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1、高考英语重点词汇befuddle bfdl【中英文释义】to confuse someone 使迷惑;使昏迷【记忆方法】 befuddle = be (去)+ fuddle (狂饮、喝醉、灌醉)使喝醉使迷惑 fuddle 谐音“放倒”灌醉【衍生词】befuddled (迷惑的、迷糊的、昏沉的); befuddlement (迷惑)【synonym】baffle、bewilder、muddle、puzzle【例句】Federer has a wide repertoire of clever shots that befuddle even the best of his opponents.费

2、德勒击球技巧高超多样,即使最强的对手也会被他迷惑。ineffable nefbl【中英文释义】causing so much emotion, especially pleasure, that it cannot be described (尤指喜悦)言语难以表达的,不可言喻的【记忆方法】in-, 不,非, ef-, 向外, -fab, 说出,词源同 fable,phone.即不好说的,引申词义难以言喻的【关联词】effable 可表达的,能被说出来的【synonym】indescribable【phrase】ineffable joy/beauty 难以言表的喜悦/美丽unravel nr

3、vl【中英文释义】 become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of (把布、结或线团)解开;拆散 If you unravel a mysterious, unknown, or complicated subject, you make it known or understood, and if it unravels, it becomes known or understood.弄清,阐明(谜团或复杂问题);被澄清;被解决【记忆方法】un-, 使相反, ravel, 纠缠【synonym】c

4、lear up、resolve【例句】I unravelled the string and wound it into a ball.我把绳子解开并绕成一个球。The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。haphazard hphzd【中英文释义】not having an obvious order or plan 随意的; 无计划的【记忆方法】hap, 发生,运气,机会, hazard, 风险,危害。即运气不好的,处于危险的,引申词义杂乱的,随意的【s

5、ynonym】aimless、casual、random【例句】The books had been piled on the shelves in a haphazard fashion.书架上的书堆放得杂乱无序。vexing veks【中英文释义】annoying, worrying, or causing problems 引起烦恼的;令人恼火的【synonym】annoying、troublesome【例句】The shortage of qualified teachers remains a vexing problem.有资质的老师数量短缺仍然是一个非常伤脑筋的问题。discer

6、nible dsnbl【中英文释义】able to be seen or understood 能看出的;可辨别出的;能明白的【关联词】discern v.看出;辨别出 discernment n.识别;洞察力 discerning adj.有辨识能力的;眼光敏锐的【synonym】recognizable、apparent、perceivable、detectable、distinguishable【例句】The difference between the two is readily discernible.两者之间的差别不难看出。hype hap【中英文释义】n.a situation

7、 in which something is advertised and discussed in newspapers, on television, etc.a lot in order to attract everyones interest (新闻媒体的)大肆宣传,炒作 v.大肆宣传,炒作【记忆方法】hype谐音“嗨吧”大肆宣传,炒作【例句】Theres been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film. 围绕他的最新影片进行了大规模的宣传。【词组】hype sb up 使(某人)兴奋,使(某人)激动hype up sth

8、炒作某事media hype 媒体炒作malicious ml.s【中英文释义】intended to harm or upset other people 恶意的,恶毒的【记忆方法】malice(恶意)+ ious(表示形容词) 有恶意的 恶毒的【关联词】malice n.恶意,怨恨; maliciously 有敌意地,恶意地;同根词:malign adj.恶意的,邪恶的; v.诽谤,污蔑,中伤 malignant 恶性的;有害的【synonym】malevolent、spiteful、malignant、vicious、poisonous【词组】malicious gossip 用意歹毒的

9、流言蜚语 malicious wounding恶意伤人condemn kndem【中英文释义】to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons 谴责,指责【记忆方法】con(共同,一起)+ demn(=damn,咒骂) 一起骂 谴责,指责【synonym】criticize、castigate、censure、decry、denounce【例句】The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.人们谴责

10、这一恐怖行径是野蛮和懦弱的行为。【词组】condemn sb to (do) sth 判决,宣判(某人某种刑罚)She was condemned to death and executed two weeks later.她被宣判死刑,两星期后被处决。condemn sb to sth 使遭受;使处于(不幸的境地)Poor education condemns many young people to low-paid jobs.缺乏教育致使年轻人只能感低收入的工作。condemn sb for sth 因某事而谴责某人condemn severely 严厉地谴责caption kpn【中英

11、文释义】n. a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying (图书、杂志或报纸的)说明文字;(电影或电视的)字幕;(法律文件的)开端部分v. to provide a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine, or newspaper that describes t

12、he picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying 给加文字说明【记忆方法】cap(抓,capture)抓+ion(tion-名词后缀)抓住主要内容 (图书、杂志或报纸的)说明文字;(电影或电视的)字幕 【例句】Each level should have exactly one caption attribute.每个级别都应该有一个标题属性。prank prk【中英文释义】n. a trick that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage

13、 胡闹,玩笑,恶作剧v. to play a trick on someone that is intended to be funny but not to cause harm or damage 对。胡闹,对。恶作剧【synonym】trick【例句】When I was at school we were always playing pranks on our teachers. 我读书时我们总是搞恶作剧捉弄老师。He finally realized hed been pranked.他终于明白自己被人恶作剧了。consecutive knsekjtv【中英文释义】in regul

14、ar succession without gaps; successive (without a break) 连续的,连贯的,不间断的【记忆方法】con (加强) + secut (跟随) + ive (的) 一个跟一个 连贯的【衍生词】consecution n.连续;条理;词序和语法变化等一致;consecutively 连续地【synonym】ensuing、successive、following、continuous【例句】This is the fifth consecutive weekend that Ive spent working. 这是我连续第五个周末加班。The

15、number of marriage registrations has been declining for eight consecutive years. 我国结婚登记人数连续八年呈现下降趋势。注意:连续xx(次数),英文数字在前【补充知识】词根 sec, secut, sequ, su= to follow 跟随consulate knsjlt【中英文释义】diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul 领事馆 【记忆方法】con (共同)+ sulate(salute,敬礼) 共同一起

16、敬礼 领事馆【用法】Consulate General 总领事馆the Cuban consulate in Mexico City 驻墨西哥城的古巴领事馆the Chinese Consulate General in Chicago 中国驻芝加哥总领事馆preside przad【中英文释义】to be in charge of a formal meeting, ceremony, or trial 主持(会议或仪式) 【记忆方法】pre(在。前面)+ sid(=sit,坐)+e 坐在前面的人 主持 (会议)【synonym】chair、administer、officiate【搭配用法

17、】preside over sth 掌管,主持【例句】This government has presided over some of the most significant changes in education this century.本届政府领导了本世纪教育方面的一些最重大的变革。mutate mjutet【中英文释义】to develop new physical characteristics because of a permanent change in the genes.(遗传物质等)变异,突变to change from one thing or type of t

18、hing into another 转变【记忆方法】mut (=to change 改变)+ ate (使。) 变异;转变【synonym】alter、modify、vary、change【例句】These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs. 这些细菌已发生变异,对某些药物产生了抗药性。Jon has mutated from an awkward teenager into a sophisticated young man.约翰从一个稚嫩的少年变成了一个久经世故的男人。protagoni

19、st prtgnst【中英文释义】an important supporter of an idea or political system (某一想法或政治制度的)主要支持者,拥护者one of the main characters in a story or a play (故事或戏剧中的)主要人物,主角【antonym】antagonist 对抗者,对立者【例句】Key protagonists of the revolution were hunted down and executed. 这次革命的主要发起者被捕并被处决。escort skt【中英文释义】V.to go with

20、a person or vehicle, especially to make certain that he, she, or it leaves or arrives safely; to go with someone and show them a place 护卫,护送;陪送,陪同N.a person who goes with another person as a partner to a social event (通常指异性的)社交聚会陪伴者a person or vehicle that goes somewhere with someone to protect or g

21、uard them 护卫者;护送者【记忆方法】esc(形似escape,逃跑)+or(人)+t(拼音te,特) 爱逃跑的人特想要护卫 护送;陪同【synonym】convoy、accompany【例句】Security guards escorted the intruders from the building.保安把闯入者押送出了大楼。The police escorted her to the airport, and made sure that she left the country.警察将她押送到机场,确保其离境。People on the tour will be escort

22、ed by an expert on archaeology.游客们将由一位考古学专家陪同前行。The members of the jury left the court with a police escort.陪审团成员在警察的护送下离开了法庭。imply mpla【中英文释义】to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly 暗示,暗指to involve something or make it necessary 必然包含;使成为必需【记忆方法】im- 入 , 向内 + -ply- 折叠 折入其中 , 隐含于其

23、中 暗示,暗指【synonym】hint、suggest involveentail【固定表达】as sth implies 正如。所暗示的; as the name implies 顾名思义【例句】I dont wish to imply that you are wrong.我无意暗示你错了。I think freedom does imply responsibility.我认为自由一定包含着责任。cumbersome kmbsm【中英文释义】awkward because of being large, heavy, or not effective 笨重的;累赘的【记忆方法】谐音:来

24、(cumcome)帮我搬(ber)一些(some),这些东西太笨重(cumbersome)了【synonym】bulky、clumsy、burdensome【例句】The process is cumbersome, expensive, and unreliable.这个过程繁琐、昂贵而且不可靠。dread dred【中英文释义】V.to feel extremely worried or frightened about something that is going to happen or that might happen 对感到恐惧;害怕;担心N.a strong feeling

25、of fear or worry 恐惧,害怕;忧虑【相关词】dreaded 令人害怕的,令人恐惧的【synonym】worry、afraid、fear【phrase】dread to think 不敢想,不愿想【例句】Hes dreading the exam - hes sure hes going to fail.他很担心考试他觉得自己肯定过不了。The prospect of working full-time fills me with dread.可能要全职工作,这让我很担忧。rampant rmpnt【中英文释义】(of something bad)getting worse qu

26、ickly and in an uncontrolled way (不好的事情)猖獗的,泛滥的【相关词】rampancy n.猖獗;蔓生;繁茂【例句】Rampant inflation means that our wage increases soon become worth nothing.通货膨胀大肆泛滥,这意味着我们增长的工资很快就一钱不值了。Disease is rampant in the overcrowded city.疾病在过分拥挤的城市中肆虐。exclude ksklud 【中英文释义】to prevent someone or something from enteri

27、ng a place or taking part in an activity 阻止.进入;把.排斥在外【记忆方法】ex- 向外 + -clud- 关 , 闭 + -e 动词词尾 把关闭在外【例句】Women are still excluded from the club. 这家俱乐部仍然把女性拒之门外。【反义词(antonym)】include,v.包含;【衍生词】exclusive adj.独有的;高档的;排外的;排斥的;(新闻或报道)独家的 exclusively adv.仅仅,单独地,专门地demean dmi:n【中英文释义】to cause someone to become

28、less respected 羞辱,贬低【记忆方法】de-,乡下。mean,下贱的demean 贬低【例句】Dont demean yourself by telling such obvious lies.你不要用这种明显的谎言自贬人格。【同义词(Synonym)】debase、belittle、degradevilify vlfa【中英文释义】to say or write unpleasant things about someone or something, in order to cause other people to have a bad opinion of them 诋毁

29、,诬蔑;丑化;贬低【记忆方法】vile, 邪恶的, -fy, 使。即中伤,使邪恶【例句】He was vilified by the press as a monster. 他被新闻界丑化成一个变态的怪物。【同义词(Synonym)】decry、defame、slanderantidote ntidt【中英文释义】 a chemical, especially a drug, that limits the effects of a poison 解药; a way of preventing or acting against something bad 缓解办法;对抗手段【记忆方法】ant

30、i (相反)+ dote (药剂)作用相反的药剂解药【例句】Sales of nerve gas antidotes increased dramatically before the war. 在战争爆发前,神经毒气解毒剂销量激增。Regular exercise is the best antidote to tiredness and depression. 经常锻炼是消除疲劳和抑郁的最好方法。parameter prmt(r) 【中英文释义】a set of facts or a fixed limit that establishes or limits how something

31、can or must happen or be done 界限,范围;参数,变量【记忆方法】para- 侧面 + -meter- 测量 , 仪表 随被测量的数而变化的数 参数,范围;规范【例句】The researchers must keep within the parameters of the experiment. 研究员必须在试验既定的范围内进行研究。【同义词(Synonym)】criterion、specificationforgo f【中英文释义】to not have or do something enjoyable 放弃,摒绝(令人愉悦之物),对.断念【记忆方法】for

32、-, 完全的。go, 走,离开。引申词义放弃,弃绝【例句】Ill have to forgo my vacation in order to attend a summer Chinese course.为了参加暑期中文班我只好放弃暑假。She decided to forgo the party and prepare for the English exam.她决定不参加聚会,准备英语考试。undergo nd【中英文释义】to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change 经历,经受

33、(令人不快的事或变化)【记忆方法】under- 在下 , 不足 + go 走 在(重压等)之下走过【例句】She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year. 她在去年做了一次左肺肿瘤切除手术。All the freshmen will undergo a medical examination. 所有新生都将进行体检。momentum mmentm【中英文释义】the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it h

34、as started 势头;冲力;动量【记忆方法】moment(瞬间)+um(物理性质后缀)冲力在瞬间迸发冲力【例句】The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road.卡车沿着陡峭的道路往下开时, 冲力愈来愈大。The spacecraft will fly around the earth to gain/gather momentum for its trip to Jupiter.航天器将绕着地球飞行以获取飞向木星所需的动力。overshadow vd v. to cause someone or something t

35、o seem less important or less happy 使黯然失色;使相形见绌Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister. 凯伦总觉得自己与出名的姐姐相比光彩全无。 (of a building) to be much taller than another building and therefore block the sun from it (建筑物)遮蔽,遮暗Grand Central Station in New York is overshadowed by the PanAm buil

36、ding. 纽约中央火车站被泛美大厦遮住了阳光。scourge sk:d n.&v. n.something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble 灾难,祸害;苦难的根源the scourge of war/poverty/drugs 战争贫困毒品的祸害 v.to cause great suffering or a lot of trouble 祸害;使苦恼,使痛苦The country has been scourged by famine in recent years.近年来这个国家遭受大饥荒的苦难。con

37、cur knk(r) v. v.to agree or have the same opinion 同意,赞成The new report concurs with previous findings.新报告与先前的调查结果一致。The board concurred that the editor should have full control over editorial matters. 董事会赞同主编应该对编辑事务全权负责。 If two or more events concur, they happen at the same time 同时发生Everything concur

38、red to produce a successful result.所有的事都同时发生而产生了圆满的结果。colossal klsl adj.【中英文释义】extremely large 巨大的;庞大的They were asking a colossal amount of money for the house.他们对这房子漫天要价。auspicious sps adj.【中英文释义】suggesting a positive and successful future 吉利的,吉祥的【记忆方法】au ( 同根av,鸟 ) + -spic(看,同 spectator, 观众) + -i-

39、 + -ous 形容词词尾 吉兆的 吉祥的【例句】They won their first match of the season 51 which was an auspicious start/beginning. 他们在赛季的头场比赛就获得5比1的大胜,迎来一个开门红。suspicious ssps adj.【中英文释义】making you feel that something illegal is happening or that something is wrong 怀疑的【例句】The fire at the bank is being treated as suspicio

40、us.银行起火被认为非常可疑。【记忆方法】sus- 由下向上 + -spic- ( s 略)看 + -i- + -ous 形容词词尾上下来回地看怀疑的【相关词】suspect v.猜想,认为(某事有可能);怀疑有罪suspicion n.(对某人有罪、不诚实等的)怀疑;不信任suspicious of 对.起疑Blockbuster blkbst(r)【中英文释义】 a book or film that is very successful (尤指因内容精彩而)非常成功的书(或影片)【常见表达】 a blockbuster movie/novel 电影大片/风靡一时的小说Moustache

41、mst【中英文释义】hair that a man grows above his upper lip 上唇的胡子; 髭; 触须【注意】(US usually mustache) UK: moustache【常见表达】handlebar mustache 八字胡(美) 【近义词】tash【补充】喝完牛奶,嘴边一圈牛奶,广告里总是用这种方式来体现牛奶很浓,蛋白质含量高,因此称milk mustacheRelegate relget【中英文释义】to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position 贬

42、职;使降级【固定短语】relegate to 委托给;托付给【例句】She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job.因被降职做文书,她就辞了职。The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.这篇报道从重要版面撤下,刊登在中间的版面上。Chicanery kenri【中英文释义】clever, dishonest talk or behaviour that is used to deceive people 诡计;欺诈【例句】The investigation reveale

43、d political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels. 调查揭露出了最高层的政治欺诈和腐败。focal point fkl【中英文释义】 the thing that everyone looks at or is interested in (目光或兴趣的)中心,焦点;the point where waves of light or sound that are moving towards each other meet 聚光点【例句】 The fireplace is usually the focal point of

44、the living room.在客厅里,壁炉通常是视线的焦点。 Downside dansad【中英文释义】 a disadvantage of a situation 不利的一面;不利因素;负面;消极面【例句】The downside of living here, of course, is that it is expensive.在这里生活的不利因素当然就是生活费用很高。【反义词】upside n.优点,好处Succulent skjlnt【中英文释义】adj.containing a lot of juice and tasting good 多汁的n.a plant such a

45、s a cactus in which the leaves and stem are thick and can store a lot of water 肉质动物【记忆方法】succ-(= juice 汁液) + -ulent (多的, -ul- + -ent) =多汁的【例句】These are wonderfully succulent peaches.这些桃子汁水很多。Succulents often have thick waxy cuticles to minimize water loss.肉质植物通常有很厚的蜡质角质层,以使水分流失降到最低。Cactus kkts【中英文释义

46、】any of many types of desert plant usually with sharp spines and thick stems for storing water 仙人掌【复数】cactuses(US)或cacti(UK)Anecdote nkdt【中英文释义】a short, often funny story, especially about something someone has done (关于某人的)趣闻;轶事【记忆方法】 an-( not) + ec- + dot- (give) + -e things unpublished/secret or private stories 趣闻;轶事 谐音:“爱你可逗她” (联想)我最爱讲这种小故事,因为可以逗我的她发笑趣闻;轶事【例句】 He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote.他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子。He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his


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