Unit 3 Extended reading Language points (ppt课件)-2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、1.It also contains information that helps determine our lifespan and affects our chances of contracting certain diseases.它(基因组)还包含了有助于决定我们寿命长短它(基因组)还包含了有助于决定我们寿命长短并影响我们患某些疾病概率的信息。并影响我们患某些疾病概率的信息。affect v.1)to produce a change in sb/sth 影响影响How will these changes affect us?这些变化对我们会有什么影响?这些变化对我们会有什么影响

2、?Your opinion will not affect my decision.你的意见不会影响我的决定。你的意见不会影响我的决定。affect v.2)(of a disease)to attack sb or a part of the body;to make sb become ill/sick 侵袭;使感染侵袭;使感染The disease affects one in five women.每五个妇女就有一个人患有这种病。每五个妇女就有一个人患有这种病。These viruses affect children and are highly infectious(传染性的传染性

3、的).这些病毒会侵袭儿童,而且具有很强的传染这些病毒会侵袭儿童,而且具有很强的传染性。性。拓展拓展contract v.1)to get an illness 感染(疾病);得(病)感染(疾病);得(病)The two drugs have also been approved to reduce the risk of contracting the flu.这两种药物也获批可以用来降低感染流感的这两种药物也获批可以用来降低感染流感的风险。风险。Animal health officials say there have been no reports of humans contracti

4、ng the bird flu.动物卫生官员说,目前没有听说有人感染了动物卫生官员说,目前没有听说有人感染了禽流感。禽流感。contract v.2)to make a legal agreement to work for sb or provide them with a service 订立订立的合同(或契约)的合同(或契约)You can contract with us to deliver your cargo(货物货物).你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们的货物。的货物。contract n.an official written

5、 agreement 合同;合约;契约合同;合约;契约Under the terms of the contract the job should have been finished yesterday.根据合同的条款,这项工作本应于昨天完成。根据合同的条款,这项工作本应于昨天完成。拓展拓展Translation.1.电视对孩子的行为有影响吗?电视对孩子的行为有影响吗?Does television affect childrens behaviour?2.Why the animals have contracted the disease remains unclear.这些动物感染这种

6、病的原因仍然不清楚。这些动物感染这种病的原因仍然不清楚。Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。Analysis of difficult sentences2.Geneticists have been trying to identify which genes rela

7、te to which diseases,as they believe genome editing is an effective means of disease treatment and prevention.遗传学家一直试图找出哪些基因与哪些疾病有关,遗传学家一直试图找出哪些基因与哪些疾病有关,因为他们认为基因组编辑是治疗和预防疾病的一种因为他们认为基因组编辑是治疗和预防疾病的一种有效手段。有效手段。identify v.to find or discover sb/sth 找到;发现找到;发现relate toto be connected with sth/sb;to refe

8、r to sth/sb 涉及;与涉及;与相关;谈到相关;谈到We shall discuss the problem as it relates to our specific case.我们应针对我们的具体情况来讨论这个问题。我们应针对我们的具体情况来讨论这个问题。The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland.第二段谈到苏格兰的形势。第二段谈到苏格兰的形势。means n.an action,an object or a system by which a result is achieved;a way of achie

9、ving or doing sth 方式;方法;途径方式;方法;途径Television is an effective means of communication.电视是一种有效的通信手段。电视是一种有效的通信手段。Is there any means of contacting him?有没有什么办法和他取得联系?有没有什么办法和他取得联系?3.As the technology continues to develop at a fast pace,however,questions arise about how to use it appropriately.然而,随着这一技术不断

10、迅猛发展,出现了如然而,随着这一技术不断迅猛发展,出现了如何合理使用它的问题。何合理使用它的问题。at a fast pace快速快速Social media continues to grow at a fast pace.社交媒体继续快速增长。社交媒体继续快速增长。Since the middle of the 20th century,modern tourism has been growing at a fast pace around the world.2020世纪中叶以来,现代旅游在世界范围迅速兴世纪中叶以来,现代旅游在世界范围迅速兴起。起。arise v.1)(especia

11、lly of a problem or a difficult situation)to happen;to start to exist 发生;产生;出现发生;产生;出现A new crisis has arisen.新危机已经出现。新危机已经出现。We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。arise v.2)to happen as a result of a particular situation(由(由)引起;(因)引起;(因)产生)产生Emotional or

12、 mental problems can arise from/out of a physical cause.身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。Many diseases arise from what people really dont know about in their daily life.许多疾病是由人们在日常生活中不了解的东西许多疾病是由人们在日常生活中不了解的东西引起的。引起的。拓展拓展1.I am glad to see China developing at a fast pace into the future.我很高兴地

13、看到中国正以快速发展的姿态我很高兴地看到中国正以快速发展的姿态走向未来。走向未来。2.这个问题首次出现在这个问题首次出现在20202020年。年。The problem first arose in 2020.Translation.4.Should we prohibit geneticists from using it to enhance healthy bodies?我们是否应该禁止遗传学家使用它(基因组编我们是否应该禁止遗传学家使用它(基因组编辑技术)来使健康的身体更加强健?辑技术)来使健康的身体更加强健?prohibit.from doing.禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 The

14、 law prohibits people from hunting animals in this area.法律禁止人们在该地区狩猎。法律禁止人们在该地区狩猎。Students are prohibited from smoking on campus.学生不准在校内吸烟。学生不准在校内吸烟。5.Philosophers,geneticists and government officials have all started to wrestle with such moral issues.哲学家、遗传学家和政府官员都已开始全力解哲学家、遗传学家和政府官员都已开始全力解决这样的道德问题

15、。决这样的道德问题。wrestle withto struggle to deal with sth that is difficult 努力处理;全力解决努力处理;全力解决 She helped me solve the problem I had been wrestling with for weeks.她帮我解决了这个我好几个星期都在努力解决她帮我解决了这个我好几个星期都在努力解决的问题。的问题。We must wrestle with the problem.我们必须尽全力解决该问题。我们必须尽全力解决该问题。6.Without doubt,genome editing is one

16、 of the greatest innovations in the history of science.毫无疑问,基因组编辑是科学史上最伟大的创毫无疑问,基因组编辑是科学史上最伟大的创新之一。新之一。without doubtused when you are giving your opinion and emphasizing the point that you are making 毫无疑问;的确毫无疑问;的确 This meeting has been,without doubt,one of the most useful we have had so far.这无疑是我们迄

17、今为止最有用的一次会议。这无疑是我们迄今为止最有用的一次会议。We have to say bike sharing brings us more convenience without doubt.我们不得不说共享自行车无疑给我们带来了我们不得不说共享自行车无疑给我们带来了更多的便利。更多的便利。1.relate to 2.at a fast pace3.arise from/out of4.prohibit sb from doing sth5.wrestle with6.without doubt 涉及;与涉及;与相关;谈相关;谈到到快速快速(由(由)引起;)引起;(因(因)产生)产生禁

18、止某人做某事禁止某人做某事努力处理,全力解决努力处理,全力解决 毫无疑问,的确毫无疑问,的确Individual activity注注:另附另附 word word 文档。文档。点击此处链接点击此处链接I.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.affect contract identify means ariserelate to at a fast pace1.They are trying to _ what is wrong with the present

19、 system.2.An unhappy home environment can _ a childs growth.3.I am confident that new opportunities will _ and that you will ultimately achieve your ambition.4.Success of a man directly _ the choice made by himself.identifyaffectariserelates to affect contract identify means ariserelate to at a fast

20、 pace5.Business runs _ so I need to run to keep up.6.This is a two-year course taught by _ of lectures and seminars(研讨会研讨会).7.Paul _ a rare disease while exploring the rainforests of South America.at a fast pacemeanscontractedII.Translation.The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from takin

21、g up this sport.1.昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。昂贵的装备令许多人对这项运动望而却步。(prohibit sb from doing sth)I spent two hours wrestling with my maths homework.2.我花了两个小时绞尽脑汁地做数学作业。我花了两个小时绞尽脑汁地做数学作业。(wrestle with)3.毫无疑问毫无疑问,她是该校最优秀的教师之一。,她是该校最优秀的教师之一。(without doubt)Without doubt,she is one of the best teachers in the school.Do you know the meanings of the following words and phrases?Can you use them correctly?affect contract identify means ariserelate to at a fast paceprohibit sb from doing sth wrestle with without doubt


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