-人教新目标版七年级下册《英语》Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 单元复习 (学案).doc

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1、 七年级下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Learning Notes学校: 班 级: 姓 名: Task1:Words and Expressions(英汉互译,并根据要求写出相应形式)1. guitar: 2. 唱歌: n. 歌手: 3. 游泳: 4. 跳舞;舞蹈: n. 跳舞者: 5. 画: 6. chess: 7. 下国际象棋: 8. speak: n.发言者: 9. 说英语: 10. 参加;加入: 11. club: 12. can: 13. cant=cannot: 14. be good at.: 15. 讲述;告诉: 16. story: 17

2、. 写作;写字: n.作者: 18. show: 19. drum: 20. 敲鼓: 21. piano: 22. 弹钢琴: 23. violin: 24. 拉小提琴: 25. 音乐家: n.音乐: 26. also: 27. people: 集体名词(复数名词) 28. home: 29. be good with: 30. make: 31. make friends: 32. today: 33. help (sb.) with sth.: 34. center: 35. weekend: 36. on the weekend: 37. teach: n.教师: Task2:Langua

3、ge points(英汉互译,根据要求写出相应形式并造句)1.下国际象棋: e.g. 鲍勃会下国际象棋。 2. 说英语: e.g. 你会说英语吗? 3. 弹吉他: e.g. 艾丽斯想弹吉他。 4. play的用法:play和球类, 棋类搭配时,中间不用任何冠词(a; an; the)。但它和乐器类搭配时, 要用冠词the。e.g. 打篮球: 打网球 打排球: 踢足球: 敲鼓: 弹钢琴: 拉小提琴: 5. join: 多指加入社团或组织,成为其中一员。the swimming club: the dancing club: the music club: join the art club: t

4、he English club: the chess club: the sports club: 6. like to do sth. =like doing sth. e.g. 她不喜欢打篮球。 = 7. 谈论: 8. be good at sth./ doing sth.: 后面可接名词或动词的ing 形式。 e.g. 我擅长跳舞。 9. 讲故事: 10. 想做某事: e.g. 吉姆想加入游泳俱乐部。 11. what about: = 后面可接名词、代词或动词的ing 形式。e.g. 那个电视剧怎么样? 12. 听起来很好。 13. 让某人做某事: 14. write stories:

5、 e.g. 你会写小说吗? 15. 讲汉语: 讲英语: 16. wanted for招收;需要 (广告用语) 。wanted前写招收的对象,for后接招收单位或组织和活动。e.g. Actors Wanted for School Day! 校庆招收演员!(广告语) 17. School Show: 18. talk to sb.: e.g. 别和他费口舌。 19. 放学后: 20. 音乐节: 21. call sb. at: at放在电子邮箱的地址或电话号码等前面,表示“按照,根据”。 e.g. 请打这个电话找我。 22. or conj.: or 用于否定和疑问句中连接并列成分。and:

6、用于肯定陈述句中连接并列成分。e.g. I have two friends, Jane and Lucy. e.g. Would you like some drink, tea or coffee?23. 辨析also, too与either: also用于肯定句中,常放在句中,位于be动词、情态动词或助动词之后,实义动词之前。too用于肯定句中,一般放在句末。either用于否定句中,一般放在句末。e.g. 我哥哥也会弹钢琴。 e.g. 我也喜欢英语。 e.g. 我也不喜欢它。 24. 和某人玩游戏: 25. be good with sth./sb.: e.g. 这位老师对孩子很有一套

7、。 26. make friends: friends常用复数,这个短语还常与介词with连用,make friends with表示“与(和)交朋友”。 e.g. 我喜欢交朋友。 27. help with : 其后直接接名词或名词短语。e.g. 我经常帮助父母做家务。 28. on the weekend = on weekends: 29. English-speaking 是由English和speaking两词合并构成的一个形容词,表示“说英语的”。e.g. English-speaking countries 说英语的国家 French-speaking students说法语的学

8、生 30. Students Sports Center: students 是复数名词的所有格。名词所有格分为以下几种情况: 单数名词一般在末尾加s男孩的姑姑: 以-s结尾的复数名词只在词尾加“”学生们的包: 女厕所: 有些复数名词后加s孩子们的玩具: 几个名词表示各自的所有关系时,名词末尾均需加所有格,若表示共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词的后面加所有格汤姆的书和玛丽的书: 露西和莉莉的父亲: 31. speak “说;讲”。表示说话的能力,常接表示某种语言的名词。say “说”强调说话的内容。 talk “说话;交谈”常构成talk to/with sb.tell “讲述;告诉”常构成tel

9、l sb. sth. /tell sth. to sb./tell sb. about sth.Task3:Grammar Focus(英汉互译,根据要求写出相应形式并造句)1. Modal verb can; Yes/No questions and short answers;2. What questions.1. Modal Verbs(情态动词)1)含义:情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的观点,如需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等,是辅助动词。2)常见的情态动词有: can( ), may(可以;可能), must( ), have to(不得不), should(应该;可能;应当), would

10、(将;可能;愿意 )等。3)特点: a. 没有人称和数的变化; b. 不能独立做谓语,接 ;c. 否定形式在其后加not, 如:cant = ;d. 一般疑问句将其提到主语前面。情态动词can的用法(P111):表能力,要用can。陈述句里记特点。肯定can后加动原,否定can后not连;疑问句,can提前;肯定回答“Yes,主语can”;否定回答“No,主语cant”记心间。2. Wh- Questions(特殊疑问句):what: ,是疑问代词,引导 ,用来询问事物(“是什么”或 “做什么”)。特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开始的以寻求信息为目的的疑问句。常见的疑问词还有who( ), wher

11、e( ), when( ), why ( ), how( )等。(源于七年级上册)Task4:I Can Do一、用所给词的适当形式完成句子。 1. Canyouhelpkidswith ? (dance)Yes, Ican.2. Theywant the baseball club. (join) 3. Canyou ? I am good at . (sing) 4. Thegirllikesmusic. She wants to be . (music)5. Doyouwanttojointhe club? (swim) 6. Areyougoodwith , Jim? (child)7

12、. Icanplaytheguitar, butIcantplay it . (good)二、单项选择。( ) 1. Tom wants to you. Are you free?A. to tell B. tell C. to talk D. talk( ) 2. Can you help me my English? A. with B. of C. at D. about( ) 3.You dance very well, Lisa! .A. OK B. Thank you C. No, Im not D. Dont say that ( ) 4. like to swim July.A

13、. Children; on B. Children; in C. A child; on D. A child; in( ) 5. If you want to join the club,please call me 6663986.A. swim; at B. swimming; to C. swim; to D. swimming; at( ) 6. This weekend well have a basketball game. Can you us, John?Sure. I like basketball.A. call B. join C. make D. find ( )

14、7. The little boy cant read write. He can only say a few words.A. so B. but C. or D. and( ) 8.Do you often play tennis after school?No, I dont like sports. I often play guitar.A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the D. the; a( ) 9. you sing the song Where Are We Going, Dad?Yes. Its easy.A. Can B. MayC. Must D

15、. Have to( ) 10. Li Lei can English. But his brother cant. A. tell B. talk C. say D. speak( ) 11. Liu Ping can play basketball. I can play basketball, .A. also B. yet C. either D. too( ) 12. He is good with the students.A. Englishspeaking B. Englishspeak C. speakingEnglish D. speakEnglish( ) 13. can

16、 he do?He can Chinese kung fu.A. How; play B. What; do C. Where; see D. What; make( ) 14. Saturday and Sunday are our .A. clubs B. weekends C. birthdays D. games( ) 15. Linda is my friend. She can the guitar.A. plays B. playing C. play D. to play( ) 16. We want students the school show.A. on B. for

17、C. in D. with三、完形填空。Hi, Im Mr.White! Im in the Sunshine Music Club. Im a great 1 . I can play the piano, the violin 2 the guitar. And Im very good 3 the kids. I 4 a daughter. She is only four years old. 5 name is Maria. She can play the guitar, and she plays it very 6 . She 7 in the Sunshine Music C

18、lub, too.Do you like music? Do you want 8 music? Please come and join 9 . We can 10 you with music. My telephone number is 6186588. My email address is white2014.( ) 1. A. doctor B. musician C. swimmer D. driver( ) 2. A. but B. and C. or D. so ( ) 3. A. with B. of C. at D. for ( ) 4. A. has B. have

19、C. do D. does ( ) 5. A. Our B. His C. My D. Her ( ) 6. A. good B. nice C. well D. fine ( ) 7. A. has B. is C. likes D. draws ( ) 8. A. learn B. learns C. learning D. to learn( ) 9. A. her B. you C. us D. him ( ) 10. A. sing B. help C. speak D. call 四、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项多余。A. Hello, Im a teacher in t

20、he school.B. Can you play the piano? C. I can sing and dance. D. Well, do you like children? E. Can you sing? F. Whats your name, please? G. Can I help you? A: Morning. 1._B: Yes, please. I want to be a music teacher in your school. A: 2._B: Yes, I do. I like playing games with them. A: Great! 3._ B

21、: No, I cant. A: Then what can you do? B: 4._A: 5._ B: My name is Dave Smith. And my phone number is 321-5728.A: OK. Well call you later. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。有两项多余。Bob: Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs.Mary: 1._ Bob?Bob: I want to join the English club. I like to speak English. 2._Mary: Hmm, I want to j

22、oin the story telling club. 3._Bob: No, I am not. 4._Mary: Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music.Bob: Me, too. 5._A. How about you?B. How are you?C. Do you like music?D. Are you good at telling stories?E. Can you tell stories?F. What club do you want to join?G. Lets join the music club.Chance

23、favors the prepared mind. 路易斯.巴斯德机会眷顾那些有准备的人。Club英文单词club(俱乐部; 会所)单从字面上理解就是人们聚集在一起进行娱乐活动的组织团体或者其场所, 是具有某种相同兴趣的人进行社会交际、文化娱乐等活动的团体和场所, 从而让有兴趣的人在一起聚集活动, 演变成俱乐部。俱乐部文化起源于17世纪的欧洲大陆和英国。当时的绅士俱乐部源于英国上层社会的一种民间社交场所, 它们有数百年的历史。这种俱乐部的内部陈设十分考究, 除古香古色的房间和美轮美奂的装饰, 俱乐部内还设有书房、图书馆、茶室、餐厅和娱乐室。俱乐部除定期组织社交活动外, 还向会员提供餐饮、银行保险、联系和接洽等各项服务。以前, 标准的英国绅士是不会随便下馆子、去银行的, 他们总是在自己的俱乐部里完成这些事情, 就连写信、写短笺他们也都尽量用所在俱乐部的纸张, 因为这样才得体。在传统的英国俱乐部中, 英国绅士良好的教养、优雅的传统及对生活的高雅品位都可以得到充分体现。可以说在英国社会, 一个人拥有多少知名俱乐部的会员资格是此人社会地位高低的体现。为了丰富学生的课外活动, 如今大多数学校都有各种俱乐部或社团, 如:音乐社、美术社、文学社、摄影社、英语角以及许多体育运动方面的俱乐部。What club do you want to join?


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