Unit 3 Careers and skills 单词(ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、1.salary n.薪水【比】pay,salary,wagepay(u.n.):不论工作性质如何,通过各种劳动所得到的报酬。salary:非体力劳动者所得到的“工资”“薪水”,通常按月计算,有时按季或年计算。wage:简单劳动或体力劳动工作者所得“工钱”,通常按周、日、小时计算发给,常用复数形式,但用于名词前时用单数形式。wage earners 工薪族工薪族2.labo(u)r n.1)u.n.体力劳动physical/mental labour 体力/脑力劳动 Labour Day 劳动节2)u.n.【统称】劳动力;劳工skilled labour 熟练工人 3)c.n.【常用复数】【正

2、式用语】辛勤劳动 My labors lasted about two weeks.我连续苦干了两周。v.(辛勤)劳动;苦干 More than 20,000 workers laboured nearly 22 years to complete the Taj Mahal.两万多名工人苦干了近22年才完成泰姬陵。【拓】labo(u)r-saving adj 节省劳力的3.earn v.1)赚得;挣得earn a scholarship 获得奖学金earn money/an income/a fortune 挣钱/收入/大钱My grandpa said last summer they e

3、arned quite a lot by selling the fish.爷爷说去年夏天靠卖鱼挣了不少钱。2)博得;赢得He earned praise for honesty.他因诚实而赢得了赞扬。earn a living/make a living/earn ones living 谋生谋生You are old enough to earn your own living.你已经长大了,可以自谋生路了。【拓】earnings c.n.【pl.】薪水;工资4.attain v.【正式】(经过长时间努力)达到(achieve);得到;取得 attain ones goal 达到目标 Af

4、ter several years of study and practice,he attained fluency in English.经过几年的学习和实践,他的英语达到了流利程度。5.endeavo(u)r n.(新的或艰苦的)努力;尝试请尽全力按时到达。Please _ _ _to arrive on time.v.努力;尽力 endeavor to do sth 竭尽全力做某事 makeeveryendeavour6.passion n.1)c.n.酷爱The English have a passion for gardens.2)u.n.强烈情感His passion for

5、her made him blind to everything else.他钟情于她,达到了不顾一切的地步。7.fond adj.1)喜爱的;爱好的Im fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing.2)【只用于名词前】深情的;温情的a fond look/farewell 慈爱的目光/深情的道别8.anticipate v.1)预期;预料 anticipate doing sthWe dont anticipate any major problems.They did not anticipate seeing such

6、 a beautiful country.Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask.2)期待;期盼(好事)We anticipate hearing from you again.【拓】anticipation u.n.1)他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了些食物。He bought extra food _ _ _ more people coming than hed invited.2)她热切地期盼着罗伯特的到来。She waited _ _ _ _Robert to arrive.我们期待再次收到你们的来信。我们期待再次收到你

7、们的来信。in anticipation of in eager anticipation of 9.superior adj.【无比较级】1)更好的;更胜一筹的Your computer is far superior to mine.你的电脑比我的强多了。2)(职位、地位等)较高的 my superior officer 我的上级军官3)有优越感的;高傲的He always looks so superior.他看上去总是那么有优越感。【反】inferior adj.比不上的10.prejudice n.偏见 be free from prejudice 毫无偏见have a prejud

8、ice against sb 对某人有偏见 v.使抱偏见;使怀成见【拓】prejudiced adj.有偏见的;有成见的;歧视的11.consultant n.顾问;商议者;咨询者【拓】consult v.1)请教;咨询;商量 consult a doctor/lawyer/professor You should consult with your parents about your future plans.2)查阅;参考(refer to)consult a dictionary/map查词典/地图 consultation n.商量;咨询;咨询会He chose his major

9、in consultation with his parents and teachers.(商议)consultations between teachers and parents(磋商)12.receptionist n.接待员【拓】reception n.1)接待;欢迎;反响He got a warm reception from the crowd.他受到了人群的热烈欢迎。2)接待处;前台Please leave your key at the reception desk.3)招待会;宴会;欢迎会a wedding reception 婚宴4)接收效果There was very

10、poor reception on my cell phone.13.respective adj.各自的;分别的【拓】respectively adv.各自地;依次地14.zone n.地区;区域a time zone/an earthquake zone 时区/地震带economic and technological development zones 经济技术开发区comfort zone 舒适区;放松区15.operate v.1)(使)运行;(使)运转Subway trains operate 24 hours a day in New York.纽约的地铁24小时不间断运行小时不

11、间断运行。Can you explain how the machine operates?你能解释一下这台机器是如何运转运转的吗?2)操作;使用 operate a computer 操作计算机This machine is very easy to operate.这台机器非常易于操作易于操作。3)起作用;奏效The medicine began to operate at once.药效立竿见影。4)动手术;开刀Having seen the X-ray,the doctor decided to operate on the patient.看过X光片后,医生决定为病人做手术为病人做手

12、术。5)经营;管理operating costs经营成本operate a restaurant/company 经营餐馆/公司【拓】operation n.1)u.n.运行;运转;操作There are three lifts in operation.有3部电梯在运行在运行。2)经营;运营The new plant is scheduled to go/come into operation in May this year.新工厂计划今年5月投入运营投入运营。3)企业;团体 a huge multinational electronics operation 一家大型跨国电子公司 4)手

13、术 Hes recovering from an operation on his shoulder.5)行动 The police have launched a major operation against drug.警方发起了一场发起了一场大规模的缉毒行动行动。6)(计算机的)运算;操作perform mathematical operations 进行数学运算 put.into operation 实施;使运转;启用Its time to put our plan into operation.现在应该实施我们的计划了。【拓】operator c.n.话务员;操作员;经营者15.hi

14、re v.1)(短期)租用(AmE rent)hire a bike/car/boat 租自行车/汽车/船2)(临时)雇用the power to hire and fire 聘用和解雇的权力She hired some technical experts and started her own company in 2004.2004年她聘请了一些技术专家,开办了自己的公司。hire sb to do sthIll hire a lawyer to handle the case.我将聘请一位律师来处理这一案件。hire out 出租The company hires out cars.这家

15、公司出租小汽车 u.n.租用;雇用let out sth on hire 出租某物cars on/for hire 供租用的汽车16.leadership n.领导才能;领导层;领导(地位)under the leadership of sb/under sbs leadership 在某人的领导下17.weigh up 仔细考虑;权衡We can weigh up the options and try to come to a decision.我们可以权衡一下权衡一下各种选择,试着做出决定。【拓】weigh v.1)v.称的重量He weighed himself on the bath

16、room scales.他在浴室的磅秤上称体重。2)有.重;重【系动词】She weighs 60 kilos.3)认真考虑;权衡We weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved.我们权衡了这个计划的好处和相关的风险。18.receipt n.1)u.n.收到We are in receipt of your letter.2)收据;收条 make out/write a receipt 开收据3)收到的款项;收入【pl.】Keep track of all your receipts and payments.记录你

17、所有的收支情况收支情况。mercial adj.商业的;营利性的;商业化的commercial radio/TV/channels 商业电台/电视/频道commercial value 商业价值The movie was not a commercial success.这部电影票房收入不佳收入不佳。n.商业广告 a radio/TV commercial 广播/电视广告【拓】commerce u.n.商业;贸易(=trade)electronic commerce(e-commerce)电子商务 commercialize v.使商业化;使成为营利手段Some people believe

18、festivals should not be mercialization/commercialisation u.n.商业化20.weekly adv.每周adj.每周的n.周刊21.monthlyadv.每月adj.每月的n.月刊22.budget n.预算(案)a family/monthly budget 家庭/每月预算 within/over budget 在预算之内在预算之内/超出预算超出预算Travellers on a tight budget might prefer to backpack.预算紧张的旅行者可能更喜欢背包游。23.put sth on the line 让

19、某物处于危险之中24.loan n.贷款;借款take out a large loan 贷一大笔款v.借出25.detective n.侦探detective work 调查工作;研究工作26.subjective adj.主观的;个人的【反】objective adj.客观的27.directory n.名录;号码簿a telephone directory 电话号码簿28.plugn.栓;塞子;(电)插头;插座Pull(out)the plug and let the water run away.把塞子拔掉,让水流走。a three-pin plug 三相插头v.塞;堵;用塞住;给接通

20、电源She had to plug holes in her roof in order to keep the rain out.(堵)Plug the keyboard into the computer.plug in(使)插上插头以接通电源29.groundwork u.n.基础工作;准备工作30.premier adj.最著名的;最成功的;第一的premier fashion designers n.首相;总理31.institutev.建立;制定(体系、政策等);开始;实行The new management intends to institute a number of cha

21、nges.(实行)n.机构,机构建筑 art institutes 艺术学院 an institute of technology 理工学院 an institute for research in English teaching 英语教学研究所顶级时装设计师顶级时装设计师32.proportion n.1)比例;份额The proportion of boys to girls in our club is two to one.2)均衡;相称out of proportion to 与.不成比例;和.不相称in proportion to 与.成比例33.qualification n.

22、1)u.n.取得资格;合格the qualification for the World Cup 取得世界杯参赛资格 2)【pl.】(通过考试或学习课程取得的)学历;资格(证明)get/acquire/gain/obtain qualifications 获得资格a business qualification/a qualification in business studies 商科文凭3)【pl.】(胜任工作所需的)资历;资格(条件)She has the qualifications for teaching English./She has the qualifications to

23、 teach English.她有教英语的资格。【拓】qualify v.(使)具有资格;(使)合格qualified adj.有资格的;称职的;具备.的知识(技能、学历等)a qualified dental nurse 合格的牙科护士 He took all kinds of tests to prove he was well qualified for this task.他参加各种各样的测试,以证明自己完全有资格接受这项任务。He isnt qualified to vote.他没有投票资格。34.swing v.(swung,swung)1)(使)摆动;(使)摇摆Its bad m

24、anners to swing your legs while eating.吃饭时晃腿是不礼貌的。2)(使)转动;转弯The door swung open.门开了。3)(使)突然转向;突然转身The bus swung sharply to the left.He swung around to her,spilling his tea without noticing it.4)(挥动某物)朝.打去She swung at the ball but missed.swing into action 立即行动起来;马上大干起来n.【C】摇摆;晃动;秋千35.labeln.标签;标记;(不恰

25、当的)称谓designer labels 设计师品牌;大师品牌put/place a label on a box 在箱子上贴标签v.贴标签于;用标签标明The file was labelled“Top secret”.这份文件上标明“绝密”。36.candidate n.候选人;申请人Please send us all the information about the candidate for the position.37.applicant n.申请人【拓】apply v.申请 apply for sth application n.应用38.prior adj.先前的;早前的

26、prior to 在之前的【拓】priority n.1)优先事项 Education is a top priority.教育是当务之急。2)u.n.优先权Club members will be given priority.俱乐部成员享有优先权。39.profile n.1)轮廓 2)人物简介;概述a company/personal/student profile 公司简介/个人简历/学生档案40.criterion n.标准;准则 pl.criteria 41.shave v.刮/剃(胡须);修剪(shaved,shaved/shaven)shave ones head/the la

27、wn 剃头/修剪草坪 shave off 剃掉;刮去n.刮脸;修面【拓】shaver n.电动剃刀42.refreshed adj.恢复精力的;精神振作的【拓】refresh v.1)使清新;使恢复精力I refreshed myself with a cup of coffee.我喝了杯咖啡提提神。2)刷新;更新 Click here to refresh this document.点击此处以刷新文件。【拓】refreshment n.1)pl.饮料;小食 2)u.n.食物和饮料43.mode n.方式;模式 a mode of transport 交通方式 flight mode 飞行模

28、式44.delay v.延误;推迟(put off)Youll lose your chance if you delay.如果拖延你就会失去机会。My flight was delayed because of the heavy rain.delay doing sthHe delayed telling her the news,waiting for the right moment.n.耽误;延误;推迟Too many orders on 11th November caused a delay in delivery.Please send him the urgent infor

29、mation without delay.45.duration u.n.持续时间;期间for the duration of 在整个.期间;直到.结束46.rude adj.无礼的;粗鲁的(=impolite)【反】politerude remarks/treatment 粗鲁的话/粗暴的对待 in a rude manner 以一种粗鲁的方式You mustnt be rude to teachers.it is rude(of sb)to do sthIn some European countries it is rude to arrive late for dinner.在一些欧洲

30、国家,出席宴会迟到是不礼貌的。【拓】rudely adv.无礼地;粗鲁地47.justify v.证明正当/有理;为辩护;对作出解释How can we justify spending so much money on dinner?我们怎么解释花这么多钱吃饭呢?【拓】justice u.n.1)正义;公正;公道【反】injusticea strong sense of justice 强烈的正义感 treat sb with justice 公平对待某人2)法律制裁;司法 do justice to 恰当处理;公平对待48.relevant adj.有关的;贴切的 relevant exp

31、erience/information 相关经验/信息(be)relevant toThe sharing economy is increasingly relevant to our daily lives as well as to the global economy.【拓】irrelavant adj.无关的 relevance u.n.关联;相关性49.infer v.推断I inferred from his attitude that he didnt like her.【拓】inference 1)u.n.推断;推论 2)推断的结果;结论make inferences 推理;

32、推断50.convey v.1)运送;运输This train conveys both passengers and goods.这列火车既载人又运货。2)表达;传递(思想、感情等)(communicate)convey a message 传达信息If you see James,do convey my apologies to him.convey+that/wh-从句Her letter clearly conveyed that she was determined to go to court over the matter.她在信中清楚表明她决心就此事告上法庭。His musi

33、c conveys how he feels about the world.他的音乐表达了他对世界的感受。51.firm n.(合伙)商行;(小型的)公司(=business/company)electronics/advertising/law firms adj.1)坚硬的;牢固的;稳固的The city walls are as firm as a rock.城墙坚如磐石。Make sure the ladder feels firm before you climb up.爬梯子前要确保它的稳固。2)坚定的;坚决的;强有力的He is firm in his purpose.他意志坚

34、定。Go ahead for a firm goal,and the whole world will let you go!have a firm handshake 握手要坚实有力adv.稳固地;坚定地Please stand firm and hold the handrail.站稳并扶好扶手。Always hold firm to your beliefs.始终要坚持坚持自己的信仰。【拓】firmly adv.坚定地;牢牢地“I can manage,”she said firmly.“我应付得了。”她坚定地说。The woman held her daughter firmly in

35、 her arms.这个女人把女儿紧紧地搂在怀里。52.genuine adj.真的;真诚的;可信赖的a genuine smile 真诚的微笑【拓】genuinely adv.真地;真诚地53.yawnv.打哈欠n.哈欠 give a yawn54.seize v.1)抓住(=grab);逮捕seize sb by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊 seize a thief 抓住小偷2)夺取;占领 seize power 夺权3)抓住;把握(时机等)I will seize the golden chance to go abroad.我会抓住这次绝好的机会出国。4)(情绪)突然侵袭;突然控

36、制I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.seize on/upon 抓住(可利用的事物);突然对大为关注Bob seized on the rain as an excuse for missing school.55.corporate adj.1)公司的;法人的corporate culture/image/plan 公司文化/形象/计划2)共同的;团体的corporate knowledge 集体的智慧【拓】corporation n.大公司/企业;法人56.temporary adj.暂时的;临时的【反】permanenttemporary employment 临时雇用 a temporary job 临时工作【拓】temporarily adv.暂时56.bowling u.n.保龄球运动57.tournament n.锦标赛 tennis tournaments


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