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1、国家开放大学电大一网一平台商务英语 1一体化考试机考形考任务6-8题库答案形考任务 6 题库一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working._选择一项:A. No, I can t.B. Sure, why do you need it?C. It doesnt matter.试题 2 Hello, Sally. What s the matter with you? You look worried._选

2、择一项:A. What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?B. Yeah, that s true. It requires great attention.C. Don t mention it.试题 3 What if he still doesn t pay up?_选择一项:A. I ve got to hurry.B. I have already done that.C. If it s a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums

3、we试题 4He didnt seem to_ any actions.选择一项:A. takeB. makeC. do试题 5your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative.选择一项:A. IfB. UnlessC. As试题 6二、 听力理解: 请听下面的对话, 根据对话内容进行判断, 正确为“T” , 错误为“F” 。Picture-in-Picture1. Lily s calculator is not working. ( F )2. Lily s calculator has more funct

4、ions and is faster. ( T)3. Sally has to work out the profit from last year. ( F )4. Calculating figures requires great attention. ( T )5. Sally will return the calculator as soon as she finishes the job. ( T )一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 The senior managers need the resul

5、ts from last month straight away, so I can t stop totalk. Ive got to hurry._选择一项:A. Go slowly.B. Ok, see you later.C. Stay longer.试题 2 You need to work with other colleagues to look after that._选择一项:A. I m not sure.B. Oh, sorry to bother you.C. Thanks. I m grateful for your suggestions.试题 3 What if

6、he still doesn t pay up?_选择一项:A. I have already done that.B. I ve got to hurry.C. If it s a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we试题 4We are usually very prompt _settling your accounts.选择一项:A. inB. atC. on试题 5A week ago, I sent him a statement_ the amount overdue.选择一项:A. showed

7、B. showC. showing试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的对话, 选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。Dear Sirs,Account No. 87561. (C ) 2. (E )3. (A)4. (D)5. ( B )A. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding this account, please contact our office as soon as possible.B. Regards, LilyC.

8、Please note that your account No. 8756 was already a month overdue. As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason.D. If payment has recently been made, please accept our thanks and ignore this reminder.E. We think you may not have received th

9、e statement of account we sent you on August 30 showing the balance of US$ 80, 000 you owe. We are sending you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Hello, Sally. What s the matter with you? You look worried._选择一项:A. Yeah, that s tr

10、ue. It requires great attention.B. Don t mention it.C. What shall I do if a customer doesnt pay up on the due date?试题 2 You need to work with other colleagues to look after that._选择一项:A. Thanks. I m grateful for your suggestions.B. I m not sure.C. Oh, sorry to bother you.试题 3 The senior managers nee

11、d the results from last month straight away, so I can t stop totalk. Ive got to hurry._选择一项:A. Go slowly.B. Ok, see you later.C. Stay longer.试题 4I have to _the profit from last month.选择一项:A. work forB. work outC. look for试题 5Those numbers come to mean the world to you _they give you the record of ho

12、w much money youve earned or lost.选择一项:A. becauseB. in caseC. so that试题 6二、 完形填空: 阅读下面短文, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。Purpose of AccountingEvery company has an accounting office or a finance department that looks (B after)its accounting details. An accounting department is the backbone(脊梁) of every

13、 business. It records all the business transactions(交易) , and keeps a track(记录) of the incomes (收入) and expenses(支出) of the business. The accounting department also helps to determine the correct financial position and standing of the business. For a systematic(系统的) and (A accurate)recording of tran

14、sactions, accounting is important.The purpose of accounting is recording all the transactions honestly and accurately in the“Books of Accounts(账本) ” . The accounting process can be defined (B at)“the process that begins when the transaction takes place and ends (C what)the transaction is recorded in

15、 the books of accounts” . It includes a series of steps that (A use)to analyze(分析) and record the business transactions for a particular period.1. A. for B. after C. up2. A. accurate B. simple C. correct3. A. to B. at C. as4. A. when B. which C. what5. A. use B. is used C. uses一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从

16、 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Sally, could you lend me your calculator? Mine is not working._选择一项:A. It doesnt matter.B. Sure, why do you need it?C. No, I can t.试题 2 The senior managers need the results from last month straight away, so I can t stop totalk. Ive got to hurry._选择一项:A. Go slowly.B

17、. Stay longer.C. Ok, see you later.试题 3 You need to work with other colleagues to look after that._选择一项:A. Oh, sorry to bother you.B. I m not sure.C. Thanks. I m grateful for your suggestions.试题 4After that, we have to post_ letters.选择一项:A. a lot ofB. a set ofC. a series of试题 5Don t worry so much_ i

18、s my job!选择一项:A. worryB. worryingC. worried试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Accounting is More Than NumbersAccounting could date back to about 7, 000 years ago. People of that time relied on old accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting has greatly dev

19、eloped with the growth of joint-stock companies.When you think of accounting, you may find pages of tables and numbers. That image doesn t usually give you too much excitement. When you have your own business, though, those numbers come to mean the world to you because they give you the record of ho

20、w much money youve earned or lost.Actually, accounting is not simply about strange dollar amounts or boring numbers; they re your sales figures, your costs, and your profits. In other words, accounting is a language of business. Once you know how to work with those numbers, how to read those numbers

21、 and how to read the story they tell, you will be able to manage your business toward greater success.1. Accounting could date back to about ( )years ago.A. 7, 000B. 6, 000C. 5, 0002. People in the old days relied on old accounting methods to record ( ) .A. how much money they hadB. management of th

22、eir businessC. the growth of crops and herds3. Accounting has greatly changed with the development of ( ) .A. crops and herdsB. joint-stock companiesC. internet companies4. Accounting is very important in your business because it shows ( ) .A. how much money youve earned or lostB. pages full of tabl

23、es and numbersC. strange dollar amounts or boring numbers5. According to the writer, accounting is ( ) .A. a language of businessB. your sales figures, your costs, and your profitsC. Both A and B形考任务 7 题库一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1_ Besides Bank of China, you can get the

24、 money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank etc. .选择一项:A. Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?B. Could you tell me whether you can accept traveler s checks?C. Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memo?试题

25、2_ Today s rate is listed on the board here.选择一项:A. What s the amount you d like to exchange?B. What kind of currency do you want to exchange for?C. What s the exchange rate today?试题 3_ It arrives by mail, I suppose.选择一项:A. When will your remittance arrive?B. How does your remittance come?C. From wh

26、ich country does your remittance come?试题 4We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can _17 kinds of currencies into RMB.选择一项:A. convertB. extrovertC. invert试题 5We re sorry to tell you that your remittance_ yet.选择一项:A. hasnt arrivedB. doesnt arriveC. won t arrive试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、

27、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks.In December 1987, the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami, Florida. It is a real bank that accepts money fo

28、r savings and makes loans, and it is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old. The bank is open for one hour two days a week. Students can put their money into the bank and withdraw it as they wish. Officials from a local bank helped the students start the bank. They trained twenty-three of

29、them to do all the different kinds of bank jobs, from counting money to guarding the bank. The students needed money to start the bank. They raised more than $ 2, 000 by selling 50-dollar shares in the bank to parents, teachers, the local bank workers, and customers.Organizing and operating the bank

30、 has taught the children a lot about the banking business. They have learned about raising and investing money and how to use computers and other banking equipment. They have also learned how to ask for a job and to be responsible for their jobs.1. Who helped these children start a bank?( )A. Parent

31、sB. TeachersC. Bank staff2. How did children raise money for their bank?( )A. Their schools provided financial support for them.B. They sold shares to their parents, teachers, local bank workers and customers.C. They found an organization to donate a set of fund.3. Who is currently operating Twiglet

32、 Bank?( )A. TeenagersB. CommunityC. Government4. Which is not TRUE for the benefits of children from operating their own banks?( )A. They learned how to use computers and banking equipment.B. They learned how to find a job and do it well.C. They learned how to produce the money.5. What is the best t

33、itle for this passage?( )A. A Bank of MiamiB. A Students BankC. The Operation of American Banks一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China?_选择一项:A. No, you can t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays.B. Yes, you can. Bank of China is an a

34、uthorized foreign exchange bank.C. No, you can t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency.试题 2 How long does the remittance take from New York?_选择一项:A. I don t know for sure. It is quite busy now in our bank.B. I m not sure about that. It is a big city.C. I m not sure. It de

35、pends on the mode your partner chose.试题 3_ Today s rate is listed on the board here.选择一项:A. What kind of currency do you want to exchange for?B. What s the exchange rate today?C. What s the amount you d like to exchange?试题 4If you want to pay_ something in another currency, you have to change your m

36、oney into the other money.选择一项:a. forb. backc. in试题 5This story is about some American students_ learnt business skills by operating their own banks.选择一项:A. whichB. whoC. whom试题 6二、 翻译: 从以下 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. Precious metals such as gold and silver have been used as money. ( )A. 贵重金属里包括黄金

37、、 白银和货币。B. 诸如黄金和白银等这类贵重金属曾经作为货币使用过。C. 贵重金属里的黄金、 白银都被货币所替代。2. I d like to know whether a remittance of fifty thousand dollars from New York has arrived. ( )A. 我想确认我在纽约是否可以汇出金额是 5 万美金的汇款。B. 我想知道是否可以向纽约汇一笔 5 万美金的汇款。C. 我想了解从纽约汇出的一笔 5 万美金的汇款是否已经到账。3. I ll give you a call when the remittance arrives. ( )A

38、. 汇款到帐后我就给您打电话。B. 我给您打电话询问汇款什么时候到帐。C. 我给您打电话后, 汇款才到帐。4. Organizing and operating the bank has taught the children a lot about the banking business. ( )A. 银行业务包含如何教授孩子们管理和经营。 。B. 管理和经营银行使孩子们学到了很多有关银行业务的知识。C. 孩子们把所学的银行知识应用在管理和经营银行。一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Can I exchange

39、 foreign currency in Bank of China?_选择一项:A. Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.B. No, you can t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays.C. No, you can t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency.试题 2_ It arrives by mail, I suppose.选择一项:A. How doe

40、s your remittance come?B. When will your remittance arrive?C. From which country does your remittance come?试题 3 How long does the remittance take from New York?_选择一项:A. I m not sure about that. It is a big city.B. I m not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose.C. I don t know for sure. It i

41、s quite busy now in our bank.试题 4I ll get your RMB for you while you re _these forms.选择一项:A. filling outB. working outC. taking out试题 5This is a real bank_ is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.选择一项:A. whomB. whoC. which试题 6二、 完形填空: 阅读下面短文, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出能填入空白处的恰当选项。All children wan

42、t to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amount? One main purpose is to let kids learn (B. how to manage )their own money.First of all, children are expected to (C. make)a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expect

43、ed to pay for with the money.Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things (A. that )they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it ( C. by)buying things they want. They can save it for future use. Saving helps children (B. unde

44、rstand)that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving andinvesting for children.1. A. when to manage B. how to manage C. which2. A. take B. give C. make3. A. that B. who C. what4. A. to B. at C. by5. A. understanding B. understand C. understood一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子

45、, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1_ Besides Bank of China, you can get the money exchanged in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank etc. .选择一项:A. Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memo?B. Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in

46、other banks?C. Could you tell me whether you can accept traveler s checks?试题 2 Can I exchange foreign currency in Bank of China?_选择一项:A. No, you can t. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency.B. No, you can t. Bank of China is not open on Sundays.C. Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.试题 3_


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