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1、Unit SevenTask 1:Do you know?Task 2:DiscussionTask 3:Listening and watchingTask 4:QuotationC CommunicationTen“Cs”Essential for College StudentsTen“Cs”Essential for College Students C CreativityC CommitmentC ConnectionC ConfidenceC CourageC CooperationC CuriosityC CompetenceC ConsiderationDo you know

2、 this?师范大学/学院normal university/college全国重点大学national key university综合性大学comprehensive university工业大学/理工学院财经大学/学院poly-technical university/institute of technologyuniversity/institute of finance and economics专科学校junior college职业学校寄宿学校vocational schoolboarding schoolHow to express your majors in Englis

3、h?Majors:Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Information Science Computer Science Mechanics Biochemistry International Trade Geology Economics International Finance Agronomy Earth Science Materials Life Science Diplomatic Relations Urban P

4、lanning Mass Media JournalismDirections:Work in groups and discuss:1)your idea of college life before you came to college(including the campus,classroom buildings,dormitories,students cafeterias,library,classmates,teachers,etc.);2)the similarities and differences between your expectations and the re

5、ality.Talking about Your College Life Expectations vs.RealityGuidelines1)Campus:2)Classroom buildings:3)Dormitories:4)Students cafeterias:5)Library:6)Classmates:7)Teachers:expectationsRealityLarge&beautifulAs what dreamednew classrooms with modern facilitiesequipped with modern facilitiesspace for e

6、veryoneSmall&crowdedspacious dining hallsgreat variety of foodlarge collection of booksScare reading roomfriendlytrueoldYoung,especially English teachersDirections:Look at the pictures of college students in 1910s-20s,1960s-70s,as well as college students today.Work in groups to compare and contrast

7、 their characteristics according to what you see or what you know about them.Then report your findings to the class.College Students at Different Times1910s 1920s college students1960s 1970s college studentsPresent day college studentsDirections:Many people say entering college is quite essential fo

8、r everyone.Do you agree?Watch the Video and try your best to catch up with the two speakers.Repeat their opinions and say something about your own idea as well.Is college necessary for everyone?College students are lack of Real-life Tasks1.What is the problem talked in the recording toward college s

9、tudents?2.How to solve the problem?Listen to the following materials and answer questions.VideoWhy did you take the college you are studying in as your choice?Did you just follow your parents suggestion or choose it by your own?How did you feel when you get here?Felicity,a beautiful girl,just gradua

10、ted from high school.For pursuing her dreaming Mr.White Ben,she drew her foot back from Stanford and went to New York.This made her parents quite angry.Watch the video part then discuss those questions with your classmates.VideoA University should be a place of light,of liberty,and of learning.Waldo

11、 Emerson(1803-1882),U.S.essayist,poet,philosopher Peter,Sir Imbert(b.1933),British police commissioner.Quote:Benjamin Disraeli(1804-1881),British statesmanOne of the benefits of a college education is to show the boy its little avail.University degrees are a bit like adultery:you may not want to get

12、 involved with that sort of thing,but you do not want to be thought incapable.In-Class ReadingThe message Prof.Neusner passes to the graduates.(Para.1)We take no pride in our educational achievement because we have inadequately prepared students for the real world.Reason:At Brown,during the four yea

13、rs,students have formed the belief that failure leaves no record,while in the real world failure marks you.Two different attitudes toward errors.(Para.2)At Brown,students defend their errors by arguing about:In the real world,graduates had better not defend their errors but learn from them.A.why the

14、ir errors were not errors;B.why mediocre work was excellent;C.why they could take pride in their poor presentation.College is an altogether forgiving world.(Para.3-5)No matter what slight effort students made,they could meet the demand.A.When students broke appointments,professors make new ones.B.Wh

15、en the deadline was missed,professors pretended not to care.C.Boring talks were considered to be important.D.Unlabored writing was commented on.E.Dull students were treated as if they were smart.The reason why professors did all this was not that they wanted to be liked by students,but that professo

16、rs did not want to be bothered and pretense was the easy way out.Prof.Daniels viewpoint.(Para.6)College has deprived students of adequate preparation for the real world.The ending of the speech.(Para.7-8)A.Conclusion:On this commencement day,we professors have nothing to take pride in.B.Advice for g

17、raduates:a.Dont act toward your co-workers and bosses as you have acted toward us.b.Go to life and unlearn the lies we taught you here.The points Ida Timothees going to argue against(Para.1)A.Students have been made to believe that “failure leaves no record”.B.College is not a preparatory school for

18、 life.Ida Timothees comments on Neusners points:(Para.2)A.He knows little about students college life.B.He ignores the pressures and hard times students experience at college.Ida argues against Neusners point that college is not preparing students for real life.(Para.3)During the college years,we st

19、art to be independent,make crucial decisions and are responsible for them.A.We learn to budget our time and money.B.We are tolerant enough to survive in a crowded triple room.C.We meet people from different parts of the world.Supporting evidence:Her counter-examples:A.If you fail a test or a course,

20、the teacher wont erase the grade.B.If you drop a class,youll have to take more courses next semester.C.Low grades or low GPA means no fine graduate school,no degree.Ida argues against the so-called students belief that failure leaves no record.(Para.4)D.Everyone has to take midterms and finals.E.No

21、teachers have“pretended not to care”when deadlines are not kept.College is not“easy,free,forgiving,attentive,comfortable,interesting,unchallenging fun”to her.Idas conclusion:(Para.5)Confronting difficulty by quitting leaves you changed.(Line 10)leave sb.+adj./v-ed/prep.phrase:leave 后可接复合宾语,表示后可接复合宾语

22、,表示“使使处于某种处于某种状态状态”。He left the door unlocked when he went out last night.他昨晚出去时没锁门。他昨晚出去时没锁门。He felt tired and left the problem unsolved last night.他昨天夜里感到非常疲劳他昨天夜里感到非常疲劳,所以问题也没解出来。所以问题也没解出来。The fox mom went out for food,leaving all her hungry kids waiting at home.狐狸妈妈外出找食了,狐狸妈妈外出找食了,留了留了一屋子嗷嗷待哺的小狐

23、狸。一屋子嗷嗷待哺的小狐狸。Being in a hurry,he left all the windows open.因为走得匆忙,他因为走得匆忙,他把把窗子都没关。窗子都没关。Confronting difficulty by quitting leaves you changed.(Line 10)知难而退会知难而退会使使你变成你变成另一个人。另一个人。本句是一个复合句,主句是本句是一个复合句,主句是 we read it and even responded。句首句首 when 引导时间状语从句引导时间状语从句,该从句的谓语动词该从句的谓语动词tossed 在句中用作及物动词,它的宾语

24、是在句中用作及物动词,它的宾语是writing,upon which you had not labored 是定语从句,是定语从句,修饰前面的修饰前面的 writing。主句后面的。主句后面的 as though 引导引导了另一个状语从句,表示方式。了另一个状语从句,表示方式。他们为建造这个体育馆他们为建造这个体育馆辛辛勤工作勤工作了好几年。了好几年。我我下功夫学下功夫学了两年英语了两年英语。这孩子正在这孩子正在动脑筋做动脑筋做一道数一道数学难题。学难题。The child is laboring over a difficult math problem.编辑编辑下大力气修改下大力气修改原

25、稿,一原稿,一直改到凌晨。直改到凌晨。The editor labored over the manuscript till early morning.他当顾问工程师他当顾问工程师挣得大笔的钱挣得大笔的钱。她靠什么她靠什么谋生谋生?经过多年的努力,他终于经过多年的努力,他终于赢赢得了她的芳心得了她的芳心。After years of effort,he finally.她顺利地通过了考试,终于在大学她顺利地通过了考试,终于在大学赢得了一席之地赢得了一席之地。Her success in the exam earned her a place at university.当你们把当你们把根本没

26、有花心思根本没有花心思写的作业扔到我们写的作业扔到我们桌上时,我们不仅拜读,甚至批改给出评语,桌上时,我们不仅拜读,甚至批改给出评语,好像你们好像你们值得值得这样这样的的回应。回应。it was not even thatIt was that 根本不是根本不是,而是而是他解释说,他解释说,根本不是根本不是他睡过了,他睡过了,而是而是公共汽车晚了。公共汽车晚了。医生非常乐意为病人提供他们想要的药物。这医生非常乐意为病人提供他们想要的药物。这绝不绝不是是医生认为药是最佳治疗办法,医生认为药是最佳治疗办法,而是而是医生处理病人医生处理病人更快的一种办法。更快的一种办法。对这一切尽管你们可以想入非非

27、,对这一切尽管你们可以想入非非,但我们决不但我们决不是是因为想要讨得你们的欢心,因为想要讨得你们的欢心,而是而是因为我们不因为我们不想受到打扰。一个简单的办法就是作假:微笑,想受到打扰。一个简单的办法就是作假:微笑,让你们轻轻松松都得让你们轻轻松松都得B B。红色的部分是此句的主句。主句谓语动词红色的部分是此句的主句。主句谓语动词care 带带了一个由了一个由whether 引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。peer-paralyzed adolescents指指“那些非常在乎同龄人那些非常在乎同龄人的评价而不会独立思考的年轻人(青少年)的评价而不会独立思考的年轻人(青少年)”。foolspop

28、ularity在句中做在句中做adolescents的同位语的同位语,其中其中imagine后为省略了连词后为省略了连词that的宾语从句。的宾语从句。care notbut“关心的不是关心的不是而是而是”。他们就宴会和服装他们就宴会和服装进行肤浅的交谈进行肤浅的交谈。那时我太那时我太年轻无知年轻无知,不懂什么,不懂什么是爱情。是爱情。肤浅的、浅薄的肤浅的、浅薄的许多伟人许多伟人关心的不是关心的不是自己的利自己的利益益而是而是全人类的利益。全人类的利益。所关心的不是所关心的不是而是而是我们我们关心的不是关心的不是效率效率而是而是质量。质量。We the efficiency the quali

29、ty.他他关心的不是关心的不是多少人能来参加婚礼多少人能来参加婚礼而是而是谁会来参加谁会来参加婚礼。婚礼。很少有教授真正在乎很少有教授真正在乎他们是否会受到那些只能他们是否会受到那些只能在同龄人眼中找到自我的年轻人的喜欢,在同龄人眼中找到自我的年轻人的喜欢,这些这些年轻人是一些愚昧无知的人年轻人是一些愚昧无知的人,竟然肤浅到会以,竟然肤浅到会以为教授们为教授们关心的不是关心的不是教育,教育,而是而是自己的声望。自己的声望。该句中第一个该句中第一个“tough”意为意为“艰难的艰难的”,第二,第二个个“the tough”指的是指的是“顽强学习(刻苦用功)顽强学习(刻苦用功)的学生的学生”。他是

30、我在他是我在碰到困难碰到困难时可以依靠的人。时可以依靠的人。她不到她不到25岁就当上公司主管,岁就当上公司主管,发展的真不错发展的真不错!进展的速度,进行情况进展的速度,进行情况 他们他们对对酒醉后驾车者酒醉后驾车者十分严厉十分严厉。政府声称要对试图逃税者政府声称要对试图逃税者采取强硬态度采取强硬态度。和他和他很难很难共事。共事。He is tough to work with.煤矿工人煤矿工人都是能吃苦耐劳都是能吃苦耐劳的。的。Coal-miners are a tough breed.当学习当学习进展困难时进展困难时,那些本来刻苦学习的人那些本来刻苦学习的人也也得更加努力学习,因为大学并不

31、像诺伊斯那所得更加努力学习,因为大学并不像诺伊斯那所认为的那样,会给失误提供认为的那样,会给失误提供“省事的省事的”解决办解决办法。法。ill-advised(Line 17,Para.2)她她太没脑子太没脑子了,以至于会在几天前上了,以至于会在几天前上了一条陌生的手机短信的当。了一条陌生的手机短信的当。She was so ill-advised that she swallowed the bait in a strange short message several days ago.adj.not sensible or wise 没脑筋的没脑筋的,不明智的不明智的“ill-”is a

32、dded to words,especially adjectives and past participles(过去分词过去分词),to add the meaning“badly”or“inadequately”前缀前缀ill一般与形容词和过去分词搭配使用,意为一般与形容词和过去分词搭配使用,意为“糟糟糕的糕的”或或“不充分的不充分的”。abuse(Line 18,Para.2)v.1)to say unkind,cruel,or rude things to or about 辱骂,诋毁辱骂,诋毁辱骂别人辱骂别人是一种无理的行为。是一种无理的行为。Abusing others is a

33、kind of impolite deed.v.2)to put to wrong use;use badly,esp.for ones own advantage 滥用;妄用;误用滥用;妄用;误用n.n.1)1)辱骂;凌辱辱骂;凌辱 2)2)滥用;妄用滥用;妄用abusing his powerThe abuse of drugs 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。toss(Line 25,Para.4)v.1)to throw esp.in a careless or aimless way 扔,投,掷扔,投,掷tossed the ball to each otherThey toss

34、ed a coin to the sky 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。v.2)to(cause to)move about continuously in an aimless or violent way 摇荡;颠簸摇荡;颠簸卡车在通往那个偏远村庄的崎岖道路上卡车在通往那个偏远村庄的崎岖道路上颠簸地行驶着颠簸地行驶着。n.1)扔,投,掷扔,投,掷;2)摇荡;颠簸的动作摇荡;颠簸的动作quote(Line 33,Para.6)v.to repeat in speech or writing the words of(a person,a book,etc.);to mention an

35、 example to support an argument.引用引用的话的话;举例引证,引述举例引证,引述quote请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。his remark quoted the speeches of Abraham He quoted the saying 请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。LincolnShe quoted several cases 词义辨析:词义辨析:cite与与quotecite:(1)speak or write(words taken from a passage,a book,an author);(2)mention as an exa

36、mple to support an argument 与与quote做动词是同义词。但做动词是同义词。但quote 指引用别人的原指引用别人的原话。此外,话。此外,quote也有也有“提到提到”的词义。的词义。cite可以是可以是较简洁的,不一定是每字每句的引用较简洁的,不一定是每字每句的引用.他在演讲中他在演讲中提及提及了自己在越战中的亲身经历来让演了自己在越战中的亲身经历来让演讲更有说服力。讲更有说服力。她她提到提到高失业率以说明政府政策的失败。高失业率以说明政府政策的失败。n.quotation 引言,语录,引用引言,语录,引用address(Line 33,Para.6)That s

37、cholars wonderful address drew audiences attention all the way.Famous writer Liu Yong made a successful address in our schoollast week.n.1)a formal speech made to a group of people(audience)who are gathered especially to listen 演讲演讲n.2)the number of the building,name of the street and towns,etc.,whe

38、re a person lives or works,esp.when written on a letter or parcel 地址;住址地址;住址v.to direct speech or writing to(a person or group)演说;作书面谈话演说;作书面谈话The boss had to address a hostile crowd of employees.The head coach addressed his remarks particularly to the young players in his team.formulate(Line 11,Par

39、a.2 of Passage 2)v.1)choose particular words to express your thoughts or feelings 确切地表达(某思想)确切地表达(某思想)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Holding the award in hand,_.在拿到奖项之后,在拿到奖项之后,面对鼓掌的观众,那位演员激动得面对鼓掌的观众,那位演员激动得几乎无法表达自己的感受几乎无法表达自己的感受。The speech lasted nearly two hours,but the speaker seemed unable to _.演讲持续了将近两个小时,但

40、是演讲者好像没有能演讲持续了将近两个小时,但是演讲者好像没有能够够确切地表达自己在该问题上的态度确切地表达自己在该问题上的态度。formulate his attitude on that issuethe actor was too exited to formulate his feeling in front of the clapping audiencev.2)develop a plan or proposal,and decide all the details that will be done 构想,准备(计划、方法等)构想,准备(计划、方法等)美国政府正在美国政府正在构想构

41、想新的移民政策。新的移民政策。著名导演张艺谋正在为著名导演张艺谋正在为2008年北京奥运会年北京奥运会构思构思独一无独一无二的开闭幕式。二的开闭幕式。名词形式:名词形式:formula n.公式公式,规则规则go through(Line 13,Para.2 of Passage 2)1)to suffer or experience;endure 经历经历,经受经受尽管尽管经历过经历过艰难的岁月,他依旧保持着乐观的心态。艰难的岁月,他依旧保持着乐观的心态。Both countries have gone through the economic depressions.两个国家都两个国家都经

42、历过经历过那次经济萧条。那次经济萧条。Although having gone through hard times,he still kept an optimistic mind.2)to finish;get through 完成;做完完成;做完His nephew has already gone through the loanbecause of the bankruptcy.你把所有家庭作业都你把所有家庭作业都做完做完了了吗?吗?Have you gone through all your homework?因为破产,他的外甥因为破产,他的外甥已经用光了已经用光了所有的贷款。所有

43、的贷款。动词动词 go 的主要短语包括:的主要短语包括:pop into ones mind(Line 17,Para.3 of Passage 2)涌现到涌现到的脑海中的脑海中Those past events in her childhood popped into her mind again.看到那张老照片,看到那张老照片,一连串熟一连串熟悉的名字悉的名字涌现到他的脑海中涌现到他的脑海中。Seeing the old picture,a string of familiar names popped into his mind.那些童年的往事那些童年的往事再次跃入她的脑海之中再次跃入她

44、的脑海之中。popPop down to the supermarket and get some fruits.那个陌生人刚刚那个陌生人刚刚出去出去不到几分钟。不到几分钟。The stranger just popped out for a few minutes.到超市到超市去买一些水果来。去买一些水果来。v.1)to go or come suddenly,quickly,or unexpectedly(突然地)来去,行动(突然地)来去,行动His naughty son blew a plastic bag up and then popped it between his hands

45、.气球气球砰地一声爆了砰地一声爆了。他的调皮的儿子把一个塑料袋吹起来然后再他的调皮的儿子把一个塑料袋吹起来然后再双双手把它拍破手把它拍破,发出砰的声响。,发出砰的声响。v.2)to(cause to)make a short sharp explosive sound 砰地一声响;劈啪地响砰地一声响;劈啪地响n.1)砰的一声砰的一声 2)(美国英语美国英语)(汽水之类的汽水之类的)软性饮料软性饮料pop n.流行歌曲;通俗音乐流行歌曲;通俗音乐budget(Line 20,Para.3 of Passage 2)v.to make plans for the careful use of (m

46、oney,time,etc.)in a way that will bring most advantage 预算、安排、计划预算、安排、计划 (开支,时间等开支,时间等)请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。Super girl Zhou Bichang finds it necessary _.超级女生周笔畅觉得非常有必要超级女生周笔畅觉得非常有必要计划参加各种采访和计划参加各种采访和演出的时间演出的时间。In order to save money to buy a cell phone,_.为了攒钱买一部手机,为了攒钱买一部手机,她不得不仔细计划自己的开支她不得不仔细计划自己的开支。sh

47、e has to budget to budget her expenses very carefullyher time to take part in all kinds of interviews and performancesn.a plan of how to spend money,etc.预算预算请完成下面的句子。请完成下面的句子。_ is still underway.政府本财政年度政府本财政年度(financial year)的预算的预算还在制定之中。还在制定之中。The purchase of a new personal computer _.购买一台新的电脑购买一台新

48、的电脑不在我们的家庭不在我们的家庭预算之中预算之中。is not in our family budgetThe government budget of this financial year get away with(Line 25,Para.4 of Passage 2)to do(something wrong)without being caught or punished 侥幸成功侥幸成功,逃脱处罚逃脱处罚不要试图欺骗警方,不要试图欺骗警方,你注定难以逃脱你注定难以逃脱(惩罚惩罚)。Dont try to deceive the police;you will never get

49、 away with it.他是如何他是如何侥幸地侥幸地欺骗了他的同事的?欺骗了他的同事的?How did he get away with cheating his colleagues?他从公司偷走了几千美金,他从公司偷走了几千美金,还居然蒙混过了关还居然蒙混过了关。and got away with it动词动词 get 的主要短语包括:的主要短语包括:erase(Line 26,Para.4 of Passage 2)v.remove marks or writing so that they can no longer be seen 擦掉,抹去擦掉,抹去机密的信息机密的信息已经被已

50、经被从文件中从文件中删除了删除了。The classified information has already been erased from the document.什么都无法从她记忆中抹去非洲什么都无法从她记忆中抹去非洲之行的可怕经历。之行的可怕经历。派生名词:派生名词:eraser n.esp.AmE 橡皮,擦字橡皮;擦拭器橡皮,擦字橡皮;擦拭器by no means(Line 34,Para.4 of Passage 2)not at all;definitely not 绝不,一点也不绝不,一点也不我们我们绝不会绝不会和敌人达成妥协。和敌人达成妥协。We will by no m


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