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1、2023届四川省南充市高三下学期高考适应性考试(二诊)英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Starting a new book can feel like a bit of a commitment, but it doesnt have to be! Here are four books you can read in a single day. The House on Mango StreetReleased in 1984 and written by Mexican-American author Sandra Cisneros, The House on Man

2、go Street is only 103 pages long. Its a rapid read for those looking to dip their toes into the water, but it still deals with complex themes and important subject matters including language, race, ageing and troubles. The Midnight LibraryThe Midnight Library from the English author Matt Haig was re

3、leased in 2020. Its 288 pages, which makes it a little more challenging but still absolutely doable in a single day. The novel is all about storytelling, with Nora Seed exploring the “what ifs” of her life. The Perilous Life of Jade YeoReleased in 2012 and written by the fantastic Malaysian-English

4、author Zen Cho, the page count is an extremely manageable 76 pages, which makes this another effective first read in one day. The novel is set in London in the 1920s and follows the life of another writer, Jade Yeo. There is even enough time for readers to appreciate a film adaptation of the book af

5、ter reading it. StardustThe 1999 novel by English author Neil Gaiman is a perfect presentation of the writers fantasy stylings at their best. Stardust, which became a major motion picture, sits at 256 pages. Its epic in its scale, but the reader can fit the novel into a single day, giving them a tru

6、e sense of absolute escapism to the fantasy land of Stormhold.1What is NOT involved in the book written by Sandra Cisneros?ALanguage.BRace.CLiteratureDGrowing old2Which book is a bit more difficult to finish in a day?AThe House on Mango Street.BThe Midnight LibraryCThe Perilous Life of Jade Yeo.DSta

7、rdust3What do The Perilous Life of Jade Yeo and Stardust have in common?AThey are both set in London.BThey are both intended for fantasy readers.CThey were both made into a film.DThe characters in the two books are fictional.For years, I lived out of a suitcase, ever ready to get on a flight wheneve

8、r I got a chance. Discovering the world through the eyes of a writer, I diligently added note to every experience, committing it to paper for when memory faded. I was always eager for the next destination. However, the pandemic brought all my flights of fancy to a sudden halt, as it did for everyone

9、 else. With the world locked down for months, the desire for travel in me waned. What place was better than home? But what really was home?I was born in the costal city of Mumbai. Having lived here for 15 years, there were parts I knew at length and loved, and others beyond my comfort zone, which I

10、hadnt explored. I decided to become a tourist, seeing the city anew through the eyes of a visitor, rather than my bored ones as a local. I went on a sunset cruise for the first time on a tiny sailboat on the magical Arabian Sea. But most of the time we spent indoors. The United Nations World Tourism

11、 Organization said the biggest challenge of pandemic travel is the uncertainty and the different rules in different countries to obey. I finally got on a plane to make it to the closest destination possible to us by flightthe sunshine state of Goa, less than an hour away from Mumbai. Putting my toe

12、into soft powdery sand was precious, even after a lifetime or exotic travel. After a week of bliss on the beach, though, I was relieved to be back home. Ever since, I have made a few short journeys but the travel bug seems to have been put down, at least for now. But even as tourists will be flockin

13、g all over as revenge travel takes over, I have realized that there is no place quite like home.4What does the underlined word “waned” mean in paragraph 2?AAppeared.BPaused.CDeclined.DClimbed.5What is the biggest challenge to travel during the pandemic time?AThe crowded traffic in certain destinatio

14、ns.BPeoples fear of being infected by the viruses.CThe high cost of travelling in such a special time.DThe different policies to observe in different nations.6Which statement is NOT correct according to the text?AThe exotic travel is better than that of at home.BThe author used to have great passion

15、 for travellingCThe author felt relaxed after a week of fun on the beachDThe author explored his/her city from a new perspective7Which can be a suitable title for the text?AMy Travelling Thirst Satisfied at HomeBMy Desire for Travelling in the PandemicCMy Revenge Travelling after the PandemicDChalle

16、nges of Travelling Taken at HomeFrom little hummingbirds (蜂鸟) to big wild geese, roughly half of the worlds more than 10, 000 bird species migrate. Longer wings and strong flying muscles often help these birds fly in the air for a long distance. But a new study of nearly all bird species suggests ma

17、ny migrators share another unexpected flight aid: lighter-colored feathers. Researchers say that having more lightly colored feathers than non-migrating birds may help these long-distance flyers stay cool as they work hard under the hot sun to fly. Its known that color can help birds hide from some

18、dangerous animals which can hunt them as food, or attract mates by standing out. But color has delicate effects too, including regulating temperature by absorbing or reflecting light, says Kaspar Delhey. For example, bird eggs laid in colder climates tend to be darker, which may help keep them warm.

19、 Migrating birds push their bodies to the physiological limit, which creates more heat. Some species dealing with the problem by flying to cooler air during daytime. “If overheating is a problem in migratory birds, another way of dealing with that would be to evolve lighter colors that absorb less h

20、eat,” Delhey says. Delhey and his colleagues analyzed over 20, 000 pictures of 10, 618 bird species, ranking wing lightness for each species and comparing that with how far the birds fly. On average, lightness slightly increased with migratory distance, the team found. The longest-distance migrators

21、 were about 4 percent lighter than no-migrators, an effect that wasnt explained by size, climate or habitat type for different species. “Its not a big difference,” Delhey says, noting that many migrators are darkly colored, perhaps for reasons unrelated to flight. But the trend was significantly con

22、sistent.8What advantage of the migrators is beyond peoples knowledge?AThey have large groups.BThey have longer wings.CThey have strong bodies.DThey have lighter-colored feathers.9Why does the author mention the example of the bird eggs?ATo indicate that the dark colors can reflect light.BTo explain

23、why birds keep eggs warm in cold climates.CTo prove that color plays a role in adjusting temperatures.DTo show how color helps birds avoid being seen by hunters.10What problem do migrators have to deal with during migration?AThe lack of food.BThe long distance.CThe cooler and cooler climate.DThe inc

24、reasing body temperature.11How did the researchers get their conclusion?ABy checking figures.BBy making comparisons.CBy making questionnaires.DBy drawing pictures.In principle, it sounds simple: eat less and move more. This dietary advice for handling obesity has been around for decades. Yet, despit

25、e all the calorie counting, dieting and exercising, worldwide obesity rates just keep soaring up. In a recent paper, researchers question the basic assumption of whether taking in more calories than you burn really is the primary cause of obesity. They argue that the evidence actually points the oth

26、er way: we are driven to overeat because we are getting fatter. This may seem incredible, but consider the rapid adolescent growth. As their growth rate speeds up, teenagers may eat much more than they used to. Does this “overeating” cause the rapid growth?Or does the rapid growth make teens hungrie

27、r so they eat more? Clearly the latter, as adults wont grow taller, no matter how much they eat. A few hours after eating a high-carb meal, the number of calories in the blood stream drops dramatically, so we get hungrier sooner. From this perspective, the difficulty resisting hunger that so many di

28、eters have isnt a sign of poor discipline, but rather a biological problem involving how our bodies distribute the calories we consume. A low-calorie, low-fat diet further restricts an already limited supply of energy, worsening hunger without addressing the underlying tendency to store too many cal

29、ories in body fat. Consequently, weight loss becomes a battle between mind and metabolism (新陈代谢) that most people will probably lose. Although much more research will be needed to test this controversial idea, it is time to question the basic assumptions about cause and effect, calories and weight g

30、ain that have dominated our thinking for decades.12What can be inferred from the first paragraph?AIt is extremely tough to deal with overweight.BEating less and moving more will make you lose weight.CWe are forced to eat more food because we are getting fatter.DTaking in more calories than you burn

31、is the main cause of obesity.13Why is it difficult for dieters to resist hunger according to the text?ABecause the dieters are fond of eating a high-carb meal.BBecause some of the dieters are weak in self-discipline.CBecause the number of calories in the blood drops dramatically.DBecause the case is

32、 more related to the distribution of calories taken in.14What can we learn about a low-calorie, low-fat diet according to Paragraph 3?AIt causes people to feel hungrier.BIt solves the tendency for too much fat.CIt provides the energy people need.DIt makes people lose their metabolism.15What is the a

33、uthors attitude towards the cause and effect between calories and weight gain?ASupportive.BDoubtful.CObjective.DIndifferent.二、七选五Speaking with people who are suffering is difficult. _16_ Sometimes its just difficult to know what to say. Words fail us. Here are some tips for talking about illness wit

34、h loved ones._17_ Visit them, or if thats not possible, just call them. Dont worry if you werent there in their exact hour of need. Its important to let them know youve been thinking of them and that you regret the delay. Ask specific open questions. Your friend will no doubt have a routine response

35、 to “How are you feeling?” So steer away from routine politeness by asking specific open questions, such as, “So much has happened since we last spoke, tell me whats been going on with you.” _18_Dont argue with them. You may indeed believe that drinking herb tea is a cure-all, or a friend of your fr

36、iend might well have benefited from a dietary change. _19_ Your friend is likely exhausted and sensitive, so there is no need to contradict their lived experience. Let them lead the conversation about their health, which is a small concession that you should make. Know how to assist them. If youve g

37、iven them enough room to talk, you should have a wealth of information about how to help them. _20_ Do they like being in the garden? Maybe youve been cutting your own lawn and could bring the mower round before you put it away.AReach out to your unwell loved one.BApproach the situation in a gentle

38、manner.CBut remember where you are and why you are there.DPeople in pain can often be bad-tempered, distant or greatly in need.EYour sick friend or relative is literally an expert in what its like to live with sickness.FSpecific information such as diagnosis and symptoms is what they are willing to

39、share.GMake suggestions to your friends based on your close listening and knowledge of their history.三、完形填空While there isnt anything unique about an 8-year-old longing for a pet dog, the extremes to which Jenna Bates was willing to go make her unique. “My dad really didnt want a dog, so I knew I had

40、 to do something super _21_ to earn one,” she said. Then Jenna _22_ with a deal her father couldnt _23_. Shed _24_ sugar of all types for a year, and her parents would reward her strong _25_ with a puppy dog. “Oh, shell never _26_ it.” Mr. Bates said. He figured a day of watching her friends eat piz

41、za would end any more _27_ about dogs. After all, Jenna had never even _28_ to read a food label before making this deal. _29_ her affection for sweets, she started the deal with confidence. As Jenna read the _30_ on the food, she was _31_ to learn most chips, ketchup, bread, and crackers had added

42、sugar. “Then I looked at my _32_ meal, and then I looked at my normal lunch. I thought, “What did I do?” she said. “But then, I thought, I can do it for my dog!” Then that kept _33_ over and over. Actually, she found herself _34_ her new living way so completely that she had no plans to give it up.

43、Dad _35_ brought forward his end of the _36_ earlier this month. The family _37_ for two hours to pick up their _38_ member Lucy, the golden doodle. Jenna may not be sure how much longer shell stay away from sugar, _39_ she is sure about one thing being a dog owner is even better than shed _40_.21Ah

44、ardBsimpleCsharpDurgent22Acaught upBput upCfilled upDcame up23AhelpBthinkCresistDregret24AmissBloseClinkDquit25AwillBstrengthCdesireDpurpose26AgetBmakeCloseDbring27AconversationsBoptionsCsectionsDsolutions28AagreedBbotheredCaimedDintended29AIn favor ofBIn terms ofCIn spite ofDIn honor of30AdatesBnam


46、stCbestDfastest39AbutBsoCorDand40ArecommendedBpredictedCunderstoodDimagined四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province in China, _41_ (recognise) as “the land of abundance” for a long time. With rich cultural heritage, Chengdu is one of the _42_ (hot) dest

47、inations for tourists in China. For tourists like me, pandas are its top _43_ (attract). So it was a great honour to be invited to the non-profit Panda Base, _44_the ticket money helps pay for research. I was allowed to get up close to these _45_ (adore) animals at the 600-acre centre. From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be officially given to me at a ceremony in London. But I ma


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