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1、乘交通工具动词短语介词短语介词短语乘 火 车take a/the trainby trainon a / the train乘 汽 车take a/the busby buson a / the bus乘 地 铁take a/the subwayby subwayon a / the subway乘 飞 机take a/the planeby plane= by airon a / the plane乘 船take a/the shipby ship= by seaon a / the ship乘小轿车take a/the/ones carby carin a/the/ones car骑自行车

2、ride a/the/ones bikeby bikeon a/the/ones bike走 路walk on foot七下Unit 3自己整理 (drive a /ones car 开车)1. 中考之busget on a bus上公共汽车 get off a bus 下公车wait for a bus等公共汽车catch a bus 赶上公共汽车kttake a bus 乘公共汽车(动词短语,在句子中作谓语)miss a bus 错过公共汽车 the school bus 校车by bus 乘汽车(介词短语=on a (或the)bus , 在句末)例句:We take the(或a) b

3、us to school.我们乘公共汽车去学校.同义句:We go to school by bus.2. 中考之rideride a bike =ride the bike =ride ones bike (注意ones 指的是形容词性的物主代词或人名s 形式)ride a horse 骑马the bus ride 公共汽车之旅 the train ride火车之行例1:I ride my bike to go to school.我骑我的车去学校。例2:Does your dad drive his car to work?你爹开车上班吗?3. 中考之“到达”get to +地点(特例“回

4、家”是get home,不加to)arrive in + 大地方(国家、城市、县镇等) arrive at + 小地方(银行、超市、学校等)reach+ 地点: 到达例句:-How do you get home? -I walk.-你怎么回家的?-我走着4. 中考之“百、千、百万、十亿”hundred hndrd百 thousand auznd千million miljn百万 billion biljn 十亿数字+hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion(终身不加S)hundreds of 好几百的 thousands of 好几千的 millions of 好

5、几百万的 billions of 好几十亿的例句:Mr. Huo has 7 thousand students, and his students have billions of money.霍老师有7千个学生,他的学生有好几十亿的钱财5. 中考之全部“花费”人spend money(或time)doing sth. 花费时间(或金钱)做某事(注意:spend的过去式spent)人spend money(或time)on sth.在某件事情上花费时间(或金钱) 物cost人 + 钱某物花费某人多少钱(注意:cost 的过去式是cost)人+ pay+ 金钱+for +物体某人花费钱买东西(

6、注意pay的过去式是paid) It takes(或took) sb+时间 to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间例1:I spent 50 yuan buying this pair of shoes.划线部分提问:How soon will she be back?7. every day 每天everyday(形容词)每天的,日常的例1: I go to school every day.我每天都去上学。例2: I study everyday English every day.我每天学习日常英语。8 be sure:确信 make sure 确保 be sure to do st

7、h 一定要做某事例1:I am not sure. 我不太确定。例2:Boys and girls, be sure to listen to Mr. Huo carefully. 男孩女孩们,请一定要听霍老师的话!9、-Have a good day: 祝你过得开心! -You, too.你也是。 Happy new year!新年快乐-You, too.你也是。10、中考之“乘坐交通工具”同义句转换 The students go on a ropeway to school.=The students go to school on a ropeway.=The students go

8、to school by ropeway.学生们乘索道去上学。She goes to school by train. =She takes the train to school.=She goes to school on the train她乘火车去上学 Tom rides his bike to school.=Tom goes to school by bike.=Tom goes to school on his bike.汤姆骑自行车去上学Mr. Huo goes to work on a (the) subway.=Mr. Huo goes to work by subway.

9、=Mr. Huo takes the subway to work.霍老师乘地铁上班。11.live:生存 (动词)liv 居住(动词)liv活的(形容词)laiv例1:We cant live without water.我们离开水无法生存例2:Where do you live? 你在哪里住?例3:This is a live fish. 这是一条活鱼。12.中考之stop 全部考查stop :车站(名词)(station:始发站或终点站) 停止(动词) stop doing sth停止正在干的事情 stop to do sth(停下来)去做某事例1:Please stop watchin

10、g TV and begin to do your homework. 请停止看电视同时开始做你的作业。例2:Im hungry. Lets stop to eat something.我饿了,咱吃点东西吧。 13中考之“think”全部考查think of 认为 ,想起 think about 思考例1:What do you think of him?=How do you like him?你认为他怎么样?例2:Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip? 玛丽想知道他认为这次旅行怎么样?(注意:what 引起了一个句子在动词know 后面

11、作宾语,因此划线的部分是宾语从句的从句部分,语序用陈述!)14.中考之“横过、穿过” cross (动词)= go across(介词) 横过(从表面) go through 穿过(从内部)crossing:十字路口(名词) 例1:He crosses the street=He goes across the street.他穿越大街。例2:The light will go through the window.光线将穿过窗户例3:An 11-year-old boy crosses the river every school day. 一个11岁的男孩每个上学日都穿过河流。我花了50元

12、买了这双鞋子。 (注意:spend的过去式spent)例2:She spent 2 hours on the homework .她做作业花了2小时。(注意:spend的过去式spent)例3:The bike cost her 300 yuan. 这辆自行车花了她300yuan.(注意这里的cost是过去式)划线部分提问:How much did the bike cost her ?这辆自行车花了她多少钱?例4:I paid 20 dollars for the tickets tikits.我花了20美元买了这些票。(注意pay的过去式是paid)例5:It takes us 10 mi

13、nutesminits to get home by bus. 乘公共汽车到家花了我们10分钟的时间。 划线部分(一段时间)提问:How long does it take you to get home by bus?乘公共汽车回家得花费你们多长时间?6.中考之How 引导的特殊疑问句How:怎样(对“乘坐交通工具”进行提问)例句:I go to work by subway.我乘坐地铁去上班。划线部分提问:How do you go to work?你如何去上班?How long :多长(提问“一段时间”或物体的“长度”)例1:It takes me an hour to finish m

14、y homework.完成我的家庭作业花了我1个小时的时间。对划线部分提问:How long does it take you to finish your homework? 完成作业花费你多长时间?例2:How long is this ruler?这把尺子多长? How far :多远(提问“距离”)例句:Its about 5 kilometers from my home to the bus stop. 从我家到车站大约5公里。划线部分提问:How far is it from your home to the bus stop? 你家到公共汽车站多远?-同义句转换=How far

15、 is the bus stop from your home?注意:用 “多远” 回答How far时:(1) 有具体数字时:数字单位+(away) from:(公里)远例如:Its about 20 kilometers (away) from my home to school.从我家到学校大约20千米远。(2) 没有数字: 近的near 远的-far例句:Its very far from my home to school.从我家到学校很远。(3)Its + 时间所有格+ walk(或ride 或drive)多长时间的行程 如:Its 5 minutes drive. 5分钟的开车行

16、程。划线部分提问:How far is it? 它多远?(4) How often :多久一次(提问做某事的“频率”) 例句:I surf s:f the Internet once a week.我一周上一次网。划线部分提问:How often do you surf the Internet?你多久上一次网?回答:twice a month 一月两次 three times a year一年三次 注意: 三次:要用:数字+times表示几次) How soon 多久(提问in + 一段时间)例句:She will be back in 3 months. 她将在3个月内回来。(注意:in

17、+ 一段时间表示将来)她多久能够回来?15.中考之Its+形容词 Its+形容词(for sb) to do sth 做某事对某人来说是的Its + 形容词 of sb to do sth: 某人做某事(性格、品德)是例1:Its easy for many students to get to school.=For many students,its easy to get to school. 对许多学生来说到校是很容易的。例2:Its nice of you to help me。 你能帮我真好!16、中考之“在之间”between and:在之间(两者)between you and

18、 me :在你我之间例1:There is a big river between their school and the village. 在他们的学校和村庄之间有条大河。例2:They have to cross a very big river between their school and the village。他们不得不穿越一条在他们的学校和村庄之间的大河。17、 中考之询问、回答年龄:问:How old are you?= What s your age?(你多大了)答:I am 31=I am 31 years old =I am at the age of 31. = I

19、 am a 31-year-old man. 我31了。18、 中考之afraid 全部考查be afraid to do sth =be afraid of (doing) sth害怕做某事be afraid that +从句:恐怕(遗憾)例1:I am afraid to go swimming. =I am afraid of going swimming我害怕游泳。 例2:But he is not afraid because he loves school但他不害怕因为他喜欢学校。19. 中考之like 全部考查like: 喜欢(动词); 像一样(介词)注意一:like +可数名词

20、复数或不可数名词表示喜欢一类事物注意二:like doing sth 喜欢做某事(习惯性地做某事)like to do sth 喜欢去做某事(瞬间去做某事)like sb. to do sth 喜欢某人做某事 注意三:like还可作介词,表示“像一样”。 look like看上去像(外形)be like像(内在性格、品质、品德、)例1:Does he like strawberries? 他喜欢草莓吗?例2:He likes going shopping. What about her?他喜欢购物,她呢?例3:She looks like her father.她长得像她父亲。例4:Hes l

21、ike a father to me. 对我来说他就像爹一样。 20.中考之leave 考查 leave :离开(过去式left ) leave sth介词+地点:把某物落在某地。 leave A for B 离开A地去B地 leave for B:动身去B地例1:Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.许多学生和村民从来没有离开过此村庄。例2:Mr. Huos students never leave the homework at home。霍老师的学生从不把作业落在家里。例3:He will leave for

22、 Jinan tomorrow. 明天他将动身去济南e true 实现 例句:Its their dream to have a bridge。Can their dream come true? 拥有一座桥是他们的梦想。他们的梦想能实现吗?22中考之no与not a/an 和not anyno+单数名词=not a/an + 单数名词 no+复数名词(或不可数)= not any+复数名词或不可数名词例1:There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.=There is not a bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats.没有桥,而且河水湍急,不易小船摆渡。例2:I have no sisters= I dont have any sisters我没有姐姐。例3:There is no water here=There isnt any water here.这儿没有水。


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