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1、期中测试听力部分一、听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,判断译文正误,用“”或“”表示。( ) 1. 去玩具店怎么走?( ) 2. 请在第二个十字路口向右转。( ) 3. 我就在你左边。( ) 4. 它在博物馆对面。( ) 5. 我们想去游泳和吃海鲜。( ) 6. 我的爸爸想带我坐火车去西藏。三、听录音,选择正确的应答。( ) 1. A. Hes from Korea.B. Shes from China.C. We are from Australia.( ) 2. A. Its in the station.B. Its ne

2、xt to the gas station.C. Theyre between the buildings.( ) 3. A. By taxi.B. I want to go to Sanya.C. We can row a boat in Hangzhou.( ) 4. A. Its a sports centre.B. Its a hotel.G Its a cinema.)( ) 5. A. Its on Banana Street.B. Theres a big park there.C. You can take the subway.笔试部分四、判断划线部分读音是否相同,用“”或“

3、X”表示。( ) 1. A. MayB. day ( ) 2. A. goat B. about ( ) 3. A. loadB. goal ( ) 4. A. how B. blow( ) 5. A. mouseB. country五、英汉互译。1. 向左转 _ 2. Summer vacation _3. 在你的城市_4. Send a mail _5. 体育中心_6. Coffee shop _7. 直行_8. Gas station _9. 看电影_10. In front of _六、单项选择题。( ) 1. The park is _ Apple Street.A. inB. on

4、 C. at( ) 2. Lucy stops at a _ and buys a book.A. cinema B. toy shop C. bookshop( ) 3. How can I _?You can take a bus.A. get to there B. get there C. to get there( ) 4. Shall we go _ this weekend?A. boating B. boat C. to boating( ) 5. Is there a post office in the neighbourhood?Yes, _A. it is. B. I

5、do. C. there is.( ) 6. Please turn right _ the _ crossroads.A. at, one B. on, first C. at, first( ) 7. You can buy medicine in _.A. hotel B. drugstore C. restaurant( ) 8. _ is a bicycle city.A. Amsterdam B. Copenhagen C. London七、看图补全单词。1. _ in _ m _ 2. s _ p _ _ m _ _ k _ t3. h _ t _ _4. s _ _ w _ _

6、5. s _ _ f _ _ d6. s _ _八、连词成句。(12分)1. hospital, is, where, the (?)_2. from, bank, is, it, across, the (.)_3. no, on, streets, are, there, cars, many (.)_4. country, the, I, love (.)_5. to, go, where, you, do, want (?)_6. to, try, you, do, want (?)_九、改错题。( ) 1. How can I get to there? A B C D _( ) 2

7、. There are a square in our city. A B C D _( ) 3. The bus station is next on the park. A B C D _( ) 4. I want swim in the sea and eat ice-cream. A B C D _十、排序编对话。A. How can I get there?B. You can take the bus.C. Excuse me, wheres the toy shop?D. Thank you very much.E. Its on Pear Street.F. You are w

8、elcome.参考答案听力部分听力材料一、 1. street 2. school 3. fruit 4. hospital5. May 6. feet 7. say 8. see二、1. How can I get to the toy shop? 2. Please turn left at the first crossroads.3. Im on your right. 4. Its across from the museum.5. We want to swim and eat seafood. 6. My father wants to take me to Sanya by p

9、lane.三、1. Where are you from? 2. Wherere the toilets? 3. How can I get to the zoo? 4. I can play ball games and do sports there.5. Whats over there?听力答案一、4 7 1 6 8 3 2 5二、1-6三、1-5 CCAAB笔试部分四、1-5五、1. turn left 2. 暑假 3. in your city 4. 寄信5. sports centre 6. 咖啡店 7. go straight8. 加气站 9. see a film10. 在前面六、1-8 BCBACCBA七、 1. cinema 2. supermarket3. hotel4. subway 5.seefood 6. ski八、1. Where is the hospital? 2. It is across from the bank. 3. There are no cars on many streets. 4. I love the country. 5. Where do you want to go? 6. Do you want to try?九、1. C get 2. A is 3. D to 4. B to swim十、CEABDF 8 / 8


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