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1、高考英语读后续写词汇积累一、情感描写1.愉快与满足happiness-happy, glad, cheer-cheerful, joy-joyful, delight-delighted, pleased, pleasant (令人愉快的), satisfy-satisfied (be satisfied with)-satisfaction, burst into laughter (突然大笑), etc.2.喜爱与欣赏admire-admirable (令人羡慕的), attract-attractive, appreciate-appreciation(欣赏), etc.3.感谢与感动t

2、hank-thankful, grateful (感激的), appreciate-appreciation (感激), moved/touched (感动的), etc.4.骄傲与自豪pride (take pride in)-proud (be proud of) , etc.5.惊讶与赞叹surprise-surprised,amaze-amazing-amazed-amazement, astonish-astonishing-astonished-astonishment, to sbs astonishment, etc.6.害怕与恐惧afraid, be afraid of, f

3、ear-fearful,fright-frighten-frightened, scared (害怕的), panic (恐慌), horror-horrible, etc.7.紧张与焦虑nervous, anxious-anxiety, stressed(焦虑不安的), butterflies in my stomach (感到紧张), etc.8.痛苦与悲伤painful (痛苦的), sad, sorrow (悲伤), disappoint-disappointed (失望的,沮丧的), to ones disappointment, frustrated(沮丧的), depress-d

4、epressed (沮丧的)-depression(抑郁,沮丧), blue (忧郁的), gloomy (忧郁的), discourage (使灰心)9.愤怒与不悦anger-angry, annoy-annoying(恼怒的), upset (v./adj.使心烦意乱;失望)10.厌倦与厌恶be tired of, be/get bored with, disgusting (令人厌恶的)11.后悔与羞愧regret-regretful, to ones regret, shame-ashamed (羞愧的), be ashamed of, guilty (内疚的,有罪的)二、动作描写1.

5、描写与“头”有关的动作(1)Jack lowered his head in shame.Jacke羞愧地低下了头。(2)They nodded their heads in agreement.他们点头同意。(3)She shook her head in disbelief.她怀疑地摇摇头。(4)Frightened, Tom trembled from head to toe.太害怕了,汤姆浑身颤抖。2.描写与“脸”有关的动作(1)Her face flushed with embarrassment.她窘得满脸通红。(2)His face turned pale with fright

6、.他吓得面色惨白。(3)A bright smile appeared on his face when I gave him the present.当我给他礼物时,他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。(4)With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks, he hugged his mother tightly.感激的眼泪顺着脸颊淌下,他紧紧地拥抱他的妈妈。3.描写与“眼睛”有关的动作(1)Hearing the good news, her eyes lit up with excitement.听到这个好消息,她的眼睛兴奋地发亮。(2)Tears

7、blurred my eyes.泪水模糊了我的双眼。(3)Jane glared at her husband crossly and flushed with anger.Jane怒视着她的丈夫,脸气得通红。(4)I felt like everyone was staring at me, making me nervous.我觉得每个人都在盯着我看,让我很紧张。(5)She glanced at her watch and went for work hurriedly.她看了一眼表就匆忙去上班了。4.描写与“嘴”有关的动作(1)I froze with terror, too scar

8、ed to speak a word.我吓呆了,一句话都说不出来。(2)“Help!” someone yelled in the river.“救命!”有人在河里喊道。(3)“Where are we going?” he asked in a whisper.“我们要去哪里?”他低声问道。(4)At the sight of the dark figure, they let out a cry.一看到那个黑影,他们大声叫了起来。(5)“I shouldnt have quarreled with Tom.” Jane talked to herself.“我不该和Tom吵架的。” Jan

9、e自言自语。(6)The little boy admitted his mistake.这个小男孩承认了他的错误。5.描写与“手”有关的动作(1)“Thanks,” Dad said and put his arm around my shoulders. “谢谢。”爸爸说着搂着我的肩膀。(2)The nearer it got, the more she waved the yellow blouse wildly.离得越近,她越使劲地挥动那件黄色上衣。(3)The man reached into his pocket and placed four coins in her hand.

10、那人把手伸进口袋,掏出4个硬币放在她手里。(4)He patted my head, saying “You did a good job.” 他拍拍我的头说:“你做得很好。”6.描写与“腿”有关的动作(1)He paced up and down in the bedroom.他在卧室里来回踱步。(2)She slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the window.她悄悄地下了床,踮着脚走到窗前。(3)The man dashed/rushed for the exit, and escaped with great panic.那人冲向出口,惊慌失措地逃走

11、了(4)He jumped into the water and tried to save the little girl.他跳进水里,试图救那个小女孩7.描写与“心”有关的动作(1)At the sight of the wolf, her heart was beating painfully fast and banging against her ribs.一看见狼,她的心狂跳,撞击着她的肋骨。(2)Her heart was brimming over with happiness.她的心中充满了幸福。(3)My heart began to race and my mind went blank.我的心开始狂跳,脑子一片空白。(4)On this cold night, the pair of gloves not only warmed my hands, but also melted my heart.在这个寒冷的夜晚,这副手套不仅温暖了我的双手,也融化了我的心。2


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