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1、2023中考英语补全对话必背句型一、电话用语1.May I speak to Tom? 我可以和汤姆通话吗?2.This is Tom speaking. 我是汤姆。3.Who is that (speaking)? 请问您是谁?4.Hold on, please. 请别挂。5.Can you take a message for me? 我可以给他留言吗?6.Can I leave a message to him? 我可以给他留言吗?7.Sorry, he isnt in. 对不起,他不在家。8.Ill ask Tom to call back later. 我会让汤姆稍后给您回电话。9.

2、Could you ask him to call me back? 你可以让他给我回电话吗?10.Whats your telephone number? 你的电话是多少?二、购物用语11.Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗?12.What can I do for you? 我可以为您做什么?13.Id like to buy/I want to buy 我想要买14.Whats your favorite color? 您喜欢什么颜色?15.Do you have a blue one? 您有蓝色的吗?16.- Can I try it on? - Sure. -我可以试穿吗?-

3、当然。17.What size do you want? 你想要多大尺寸?18.What/How about this one? 这个怎么样?19.What do you think of this one? 你觉得这个怎么样?20.How do you like this one? 你觉得这个怎么样?21.Can you show me a bigger one? 能让我看看大一点的吗?22.Do you have any other kind/size/color? 还有其他款式(种类)/尺码/颜色吗?23.Anything else? 还要别的吗?24.How much is it/ a

4、re they? 它/它们多少钱?25.Do you have a cheaper one? 您有便宜点的吗?26.Can you make it cheaper? 您能便宜点吗?27.Ill take it.Here is the money. 我买了。给您钱。三、看病用语28.Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?29.Whats the matter? 你怎么了?30.Ive got a fever/ headache. 我发烧/头疼。31.Have you taken your temperature? Yes, I have. 你量体温了吗?是的,量了。32.How

5、long have you been like this? 你像这样多久了?33.- How are you feeling now? 你现在感觉怎么样?34.-Much better./Even worse. 好多了/更糟了。35.-Is it serious? - Nothing serious. 严重吗?没有什么严重的。36.Take the medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次这种药。37.Have a good rest and you will be better soon. 好好休息不久你就会好起来。38.When did it start? 什么时

6、候开始的?39.How often should I take the medicine ? 我应该多久吃一次这种药?40.Drink enough water and have a good rest. 喝足够的水,好好休息。41.Youd better stay in bed till 你最好卧床直到42.Have you seen the doctor? 你看医生了吗?43.You should go to see a doctor. 你应该去看医生。44.Im sorry to hear that. 听到这件事我感到很遗憾。四、问路用语45.Excuse me, where is th

7、e post office? 劳驾,邮局在哪里?46.How can I get to the post office? 我应该怎样去邮局?47.Can you tell me the way to the post office? 您能告诉我去邮局的路吗?48.Im sorry, but Im new here. 对不起,但是我也是新来的。49.How far is it from here? 它离这里多远?50.Can I take a bus/ taxi? 我可以做公交/出租车吗?51.Youll find the post office is on your left. 你会发现邮局在

8、你的左边。52.You cant miss it. 不要错过呀。53.Which bus can I take? 我可以坐几路公交车?54.Youd better take a bus. 你最好做公交车。55.Youd better take the No.3 bus to the park. 你最好坐3路车去公园。五、活动计划用语56.What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算干什么?57.Whats your plan? 你的计划是什么?58.Would you like to go with me? 你愿意和我一起吗?59.Can I take a

9、camera with me? 我可以带照相机吗?60.How shall we go there? 我们怎样去那里?61.Why not ride a bike? 为什么不骑自行车?62.Lets make it a little earlier. 让我们把时间订早一点。63.When and where shall we meet? 我们何时何地见面?64.Do you have any plans for the holiday? 你有假期计划吗?65.Have you decided where to go? 你决定去哪里了吗?66.Have a good trip. 旅途愉快。67.

10、How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?68.What did you do on weekends? 你周末做什么了?69.Who are you going with? 你打算和谁去?70.Have you ever been to Beijing? 你曾经去过北京吗?71.How long will you stay there? 你将在那里待多久?72.How many times have you been there? 你去过那里多少次?六、就餐用语73.May I take your order now? 你可以点餐了吗?74.What would you l

11、ike to drink/eat? 你想要喝/吃什么?75.Would you like something else? 你想要别的什么?76.Is that all? 就这些吗?77.Whats famous for your restaurant? 你的饭店什么出名?78.Could we have the bill? 我们可以结账了吗?79.How will you pay for it,by Wechat or Alipay? 你用微信还是支付宝付款?80.Can I pay for it by Wechat? 我可以用微信支付吗?81.Can I have your address?

12、 你能记下你的地址吗?七、谈论天气用语82.Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样?83.Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?84.Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy 晴朗的/下雨的/多云的/刮风的85.Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?86.Whats the temperature? 温度是多少?八、其它用语表示建议87.What/How about doing ? 做怎么样?88.Why not +V.原 ? 为什么不?89.You had better 你最好90.Good idea!

13、好主意!91.Sounds great. 听起来很棒。表示感谢答谢92.Thanks! 谢谢!93.Not at all. 不用谢。94.Youre welcome. 不用谢。95.Its my pleasure. 不客气。96.Thats OK. 没关系/不客气。表示(不)同意/赞同97.Sure. 当然。98.I agree with you. 我同意。99.Yes, I think so. 是的,我这样认为。100.I am afraid not. 恐怕不。101.Sorry, I dont think so. 对不起,我认为不是这样。表示祝贺102.Good Luck to you!

14、祝你好运!103.Have a good (nice) time! 玩得开心点!104.Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!105.Congratulation to you! 祝贺你!106.Happy birthday to you! 新年快乐!询问时间/日期107.Whats the time? 几点了?108.What time is it? 几点了?109.Whats the date today? 今天是几月几日?110.What day is it today? 今天是周几?111.When were you born? 你何时出生的?询问职业身份112.Whats y

15、our mother? 你的母亲是什么职业?113.Whats your mothers job? 你的母亲是什么职业?114.What does your mother do? 你的母亲是干什么的?115.Where does your mother work? 你的母亲在哪里工作?116.How does your mother go to work? 你的母亲怎样去上班?询问年龄117.How old are you? 你多大了?118.Whats your age? 你的年龄是多少?询问数量119.Whats the population of China? 中国有多少人口?120.H

16、ow many people are there in China? 中国有多少人口?121.How many people are there in your family? 你家有几口人?122.How much water do you drink every day? 你每天喝多少水?123.How large is the population of China? 中国有多少人口?询问评价124.What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?125.How do you like the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?126.How do y

17、ou like living there? 你认为住在那里怎么样?127.What do think of living there? 你认为住在那里怎么样?询问外貌/性格128.What does he look like? 他长什么样子?(外貌)129.What is he like? 他是什么样的人?(性格)询问身高130.How tall are you? 你多高?131.Whats your height? 你的身高是多少?询问体重132.Whats your weight? 你多重?133.How much do you weigh? 你多重?询问电话号码134.Can I know your telephone number? 我可以知道你的电话吗?135.Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?4


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