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1、七下单元语法归纳练习期末复习Unit 1 情态动词canUnit 2-3,5特殊疑问句Unit 4祈使句,情态动词have to, mustUnit 6-7现在进行时态Unit 8 there be句型Unit 9外貌描述句型Unit 10 Would like句型Unit11-12一般过去时态1We _ be noisy in the library and we _ keep the books clean. Ahave to ; mustBmust ; cantChave ; to cantDcant ; have to2_ you please show me your phone?

2、Sorry. I_. Mine is broken. ACan; couldntBCould; couldntCCould; cantDCan; wont3Dont play with the knife, or you _ get hurt. AcannotBmustCmayDmay not4You _ go and see a doctor at once because youve got a fever. AcanBmustCmayDwould5 _ I finish my homework now? No, you _. Your work is over today.ACant;

3、mustBMust; dont have toCMay; couldntDCouldnt; could6_ forget_ your family photo here tomorrow. ADont; to bringBNot; to bringCNot; to takeDDont; to take7Mrs. White says to Peter, Peter, _ with your brother. Anot fightBdont fightCnot to fightDdoesnt fight8The teacher often says, _ late for school. ADo

4、ntBDont beCNot beDNot9Tom, _here to carry the luggage upstairs for me, will you? All right.AcomeBcameCcomingDto come10_run in the classroom, Eric. Sorry, Miss Wang. ADontBLetsCPleaseDNot11_? It is interesting. We all have a good time.ACan you play the guitarBWhat time do you go to schoolCHow do they

5、 go to workDWhat do you think of the trip12_ is it from your home to school? Its about ten minutes walk. AHow longBHow soonCHow farDHow old13 _ would you like? Two hamburgers, please.AWhatBHow manyCHow muchDWhats14_ are these girls? They are my friends.AHowBWhatCWhoDWhich15 _ did you go _ vacation?

6、We went to the countryside.AWhat; forBWhen; onCWhere; onDWhy; for16 are my glasses? I cant see the words on the blackboard. Its on the desk. AWhatBHowCWhereDWhy17 _? She is a tall girl with blonde hair.AHow old is your sister BWhat does your sister like.CWhat does your sister look like D. How is you

7、r sister going?18_ He is helpful and smart. AWhat is Simon like?BWhat does Simon like?CHow does Simon like?DWhat does Simon look like?19There _ a book, two pens and three pencils on the desk. AareBbeCisDwill be20Look! There are two planes _ in the sky. AflyBflyingCto flyDare flying21There_ some pens

8、 and an eraser on that desk. AisBareChasDhave22There_ a parents meeting this Sunday afternoon. Awill have Bis going to Cis going to be Dis going to have23There _ an English party in our school tomorrow evening. Ais going to be Bare going to be Chave Dwill have24 Is there a basketball in your classro

9、om? _. We often play it after school.AYes, it is BNo, it isnt CYes, there is DNo, there isnt25John _ English _ 7:00 _ the evening. Astudies; at; in Bstudy; in; in Cstudies; in; at Dstudy; at; in26Helen _ books at the moment. AreadsBreadingCis readingDwill read27Listen! Our teacher_ a song in the nex

10、t room. AsingBsingsCsangDis singing28Where is your sister now? She_ in the library.AstudiesBstudyingCis studyingDstudy29May I speak to Mrs. Smith? Sorry, she _ the clothes. Ais washingBwashesCwashDwashing30Keep quiet, Tom. Your sister _ in her room. AstudiesBhas studiedCis studyingDstudied31 Where a

11、re the kids? They _ basketball on the playground now.AplayBplayedCwill playDare playing32Sorry, I have to go now. My mother _ for me at home. Ais waitingBwaitedCwaitsDwas waiting33Its five in the afternoon and Mom _ dinner for her children. AcooksBcookedCis cookingDhas cooked34 What _ your mother_ t

12、hese days? She is learning how to drive.Adoes; doBis; doingCare; doingDdo; do35Jack is _ with Jim. They are good_.Arunning; friend Brunning; friends Cruning; friends Drun; friend36To everyones surprise, Alex _ play chess very much when he was only four .AmightBshouldCcanDcould37Last weekend I didnt

13、_ any cows but I _ some horses.Asee; seeBsaw; sawCsee; sawDsaw; see38I _some chickens in the countryside yesterday.AfeedBfeedsCfedDfeeding39What _you_ last week? I bought a bag.Adid; buyBdid; boughtCdo; buyDdo; bought40The brothers_ to the parks on Sunday afternoons. Last Sunday afternoon they_ an a

14、ction movie.Awent; sawBgo; seeCwent; seeDgo; saw41Mark Twain _ school and began to work at the age of twelve.AleftBleavesCwill leaveDleave42We _a great time at the party last night.AhaveBhasChadDare having43Toms brother _ me _Tom just now.Amake, to help B. make, help Cmade, help Dmade, to help.44I _

15、 a new song last month.AwriteBwritesCwroteDto write45Last summer vacation, we _ many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.AtakeBtakesCtookDwill take46Last Sunday, Carol and his friends _ some apples and _ them home.Apick; tookBpicked; tookCpicked; takeDpick, take47He _the apple into pieces twenty min

16、utes ago.AcutBcutsCcuttedDcutting48 Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant smoke here. This is non-smoking area.Oh, sorry. I _ the sign.Adont seeBdidnt seeCdidnt sawDsaw49The other day, my sister and I the ways of learning English.Ahave talked aboutBare talking aboutCtalk aboutDtalked about50 Where is the cake I made this morning? We _ it, Mom. Can you make another one for us?Awill eatBeatCateDwere eatingKeysDCCBB ABBAA DCACC CCACB BCACACDCAC DACBB DCCAD ACCCC BABDC


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