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1、12022-2023 学年第学年第二二学期学期初初一一英语知识点梳理英语知识点梳理(满分(满分 1 10000 分,分,时间时间 100100 分钟,请同学们把答案写到答题卡上,考试结束时只交答题卡分钟,请同学们把答案写到答题卡上,考试结束时只交答题卡)一、听力(一、听力(1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分分)1.听第一段对话,回答第 1-3 小题。()1.What are Paul and Maria going to do tomorrow?A.Watch a movie.B.Go for a walk.C.Prepare for an exam.()2

2、.Where will Paul and Maria go tomorrow?A.To the Central Park.B.To the Peoples Park.C.To the City Park.()3.WillAnnie have lunch with Paul and Maria tomorrow?A.Yes,she will.B.No,she wont.C.We dont know.2.听第二段对话,回答第 4-5 小题。()4.What are the two speakers doing now?A.Making a call.B.Making the bed.C.Washi

3、ng clothes.()5.What day is it today?A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.3.听短文 Passage 1,选答案,完成 6-10 题。()6.How long will the trip take?A.It will take less than 3 hours.B.It will take 13 hours.C.It will take more than 3 hours.()7.What are they going to have for lunch?A.They will have sandwiches and fruit for

4、 lunch.B.They will have milk and sandwiches for lunch.C.They will have vegetables and fruit for lunch.()8.Where can they buy all their presents?A.At the bus stop.B.In the parkC.In the old market.()9.Whats the phone number of the teacher?A.Its 73538856B.Its 75328856.C.Its 75328865.()10.What does the

5、passage tell us?A.It tells us something about the meeting.B.It tells us some information about the trip to Brighton.C.It tells us some information about the trip to Cambridge.二、二、完形填空完形填空(1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1515 分分)When youre still strong enough,what kind of holiday will you want to take?_

6、11_youre under 30 now,maybe youll be able to take a holiday in space!AJapanese company(公司),Shimizu,_12_to open the first hotel inspace in 15 years.It wants to offer a 3-day13in a space station.However,holidays in space will be very14!About 90,000 dollars for seventy-two_15_!Shimizu believes that eno

7、ugh people will be16to pay the price.Other companies in Japan and the USAplan to17hotels on the moon.Shimizu is quite serious about this,18they cant start building their spacehotels now.First,they will have to find a shuttle(航天飞机)and they will use _19_for many times and for business.Old American shu

8、ttles were very expensive tolaunch(发射).Scientists launched the shuttles _20_ space with a big rocket.In the future,shuttles will be able to take off and21on the ground ontheir own.They will be much cheaper.However,we dont have such shuttles.Americans are working on them,but the plan will not22in a s

9、hort time.There are other big problems(问题),23.What do you think of life inspace?It _24_ astronauts(宇航员)months to train before going into space.Iam sure_25_will have a chance to go into space and experience(体验)something different one day.学校:学校:班级:班级:姓名:姓名:考场:考场:座位号:座位号:(密封线内不要答题密封线内不要答题)11.AAsBOrCBut

10、DIf12.AplantsBplansCplaysDpromises13.AgameBholidayCclubDcamp14.AcheapBhighCslowDexpensive15.AyearsBdaysChoursDmonths16.AhardBcarefulCreadyDinterested17.AchangeBsendCopenDclose18.AandBbutCsoDthen19.AitBitsCthemDtheir20.AonBintoCatDby21.AstopBlandCstartDtake22.Awork onBgo overCcome trueDcome out23.Aei

11、therBalsoCas wellDtoo24.Awill payBwill costCwill spendDwill take25.AnobodyBsomebodyCeverythingDeverybody2三三.阅读理解阅读理解(1515 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 3030 分分)A A26.If you find the pencil box,you can dial_A.869-9090B.858-9062C.222-4545D.885-960227.Whats in Tonys schoolbag?_A.A cartoon picture.B.A white c

12、atC.Some books.D.Some keys28.Which is TRUE according to the material?_A.There are three found notices.B.The pencil box looks like a boat.C.Tony lost some notebooks and pens,too.D.The blue smart watch is new.BCan you imagine turning your school into a farm?At Hangzhou ForeignLanguage Middle School,st

13、udents have many new clubs and after-schoolactivities(活动).One of the most popular clubs is the Happy Farming Club.At first I thought I could just learn to grow some vegetables here,said ZhangXin,a club member.But later I found that I also learned a lot about agriculture(农业)and biology.Students look

14、up the information about vegetables on the Internet.Afterstudying on line,students get the chance to grow them.Agroup tries growing leeks(韭菜).They put the roots(根)underground,after that they cover them with a thinlayer of soil(薄土)and water them.After doing all this,they have a great sense ofachievem

15、ent.They hope the leeks can grow strong!In the 38 years of our schools history,we are the first to grow vegetables,said Zhang,This is really a special experience(经历)!29.In the club,Zhang Xin learned many things EXCEPT.A.growing vegetablesB.making a cakeC.something about agricultureD.something about

16、biology30.According to Zhang,the right order to grow leeks is.water the leekscover them with a thin layer of soilput the root undergroundA.B.C.D.31.What does the underlined phrase a great sense of achievement mean inChinese?A.成就感B.疲惫感C.饥饿感D.美感Lost a smart watchMy son,eight-year-old Eric lost his sma

17、rt watch on the playground onTuesday morning.It is a new green smart watch.If you find it,please call me at 869-9090.-Bob WhiteLost my schoolbagI lost my schoolbag in the school sports hall.It is black.Acartoon picture is onit.There is a white cat in the picture.My books and notebooks are in it.Myte

18、lephone number is 222-4545.Or you can give it back to Class 3,Grade 7.-Tony GreenLost a pencil box in the school libraryIt looks like a boat.Its a gift from my friend,Helen,I must find it.Pleasecall me at 858-9062.-Jack Smith332.What do the students and teachers think of the Happy Farming Club?A.It

19、is really a great experience.B.It is a waste of time to grow vegetables.C.They can only learn how to grow vegetables.D.They dont like it because its not easy to grow vegetables.CDo you dream of being Iron Man?Do you watch himin some famous films?Just put on a new kind of clothesand you will become v

20、ery strong like him!In fact,scientists developed(研发)the new clothesfor people to wear in real life.They are called exoskeletons(外骨骼).People canwear them on different parts of their bodies.They will help people a lot.How can exoskeletons help?First,they can help people carry most heavythings.Second,t

21、hey will help the disabled people stand up and walk.Besides,theywill be warm when people are cold,and cool when people are hot.If someone getslost,they can help too!It will help him or her find a way and get out fast.Its also avery important advantage.The cost of a full-body exoskeletons is about 45

22、,000.But the price(价格)will come down.Maybe people wont spend lots of money on them in the future.People still need to work on the new clothes.How do people clean the clothesat home?How do people take care of the clothes?It may take scientists a long timeto find them out.33.According to the first par

23、agraph,the writer wants to tell us.A.a strong Iron ManB.a new kind of clothesC.an interesting dreamD.a famous film34.How many advantages of exoskeletons in the passage?A.2B.3C.4D.535.What can we learn from the passage?APeople can be actors by wearing exoskeletons.BPeople can carry all heavy things w

24、ith exoskeletons.CPeople can find a way out fast with exoskeletons.DPeople can spend little money buying exoskeletons.36.You can find the reading in a.A.fashion magazineB.guide bookC.geography bookD.science newspaperDScientists have made some very surprising predictions(预测)about thefuture.They say t

25、hat in the next fifty years,the way we live will change greatly.Here are some of their predictions.Which is surprising(令人惊奇的)to you?Growing body partsScientist Ellen says,In 50 years we can repair(修)sick body parts in the sameway as we repair a car.But doctors will need lots of body parts.Where will

26、 theycome from?Scientists say these could be grown inside animals from human cells(细胞).In a hospital in London,scientists have already started to use human cellsto grow noses and ears.Living longerIn 50 years,living to be 100 years old while still enjoying active and healthylives will be a common(普遍

27、的)thing.Scientist Richard Miller says,its possibleto make the animals in the lab live longer than before.And we believe we can do thesame for humans.With new medicine,people in their 100s will be as lively(生气4勃勃的)as todays sixty-year-old people.Women will be able to give birth well at anold age.Acco

28、rding to scientist Daniel from Canada,a special machine will be able toread feelings and thoughts.It could first work with primates(灵长类动物),thenmammals(哺乳动物),then other vertebrates(脊椎动物)like fish.This way we cantalk to animals.Soon people on the planet will probably say no to meat and manyof them may

29、 become vegetarians(素食主义者).37.The underlined word they in Paragraph 2 refers to.A.doctorsB.animalsC.humans cellsD.body parts38.Which of the following can be put in the?A.Working with animalsB.Saying no to meatC.Understanding animalsD.Making a special machine39.From the text we can infer(推断)that.A.ev

30、eryone can live up to 100 years old in the futureB.old women can give birth as well as young womenC.animals can speak the human language and talk to peopleD.human cells may grow inside animals to be new body parts40.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Bad Changes in 50 YearsB

31、.Surprising Ideas about the FutureC.Useful Machines in the FutureD.Funny Facts about Life in 2070四四.补全对话补全对话(5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两项多余)A:There is a blue bag on the playground._41_B:No,it isnt.My bag is black.A:_42_B:Good idea.So we can find out whose it is.A:L

32、ook!There is an English book,a pencil case and a cup.B:_43_A:Im afraid not.B:Then its not easy to find out whose it is.A:Im afraid so._44_B:OK._45_A.Lets take it to the lost and found box.B.Is it yours,Nana?C.I dont like this bag at all.D.Many people go there to find their things every day.E.Lets go

33、 and play sports together.F.Is there a name on the book?G.Lets open the bag and see what is in it.5五补全句子(五补全句子(5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分)A:Hi,Mike.Nice to meet you.B:Nice to meet you too.A:Look.Whats on the board?B:There are some new clubs for the new term on theboard._46_A:Id like to join

34、the Music Club.B:_47_A:I can sing and dance.B:_48_A:Yes,I can.I can play it very well.I want to be like Lang Lang(朗朗)one day.Howabout you?B:Id like to join the English Club.But I cant speak it well.A:_49_.I can help you.B:Thank you.A:_50_六六.用所给词适当形式填空用所给词适当形式填空。(1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分分)

35、51.David Spearburg is always _(worry)about his English because he is notgood at it.52.Eating too much meat every day will make us_(health).53.Linda has a purple eraser.Is it _(she)?54.Everybody _(like)my brother because he is ready to help others.55.Look!There are _(hundred)of students and teachers

36、on the playground andthey are having a sports meeting.56.TheAustralian boys are enjoying _(they)in the school hall.57.Helen is looking forward to _(have)a picnic this Sunday.58.On the _(two)day they are going to the beach which is fantastic.59.It is quite valuable(有价值的)_(collect)stamps,I think.60.No

37、t only my sister but also my brother _(get)on well with others.七语法填空(七语法填空(1010 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.51.5 分,共分,共 1515 分分)What will be like in the future?It will be different _61_ life today.There willbe a lot of changes.There _62_(be)many people in the world.They _63_(live)to be more than 120 years old.Pe

38、ople will live in the sea in summer _64_ itis very cool there.People will have much free time _65_ sports,surfing theInternet and travelling._66_(fly)will be very cheap and easy.And many peoplewill go to other planets(行星)for _67_(they)holidays by plane.Work in thefuture will be different as well.Peo

39、ple will use _68_(robot)to do somedangerous and hard work,so many people wont have a lot of work _69_(do).Allthe people will live _70_ happy life.八书面表达(八书面表达(1 1 小题小题,共,共 1010 分分)五一长假在即,为了吸引更多的人来康巴什游玩观光,康巴什发布公众号招募小导游啦,假设你是李夏,你将要负责接待来自包头一中的小伙伴们,请用英语写一份“五一三天乐”计划,告诉他们集合的时间,地点,具体的活动安排,以及需要做什么准备,不少于 80 词。提示问题:1.When and where are you going to meet?2.What are you going to do in Compass?3.What do you advise(建议)the students to take?提示词语:Wulanmulun Lake(乌兰木伦湖),activity(活动),sunblock(防晒霜),square(广场)_


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