英语外研版(三起)五年级下册—Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages教案 (1).docx

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1、外研版新标准五年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.教学设计邻水县坛同镇黑滩学校:吴丽玲一、教学内容本课是外研社新标准英语三年级起点第六册Module3 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages.在承接已经学习过三餐的基础上,继续展开话题,谈论What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?从英国食品谈到中西方饮食文化的一些差异,题材非常生活化,是学生感兴趣的话题之一,易于学生学以致用。本课地位至关重要,承上启下,不仅要对以前所学的知识进行复习,还使学

2、生对新的学习充满兴趣。二、教学目标 新英语课程标准指出,基础教学阶英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。而综合语言运用能力又以学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面的综合素养为基础。 基于以上认识及本课的特点,将教学目标确定为:1、知识与技能:(1)复习并巩固有关一日三餐的英文单词;(2)掌握不规则动词的过去式,即:have-had; (3)运用句型What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinnef?She/He had for来谈论饮食习惯。2、过程与方法: 实物导入,情景操练. 为了形象直观,在教学中运用了实物和

3、图片教学。反复训练食物的词汇。同时运用提问的方式,反复训练重点句型。收到了预期的教学效果。3、情感态度价值观(1)乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识;(2)培养学生运用英语的能力。三、教学重点: 使学生充分了解并掌握下列句子What did/he she have for.yesterday? She/he had四、教学难点:用一般过去时来谈论别人的饮食习惯。 五、教学准备: PPT,单词卡片,相关图片或照片,some stickers六、教学过程:Step 1、Warming-up(1)Greetings(2)Free talkT:Hi ,girl ,What did you have for

4、 dinner?S:Milk and bread .T: She had milk and bread .(生齐读句子)T:Hi ,boy ,What did you have for dinner?S:Fish and rice .T: He had fish and rice .(生齐读句子)T:Do you want to know what did I have for breakfast today ?Guess please .S1:rice.S2:meat .S3:noodles .(PPT出示面条图片)T:Yes ,very good,I had noodles for bre

5、akfast,Its a Chinese food .I like noodles ,look ,our friends Daming and Tom .They are talking about their dinner ,what did Daming have for dinner ? what did Tom have for dinner ? Lets listen and answer .(教师播放活动1 的动画)T:OK,answer questions。What did Daming have for dinnerS1:Bread,meat and hamburger。(拍手

6、分组读,男女生读)T:What did Tom have for dinner?S2:Fish,eggs and a hamburger。(PPT出示答案,教读,分男女生读)T:Listen and repeat。 T:Today we are going to learn Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages.(出示课题,板书课题,齐读课题)Step 2 presentation1、taskIn this class,Well learn to talk about What did someone have for breakfast/lunc

7、h/dinner yesterday? And well do a survey in groups to find outhealthy eater。Also,there are some delicious food for you,group1、2, to try your best ,Let me see which team can get more delicious food, Are you clear?2、ppt出示email图片T:Look,Ive got an email from my friend。Our friend Daming also got an email

8、,its from Lingling,What does the email say?whats the email about ?Lets listen and answer。(教师播放活动二动画)T:OK,answer questions.(PPT出示问题whats the email about?)S1:Its about English food.T: Is he right?Ss:Yes.(教师教读its about English food,学生齐读句子,教师出示单词卡片,English,交读并贴在黑板上,再分组读。)3、学习hamburgerT: Hamburger is a k

9、ind of English food。Fish and chips is a kind of English food。Can you say some English food?S1:SandwichesS2:PizzaT:Okay,do you like English food?Ss:YesT:Look our friend Lingling,she is in England now ,Does she like English food?What did she have for breakfast,lunch and dinner?Lets listen and answer。(

10、以后两分钟,教师再次播放活动二动画,学生看动画,找答案。)Questions:1、What did Lingling have for breakfast?2、What did Lingling have for lunch?3、What did Lingling have for dinner?(抽生回答问题,并将答案所对应的短语贴在黑板上,分组读句子。)T: Now,this time group one ask ,group 2 answer。4、T:Do you know traditional English dish?look ,whats this?PPT出示fish and c

11、hips图片。Its a traditional English dish,同时出示饺子图片,Its a traditional Chinese dish。Can you say some English dish?Can you say some Chinese dish?Lets have a look。(PPT出示中式食物和英式食物图片集合)T:Traditional dish。Are you clear now?OK,now lets listen to the text,Then repeat。Ss:Listen and repeat。T:Who can read the dialo

12、gue with your partners?OK,you two please。抽生汇报,教师正音。T:OK,Daming and饭饭who can act out。出示大明和凡凡头像,抽生上台,复述课文。Do you like their performance?OK,clap for them。5、T:Okay,this time,look at these pictures, lets try to retell the text。(老师带着学生按照图片的顺序进行复述,然后再抽生进行复述,以后一分钟时间里,学生练习复述课文,教师进行指导。)OK,Now who can retell t

13、he text?Step 3 Extention1.T:This time,lets check what can you see after our study.lets talk about our meals,who can practice with me first?(PPT出示活动4图片,教师与其中一个学生示范练习对话。)Okay,practice with your partners(以后两分钟时间,学生进行结对练习,教师进行指导。)T:OK,stop now 、who can show your dialogue抽生展示并奖励。Clap for them OK?Step 4 C

14、onsolidationT:Just now we know that our classmates had different food for meals。Yes? now lets do a survey。look,you can choose a reporter in your groups。We do the survey in groups of four and the reporter asks:“What did you have for breakfast,lunch,dinner?”others answer:“ I had . Are you clear?Little

15、 reporters,you can ask and finish the table,then report。Are you clear?OK,take out your tables again,Now lets begin。(以后五分钟学生进行小组练习,教师进行指导。)Make a survey.请用句型A: What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? B: I had调查你周围的同学(2-3名)昨天的三餐都吃了那些食物,调查完之后用:She/He had 上台汇报。Report(报告):Hello, this is m

16、y friend Yesterday she/he had for breakfast/lunch/dinner.T:OK,have you finished? the little reporters who can report。Whos the healthy eater in your group?(请各小组的小记者上台进行展示。)T:OK,healthy eaters stand up,congratulations for them,Clap for them。T:Look at these pictures。do you like this food?maybe we all l

17、ike this food, But they are fast food, So a suggestion for you: Dont eat too much fast food, Its bad for our health ,To be a healthy eater。(PPT出示表建议的句子,并请学生一起齐读。)Step5:Summary T : Today you are all fantastic。can you remember what weve learned today , Lets say together。 Ss:齐读板书。Step 6 Homework 1、Listen and repeat the dialogue, try to imitate and retell the dialogue。 2、Group one、 group two,choose your best healthy heater after class。Step 7 Blackboard DesignModule 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. eggs and sausages breakfastShe had sandwiches for lunch . fish and chips dinner


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