五年级上册英语教案Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy外研社(三起).doc

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1、Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 五年级上册章 节Module 9课 名Module 9 Unit 2 I feel happy.学习目标1 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用happy, sad, angry, ill, told, better, farm等词汇对句型进行表达。2. 能听懂、会说、并认读句型“Hes”“I feel”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用。重难点能够听懂、会说、并初步运用happy, sad, angry, ill, told, better, farm等词汇对句型进行表达教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意

2、图热身导入1. Ss look at the pictures and try to say some words of feelings.学生观察图片,说出单词。2. Ss listen and read the sentences.1. Hello, my children. Welcome to our English class. Look at the pictures below. Here is an actor. He is playing the face changing on the stage. Lets have a look! Whats his feeling?出

3、示书上的图片,引导学生观察表达出图片上的关于情绪的内容。2. Look! The actor has different feelings on the stage.So today we will talk about feelings. Lets listen and read the sentences. 引导学生正确听读句子,点明本课主题。通过展示图片并听录音,引出本节课的内容,为导入新课做铺垫。听读句子,操练句型。新知呈现1. Watch the video and try to remember the sentences.同学们说一说,你能从中发现哪些表示情绪的单词呢?2. Tr

4、y your best to match the sentences and pictures below, and then check the answers with T, and say the sentences by themselves. 学生试着把句子和图片连起来,与教师核对答案,并且说一说。3. Ss try to fill in the blanks, and then check the answers with T.学生试着把句子补充完整,与教师核对答案。4. Ss listen and read.学生跟读整个对话。 5. Role play.角色朗读。1. Now p

5、lease watch a video and try to answer the questions below:What feelings can you find?引导学生看视频并尝试表达出本课的具体内容,2. Well done, everyone! We can find four feeling words in the video. They are tired, happy, sad and angry. Now look at the pictures below, please match the sentences with the corresponding pictu

6、res.引导同学们把句子和图片连起来,与教师核对答案,并且说一说。3. Boys and girls. Do you remember what the kids did and what their feelings were? Can you try to fill in the blanks below?引导同学们把句子补充完整,与教师核对答案。4. Now, please watch the video and try to repeat it.5. Please work in groups and role play.通过动画,小组讨论,引入故事。进一步了解故事,巩固句型。核对学生

7、在故事的理解和记忆上是否到位,能够正确匹配相应的情绪单词以及所做的事情。在学习完课文后,及时复现本课的重点句型I feel 让学生有较深刻的印象,巩固所学。通过动画巩固所学学生分角色朗读课文。分步训练1. Ss watch the pictures and repeat, then try to write and say some sentences. 尝试进行口语练习,将学到的内容结合图片表达并书写出来,与教师核对答案。2. Listen and repeat.听读本课重点单词的辅音发音。3. Listen and underline. And then check the answers

8、 with T.学生听读单词并画出相关发音的字母及组合,并与教师核对答案。1. Now look at the pictures, and talk with your partners, try to answer the questions and say the sentences.引导同学们根据课文所学的内容,看图并跟同伴进行口语练习,试着将有关情绪的句子表达并书写出来。2. Now please listen to the pronunciation of the letters. Then try to repeat and read the words.引导学生一起来听听这些字母

9、的发音,试着跟读发音和相应的单词。3.Please listen and try to underline the letters that make the sound. Then say the word. 引导学生根据所学的发音规律,在新单词中找出相关发音的字母及组合。训练说的能力,运用本课文中的句型,表达一些新的内容。 学习本课的辅音字母及组合的发音。巩固本课的辅音字母及组合的发音。尝试应用1. Play the game in groups.学生与同伴进行游戏,一人猜对方情绪,另一人回答是否猜对了。2. One S do the action in front of all of S

10、s, another S say the sentences behind the desk.一个人在讲台后面说句子,另一个同学在的大家面前表演出来!1. Look at the picture, lets play a game. One student acts and another student guesses feelings.引导学生在游戏中完成句型训练。2. Look at the pictures. Please work in pairs. One student says sentences behind the platform, another student acts out.引导学生进行相关的表演表达活动,教师可以提供帮助。结合图片,巩固所学,重点操练句型。根据所学的内容进行表达和表演,用到图上给的句型。作业布置今天我们学习了如何用英文表达情绪,课下大家继续问一问、说一说吧。课堂内容小结进步标志1.能说出本课所学的关于情绪的单词。2.能说出I am引导的表达自己感情的句型。


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