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1、英语新目标 八年级下根据汉语提示,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示,写出相应的单词1垃圾;废弃物垃圾;废弃物_2.折叠;对折折叠;对折_3扫;打扫扫;打扫 _ 4.扔;掷扔;掷 _5给;递;走过;通过给;递;走过;通过_6借;借用借;借用_7借给;借出借给;借出_rubbishfoldsweepthrow重点重点单词单词passborrowlend8厌恶;讨厌厌恶;讨厌_9提供;供应提供;供应_10依靠;信赖依靠;信赖_11发展;壮大发展;壮大_12落下;掉下落下;掉下_13浪费;滥用浪费;滥用_14精神压力;心理负担精神压力;心理负担_15公正性;合理性公正性;合理性_16有病;不舒服有病;不舒服

2、_hateprovidedependdevelopdropwastestressfairnessill17不合理的;不公正的不合理的;不公正的_18也不;两者都不也不;两者都不_19与与同时;当同时;当的时候;而;然而的时候;而;然而_20因为;既然因为;既然_21杂乱;不整洁杂乱;不整洁_22而且;加之而且;加之_23合理的;公正的合理的;公正的_24邻居邻居_unfairneitherwhilesincemessanywayfairneighbor 1.出去吃饭出去吃饭 2.在外面待到很晚在外面待到很晚 3.去看电影去看电影 4.完成做某事完成做某事 5.干净整洁干净整洁 6.洗餐具洗餐具

3、 7.倒垃圾倒垃圾 8.叠衣服叠衣服 9.扫地扫地 10.整理床整理床 11.打扫客厅打扫客厅 12.没问题没问题 13.搭车搭车 1.go out for dinner 2.stay out late 3.go to the movies 4.finish doing sth.5.clean and tidy 6.do the dishes 7.take out the rubbish 8.fold your/the clothes 9.sweep the floor 10.make your/the bed 11.clean the living room 12.no problem 13

4、.get a ride 14.从事从事 15.欢迎某人欢迎某人 16.扔下扔下 17.放学放学/下班回家下班回家 18.坐下坐下 19.过来过来 20.带某人散步带某人散步 21.一直一直;总是总是 22.整日整日/夜夜 23.做家务做家务 24.大声回应大声回应 25.走开走开 26.分担家务分担家务 14.work on 15.welcome sb.16.throw down e home from school/work 18.sit down e over 20.take sb.for a walk 21.all the time 22.all day/evening 23.do ho

5、usework 24.shout back 25.walk away 26.share the housework 27.惊讶地惊讶地 28.拿点喝的东西拿点喝的东西 29.观看节目观看节目 30.闲逛闲逛 31.把某物传给某人把某物传给某人 32.把某物借给某人把某物借给某人 33.使某物弄湿使某物弄湿 34.讨厌做某事讨厌做某事 35.做杂务做杂务 36.帮助某人干某事帮助某人干某事 37.带顶帐篷来带顶帐篷来 38.买些小吃买些小吃 39.去商店去商店 27.in surprise 28.get something to drink 29.watch shows 30.hang out

6、31.pass sb.sth.32.lend sb.sth.33.get sth.wet 34.hate to do sth.35.do chores 36.help sb.(to)do/with sth.37.bring a tent 38.buy some snacks 39.go to the store 40.邀请某人参加聚会 41.使某人做某事 42.足够的压力 43.浪费时间 44.为了 45.取得好成绩 46.介意做某事 47.依赖;依靠 48.发展孩子的独立性 49.照顾 50.做某人分内的事 40.invite sb.to a party 41.make sb.do sth.

7、42.enough stress 43.a waste of time 44.in order to 45.get good grades 46.mind doing sth.47.depend on 48.develop children s independence 49.look after/take care of 50.do one s part in(doing)sth.could的主要用法的主要用法 A.could 是是can的过去式的过去式,表示与过去表示与过去 有关的能力和推测有关的能力和推测:e.g.We all knew that the young man couldn

8、t be a doctor.B.could可以代替可以代替can表示请求表示请求,但语但语气较气较can客气、委婉客气、委婉:单元语法单元语法 e.g.Could you lend me your dictionary?Could I use your bike?以以could或或would提问时,不能再以提问时,不能再以could或或would作答,而应该用作答,而应该用can或或will。如:。如:Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes,of course you can.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1你能打扫一下你的房间吗?你能打扫一下你的房间吗

9、?_ you _ _ your room?2如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴的。如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴的。She _ _ happy if she _ this _3整整一周,她没做任何家务,我也没做。整整一周,她没做任何家务,我也没做。For one week,she did not do _ housework and _ _ _Couldplease cleanwont besees重点句型messanyneither did I4我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。_ _ I sat down in front of the T

10、V,my mom came over.5我不理解为什么有些父母让他们的孩子在家帮助做家务。我不理解为什么有些父母让他们的孩子在家帮助做家务。I do not understand _ _ _ _ their kids help with housework and chores at home.6在家给自己的孩子提供一个干净、舒服的环境是家长们的职在家给自己的孩子提供一个干净、舒服的环境是家长们的职责。责。It is the _ job _ _ a clean and comfortable environment at home _ their children.The minutewhy

11、some parents makeparentsto providefor7对于孩子们来说,学会怎样做家务和帮助父母做家务是重要对于孩子们来说,学会怎样做家务和帮助父母做家务是重要的。的。It is important for children _ _ _ _ _ chores and help their parents with housework.8做家务帮助培养孩子们的独立能力,并教他们怎样照顾自己。做家务帮助培养孩子们的独立能力,并教他们怎样照顾自己。_ chores helps to _ _ _ and teaches them how to look after _to lear

12、n howto doDoingdevelop childrens independencethemselves9既然他们和父母住在同一座房子里,他们就应该明白每个人既然他们和父母住在同一座房子里,他们就应该明白每个人都应为保持房子的干净、整洁而尽一份力。都应为保持房子的干净、整洁而尽一份力。_ they live in one house with their parents,they should know that everyone should _ their _ _ _ it clean and tidy.10孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越

13、好。_ _ kids learn to be independent,_ _ it is for their future.Sincedopart in keepingThe earlierthe better用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1Thank you for _(provide)me with so nice a room.2The teacher always tells us_(not waste)any food because some people in poor areas dont have anything to eat.3Betty _(fold)

14、many kinds of animals with the paper for the little children last Sunday.providingnot to wastefolded基础知识迁移单词回顾4As we know,good results _(depend)on hard work.5The little girl _(drop)the glass on the floor and broke it.dependdropped从方框中选出合适的短语,从方框中选出合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空as a result,at least,in orde

15、r to,come over,fall ill,in surprise,as soon as,depend on,take care of,throw down1She spent _ two hundred yuan on the dress.It was a little expensive for her.2My elder sister got up early _ catch the early bus.3I will write a letter to you _ I arrive in Shanghai.at least in order to as soon as 短语运用4I

16、 cant go to the movies with you because I have to stay at home and _ my sick brother.5My mother _ yesterday and we took her to hospital at once.6Tony opened his eyes wide _.He didnt know what happened.7You can _ to my house when you are free.Im always at home.take care of fell ill in surprise come o

17、ver 8Lisa studied hard._,she got full marks in the exam.9He _ his bag and went out.10You should learn to be independent.You cant _ your parents all the time.As a result threw down depend on 1David often helps me learn English.David often helps me _ English.2I can look after your pet.I can _ _ _ your

18、 pet.3The restaurant will provide free meals for us.The restaurant will _us _ free meals.4Jimmy always watches TV at home when he is free.Jimmy watches TV at home _ _ _ when he is free.5She arrived early so that she could get a good seat.She arrived early _ _ _ get a good seat.with take care of prov

19、ide .同义句转换同义句转换with all the time in order to 句型突破1请你把这些衣服叠一下,好吗?请你把这些衣服叠一下,好吗?_ _ _ fold these clothes?2我一打开电脑,我弟弟就过来了。我一打开电脑,我弟弟就过来了。_ _ I turned on the computer,my younger brother came over.3这没有我想象的那么难。这没有我想象的那么难。Its not _ _ _ I imagined.Could you please The minute as/so hard/difficult as .根据汉语意思完

20、成句子根据汉语意思完成句子4戴维不想去看电影,我也不想去。戴维不想去看电影,我也不想去。David doesnt want to go to the movies and _ _ _.5我经常花两个小时做家庭作业。我经常花两个小时做家庭作业。I often _ two hours _ homework.6他没有必要做那件事。他没有必要做那件事。There is _ _ for him to do that.7我们种的树越多,我们的城市就会越漂亮。我们种的树越多,我们的城市就会越漂亮。_ _ _ we plant,_ _ _ our city will be.neither do I spend

21、 on no need The more trees the more beautiful 8对我们来说,学一门外语是重要的。对我们来说,学一门外语是重要的。Its important _ us _ _ a foreign language.9我一有时间就会给你打电话。我一有时间就会给你打电话。I will call you _ _ _ Im free.10为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。We started early _ _ _ arrive before dark.for to learn as soon as in order to .根据汉语意

22、思及英文提示翻译句子根据汉语意思及英文提示翻译句子1她遛狗了。她遛狗了。(takefor a walk)_2我们来这里是为公众服务的。我们来这里是为公众服务的。(provide sth.for sb.)_3他出差时经常生病。他出差时经常生病。(fall ill)_4他惊讶地抬起头看了看。他惊讶地抬起头看了看。(in surprise)_She took the dog for a walk.We are here to provide a service for the public.He often fell ill when he was on business.He looked up

23、in surprise.5请你把垃圾倒了,好吗?请你把垃圾倒了,好吗?(could,please)_6我和我姐姐都不喜欢流行音乐。我和我姐姐都不喜欢流行音乐。(neither)_Could you please take out the rubbish?Neither my sister nor I like pop music.书面表达书面表达 假设你班要举行一次有关假设你班要举行一次有关“该不该做家务该不该做家务”的讨论的讨论会,请你写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,并向全班做一会,请你写一篇短文,阐述自己的观点,并向全班做一个汇报。个汇报。提示:提示:1.Do you often do cho

24、res?2.What chores do you often do?3.What do you think of doing chores?要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,字迹清晰。要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,字迹清晰。80词左右。词左右。_【范文范文】Good afternoon,everyone!Now let me say something about myself.Im a girl from the countryside.I often do chores at home.I often sweep the floor,do some washing and clean the room.On weekends,I often help my mother cook dinner.I think we should help my parents do chores.It can make us know how hard our parents are working and understand them better,and we can learn a lot from hard work,too.Thank you for listening!


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