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  • Unit 1 What’s he like?单元达标作业(含答案及听力音频,材料)
    • Unit 1 What’s he like? 单元达标作业.docx--点击预览
    • Unit1_单元达标作业-听力音频_128k.mp3


1 1/9 9Unit1 单元达标作业单元达标作业听力部分听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。()1.A.windy B.sunny C.rainy()2.A.happy B.party C.baby()3.A.strict B.polite C.clever()4.A.old B.kind C.short()5.A.finish B.funny C.friendly二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是()否()一致。()1.Do you know Mr White?()2.Whats she like?()3.He can speak English.()4.Chen Jie is hard-working.()5.Mr Jones is my art teacher.三、听录音,按所听顺序用 1-5 给下列图片排序。()()()2 2/9 9 ()()四、听录音,为你所听到的句子选择正确的答案。()1.A.No,he is very clever.B.Yes,he is.C.Yes,he does.()2.A.No,I dont.B.No.I cant.C.No,Im not.()3.A.He is young.B.He is kind.C.He is our head teacher.()4.A.She is my sister.B.She is tall and thin.C.Yes,she is.()5.A.He is funny.B.Yes,he is.C.Mr Zhao.笔试部分笔试部分五、根据汉语提示写出相应的单词。1.The girl is _(害羞的).She doesnt like to talk.2.My sister is _(愿意帮忙的)at home.3.My father is _(严厉的)with me.4.Mrs Green is _(慈祥的)We all like her.5.My maths teacher is not _(老的).He is very _(年轻的).六、选出每组中不同类的一项。()1.A.him B.old C.kind()2.A.maths B.our C.music()3.A.who B.what C.will()4.A.finish B.sometimes C.speak()5.A.teacher B.student C.funny七、读一读,选择与句子意思相符的图片。3 3/9 9()1.Li Ming is a polite boy.()2.Sun Li is helpful at school.()3.Miss Wu is our English teacher.()4.They are hard-working students.()5.Look at the man.He is funny.ABC DE八、读句子,用 am,is,are 填空。1.I _ thin and you _ strong.2.She _ our Chinese teacher.3.Kate and Jim _ good friends.4.We _ good football players.5.My brother _ tall.My sister _ short.They _ both thin.九、选出句子中错误的一项,并改正在横线上。()1.My head teacher is a old man._ 4 4/9 9 ABC()2.Our maths teacher is Miss Hu.He is young._ ABC()3.Mr Gao are kind,but sometimes strict._ABC()4.What John like?He is polite._ABC()5.Is she young?No,she is._ ABC十、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A.Do you like her?B.Yes,she can.C.Is she kind?D.Whats she like?E.Whos your music teacher?Amy:Hi!1._Jim:Miss Green.Amy:2._Jim:Shes tall and thin.Amy:Can she sing and dance well?Jim:3._Amy:4._ 5 5/9 9Jim:Yes,but sometimes she is strict.Amy:5._Jim:Yes.We all like her.十一、阅读短文,完成表格。Hello,Im Lucy.Im a hard-working girl.I have four teachers,a Chinese teacher,a maths teacher,an English teacher and an art teacher.My Chinese teacher is Miss Wu.She is strict,but she likes us very much.My maths teacher is Mr Liu.He is tall and thin.Mr White is my English teacher.He is from Canada.He speaks English very well.He can also(也)speak a little Chinese.He is young and funny.Who is my art teacher?Shes Mrs Wang.Shes very kind.I like my teachers very much.WhoWhats he/she like?(用完整的句子回答)LucyMiss WuMr LiuMr WhiteMrs Wang十二、读一读,做一做。你知道在西方国家人们使用哪些礼貌用语吗?下面一起来看看吧。在美国,“please”“thank you”“Im sorry”以及“excuse me”之类的语言随处都可以听到。得到别人帮助时通常会说一声“Thank you.”受到别人的称赞、夸奖时也会用“Thank you.”进行回答。在商场购物时,顾客一进门,售货员会主动迎上来,问一声“Can I help 6 6/9 9you?”。当顾客付款时,他们会微笑着说声“Thank you”。在西方,人们把在公共场所打嗝或与别人交谈时打喷嚏、咳嗽视为不雅。遇到这种情况,他们就会说声“Im sorry.”,请对方原谅。根据情景完成下列各题。1.如果你是售货员,当顾客进门时,你应该说:_2.当对方称赞你今天的着装很漂亮时,你应该说:_3.当你走路时,不小心踩到了别人的脚,你应该说:_ 7 7/9 9参考答案参考答案听力部分听力部分一、1-5 BABBC二、1-5 三、5 4 2 1 3四、1-5 BACBC 8 8/9 9笔试部分笔试部分五、1.shy 2.helpful 3.strict 4.kind 5.old;young六、1-5 ABCBC七、1-5 BCAED八、1.am;are 2.is 3.are 4.are 5.is;is;are 九、1.B an 2.C She 3.A is 4.a Whats 5.C isnt 十、1-5 EDBCA十一、WhoWhats he/she like?(用完整的句子回答)LucyShes hard-working.Miss WuShes strict.Mr LiuHes tall and thin.Mr WhiteHes young and funny.Mrs WangShes very kind.十二、1.Can I help you?2.Thank you.3.Im sorry.听力材料听力材料一、1.sunny 2.happy 3.polite 4.kind 5.friendly二、1.Do you know Miss White?2.Whats she like?3.He can speak Chinese.4.Chen Jie is helpful.9 9/9 95.Mr Jones is my art teacher.三、1.The robot is helpful at home.2.Miss Chen is our Chinese teacher.3.The little girl is very shy.4.Look at the boy.He is polite.5.The students are hard-working.四、1.Is your brother clever?2.Do you know Miss White?3.Whos that young man?4.Whats she like?5.Whos your art teacher?
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