Unit2 Listening and Speaking(ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.zip

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UNIT 2 UNIT 2 MORALS MORALS AND VIRTUESAND VIRTUESThe best portion of a good mans life is his little,nameless,unremembered acts of kindness and of love.William WordsworthOpening PageWhat do you think the teenagers are doing?I think the teenagers are meeting together in the school library to start a project.They have just agreed on a plan for the project,and are now joining hands to show that they are committed to team spirit.kindnesshopegivinggenerosityhonestresponsibilityfriendshipteamworkcaringthankfulnessWhat qualities or personalities do you think are most important when people are doing teamwork?Can you list some virtues that are admired in every culture?One important virtue that is admired in nearly every culture is honesty.Most people around the world prefer that others be truthful to them.Another is courage-most people admire someone who is brave.Modesty is another virtue that is common.Someone who is shameless is despised by many people around the world.Having said this,not all virtues find their same expression from culture to culture.For example,what is known in English as a“white lie”-a lie which is harmless but necessary for politeness-may be defined differently from culture to culture.For example,in some cultures,a white lie might be quite narrowly defined,and people may prefer honesty even when it hurts.Conversely,in other cultures,lies that would be considered unforgivable elsewhere might be considered relatively harmless.While many virtues appear universal and timeless,how they are understood and applied is a different thing entirely.The best portion of a good mans life is his little,nameless,unremembered acts of kindness and of love.William WordsworthHow do you understand the quote?Can you translate it into Chinese?一个好人一生最好的部分,是他细小的、无名的、不被人记一个好人一生最好的部分,是他细小的、无名的、不被人记得的出于善良和爱的行为。得的出于善良和爱的行为。The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.Mahatma GandhiWisdom,compassion,and courage are the three universally recognised moral qualities of men.ConfuciusThe superior man thinks always of virtue;the common man thinks of comfort.ConfuciusTalk about moral dilemmasTo listen to a conversation about a moral dilemma and talk about the virtues that we cherish.To practise identifying and understanding the meaning of rising intonation in English道德困境道德困境n.高尚的高尚的道德;美德;道德;美德;优秀品秀品质What is a moral dilemma?A moral dilemma is a situation in which you have two or more difficult choices to make.If you choose one,you might get in trouble for not choosing the other(s).Before you listen,look at the picture below.Then discuss the questions with your group.1.What is happening in the picture?(Who?When?Where?What?)12.What moral dilemma is the boy in the picture facing?3.Could he do both?Why?4.What will happen if he helps the old woman?5.What may happen if he doesnt help the old woman?6.If you were the boy,what should you do and what would you do?The boy sees an old woman who has fallen down on the street.She needs help getting up,but if he stops to help her,he might be late for school and get scolded by his teacher.7.Have you ever faced a moral dilemma or heard of someone who did?Describe it.8.If you were the boy,what should you do and what would you do?I once saw my friend cheat on a test.I knew that I should report him,but if I did,he would no longer be my friend.If everyone is worried about the price of helping others,what will happen?Listen to the conversation and complete the table to describe the moral dilemma that Jane is talking about.2SituationThe girl is taking the entrance examination for _ in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her fainted.The girls choicesShe can _.orShe can _.Possible results_,but _._,but _.a famous medical universityfinish the examstop and help the girlShe will get into medical universitythe girl might not get the help she needsShe can put the needs of the other person firstgive up her chance to get into the medical universityvi.昏倒;昏厥昏倒;昏厥Listen for attitudesWhen you listen,you should pay attention not only to the words but also to HOW the speaker is talking.If people strongly disagree with something,they might exaggerate their intonation.If you hear people speaking very quickly or loudly,they may be excited or angry.If they speak slowly or stop often,they may be confused or not sure about what they are saying.Imagine you are eager to share a piece of news or an interesting story with your friend.What would you do or what would you say?If you are doubtful about your friends words,what expressions would you use?How would you express your admiration for someone?What would you say if you dont believe something is true?What would you say when you are curious about the development of a story?1 Jane is eager to share the magazine article with Luke.2 Luke doubts that young people face moral dilemmas all the time.3 Jane admires what the girl in the story did.4 Luke doesnt believe anybody would do what the girl in the story did.5 Jane wonders how the girl became a doctor later.Listen again and decide whether the statements are true(T)or false(F).3TFTFTFTFTF 说话人的说话人的音量变大音量变大,通常说明对方觉得所,通常说明对方觉得所 说内容很说内容很重要重要,或表明强烈的,或表明强烈的情绪情绪和和明确的明确的态度态度;问句末尾用升调一般表示疑问,非问句结尾用升;问句末尾用升调一般表示疑问,非问句结尾用升调一般表示不确定;当说话人情绪兴奋时语速往往较快,调一般表示不确定;当说话人情绪兴奋时语速往往较快,而当说话人需要倾听者特别关注所说的内容时,往往语而当说话人需要倾听者特别关注所说的内容时,往往语速放缓。速放缓。1 What did the girl do to help the student?2 What was the girls name?What was she famous for?3 What did Jane say about the girls life?Listen to the conversation carefully and answer the questions.41 What did the girl do to help the student?2 What was the girls name?What was she famous for?She carried the student to a safe place and looked after her.Then she went to the hospital with the student and called her sister.Her name was Lin Qiaozhi.She later became a great doctor.She was famous for caring for tens of thousands of women and their babies.3 What did Jane say about the girls life?Her life was full of hard choices,but she didnt let them stop her from taking care of people who were in need.She always cared for others more than for herself.Here is the audio script.Read it aloud,and model the conversation with exaggerated intonation,stress,and speed to show how the attitudes were conveyed.What does this story illustrate about Dr Lin?What principles guided Dr Lins actions?Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.Jane is sharing an article about moral dilemmas with her friend Luke.This article mentions a girl t_ the entrance exam for a famous medical university in Beijing.During the exam,the student next to her _.The girl stopped to help the student,t_ that it was better to p_ the needs of the other person f_.Although the girl l_ the exam that day,she became a great doctor.Her name was Lin Qiaozhi,who was famous for c_ for tens of thousands of women and their babies in China.takingfaintedthinkingputfirstleftcaringThink about what you would do if you were ever faced with the same situation as the girl.Then share your thoughts with your group,and explain the reasons for your choice.5In my opinion/viewGenerally speaking,Personally,I dont have the faintest idea about(完全不知道完全不知道)To my mindId just like to sayAs far as Im concernedTo be honest/frankIf you ask meA:If I were ever in a situation like the girl faced,I think I would choose toB:Why?Are you sure?A:Because I think thatis most important.What about you?B:I think I wouldListen to the conversations and match each rising intonation with its meaning.1 A:You know Angela?B:Yes.2 A:You volunteer at the local shelter,dont you?B:Yes.Its a great experience.3 A:Did you hear that James helped an old woman who fell down while crossing the street?B:Yes.It was a bit dangerous,but he got all the cars to stop.BCAA Having more to say.B Hoping the other person will continue to talk.C Asking for confirmation.Read the conversation and mark in the correct places.Then listen to the recording to check.Notice the meaning of each rising intonation.Peter:Its a nice day,isnt it?Nick:Yes,but it looks gloomy to me.Peter:Why?What happened?Nick:You know Tony?Peter:Yes.Nick:He asked me to write an essay for him.But I dont think its the right thing to do.Do you?Peter:No,its not.Nick:But Im afraid to lose him as a friend.Peter:Well,good friends should help each other.But it doesnt mean you should help him cheat!Why not help him with his schoolwork?Nick:Good idea!Peter:Its a nice day,isnt it?Nick:Yes,but it looks gloomy to me.Peter:Why?What happened?Nick:You know Tony?Peter:Yes.Nick:He asked me to write an essay for him.But I dont think its the right thing to do.Do you?Peter:No,its not.Nick:But Im afraid to lose him as a friend.Peter:Well,good friends should help each other.But it doesnt mean you should help him cheat!Why not help him with his schoolwork?Nick:Good idea!英语中的升调是一种相当复杂的语音现象,它既可以用来英语中的升调是一种相当复杂的语音现象,它既可以用来表示说话人对所说的表示说话人对所说的内容不肯定内容不肯定、表达的、表达的意思不完整意思不完整、所、所说内容未结束或准备继续与对方保持对话,也可表示说内容未结束或准备继续与对方保持对话,也可表示疑问、疑问、惊讶、怀疑、犹豫、兴趣、不自信、没有安全感等情绪惊讶、怀疑、犹豫、兴趣、不自信、没有安全感等情绪,还可表示礼貌、请求、建议等。还可表示礼貌、请求、建议等。用法用法例句例句1.用于一般疑用于一般疑问句句Have you read this book?Do you like the movie?2.用于用于选择疑疑问句的前句的前半部分半部分(即即or之前的之前的选择)Does he speak English or French?Would you like tea or coffee?3.用于置于句首的状用于置于句首的状语短短语或状或状语从句从句If it rains tomorrow,Ill stay at home.According to her words,she met that man at the cinema.英语口语中,常见的使用升调的情况有:英语口语中,常见的使用升调的情况有:用法用法例句例句3.用于并列句的第用于并列句的第一个分句,表示句一个分句,表示句子未子未说完完The telephone rang,but nobody answered it.He heard a crash and went out to see what had happened.4.用于呼用于呼唤对方方 Sir,you dropped your car key.Goodbye,Tom.5.用于列用于列举事物事物 One,tow,three,four,five.She bought bread,milk,potatoes and tomatoes.用法用法例句例句7.用于委婉的祈使句用于委婉的祈使句Dont worry.Wait a moment.8.用于反用于反义疑疑问句的后半部句的后半部分,表示不确定的分,表示不确定的态度或征度或征求求对方的看法方的看法You dont speak Cantonese,do you?9.高升高升调(High rise)用于疑用于疑问句中表达句中表达强烈的惊烈的惊讶或或难以置信的情以置信的情绪Im really sorry,but I probably lost your ticket.What?You lost my ticket?After listening to the story of Lin Qiaozhi,think about the questions:Apart from helping the student and finishing the exam,is there a third choice?Can you think of better ways to handle the dilemma?lAre you sure you know how to help the student who fainted?lWhat kind of help could you offer?lDo you think it would be better for a professional doctor to care for the patient?lWhat do you think of the people who stand by when such accidents happen?Do you think they are indifferent or not kind to others?
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