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1、高考英语读后续写素材一、升华句式(一)助人救人类01 From then on, I would make every effort to help people in need.Only in this way could more and more people help each other in the future.自那时起,我会尽我最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人,只有这样, 将来才有越来越多的人互相帮助。02 From that day on, whenever I meet someone needing help, I always reach out to them, hopin

2、g to pass on the kindness the stranger offered me.从那天起,每每遇见需要帮助的人,我总会伸出援手,希望将这份陌生人提供我的善意传递下去。03 A minor act of kindness is powerful enough to make a world of difference.小小的善行会让世界变得不一样。04 Never underestimate the power of your action.With one small act, you can not only extend love, but also positivel

3、y influenced others lives.决不要低估行动的力量。小小的善行不但能传递爱,而且能对别人的生活产生积极影响。(二)亲情类01 It was at that moment that I had a thorough understanding of the significance of family.直到那时,我在彻底明白家的意义。02 Family is a warm life jacket in the stormy sea of life.在充满暴风雨的人生海洋中,家是温暖的救生衣。03 Family is a quiet harbor, which gives y

4、ou power and courage and inspires you achieve your goals.家是温暖的港湾,它赐予你力量和勇气,也鼓励着你实现梦想。04 Bright smiles lit up the cozy home.Passion and love burnt as we hugged together.The whole family were bathed in pride and happiness.灿烂的笑容照亮温馨的家。我们热情地抱在一起。全家人沐浴在自豪与幸福之中。(三)友情类01 It was on that very day that I trul

5、y realized the value of honesty and care in friendship.直到那天,我才真正意识到诚实和关爱在友谊中的价值。02 It occurred to me that one loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.我突然明白,一个忠诚的培养抵得上成千上万的亲戚。03 The friendship shared between Jack and me drove away my loneliness and strengthened my self-confidence.我与杰克间的友谊驱散了我的孤单

6、,增强了我的自信。04 Friends show their strong support in times of trouble, not in happiness.朋友经常是在你困难的时候表示强烈的支持,而不是在幸福的时候。(四)成长类01 Making full use of your advantage is the key to success.Please remember that in no case will you give up, because God is fair to everyone.充分利用自己的优势是成功的关键。请记住在任何情况下都不要放弃。上帝对每个人都是

7、公平的。02 Its more blessed to give than to receive. 给予比接受更幸运。03 Its difficult to get out of my comfort zone, but I overcame the hardships and had more strength inside.走出舒适区很难,但是我克服了重重困难,内心变得更为强大。04 I was fascinated by the whole process of accepting a challenge, sticking to my ambition and achieving my

8、goal through my best effort.Better still, I managed to apply it to my profession and my life.我很享受整个过程_-接受挑战,坚持志向,通过最大的努力实现目标。进而,将这套做法运用到我的职业和生活中。(五)趣事类01 We tend to take life for granted, but this experience indicates that there is always beauty and fun besides us.我们易于觉得生活就该那个样子,但这个经历表明:美丽与快乐就在我们身边。

9、02 Whenever I thought about the day, I couldnt help laughing out aloud.I learned my lesson_look before you leap!每当我想起这一天,我都禁不住笑出声来。我学到了一个教训_三思而后行。03 What an amusing but instructive story! I couldnt stop laughing and reflecting whenever I looked back on the experience.这是一件有趣而有教育意义的事。每当我回忆这个经历,我都禁不住大笑

10、和反思。04 The words brought warmth to my heart and tears to my eyes.I felt lucky as a member of this loving family.这些话语让我温暖,使我流泪。作为这个充满爱的大家庭的一员,我感觉很幸运。(六)旅途历险类01 There were so many troubles and surprises on the trip to share.The room was full of laughter of joy.有太多旅途的麻烦和惊喜要分享,房间里充满欢笑。02 The trip was no

11、t merely about scenery and joy, but also about hardship and mutual assistance.这次旅程不仅仅是风景和欢乐,也是艰辛和互助。03 The adventure was full of ups and downs, which would remain fresh in my mind.这次历险充满了波折。它仍然令我记忆犹新。04 Only then did I realize that it was optimism and wisdom that overcome difficulties in the way.直到那

12、时,我才意识到,是乐观和智慧克服一切困难。(七)关爱动物类01 It struck me that humans and animals may exist together and we should live harmoniously with creatures around us.我突然想到,人与动物可以共生共存,人与生物应和谐相处。02 People and animals have something in common, and we are supposed to get on well with each other.人与动物有诸多共同之处,我们之间应该好好相处。03 Sin

13、ce then, I have enjoyed spending time accompanying the cat.And thats really a wonderful time.自那时起,我很享受花时间陪伴小猫。那真是美好时光。04 There were magical power existing in nature_the universal love and hope shared with all species.在大自然中,有一股魔力般的力量_所有物种之间的普世的爱与希望。二、高级词汇替换1.Important_ essential/vital/significant 2.B

14、e interested in_ show great interest in/ take an interest in/ be fascinated by3.Difficult_ challenging 4.So_Consequently/ therefore5.Finally_eventually/ultimately 6.Be made up of_ consist of/ be composed of7.Because of_ owing to/due to/ thanks to8.If_ on condition that/ supposing/suppose9.As a resul

15、t_ in a consequence of10.In order to_ for the purpose of/ in an effort to11.Hear_ at the news of/ on hearing12.Cant do_ have trouble in doing/be unable to do13.Cause_ lead to/ result in/contribute to14.Much homework_ endless homework/endless assignment15.Dont like_ care nothing for/hate/dislike16.Be

16、 being built_ be under construction17.Be angry with_ be annoyed with/at18.On time_ on schedule19.Be busy with_ be occupied with/be buried in/bury oneself in20.Make.dangerous_ threaten. 21.Make.better_ improve22.In ones opinion_ personally speaking/ based on ones personal idea/ from ones angle alone2

17、3.Apologize to_ make an apology to24.More and more people_ an increasing number of people25.Attend_ be involved in/ participate in26.Face sth_ be faced with27.Watch a performance_ enjoy a performance28.Live happily_ live/lead a happy life29.See suddenly_ catch sight of /get glimpse of30.Suddenly_ al

18、l of a sudden 31.In fact_ as a matter of fact32.Try to do_ attempt to to33.Immediately_ without hesitation/without delay34.Because_ for the reason that 35.Tired_ exhausted36.Surprised:astonished 37.Quickly_ swiftly38.Decide to do_ be determined to do39.Good_ outstanding/distinguished40.Use_ make use

19、 of 41.Should_ be supposed to42.Lie in_ be located in/ be situated in43.Hope_ be expected to 44.Fear_ be scared45.And_ as well as/ along with 46.Send_ deliver47.Spend the time with_ share the time with48.Very_ extremely 49.Master_ have a good command of50.Fail_ meet with failure 51.Like_ be fond of/prefer52.Hate_ be tired of/ lose interest in/be disappointed at53.Happy_ satisfied/ pleased/excited54.Consider_ take.into consideration4


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