experiences I _24_

39、 how different the world was from where I_25_. I saw the sharp_26_ between advanced and developing countries and how _27_the infrastructure(基础设施)and environmental conditions were in developing countries, making me want to help _28_ the gap between these two worlds.I became an engineer_29_, developin

40、g technologies and infrastructure to help society _30_ more efficiently. Young engineers should always be _31_and motivated, which are the two words that I have always_32_, and this mindset has helped me understand and _33_ to todays changing world.As a young engineer, I saw technology as the_34_ to

41、 carbon reduction. But technology alone is not _35_. There also has to be cooperation among different parties to make a real _36_.One day, I would like to become a(n) _37_again, but this time I dream of traveling with my son, who has only seen _38_ of developing countries on the Internet. He should

42、experience other cultures in person, which would_39_ make him curious to learn more about the world and _40_ him to help build a better future.21Aleaving behindBcalling forCdrawing onDwrestling with22AinabilityBuncertaintyCmisfortuneDdiscomfort23AsubmittedBcomparedCexposedDreduced24AdiscoveredBimagi

43、nedCcomplainedDfeared25Agrew upBtook upCbrought upDpicked up26AcompetitionBconnectionCcontradictionDdifference27AmatureBobviousCpoorDfine28AreplaceBbridgeCexploreDidentify29AunintentionallyBaccidentallyCeventuallyDunwillingly30AextendBdisplayCfollowDfunction31AhumbleBcreativeCinnocentDcurious32Aexpe


45、persuade四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填人1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The first creature _41_ (orbit) our planet was just 2 years old. Her name was Laika.She was a good dog. Her 1957 flight paved the way for space _42_(explore) when scientists wondered_43_it was lethal (致命的) for living things. Humans are explorers

46、since the dawn of civilization. We _44_ (attract) over the horizon to find food or more space, or just to see what beyond those trees or mountains or oceans. Our ability to explore reached new heights. Airplanes shortened distances, simplified travel and showed us Earth from _45_ new aspect. By the middle of the last century, we aimed even_46_ (high).Our first steps into space began. Laika _47_(follow) into orbit four years later by the first human,Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Space travel is nothing like in the movies. Getting from A to B requires complex calculations_48_ (involve) inertia


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