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1、2023年江苏省无锡市天一实验中学中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1To achieve _ great success, there must be _ balance between the challenge of the task and your skill level.Aa; /B/;aC/; /Da;a2Learning English in a classroom is important, while using English in real _ will improve your English skills greatly.Aposition

2、sBsituationsCeventsDexperiences3I went to talk with Nancy and was surprised by her words _ made me realize _ silly mistakes I had made.Awhat; whichBwhich; whatCwhich; whichDwhat; what4Since he had no tools, he had to put the picture _ the wall before he could put it up.AonBinCagainstDover5The local

3、food may taste a bit strange.- Well, _we are here, why not give it a try?AthoughBunlessCsinceDbecause6Lily, why does our teacher always ask us to practise handwriting?Because its important in exams. We _ pay too much attention to it.AcantBshouldntCneedntDmustnt7 Who helps you with your homework, you

4、r father or your mother? _. After the “double reduction” policy is carried out, Im able to finish my homework at school.ANoneBEitherCBothDNeither8Shenzhou XIII returned to Earth safely and successfully on April 16, 2022. I wonder _.Ahow the three astronauts worked in the aircraftBthat the three astr

5、onauts has finished their workCwhether were the three astronauts happy in the aircraftDwhat did the three astronauts do in the aircraft9 Has your father come back from Shanghai? Yes. He _ there for about one month to help people there fight against the virus.Ahas stayedBstaysCstayedDwill stay10After

6、 the big earthquake, thousands of volunteers went to the street to_bottled water and food to the victims.Aget outBhand outCput outDrun out11Though she is disabled, the _ girl teaches children drawing for a(an) _. She always brings animals_ on the paper.Aliving; live; aliveBlive; living; livelyClivel

7、y; living; aliveDlively;alive; living12Lisa, I spend 3 hours learning English every day, but I still cant do well in the exam. _. As long as you keep doing it, your English will surely improve sooner or later.AEvery little helpsBSeeing is believingCLosers are always in the wrongDYou cant judge (判断)

8、a book by its cover13Its said that the result we are interested in _ as soon as the head teacher comes back.AannouncingBwill be announcedCwill announceDbeing announced14Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._. Opposites sometimes attract.AI hope soBI dont careCI cant agree moreDI do

9、nt think so二、完形填空The annual marathon in my town usually occurs during a heat wave. My job was to _15_ behind the runners in an ambulance (救护车) in case any of them needed medical attention. As the athletes began to pace themselves, the _16_ runners started to disappear. It was then that my eyes were

10、drawn to the woman in blue. Her legs were so crippled (跛的) and bent that it seemed _17_ for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon. I watched in _18_ as she slowly moved forward. I didnt say a word. As I watched her _19_ to put one foot in front of the other, I found myself breathing for h

11、er and urging her forward. _20_, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears stream down my face as I sat on the edge of my seat and watched as she pushed forward with firm determination through the last miles. When the _21_ line came into sight, trash lay everywhere and the _22_ crowds had long go

12、ne home. I do not know this womans name, but that day she became a part of my lifea part I often _23_. When I think things are too _24_, I think of the last runner.15AfollowBrunCwalkDdrive16AlastBfrontCbackDdisabled17AlikelyBdangerousCimpossibleDunfair18AsilenceBpracticeCangerDpublic19AsucceedBstrug

13、gleCdevoteDdecide20ASoonBrapidlyCFirstlyDFinally21AfinishBbottomCstartingDdead22ArunningBlaughingCwalkingDcheering23Aturn toBtake onCdepend onDput on24AdifferentBsimpleCpainlessDdifficult三、阅读单选25How much money will a couple save if they take “Learning makes a better parent!” course together?A66 RMBB

14、13 RMBC14 RMBD26 RMB26Which activity is the most popular according to the passage?AFree ukulele lessons! Come and join us!BChocolate making and tasting.CDragons Back Hiking Adventure!DExplore the city with a photographer.27The following information can be found on the website EXCEPT _AA concert in G

15、uangzhou Opera HouseBA journey to the Nansha WetlandCA course about interview skillsDOrdering McDonalds takeout onlineWhen my son finally started school around the age of four, I felt as though Id been promoted (晋级) to the new position of School Parent. It was an unexpectedly challenging role, one w

16、ithout additional benefits, or a raise for that matter. As a direct result of starting school, there was the surprisingly unpleasant changes to our schedule (time-table). As parents, we were ill-prepared for the troubled time we had trying to get used to the practice of school. Gone were the carefre

17、e days without plans and plenty of time to kill. This included playing imaginary games indoors or hanging around outside whenever the weather turned nice. Getting to school on time meant becoming the hot mess mum who were often seen in movies. I was rushing kids out the door, forgetting lunch boxes

18、and losing car keys. As a huge morning person, I tried my best to ensure that school mornings remained calm and slow-paced. I prepared as much as possible the night before. But it still felt like we were in a rush, which I really hated. The trick. I later discovered, was to cover up my feeling of an

19、xiety. I chanted to myself “Do not rush him, no one likes to be rushed” while helping him get through his morning routine and tasks in a timely manner. Whatever frustration (沮丧) I fell about how slow he was moving, I wouldnt let him know it. I even didnt allow anyone in our house to say phrases like

20、, “Hurry up, were going to be late!” Our common goal, was not just to get our son out the door in time for school, but more importantly prove that mornings can be relaxed and enjoyable, rather than a horrible start to the day. Of course by the time summer holiday came, our family had grown wise enou

21、gh. In what felt like the longest shortest time, we went from anxious and confused, to calm and confident once again. We were far more prepared to have a smoother start to the new school year.28What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?AShe liked her new position.BShe got a promotion

22、 at work.CShe made good preparations.DShe had to face the challenge.29Which word is similar in meaning to the underlined words “hot mess” in paragraph 3?AdisorganizedBbusyCconfidentDhard-working30What is the text mainly about?AGrowth of kids.BExperience as a school parent.CNew life in school.DAdvice

23、 on lifestyle change.Schoolchildren spend most of their time surrounded by their peers (同龄人). They spend a lot more time with classmates, teammates and fellow club members than with adults in their lives. Peer pressure can have a huge influence on the lives of children in grades two through twelve.

24、From birth through age six, the family shapes a childs sense of identity (个性). Parents and brothers and sisters affect a childs likes, dislikes, tastes in clothing, food and music and, perhaps most importantly, values. Once children enter school, they form connections to the larger group of their pe

25、ers. This group brings new ideas and experiences. Peer pressure happens when a students actions are influenced by this group. The “pressure” happens when peers suggest or demand actions different from the childs normal behavior and values. Peer pressure leads to some disturbing negative behavior in

26、schoolchildren. In the USA, about 75% of high school students have tried alcohol (酒) offered by their friends in middle or high school. According to a survey, students felt pressured by their peers between 35 and 49% of the time. The power of peer pressure can result from a schoolchilds growing desi

27、re (渴望) to fit into a group. Thankfully, peer pressure can also be positive. For example, wanting to join an athletic group of friends may force a student who has been sitting for a long time to try out for the soccer team. In a survey on peer pressure, 51% of teenagers felt that peer pressure was s

28、ometimes positive. One teenager responded, “Sometimes it can help you gain confidence.” Other examples of positive peer pressure include students encouraging a classmate to run for school president, or friends suggesting that a talented peer try out for a talent show.31What leads to schoolchildrens

29、peer pressure?AThe identity shaped by their family.BThe connections with their classmates.CThe childhood experiences with their friends.DThe differences in their behavior and values.32Why do some schoolchildren behave negatively under peer pressure?ATo kill their boring time.BTo fit into a peer grou

30、p.CTo help gain confidence.DTo improve social skills.33What does the author think of peer pressure?APeer pressure does more harm than good.BPeer pressure is very good for schoolchildrens growth.CPeer pressure is not necessarily bad for school children.DPeer pressure plays an important role in shapin

31、g a childs values.When Oliver arrived in this hard world, it was very doubtful whether he would live beyond the first three minutes. He lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing. Oliver fought his first battle without much help from the two people present at his birth. One was an old

32、 woman, who was nearly always drunk, and the other was a busy local doctor, who was not paid enough to be very interested in Olivers survive. However, Oliver managed to draw his first breath, and then announced his arrival by crying loudly. His mother raised her pale young face and whispered, “let m

33、e see it.”The doctor turned away from the fire, where he had been warming his hands. He gave her the child. Lovingly, she kissed the baby with her cold white lips, then stared wildly around the room, fell backand died. The doctor began to put on his coat. “The mother was a good-looking girl. Where d

34、id she come from?”“She was brought here last night,” replied the old woman. “She was found lying in the street. Where she came from, or what her name was, nobody knows.”The doctor lifted the girls left hand. “The old story,” he shook his head. “No wedding ring, I see. Ah! Good night.”And so Oliver w

35、as left with only the drunken nurse. He was then sent to a special “baby farm” nearby. There, he and thirty other children rolled (翻滚) around the floor all day, without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing. Mrs. Mann, who “looked after” them, was very experienced. She knew what wa

36、s good for children. She also knew what was good for herself. The board (董事会) responsible for the orphans (孤儿) sometimes checked on the health of the children, but they always sent Mr. Bumble, a kind local policeman, to announce their visit the day before. So whenever the board arrived, of course, t

37、he children were always neat and clean. On Olivers ninth birthday, Mr. Bumble came to see Mrs. Mann. Through the front window, Mrs. Mann saw him at the gate, and turned quickly to the girl who worked with her. “Quick! Take Oliver and those others upstairs to be washed!” she said. Then she ran out to

38、 unlock the gate which was always kept locked.34What was the weather like when Oliver was born?AWarm.BCool.CCold.DHot.35According to the passage, the gate of the baby farm was always kept locked in order to _.Aprotect the children inside from dangers outsideBprevent officers walking in unexpectedlyC

39、keep the children inside working all the timeDmake sure the children were always neat and clean36What does the underlined sentence “without the inconvenience of too much food or too much clothing” probably mean according to the passage?AOliver and other children had enough food and clothing.BOliver

40、and other children didnt have enough food or clothing.COliver and other children had no food or clothing at all.DOliver and other children had a very good time in the baby farm.37Which is the right order according to the passage?a. Oliver was sent to a special “baby farm” nearby. b. Mrs. Mann ran ou

41、t to unlock the gate. c. Oliver lay on a hard little bed and struggled to start breathing. d. Mr. Bumble came to see Mrs. Mann on Olivers ninth birthday. e. Olivers mother kissed the baby with her cold white lips. Ac-a-d-b-eBe-c-b-d-aCc-e-a-d-bDe-b-d-a-c四、根据汉语提示填空38Internet Marketing can satisfy any

42、 _ (消费者) needs.39Pay no attention to those who look down upon you. What _ (要紧) most is how you see yourself.40Itll take about two days to finish the project if everything goes_(顺利地).41Through hard work and practice, the _ (不出名的) basketball player has grown up to a worldfamous superstar.五、用所给单词的正确形式填

43、空42Tom prefers _ (west) to romantic films because they tells the life of cowboys.43As the old saying goes, the harder you work, the _ (wealth) you will be.44I bet you have zero thoughts focused on worrying about the future or _ (regret) the past.45Such problems between the two countries should be de

44、alt with _ (peaceful).46Isnt it time for you to go to bed, Mike?I _ (paint) all the afternoon, so I have to finish my homework now.47The newspaper says that the price of meat _ (fall) a lot in the last few weeks.48James _ (lay) his hand on my shoulder and I put mine around his at the same time.49I r

45、eally find it difficult to choose one between the two types.Dont worry, madam. Both are made of silk and _ (wash) easily.50Not only the UK itself but also other European countries _ (care) a lot about the new Era of Brexit (脱欧新时代) these days.51Earthquake last month in Turkey was a real disaster, _ (

46、leave) thousands of people homeless.52Since I have spent so much time playing computer games, I would rather work harder than before _ (pass) the exam.53Peter promised that he _ (share) something interesting with me as soon as he finished reading the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.六、阅读填表When students get bored with the boring classes in the classroom, the practical classes in the lab help them relax. There, students can get hands-on experience about the lesso


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