四年级英语下册教案-Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everying.(6)-外研版(三起).doc

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1、 科目版本小学英语(三年级起点) 外研版 四年级下册章 节Module 3课 名Module 3, Unit 1 Robots will do everything.第一课时学习目标1. 能听懂、会说will, wont, our, robot, everything, one day, housework, learn, homework. Robots will do everything.2. 学习A1,感知A2.3.能运用will谈论将来发生的事。重难点能听懂、会说will, wont, our, robot, everything, one day, housework, learn

2、, homework. Robots will do everything.教学准备PPT, 单词卡片教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图一、热身导入1. 读出PPT上的单词。2. 学生与教师进行Free talk.3 学生观看动画A1,回答Sam can ride a bike. Amy can fly a kite.3. 跟老师读句子,与同桌两人一组练习歌谣。1. Hello everyone, welcome to our class. Before our lesson, lets have a review. Read the words as quickly as you can

3、. 2. Can you swim?What can you do? 就着PPT最后出现的单词swim提问学生Can you swim? 顺势出现更多的运动图片,个别提问更多的学生What can you do? Can you?3. Wow, you are so great! You can do a lot of things. Now please watch the video and find out what Sam and Amy can do. 教师播放课本A1的视频。3. Please repeat the words with me and chant with your

4、 partner.教师领读A1内容。通过Review, Free talk活动,帮助学生回忆之前学过的动词词组,通过歌谣复习can的用法,并为后面的学习做铺垫。二、新知呈现1. 学生看书本A2的配图,观察Daming的新朋友都是谁,回答a robot并跟读新单词robot.2. 学生观看A2视频,回答It can walk. It can talk.3. 学生听A2音频,画出单词“will”.学生跟读并操练单词will.4. 学生跟读并操练单词housework, wont.5. 学生跟读并操练单词learn.6. 学生跟读并操练单词homework.7. 学生看书本A2内容找出答案,并回答问

5、题。8. 学生跟读并操练单词one day, everything.1. Today Daming introduces Sam a new friend. Lets see who it is. PPT上出现一个robot. 教师教授新单词robot.2. OK, boys and girls, Sam can ride his bike. Amy can fly her kite. What can a robot do?3. The robot can talk and walk. That is so nice. But what about the future? Will robo

6、ts do more in the future? Lets listen and find out“will”. 教师播放A2的音频。同时教授新单词will. 通过is-it -ill-will,引导学生说出will, 操练单词will.4. Will the robots do the housework? Yes, they will or No,they wont.教授新单词housework, wont. 通过house-work -housework,引导学生说出housework, 操练单词housework. 通过will not =wont 引出新单词wont.5. Will

7、 the robots help children learn?教师教授新单词learn.6. Will the robots do the homework? 教授新单词homework. 通过home-work -homework,引导学生说出homework, 操练单词homework.7. Now I will find someone to answer these questions. 教师个别提问同学刚才提出的三个问题。8. Wow, Robots will do the housework. Robots will help children learn. One day ro

8、bots will do everything. 教师顺势教授单词one day和everything. 通过情景展现,学生理解will可以用来表达将来的意思。通过问题引领,学习新单词everything, housework, homework, wont learn, one day.三、巩固练习1. 学生在游戏中集体说,个人说出单词。2. 学生跟读A2文段。3.学生根据记忆说出挖空的单词。1. We have learned many words. Now lets play some games. 教师PPT上出现游戏“Which one is missing?”,“Play foot

9、ball”“Plants VS Zombies”2. Now watch the video, listen and repeat.3. Now close your book, try to say the words . 教师PPT呈现挖空单词的A2文段。 教师设计丰富有趣的单词游戏,学生在游戏中轻松复习了今天所学的单词。然后回归文本,单词在特定的语言情景中得到再一次的巩固与运用。四、总结与情感教育1. 说出今天所学知识。2. Ss: Yes, I do. Ss: Learn more things , help more people.1. Now lets review what we

10、 have learnt today.2. Robots can walk and talk. And one day robots will do everything. They will do the housework. They will be helpful. Do you want to be a helpful people. Yes, so we should learn more things to help more people. Read after me“Learn more things , help more people.”课堂内容小结与情感教育五、作业布置1. 熟记本节课所学的单词、短语和句型,必须会听、说、读、写。2. 将Listen, point and find “will”. 朗读流利。3. 用句型It can It will/wont介绍机器人。板书设计


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