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1、Unit 1 Nature in the balanceDo you know any other kinds of environmental issues?air pollutionhabitat losssoil pollutionlight pollutionglobal warmingnoise pollutionoverfishingdeforestationSandstorm沙尘暴 Agricultural Chemicals农药Smog烟雾 雾霾 Noise噪音 Global Warming全球变暖Subhealthy亚健康What does the pollution bri

2、ng us?Prediction2 Step Prediction2 Step There are four people in the TV showHostJulie ArcherrJames SmithVincent BrownA local residentSenior manager of a local factoryHead of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee TV showReadingStrategy 在采访类的文章中,采访者通常会在首段介绍采访的主题、受访者的姓名以及职业等。因此,要仔细阅读采访类文章的首段内容

3、,并根据采访的主题猜测受访者的观点。采访采取一问一答的形式展开。要先认真阅读采访者提出的问题,再阅读受访者的回答。在阅读采访类文章的时候,透彻理解采访者的问题有助于更好地理解采访话题。1.Whatsthetopicofthepassage?2.Whatsthetexttypeofthepassage?Watch and answerPollution in Norgate.A.Narration(记叙文)B.Argumentative Essay(议论文)C.Expository Writing(说明文)D.TV showWhereisthepassageprobablytakenfrom?A

4、.ATVinterviewprogrammeonpollution.B.Amagazineaboutenvironmentalpollution.C.Anewspaperaboutinvestigationexperiment.D.AtraveljournalaboutNorgate.ScantheTVpassageandchoosethebestanswer.A日记,期刊,日志关于调查实验的报纸关于污染的电视采访节目关于环境污染的杂志AppreciationWhats the style of this TV show transcript?What is the function of t

5、his style?It is organized in the form of a conversation.Each person expresses his or her opinion in turn.The host makes the decision who will be talking.AppreciationRead the hosts words listed below and explore their functions.Mr Smith protested against heavy industry.A former UN official once said.

6、Its our duty to build a human community with a shared future.Mr Smith,youve lived in this city for over 20 years.How would you describe the effects of pollution over that time?Introduce the topic Introduce the guests Invite the guest to talk Summarize the guests opinionMake a conclusionSummarize the

7、 guests opinionMake a conclusionInvite the guest to talkMr Brown,would you like to respond?Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith,a local resident:Vincent Brown,senior manager of a local factory;and Julie Archer,chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee.Mrs Archer,what are yo

8、ur thoughts on how to deal with pollution?Our topic today is pollution in Norgate.Introduce the topic Introduce the guests Invite the guest to talk Summarize the guests opinionMake a conclusionInvite the guest to talkInvite the guest to talkIntroduce the guestsIntroduce the topic1.local resident2.di

9、rty and smelly3.a smoky grey4.get rid of5.protest against6.connect.with.7.irresponsible businessmen8.make huge profits9.in defence of1.当地居民当地居民2.又脏又臭又脏又臭3.烟灰色烟灰色4.摆脱摆脱5.抗议抗议6.把把.与与.联系起来联系起来7.不负责任的商人不负责任的商人8.获得巨大利润获得巨大利润9.为了维护为了维护.10.point out 11.be deeply concerned about12.take various measures13.in

10、 the production process14.raise production costs15.draw ones attention to16.economic benefits/development10.指出指出11.对对.深表关切深表关切12.采取各种措施采取各种措施13.在生产过程中在生产过程中14.增加生产成本增加生产成本15.引起某人关注引起某人关注.16.经济利益经济利益/发展发展17.achieve a balance between.and.18.make policies for sb to observe19.work hand in hand with.20.i

11、n an environmentally friendly way21.a community-wide effort22.follow the golden rule17.在在.和和.实现平衡实现平衡18.制定政策供某人遵守制定政策供某人遵守19.与与.一起努力一起努力20.以对环境友好的方式以对环境友好的方式21.全社会通力协作全社会通力协作22.遵守黄金法则遵守黄金法则23.lift people out of poverty24.advance economic growth25.one and the same fight26.aim for.27.a shared future23

12、.让人们摆脱贫困让人们摆脱贫困24.推动经济增长推动经济增长25.同一场战斗同一场战斗26.以以.为目标为目标27.共同的未来共同的未来正重要的事情上我们通常看法一致。We usually_ on the things_.HOST:Good evening and welcome to News that Matters.Our topic today is pollution in Norgate.Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith,a local resident;Vincent Brown,senior manager of

13、a local factory;and Julie Archer,chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee.Welcome.主持人:晚上好,欢迎收看焦点新闻。我们今天的话题是诺盖特市的污染。今晚来到我们演播室的有本地居民詹姆斯史密斯、本地一家工厂的高管文森特布朗,还有诺盖特环境保护委员会的负责人朱莉阿彻。欢迎你们。有时为了强调,可将谓语部分的现在分词或过去分词置于句首,从而构成全部倒装。窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。站在教室前面的是我们的数学老师。完全倒装的基本形式是“谓语+主语”,主要涉及以下几种类型:1、her

14、e类当表示地点的here和 there位于句首时,其后用完全倒装形式。这类倒装句的谓语通常是动词be和come,go等表示移动或动态的不及物动词。如:Heres Tom.Here comes the bus.There goes the bell.There goes the last train.这类倒装句的主语只能是名词,若主语为代词,则不能倒装。如:Here it comes.它来了。完全倒装2、away类副词away,down,in,off,out,over,round,up 等位于句首时,其后也用完全倒装语序。这类倒装句的谓语通常表示动态的不及物动词。如:Away went the

15、runners.Round and round flew the plane.The door opened and in came Mr Smith.Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas.这类倒装句的主语也只能是名词,若主语为代词,则不用倒装。如:Away he went.他跑远了。Down it came.它掉了下来。3、状语或表语类为了保持句子平衡或使上下文衔接紧密,有时可将状语或表语置于句首,句中主语和谓语完全倒装。如:Among these people was his friend Jim.On the table sat a l

16、ittle bird.在表语置于句首的这类倒装结构中,要注意其中的谓语应与其后的主语保持一致,而不是与位于句首的表语保持一致。比较:In the box was a cat.In the box were some cats.4、非谓语动词类有时为了强调,可将谓语部分的现在分词、过去分词或不定式置于句首,从而构成倒装。如:Standing beside the table was his wife.Buried in the sands was an ancient village.To be carefully considered are the following questions.【

17、学法点拨】【学法点拨】在倒装结构中,当主语是代词时,主谓一般不用倒装。在倒装结构中,当主语是代词时,主谓一般不用倒装。单句语法填空单句语法填空 _(bury)in the sands was an ancient village.East of the city _(lie)our beautiful school,in which there are many flowers and trees.完成句子完成句子 _(出席会议的)(出席会议的)scientists from all over the world.Once upon a time there _(有个名医)有个名医)known

18、 by the name of Hua Tuo.Buried lies Present at the meeting werelived a famous doctor Look at the little dog!_(它跑过来了)(它跑过来了).At the school gate _(坐着一位老太坐着一位老太太太),waiting to see her grandson.年终颁奖典礼终于来临了。年终颁奖典礼终于来临了。Then _ at the end of the year.中国和美国的高等教育有很多不同。中国和美国的高等教育有很多不同。There _ in higher educati

19、on between China and America.Here it runssat an old womancame the final awards ceremonyexist many differenceshttps:/ HOST:Good evening and welcome to News that Matters.Our topic today is pollution in Norgate.Joining us in the studio tonight are James Smith,a local resident;Vincent Brown,senior manag

20、er of a local factory;and Julie Archer,chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee.Wmitee n.委员会1.The committee _(consist 由组成)of 11 members成员.2.The committee_(discuss 讨论)the solution解决办法 to air pollution now.consists are discussing集体名词做主语时,如果侧重整体整体,谓语动词用单数形式单数形式。如果侧重个体成员个体成员,谓语动词用复数形式复数形式

21、。常见的集体名词有:class、crew、company、group、family、government、audience.2.The smog in the air has colored the sky a smoky grey;its also given me a cough that I cant get rid of.smog n.雾霾,烟雾 缩合构词法:由 smoke和fog两个词各取一部分缩合而成的一个新词。brunch=breakfast+lunh 早午餐 motel=motor+hotel 汽车旅馆get rid of 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉be rid of sth./sb.摆

22、脱某人/某事物 (rid adj.)rid sb./sth.of sb./sth.(formal)去除,清除(rid v.)https:/ smog in the air has colored the sky a smoky grey;its also given me a cough that I cant get rid of.l*(2020天津高考)Thanks to the Silence Machine,a British invention,you can get rid of the sound without upsetting the boy or his parents.

23、l多亏了英国发明的静音机,你可以在不打扰男孩或他的父母的情况下消除声音。l*Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.l进一步的措施将被采取来防止街头犯罪。l*He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.l他想把秘密说出来,让自己得到解脱。(1)Its time we _the drawback of the electronic product.该是我们除去这一电子产品的缺点的时候了。(2)To _,I suggest you eat some sugar

24、s and fruit to remove your attention.为了戒烟,我建议你吃一点糖和水果来转移你的注意力。(3)Now the air pollution is so serious that we have to make up our minds to _ this harmful haze.现在空气污染如此严重,我们得下决心清除这害人的雾霾。get rid of smokinggot rid ofget rid of2.get rid of 摆脱摆脱,丢弃,扔掉丢弃,扔掉【用法归纳】【用法归纳】rid.of 使使摆脱或除去摆脱或除去 rid oneself of deb

25、t 还清债务还清债务 be rid of 摆脱摆脱拓展:其他接拓展:其他接of的动词的动词warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事通知某人某事remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事提醒某人某事cure sb.of sth.医好某人的病医好某人的病【例句研读】【例句研读】You should get rid of the bad habits.你应该改掉坏习惯。你应该改掉坏习惯。Its time we got rid of all these old toys.我们该把这些旧玩

26、具全部丢掉了。我们该把这些旧玩具全部丢掉了。I cant get rid of this cough.我咳嗽老是不好。我咳嗽老是不好。She is trying to rid herself of a dependence on drugs.她在努力摆脱对药品的依赖。她在努力摆脱对药品的依赖。【即时演练】【即时演练】单句语法填空单句语法填空Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world _ hunger.完成句子完成句子我们必须想尽一切办法去除污染。我们必须想尽一切办法去除污染。We mus

27、t try every measure to _.ofrid pollutionprotest v.(about/aganist/at sth)(公开)反对;抵抗;坚决地表示,申辩=make a protest against.对.提出抗议(2)without protest 心甘情愿地 under protest 不情愿地,极不乐意地*Some consumers protested about the bad service in the shop.一些消费者对商店服务质量提出了抗议。*The protests became more violent and many people wer

28、e panicked into leaving the country.抗议变得更加激烈,吓得许多人离开了那个国家。1.Theres no use _(protest).I wont change my mind.2.Students took to the streets to protest _ the decision.3.She has always protested her _.(innocent)4.Ben accepted his punishment _.https:/ businessmen eager to make huge profits.profit n.&v.利润

29、;收益;(得到)好处 make/earn a profit 盈利 A profit B=B profit from A A使B获益 profitable adj.有利可图的;有益的They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.他们毫不费力地卖掉了它,得到了一笔可观的利润。Profit will most likely have risen by about$25 million.利润将极有可能增长约2500万美元。【即时演练】写出句中 profit的含义I think it will profit you nothing to follow his e

30、xample._On the basis of our sales forecasts,we may begin to make a profit next year._I like reading each day for profit and pleasure._Im sure that all of you will profit from this special experience._单句语法填空You can profit _ listening to a wise man.We can make _ profit from what you said.对有用/好处利润,收益好处

31、,益处获益froma My brother told me that the earth is round.林涛觉得电视节目很无聊。林涛觉得电视节目很无聊。我哥哥告诉我地球是圆的。我哥哥告诉我地球是圆的。Lin Tao thought that the TV play was very boring.我认为你是对的。我认为你是对的。I think that you are right.His father died the year(that)he was born.He is the man(whom/that)I saw yesterday.他父亲在他出生那年逝世了。他父亲在他出生那年逝世

32、了。1.In defence of the factories,however,Id like to point out that we also try to control the amount of pollution we produce.that 引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句状语状语定语从句,省略定语从句,省略that他就是我昨天见的那个人。他就是我昨天见的那个人。然而,为给工厂辩护,我想指出,我们也在努力控制我们然而,为给工厂辩护,我想指出,我们也在努力控制我们制造的污染量。制造的污染量。in defence of 捍卫捍卫;为;为公开辩护公开辩护 5.In defence of

33、the factories,however,Id like to point out that we also try to control the amount of pollution we produce.defence n.防御,保护;防守;辩护;国防 in defence of/in ones defence 为辩护;保卫defend v.保卫;防守;辩护;维护defend against/from 保卫免受defensive adj.防御的;保护的;有戒心的defence works 防御工事 defence lawyer 辩护律师What points can be raised

34、 in defence of this argument?有什么论点能提出来为这个说法辩护呢?They fought in defence of their country.他们为保卫祖国而战。【即时演练】单句语法填空 They were fighting like lions in defence _ their homeland.As a famous politician once said,attack is the best method of _(defend).The PLA defends our motherland _ being attacked.ofdefence ag

35、ainst1.They were fighting like lions _ their homeland.2.He was placed _the department.3.Many countries are _vaccine against COVID-19.4.While listening to others,you can nod your head to show you are _ the idea.5._ great effort,we failed to carry out the plan at last.6.In such urgent situation,physic

36、ians assistants are being used _ doctors.7.She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially _ an accident.句中的even though意为“即使,尽管”,用来引导让步状语从句,even though可用even if替换。易混辨析even if/though,as if/though even if/though表示“即使,尽管”,引导让步状语。as if/though表示“似乎,好像”,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。The Government set up a worki

37、ng party to look into the problem.政府成立了工作组调查那个问题。政府成立了工作组调查那个问题。医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命。医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命。Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man.My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,even though hes in his nineties.Even though he earns a lot of money,hes still not happy.我爷

38、爷即使我爷爷即使90多了,仍旧不时打打网球。多了,仍旧不时打打网球。Weve been taking various measures,including the use of new technologies,to reduce pollution in the production process,even though these measures raise our production costs.不定式作目的状语不定式作目的状语插入语插入语even though引导的引导的让步状语从句让步状语从句尽管他挣很多钱,他仍然不快乐。尽管他挣很多钱,他仍然不快乐。我们一直在采取各种措施,包

39、括使用新技术来减少生产过程中的我们一直在采取各种措施,包括使用新技术来减少生产过程中的污染,尽管这些措施增加了我们的生产成本。污染,尽管这些措施增加了我们的生产成本。takemeasures to do sth 采取采取措施做某事措施做某事https:/ Weve been taking various measures,including the use of new technologies,to reduce pollution in the production process,even though these measures raise our production costs.

40、引导让步状语从句,可用evenif替换句意:我们一直在采取各种措施,包括使用新技术,以减少生产过程中的污染,尽管这些措施提高了我们的生产成本。例:1.尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。He went out _ it was raining.2.我们彼此非常了解,虽然有时候也有一些分歧。We thoroughly understand each other,_ we dont always agree.eventhoughevenif/eventhoughhttps:/ if/though;as if/though)。1.They treat me _ I were a stranger.2.I wi

41、ll not go to her birthday party _ I am invited.3.He talks about Rome _ he had been there himself.asif/thoughevenif/thoughasthough/asif5 process n.C进程,过程 vt.加工,处理【用法归纳】in the process of(doing)sth.在(做)某事的过程中in the process同时,在过程中in process 在进行中【例句研读】Were in the process of selling our old furniture.我们正在

42、出售自家的旧家具。I stood up to say hello and spilled my drink in the process.我站起来打招呼时把饮料弄洒了。Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.我们买的大部分食品都用某种方式加工过。【即时演练】单句语法填空 Im afraid getting things changed will be _ slow process.All the information was then ready _(process)into film negatives.Care of the so

43、ul is a gradual process _which even the small details of life should be considered.More than 100 applications for travel visas have to be _(process).ato be processedinprocessed翻译 研究表明左右耳处理声音不一样。Studies have shown that the right and left ear process sound differently.3.With pollution levels on the ri

44、se.随着污染水平的上升随着污染水平的上升【句式分析】【句式分析】本句中本句中“with+n.+介词短语介词短语”为为with复合结构,在句中常作状语、复合结构,在句中常作状语、定语等。定语等。【with复合结构】复合结构】形容词形容词/副词副词/介词短语介词短语(表示状态)表示状态)现在分词(表示主动意义,强调动作现在分词(表示主动意义,强调动作 正在进行正在进行 with+n./pron.+宾补宾补+过去分词过去分词(表示被动意义,强调动作的表示被动意义,强调动作的 完成完成 不定式不定式(表示尚未发生的动作表示尚未发生的动作)例:例:She came to a river with gr

45、een grass and red flowers on both sides.她来到了一个两边长着红花绿草的小河边。她来到了一个两边长着红花绿草的小河边。例:例:With the boy leading the way,we had no difficulty in finding his home.有这个男孩带路,我们找到他家没有困难。有这个男孩带路,我们找到他家没有困难。With the key lost,he had to wait outside the door.由于钥匙丢了,他只好在门外等。由于钥匙丢了,他只好在门外等。With so much work to do,I have

46、 no time for a holiday.有那么多工作要做,我没有时间去度假。有那么多工作要做,我没有时间去度假。单句语法填空单句语法填空 With a lot of difficult problems _(settle),the manager felt worried all the time.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _(finish),he gladly accepted it.The day was bright,with a fresh breeze _(blow).I sat in my

47、room for a few minutes with my eyes _(fix)on the ceiling.With all the work _(do),I wont have time to go out.完成句子完成句子这个男孩低着头站在那儿。这个男孩低着头站在那儿。The boy stood there _.to settle finishedblowingfixedto dowith his head downwith 的复合结构是一种很有用的表达方式,经常用在句中表状态或者说明背景情况,常做伴随、方式、条件、原因状语。1.The man was walking in the

48、street,with a book _.(在胳膊下)2.With this problem _(解决了),the vaccine is now in regular production.3.He felt more uneasy with all the classmates _(盯着他看).1.So in the afternoon,with nothing _(do),I went to a store.2.Now that weve discussed the issue,are people happy with the dicision_(take)?3.With the _(p

49、roduct)up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.4.The day in March is bright,with a fresh breeze _(blow).5.She had to walk home with her bike _(steal).6.He wondered if he could slide out of the lecture hall without anyone _(notice)him.单句语法填空 With a lot of difficult problems _(settle),the

50、 manager felt worried all the time.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work _(finish),he gladly accepted it.The day was bright,with a fresh breeze _(blow).I sat in my room for a few minutes with my eyes _(fix)on the ceiling.With all the work _(do),I wont have time to go out.这个男孩低着头站在那


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