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1、七下 Unit 8 知识点1. (1)中考之问路所有句型:Where is the hospital?医院在哪? Is there a hospital near(或around) here?附近有一家医院吗?How can I get to the hospital?我如何去医院?Could you tell me the way to the hospital?你能告诉我去医院的路吗?Could you tell me how I can get to the hospital?你能告诉我如何去医院吗?(注意:宾语从句语序为陈述语序)Could you tell me how to get

2、 to the hospital?你能告诉我如何去医院吗?(疑问词how + 不定式 to do) Which is the way to the hospital?哪条路是去医院的?(2)中考之指路之全部句型:go down this street =go along this street =go up this street沿着这条大街直走(注意street街道 road 公路、马路 avenue vnju:林荫大道)。 Take the second turning on the left.=Turn left at the second turning在第二个拐弯儿处往左拐。注意:t

3、urning是拐弯处 crossing 是十字路口You will find the hospital on the right.你会在右边发现医院。 Its between the supermarket and the police station. You cant miss it. 它在超市和警局之间,你不会错过它的。Its about 300 miles( away) from here.大概离这里300 英里。(be+公里数+away from+某地点)(1英里=1.609344 千米(公里))Its far(away) from my home.(它离我家很远。注意:有了具体的距

4、离时就不用far了, far表示距离远)The pay phone is across from the library.付费电话正对着图书馆。Its in front of the post office它在邮局前面。(反义句:The post office is behind it.邮局在它后面)Its on (in) the street. 在街上Go straight, and then go across the street.直走,然后横穿过这条街道。You can take the No. 8 bus and get off at the hospital.你可以乘坐8路车然后在

5、医院下车。2. 中考之“就近原则”there be 有(就近原则,到底用is 还是are 要看后面紧跟的是什么, there is + 单数名词(或不可数)there are + 复数名词)eitheror :或者或者(就近原则,即or 后面的名词或代词决定谓语动词的单复数)neithernor : 既不也不(就近原则)not only but also(就近原则,but also 后面的名词或代词决定谓语动词的单复数) 不但而且例1Our school has twenty classrooms=There are twenty classrooms in our school我校有20间教

6、室例句2:NotonlyAnnsparentsbutalsoshestaysathomeeverySunday.=NotonlyAnnbutalsoherparentsstayathomeeverySunday.不但安而且安的父母周天都也在家。3. 中考之在附近next to : 紧挨着 by 在旁边(比near 近)near : 在附近例1:My school is next to a supermarket. 我的学校紧挨着一个超市。例2:There is a park near the hospital. 有一个公园在医院附近。例3:He is sitting by the swimmi

7、ng pool and drinking coffee. 他正坐在游泳池旁边喝咖啡。 4. 中考之“在街上”与“门牌号” on + 街道:在街上 at + 门牌号:在号(门牌)例1:My house is on Zhongshan Road. 我的房子在中山路上。例2:Mr. Huo lives at No. 67 Center Street.霍老师住在中心大街67号6. 中考之frontin front of 在外部的前面(反义词behind)in the front of 在内部的前面例1:-Why are you standing?-I cant see the blackboard c

8、learly. Two boys are sitting in front of me.你为啥站着-我看不清黑板,俩男孩坐在我前面。例2:The driver is sitting in the front of the car.司机坐在汽车内部的前面。7. 中考之policepoliceman-policemen (男警察-男警察们)policewomanpolicewomen(女警察女警察们)police station 警察局The police(警察们) 作主语+谓语动词复数例1:There are many policewomen in this city.在这座城市里有很多女警察。

9、例2:Dont be afraid. The police are coming.别怕,警察来了。8. 中考之全部感谢(1) Thanks=Thank youThanks a lot=Thank you very much=Many thanks= Thanks so much非常感谢Thank you for your help.=Thanks for your help. Thanks for helping me.= Thank you for helping me谢谢你帮我。Thank you all the same.仍然谢谢你。(尽管你没帮上我)(2) 回答谢谢: Its my p

10、leasure. 这是我的荣幸。Thats OK. 不用谢,不客气。Not at all 不用谢,不客气。Thats all right. 不用谢,不客气Youre welcome. 不客气,不用谢。No problem.不客气,不用谢9. 中考之bankbank 银行 a bank clerk klk一个银行职员banker 银行家10. 中考之right与left(1)right :正确的(形容词) 右面;右面的(形名同形)(2)left: leave 的过去式 左面;左面的(形名同形)(3) on the right 在右边 on the left 在左面on sbs right 在某人

11、的右面 on sbs left在某人的左面(4)turn right 向右转 turn left 向左转例句:Just go straight streit and then turn right. The hotel is on the left. 仅仅直行然后右转,宾馆就在左面。 (hotel 宾馆 restaurant restrnt餐馆)11. 中考之neighborhoodin ones neighborhood 在某人的街区in the neighborhood of =near 在附近例句:-Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in the nei

12、ghborhood of(或near) the bank? -Sorry, I dont know, I am new in town. -打扰了,在银行附近有超市吗?-对不起,不知道,我初到城里。例2:There is a zoo in my neighborhood.在我街区附近有一个动物园。12. 中考之全部“花费”人spend money(或time)doing sth. 花费时间(或金钱)做某事(注意:spend的过去式spent)人spend money(或time)on sth.在某件事情上花费时间(或金钱) 物cost人 + 钱人+ pay+ 金钱+for +物体某人花费钱买东

13、西(注意pay的过去式是paid) It takes(或took) sb+时间 to do sth.做某事花费某人多长时间例1:I like to spend time there on weekends我喜欢在那儿度过周末例2:She spent 2 hours on the homework .她做作业花了2小时。(注意:spend的过去式spent)例3:The bike cost her 300 yuan. 这辆自行车花了她300yuan.(注意这里的cost是过去式)划线部分提问:How much did the bike cost her ?这辆自行车花了她多少钱?例4:I pai

14、d 20 dollars for the tickets tikits. 我花了20美元买了这些票。(注意pay的过去式是paid)例5:It takes us 10 minutesminits to get home by bus. 乘公共汽车到家花了我们10分钟的时间。划线部分(一段时间)提问:How long does it take you to get home by bus?乘汽车回家得花费你们多长时间?例6:I spent 50 yuan buying this pair of shoes.我花了50元买了这双鞋子13、中考之“正在进行”与“全过程”watch sb doing

15、sth 观看某人正干某事。(正在进行) watch sb do sth 观看某人做了某事。(全过程)see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(正在进行) see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事(全过程)hear sb doing sth 听见某人正干某事(正在进行) hear sb do sth 听见某人干了某事(全过程)notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正干某事。(正在进行) notice sb do sth 注意到某人干了某事。(全过程)例句:They stopped talking at once when they saw Mr. Huo walkin

16、g into the classroom.当他们看到霍老师走进教室的时候,他们立即停止了说话。(saw 是 see 的过去式 stopped 是stop 的过去式)14. 中考之climb climb a mountain 爬山 climb a tree 爬树例1:Look! That cat is climbing a tree.看!那只猫正在爬树。例2:I love to watch the monkeys climbing around.我喜欢看猴子们爬来爬去。(watch sb doing sth观看某人正干某事)15. 中考之around(1)around: 大约=about 到处=

17、here and there(2)look around 四下看 walk around 四下走动travel around 到处旅游 climb around 到处爬例句:Its around 8:00! Dont walk around in the reading room. 大约8点了!不要在阅览室走动!16. 中考之感官系动词+like(1) look + 形容词 look like + 名词:看起来像feel+ 形容词 feel like+ 名词:摸起来像taste+ 形容词 taste like+名词:尝起来像smell +形容词 smell like + 名词:闻起来像soun

18、d + 形容词 sound like + 名词:听起来像sound:声音(名词) 大自然的一切声音voice: 嗓音(说话声) noise: 噪音(嘈杂)例1: They look like my friends and me when we fight. 它们看起来就像我和我的朋友打闹一样。例2 : (It)Sounds like (that) youre having a good time. 听声音你正玩的高兴。(宾语从句)17. 中考之turn (1)turn: 转向(动词 变得(动词) 机会(名词)(2)turn right 向右转 turn left 向左转(3)turn to P

19、age Five 翻到第5页(4)turn on 打开 turn off 关闭(5)turning 转弯处 crossing 十字路口例1:Go along this street and turn right at the second turning. 沿着这条路走,在第二个转弯处往右拐。例2:Turn right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left. 在第一个十字路口向右拐,餐馆在你的左面。例3:Its your turn(to do the dishes)轮到你(洗碗)了18. 中考之“沿着”go along

20、 this street=go down this street= go up this street 沿着大街走walk along this street=walk down this street=walk up this street. 沿着这条路走例句:Just go along Bridge Street and turn left when you see the library. 仅沿着大桥街走,当你看到图书馆时向左拐。19. 中考之free(1)free : 空闲的 (形容词) 免费的(形容词)(2) freedomfri:dm:自由(名词)例1:Mr. Huo s stud

21、ents are not free now. They are studying English. 霍老师的学生们现在没空,他们在学英语例2:This cup of coffee is free.这杯咖啡免费。例3:They are fighting for freedomfri:dm。他们正在为自由而战。例4:The best things in life are free.在生活中的最美好的东西是免费的。20. 中考之enjoyenjoy+ 动词ing(或+代词宾格;或+名词):喜欢enjoy oneself(doing sth)= have fun(doing sth)=have a g

22、ood time(doing sth) (做某事)玩的开心例1:Mr. Huo with his family enjoys living in China. 霍老师和他的家人喜欢住在中国。例2:-We are going to the beach. 我们要去海边了。-Enjoy yourselves. (你们)玩得开心点例3:Its quiet and I enjoy reading there.那儿很安静,我喜欢在那里看书。21. 中考之need (1) need:必须,不得不(情态动词,后加动词原形)You neednt practice speaking English every d

23、ay. 你不必每天练习说英语。(neednt =dont have to) Need I do it at once?我需要立刻做它吗? No, you neednt. 不,你不必。(或:-Yes, you must. 是的,你必须)Need he stay here?他有必要待在这儿吗?No,he neednt. (或:No, he doesnt have to不,他不必。)(Yes,he must.是的,他必须待在这儿)(2) need: 需要(动词)need+ 名词:需要need (sb)to do sth 需要(某人)去干某事need + 人称代词宾格: 需要某人例1:The girl

24、 needs some help.这个女孩需要一些帮助例2:In winter, we need to wear warm clothes.在冬天我们需要穿暖和的衣服。例3:-Must I do my homework now? -我必须现在做我的家庭作业吗?-No, you neednt. -不,你不必。22. 中考之easy/ easilyeasy:容易的(形容词) easily:容易的(副词)例1:This job is so easy, so I can finish it easily.这个工作很容易,所以我能很容易地完成。例2:You can get to the library

25、easily.你可以很容易地到达图书馆。23. 中考之moneymoney 钱(不可数)a lot of money=lots of money=much money大量的钱make money =earn :n money挣钱save money 省钱例句:Mr. Huo always says to me,“Time is money! ”霍老师总是跟我说:“时间就是金钱”24. 中考之向别人“提供帮助”May I help you?= Can I help you?我可以帮你吗?What can I do for you? 我能帮你干什么?How can I help you? 我如何帮

26、你?Let me help you. 让我来帮你。Would you like me to help you?=Do you want me to help you? 你想让我帮你吗?25. 中考之目的状语to do 的例1:I must listen to Mr. Huo carefully to learn English well. =To learn English well, I must listen to Mr. Huo carefully.为了把英语学好,我必须认真听霍老师讲课。例2:You just have to cross the Center Street to get to the park. =To get to the park,you just have to cross the Center Street.为了到公园,你仅仅穿过中心大街。


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