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1、辽宁省沈阳市第一三四中学2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中限时作业英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1What is _ man in the black suit doing?He is playing _ chess.Aa; theBa; Cthe; aDthe; 2Our teacher not only teaches _ English but also teaches how to learn English so that we can learn by _ in the future.Aus; ourselvesBour; ourselfCour; our

2、selvesDus; us3A French town by the sea is the perfect place for a summer holiday, _ if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps.AorBandCsoDbut4Some children often go out to play _ the classroom _ classes.Ain front of; betweenBin the front of; betwe

3、enCin the front of; amongDin front of; among5Do we need to buy any fruit today?No, but we need to buy _ tomorrow because we have only _ now.Asome; littleBany; a fewCsome; a littleDany; few6Is Guangzhou famous _ its flowers?Yes, it is. Guangzhou is famous _ “Flower City”.Afor; asBas; forCas; asDfor;

4、for7Our class is _ twenty girls and twenty boys. The number of the students in our class _ forty.Amade of; isBmade up of; isCmade of; areDmade up of; are8_ people come to this famous city every yearASeveral millionBSeveral millionsCMillion ofDTwo millions of9Excuse me, Tom. Someone is calling you ou

5、tside.Thank you. I _, I _ about going out to ask what happened.Aam knowing; thinkBknow; thinkCknow; am thinkingDam knowing; am thinking10How about having lunch in McDonalds?_AMe too.BGood idea!CThe same to you.DOf course.二、完形填空When I was a little girl, my mum and dad told me that if I planted someth

6、ing in spring, I could get _11_ in autumn.At the age of six, when I was eating a big apple, something hard (硬) pressed against (挤压) my tongue (舌头). What was it? It was a tooth!I was afraid. I _12_ and ran to my grandmas room. She picked up the tooth and said, “Dontworry, dear. Its a baby tooth. You

7、will have a new tooth in a few _13_ .”“A new tooth?” I felt very _14_ .“Yes. But when you get old, your teeth will _15_ out again, but at that time, they wont growagain. So its not _16_ for old people to eat something hard,” my grandma said.I went out of my grandmas room and thought, “Where can I _1

8、7_ the dropped tooth?” Suddenly, a good idea _18_ into my mind, “Why not plant it in the ground? ” If I look after it well, maybe it would become a big tree. When _19_ comes, there will be many white and strong teeth _20_ the tree. I can give them to the old people then.”Of course my tooth didnt gro

9、w into a big tree, but I wont forget the beautiful dream in my childhood.11AanyBlots ofCa lot ofDmore12AcriedBlaughedCsmiledDapologized13AhoursBdaysCmonthsDyears14AsurprisedBsadChappyDunhelpful15AtakeBfallCputDjump16AdifficultBhardCeasyDuseful17AsendBtakeCplantDkeep18Awas comingBcameChad comeDwould

10、come19AautumnBwinterCspringDsummer20AoffBatCinDon三、阅读单选Plan your visit to Disneyland Resort!Enjoy the excitement of the Disneyland Resort in California. There are 2 amazing theme(主题) parksDisneyland Park and Disneyland California Adventure Park.Step 1: Choose the Number of Days1 day: 1042 days: 100/

11、day3 days: 85/dayChildren younger than age 3 dont need a ticket. Step 2: Choose your ticket type One Park Per Day: +$0/TicketEnjoy a full day in Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park. Park Hopper: +$55.00/TicketVisit Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park in the same day.

12、More Information:Please call:(714)781-463621Lucy will pay _ if she visits Disneyland Park with her 2-year-old son for 1day.A159B208C104D$26722What can we know form the information above?AThe ticket will be more expensive if we visit the park for more days.BChildren younger than 4 dont need to buy a

13、ticket.CWe can only enjoy 1 park in one day if we buy a Park Hopper Ticket.DWe can enjoy 2 parks in one day if we buy a Park Hopper Ticket.23You can _ to get more information about Disneyland Resort.Awrite a letterBmake a callCsend an e-mailDvisit the boss24The passage above may come from _ .Aa morn

14、ing paperBa science magazineCa travel websiteDa storybookEverybody has a brain (大脑), but not many people know how the brain works. Some people believe that the brain is like the hard disk of a computer. We use it to keep information (信息) such as pictures, language (words, texts, sounds) and so on. O

15、thers compare the brain to a huge cupboard with lots of shelves and boxes in it. We put information into these boxes and hope to find it again later.The brain is not a computer disk, and isnt a cupboard, either. Look at the picture here. It looks a bit like weeds (杂草) in a garden, doesnt it? The pic

16、ture actually shows a childs neocortex (皮层) a part of the brain that controls (控制) sight and hearing. You can guess what happens more “weeds” grow as the child gets older. Scientists call these neuronal (神经元的) networks (网络). The networks grow around our neurons. What makes them grow? Learning! “Lear

17、ning makes brain change,” says an American scientist, “Without learning, nothing changes in the brain. For every new word you learn in your English lesson, every problem you solve in Maths, every new song you learn to sing, a neuronal network grows in your brain and the brain changes.”The more neuro

18、nal networks we grow, the better we can think and the better we remember. You may ask, “Is there anything for us to do to make the networks in our brain grow better?” The American scientist says, “Yes, there is.” He says that _ when a) we are interested in what we are learning; b) we are in control

19、of what we learn; c) we get challenging tasks that make us think hard.25What is the brain like?AA brain is like a computer hard disk.BA brain is like a cupboard with shelves.CA brain is like weeds with neuronal networks.DA brain is like a box with information.26According to the passage how can we he

20、lp our brain grow?By learning some new words.By having a rest.By learning a new song.By building a model plane.By working out a maths puzzle.ABCD27Which of the following can be put in the blank _?Aa brain is the weakestBa brain change is the strongestCthe neurons grow fasterDthe neuronal networks ge

21、t worse28Whats the best title for the passage?AInterest is the best teacherBChallenges changes lifeCLearning develops brainDNever too late to learnLi Qichang, 27, is a policeman working in Jingzhou, Hubei Province. Li went back home on Jan 22 to Longyan in Fujian province, to prepare for the wedding

22、 ( 婚礼). However, as the novel coronavirus (新冠肺炎) struck (袭击) more cities in Hubei and many of his colleagues (同事) were busy doing something to fight against the COVID-19, Li decided to give up his wedding and his holiday and go back to work on the evening of Jan 25. “About 3,000 policemen in Jingzho

23、u ended their holiday and go back to work. I cant just stay at home and do nothing,” Li said.The drive from Fujian to Hubei usually is 13 hours long, but because of the snowstorm, he spent 31 hours on the road. When arriving in Jingzhou, he went straight to his workplace without rest and took the pl

24、ace of his colleague (同事), who had been working for over 20 hours. He patrolled (巡查) hospitals and other major areas and was on duty for another 30 hours. In his mind, he believed that “we can fight off the virus if we fight together.”Being responsible (有责任心的) as a policeman, Li also tells himself t

25、hat he should plan a more perfect and romantic (浪漫的) wedding for his fiancee (未婚妻), when China wins the battle against COVID-19.29What can we know about Li Qichang from the first paragraph?AHe is a doctor working in Jingzhou.BHe wanted to return to work instead of holding a wedding.CHe stayed at hom

26、e for the whole vacation.DHe flew all the way back to work with his colleagues.30It took Li _ more hours than usual to drive from Fujian to Hubei.A18B13C20D3131According to the end of the story, what could possibly happen afterwards (以后)?AMore policemen would go to Hubei.BWorking hours would become

27、longer.CA heavy snowstorm would come.DLi would hold a romantic wedding.32You can read this passage from _.Aa posterBa novelCa newspaperDa science bookJust the other day, I was in a bookshop and found a book named How to make friends with foreigners. As a Canadian living in China for a year, I wanted

28、 to see the writers ideas on this.One piece of advice really caught my eyes and, I must say, made me feel quite uncomfortable. In the writers opinion (观点), foreigners (外国人) are chances (机会) to improve (提高) a foreign language. For example, whenever you see an American or English, you should practice

29、speaking English with him or her. If a foreigner doesnt want to answer your questions, he or she is an impolite person. And you wouldnt want to spend time with him or her anyway. I think the advice not only is wrong, but also may harm the relationship (关系) between you and foreigners.As a “Lao Wai” l

30、iving in China, I know how lonely one can sometimes feel when living in a different culture (文化). However, I have got used to being here. So far my time in China has been rewarding. I have improved my Chinese language skills (技能), learned about one of the fastest developing (发展中) countries in the wo

31、rld today and made some very close Chinese friends.However, a few Chinese people treat (对待) me only as a chance to improve their oral (口头的) English. Some of them followed me to ask me to teach them English. Some of them gave me articles or speeches, telling me to turn them into English Friendship fo

32、r a lot of foreigners is about spending time with someone they really like. So if there is any advice to give on making and keeping friendship with foreigners, I would say: Treat foreigners as people, not chances. They want to develop friendship by caring for and understanding each other step by ste

33、p, not in a rush. If the only reason you become friends with a foreigner is to improve a new language, then you will probably find that you dont have a foreign friend for long.33According to the book How to make friends with foreigners, _.Ait is impolite to ask a foreigner questionsBit is impolite t

34、o treat a foreigner as a language-learning chanceCit is a waste of time to talk to a foreignerDit is a good chance to practise English with a foreigner34The underlined sentence “So far my time in China has been rewarding.” in Paragraph 3 most probably means _.AI dont like my stay in ChinaBI find my

35、life in China happy and usefulCIve wasted so much time in ChinaDI cant control my time while living in China35In Paragraph 4, the writer uses “Some of them ” twice to show _.Ahis dislike of being a chance for practising EnglishBhis dislike of making friends with foreignersChe enjoys helping people w

36、ith their English learningDhe helped two people with their problems36Whats the purpose (目的) of the passage?ATo share his experience (经验) of making friends.BTo discuss some good ways of learning English.CTo give advice on making friends with foreigners.DTo introduce (介绍) a book about learning English

37、 with foreigners.四、阅读还原5选4During the Jin Dynasty (265 420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was smart and loved to read.He grew up in a poor family and couldnt buy lamp oil (灯油) to study at night.One night, he saw fireflies (萤火虫) outside his house. _37_ He caught some fireflies in a bag and hung

38、 the bag up as a lamp. It is said that he spent all of his summer nights reading like this._38_ One night during winter, Sun Kang used up all of his lamp oil and couldnt study at night. When he woke up at midnight, he saw the snow reflecting (反射) the moonlight outside his house. “_39_” he thought. H

39、e took out his books and read, even though he was cold.Both of these kids later became successful officials. _40_AAnother child named Sun Kang also loved reading.BSo he went out to play with fireflies.CPeople were moved by their hard-working spirit.DI can use the reflected light to read!EThen he cam

40、e up with an idea.五、语法填空Mum and Dad love you and help you all the time. They are the _41_ (importance) people in your life. They are your first _42_ (teacher) in your life.Do you want to get on well with them? Here are four ways _43_ (help) you be happy with your parents.Have fun togetherHow much ti

41、me do you spend just enjoying being with each other? If you go outside to try some sports or go to the movies with them, you _44_ (have) a good time together.Be kindLittle things may bring happiness to your parents. Make a meal for them _45_ (your) and that will make them happy.Ask for helpWhen you

42、are in trouble, you can ask them for help. They will listen to you _46_ (patient) and help you.Have a tryYou dont have to be the best but you need to have a try. They will be _47_ (cheer) to see you have courage to achieve your dream.六、阅读回答问题Sunny English Club For students16:0018:00 Every Saturday 2

43、00 yuan a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3785290Foreign teachers, English songs and films and more!Ocean Museum9:0017:00 From Thursday to Sunday Ticket: 50 yuan132 Xue Yuan StreetTel: 543987Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre 9:0017:3016 Yong Le Street Tel: 3801451Free examinations for tho

44、se over 70. Give you good advice to keep healthy!48Is 200 yuan enough if you want to be a member of the English club for a year?_49How long can you spend in Sunny English Club on Saturdays? _50Where should you visit if you are interested in the life of fish ?_51How much should a 75-year-old man pay

45、to have examinations in Health Centre? _七、多任务混合阅读Do you want to go to New York? Then follow me, please.Traffic is quite convenient in New York. The bus is cheap and the underground is everywhere. You can take (A) _ the bus and the underground with the same card. Whats more, a taxi is faster here.(B) 如果你有足够的时间,为什么不乘出租车呢?There are lots of hotel in New York. Plaza is one of the best and the most expensive hotels. If you prefer to pay less for your stay, there are many smaller hote


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