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1、2023年福建省漳州市中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、未知1Using air conditioners less is _ good way to save energy.AaBanCthe2Whats your favorite _?Spring.AcolorBseasonCsubject3The film Full River Red was first shown _ January 22nd, 2023.AinBatCon4Jim, do you have a red pen?No, but I have a blue _.AitBthatCone5Red tou

2、rism is becoming a hot travel topic.So it is. Chinese history _ more and more people.Ais compared withBis popular withCis filled with6Mom, can I ride an e-bicycle to school?No. You _ do it until you are 16, according to the law.AcouldntBneedntCmustnt7My friend helps to bring out the best in me _ we

3、have disagreements sometimes.AalthoughBsinceCbecause8People in the north of China are used to _ paper-cut on their windows.Aputting upBputting awayCputting on9Be as happy as you can only then can you _ happiness to others.AsellBlendCspread10If we keep trying to smile at someone, sooner or later, the

4、y _ back.AsmileBwill smileCsmiled11Have you used the shared-umbrellas in your school?Yes. We can use them freely, but we must bring them back _.Ain silenceBin timeCin surprise12Kids _ to help their parents to do some housework now.ArequireBwere requiredCare required13Theres no doubt _ China is a saf

5、e place to live.AifBthatCwhether14Its said that the 19th Asian Games will be held in 2023. Do you know _?Yes. In Hangzhou, China.Awhere it will be heldBwhen it will be heldChow it will be held15The West Lake Park in Zhangzhou _ was completed last year has become a new tourist attraction.AwhichBwhoCw

6、hom阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。One day in 2009the year I moved to ChinaI saw a man digging through the dustbin outside my building. What was he doing?I found out later that he was just _ things to recycle. It made me remember _ that I used to do back in collegedumpster diving (垃圾寻宝).“Dum

7、pster diving” means searching the dustbins for _ things. These things can be anything from food to clothing and even expensive electronics. For example, almost every _ in a supermarket has a “shelf life (保存期)”. Once it reaches its shelf life, it must be thrown away, even if its _ in good condition.

8、So sometimes, we would _ until the supermarket workers would throw away expired (过期的) fruit or other food and take it for ourselves. We did this because college kids in the US usually dont have much _. We have to pay for things _ tuition (学费) and day-to-day living costs. Our parents do give us some

9、help_ when were on our own, we have to work part-time jobs or find other ways to get by.Sometimes I helped the divers _. I used to work at a pizza place part-time when I was in college. Each night, when the restaurant closed, we would sometimes have leftover (剩余) pizza. I would take the leftover piz

10、za outside and put it somewhere so that my friends could take it later.16Aasking forBlooking forCleaving for17AsomethingBanythingCnothing18AawfulBcolorfulCuseful19AshelfBpriceCproduct20AstillBjustCalready21AriseBwaitCarrive22AtimeBmoneyCenergy23AlikeBwithCabout24AorBsoCbut25AmyselfBitselfCyourselfAG

11、REENTREE TOWN FUNEATRBring your kids and have fun!Time: 5 DecemberPlace: Open field between Greentree Train Station and Evergreen MallEvents: In the morning9:00Magic Show10:00Tell-a-Story Competition(for children between 5 and 9 years old)11:00Food FestivalIn the afternoon2:00Balloon Twisting Show3:

12、00Art and Craft Competition(for children between 5 and 7 years old)4:00Relay Race (for families2 adults and 2 children)5:00Cross-word CompetitionA FREE goody bag for every childPrizes: A $50, $30 and $10 book voucher (代金券) for the first, second and third prizes respectively (分别地) for each competitio

13、n26Where will the funfair be held?AIn an art center.BIn Evergreen Mall.CIn an open field.DIn Greentree. Train Station.27When will the cross-word competition start?AAt 2:00 p.m.BAt 3:00 p.m.CAt 4:00 p.m.DAt 5:00 p.m.28If Mark is free at 11:00 a.m., which activity can he take part in?AMagic Show.BFood

14、 Festival.CRelay Race.DTell-n-Story Competition.29What prizes will the winners of each competition receive?AMoney.BArt works.CBalloons.DBook vouchers.30The text is probably written for _.AparentsBteachersCfarmersDdoctorsOne April morning, my father died from a bad heart trouble, at age 68. The whole

15、 family: was shocked by his passing, none more than me. I went to that old house on a day shortly after my fathers death. It was as though it were calling; even the trees seemed to be an invitation to come, to visit, to stay a while.As I stood once again on that old floor, my eye was drawn to some p

16、apers on the floor. An envelope, yellowed with age, lay on top. A blue stamp on the envelope read “Passed by Naval Censor.” How could I have missed this envelope? My father had served aboard the USS Washington during World War II and had written home whenever he could. My grandmother saved all of hi

17、s letters.I removed one letter carefully from its envelope. It was dated September 1944. I studied the familiar (熟悉的) words. Dad wondered how the farming was and how his uncles new team of horses was working out. He supposed that his youngest brother was starting first grade. He asked his mother to

18、greet everyone and said that he missed them all.It wasnt hard to read between the lines. Here was a homesick young man, a kid really, who had grown up on grass. Now he was on a different kind of sea, taking part in the war. At the bottom of the page, my father had passed on one last message. Tears b

19、urned my eyes as I read those words he had so carefully written: “All is well here. Please dont worry. I am doing fine.”As I left the old house that day, I took one last look back at it over my shoulder. I dont care what anyone thinks, I decided. That old house gets to stay there until it rots (腐烂)

20、into the earth.31Why did the writer go into the old house?ABecause he missed his father.BBecause he needed somewhere to rest.CBecause he wanted to rebuild the house.DBecause he wanted to take something away.32Which picture can show the meaning of the word “envelope” in Paragraph 2?ABCD33To whom was

21、the letter written?AThe writers motherBThe writers children.CThe writers uncle.DThe writers grandmother.34What did the writers father want to know about in his letter?AWhether his old house was sold to others.BWho was taking care of his father and mother.CWhether his youngest brother was going to fi

22、rst grade.DHow his fathers new team of horses was working out.35Which of the following can best describe the writers father?ACaring.BCreative.CHumorous.DHonest.Type in “A cat wants to go to space” and ask the robot to write a bedtime story. Just one second later, youll get the story of Max, who got

23、over many difficulties to sing among the stars.This robot writer is called ChatGPT. US company OpenAI developed it. The technology chats in a conversational way, answering questions from the Internet user. It can translate languages, talk with people and write songs, poems and even jokes. Its one of

24、 the most powerful AI robots of its kind.The power of ChatGPT lies in its speed and understanding of complicated (复杂的) matters. We may spend hours researching, understanding and writing an article on the theory of evolution (进化论). But ChatGPT can produce a. well-written one in seconds. Another good

25、thing about it is that if you ask dark, harmful questions, for example, how to make weapons (武器), it will not give-you an answer.However, ChatGPT also brings some problems, The materials (材料) they create are difficult to tell from those made by humans. This causes many problems, such as the copyrigh

26、t (版权) problem and the definition (定义) of art. It could also result in many translators and writers losing their jobs or being paid much less, as their skills are no longer something companies need.Its too soon to say what kind of influence ChatGPT will have on our lives. Lets hope that, if ChatGPT

27、does become bigger and more popular, its effects are mostly positive.36The cat story in Paragraph I was written to _.Aintroduce a brave catBshow what ChatGPT can doCintroduce some booksDshow how robots read stories37What do we know about ChatGPT?AIt can only write songs.BIt can do a lot of work in s

28、pace.CIt can give an answer to any question.DIt can chat with the Internet user.38What does the underlined word “one” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指代)?AAn article.BA poem.CA joke.DA story.39Whats Paragraph 4 mainly about?AThe future of ChatGPT.BThe advantages of ChatGPT.CThe disadvantages of ChatGPTDThe

29、 development of ChatGPT.40What can be the best title for the text?AA Bedtime Story by AIBSuperfast Writing RobotCGood Things AI Can DoDCare-providing RobotThe Nile River is the longest river in the world. Its called “Father of African Rivers”. The Nile River was important to survival (生存) in ancient

30、 Egypt.Egyptian people depended heavily on the river for drinking and bathing. The Nile was also an important transportation route (路线). Traders traveled along the river. They transported objects to other areas. Fishermen used the Nile to catch fish for food. Workers moved stones and other things fo

31、r making pyramids (金字塔).The ancient Egyptians created inventive ways of using the river. One important invention, still used today, is the “shaduf”. This was designed to get water from the river and move it so the water could be used on land to help the crops grow.In ancient Egypt, the Nile River fl

32、ooding wasnt considered a natural disaster (灾难). Not only did the flooding help water crops, but it also deposited (沉淀) rich soil along the banks of the Nile. The soil was used to grow crops to feed the ancient Egyptians. The flooding of the Nile also helped ancient Egyptians survive by providing sh

33、elter. When the Nile flooded, it left behind rich soil, as well as mud. The ancient Egyptians used this mud to build mud-brick houses.Apart from the river, Egyptians also depended on the “red land”. This was the red desert where nothing grew. It protected the people of ancient Egypt by separating th

34、e country from neighboring countries and invading (入侵) armies. The “red land” was rich in valuable metals and gems (宝石).41Ancient Egyptians invented the “shaduf” to _.Acatch fishBgo boatingCmake pyramidsDwater crops42Which of the following might happen after the flooding in ancient Egypt?AFarmers wo

35、uld get poor harvest.BThe crops would grow faster and better.CMore traders would travel along the river.DPeople would be sad because of the disaster.43Ancient Egyptians depended on the “red land” because _.Ait provided them with foodBit provided shelters for themCit protected them from enemiesDit wa

36、s an important transportation route44Whats the text mainly about?AHow did ancient Egyptians survive?BWhy did ancient Egyptians live a hard life?CWhat language did ancient Egyptians speak?DHow did ancient Egyptians build the pyramid?45In which section of a magazine can you read the text?AShort Storie

37、sBDaily LifeCHistory & CultureDMath & ScienceHave you ever visited the Earth Building? In the western part of Fujian province, there are groups of earth buildings. They are mainly built by the Hakka people of Fujian, so they have been considered as symbols of Hakka culture. _46_Hakka Earth Building

38、is famous for its long history, unusual style and smart structure (结构). _47_ They are built on the flat place between mountains and hills. For most buildings, they face south with rivers on the left, roads on the right, ponds in the front and hills at the back. _48_The buildings are built for defens

39、ive (防御性的) purpose at the first place. Walls are as thick as one to two meters. There are no windows in the first and second story. To prevent from fire accidents, there is water and sand inside the buildings. _49_ These buildings are so amazing that they were inscribed on the World Heritage List (世

40、界遗产名录) in 2008.Today, the earth buildings are one of Fujian Provinces top tourist attractions. _50_ The tourism has changed the local peoples lives. Most of them are busy with the tourism, instead of farming now.AThis type of building is round in shape.BAnd we call them Hakka Earth Building.CMore an

41、d more visitors come here for a visit.DThere is also an underground back gate for escaping.EThis location (位置) makes them comfortable places to live.51当对方向你道谢时,你可以这么回应:_.52收到朋友的新年祝福,你可以这样回应:_!53你想邀请李明跟你一起放风筝,你可以这样说:Would you like _?54你看到一件很酷的风衣,你可以这样感叹:_ the windbreaker is!55想劝同桌不要熬夜,可以这样说:_.根据每小题所提

42、供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。56 taste_57 there be_58yesterday _59preferto._60so that, catch_阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been passed down for more than 2,000 years in China. It _61_ (include) acupuncture (针灸), medicine, exerci

43、se, such as tai chi and qigong, and other treatments. Today, TCM is not only used in Asia, but also in the US.In New York Citys Chinatown, a lot of _62_ (patient) visit Wu Yiqiao, a TCM master from Zhejiang. Some of _63_ (they) are Chinese, and some are Americans. Wu has been practicing TCM in the U

44、S for 28 years. Before that, he practiced it in China for 15 years. He has a _64_ /di:p/ understanding of TCM. “TCM is of great help to the sick,” Wu said. “They can help reduce the _65_ /pen/ without surgery (外科手术).”TCM is _66_ useful that some Americans have also chosen to work on it. Frank Griffo has been an acupuncturist in California for about 18 years. In 2005, he graduated from the American Co


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