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1、(套)人教精通版小学英语五年级下册期末测试英语试卷一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,并将其代号填入前面的括号内。每小题听两遍。( )1. A. train B.think C.take( )2. A. watch B.want C.wait( )3. A.late B. look C. like( )4. A.hand B. head C. panda( )5. A.basketball B. football C. baseball二.听录音,根据你听到的句子,选出正确的答语,将其代号填入前面的括号内。每个句子听三遍。(10分)( ) 1.A.Yes,she is. B.Yes,he is.

2、C. Yes,I am. ( )2.A.We have three. B.Im three C.There are three.( )3.A.Yes,I want a toy train. B.Its 56 yuan. C.Theyre 56 yuan.( )4.A.Youre welcome. B. Sure,here you are. C.Oh,thank you.( )5.A.Im fine,thank you. B.I feel much better . C.I have a headache. 三听录音,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片,并将其代号填入前面的括号内。每个句子听三遍。(1

3、0分) ( ) 1. A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 笔试部分(70分)四. 连词成句,并将连好的句子按书写格式写在四线三格内,注意大写字母和标点符号。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1 .shouldnt in read You bed (.)2.want motorbike buy I to a (.)3 .many you English do a lessons in have How week (?)4.is with What wrong you (?)5. am cle

4、aning I the room (.)五、请找出一个与另外两个不同类的单词,并把其代号写在前面的括号内。1、( )A.meeting room B.dance C.sing2、( )A.vest B.coat C.milk3、( )A.volleyball B.badminton C.game4、( )A.bike B.buy C.boat 5、( )A.stand B.sport C.sit六.看图选单词,并把序号填入括号内。(5分)A. art club B. tell a story C. playground D.long jump E.take some medicine F.dr

5、agon fruit G.pick flowersH.watch the games I.toy ship J.wash the clothes ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、把下列句子中划线部分的英语译成汉语,汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。1.We often have English lessons in the language lab.( )2.Dont make noise in class ( )3.Heres a get-well card for you. ( )4.You should_(回家) early. ( )

6、 5.I am _(唱歌)now. ( )八、 选择填空:(共10小题,满分10分)( )1.We often borrow books _the library. A.in B.to C.from( )2.The teachers are playing _ basketball on the playground. A. a B. the C. / D.an( )3. are these short pants?-They are thirty five yuan. A.How many B.How much C.How old( )4.Are you watching the high

7、jump? A. Yes,you are. B. No,we are C.Yes,we are.( )5.Peter TV too often. A.watching B.watches C.watch( )6. Dont be _for class. A. wait B. quiet C. late( )7.You shouldnt_. A. keep your room clean B.go to bed early C. read in bed( )8.Ill help you _ your English. A. for B. to C. with( )9.You _cross the

8、 street when the light is red. A. must B. mustnt C. should( )10. He is_at the moon. A. look. B.looking C.looks九.情景对话。(5分)( )1、当你想找外祖母接电话时,应该说 A、Can I speak to grandpa ,please ? B、This is grandma. C、Can I speak to grandma ,please ?( )2、接听电话时向别人这样介绍自己: A、Im Peter ? B、My names Peter . C、This is Peter s

9、peaking.( )3、有同学进入草地,你看见你会怎么说? A、 You must keep off the grass. B、You mustnt cross the street. C. You mustnt play on the street.( )4、作为小学生,你shouldnt A、 Listen carefully and talk actively. B、 Eat in class. C、Hand in your homework on time.( )5、你的好朋友Kate重感冒了,你去看望她,你应该对她说 A、 You should take good care of

10、young children. B、You should go to school tomorrow.C、You should take some medicine and stay in bed.十、下面所给A栏是问句。B栏是答语,请从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答语,并把代号写在前面的括号内。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) A栏 B栏( )1. What are you doing? A. Thank you. ( )2.How much is it? B. No, they arent.( )3.Do you often come to the library? C. Sure.He

11、re you are. ( )4.What are they doing? D. We have two.( )5.Are they doing the high jump,too? E. I am making a call.( )6. Welcome to our school. F. Yes.Hold on,please.( )7. How many music lessons do you have in a week ? G. Its sixty yuan.( )8. What is she doing? H. Theyre playing ping-pong.( )9. Can I

12、 speak to grandma? I. She is washing the clothes. ( )10.Would you show me that pair of short pants ? J. Yes,I do.十一、阅读理解 (共5小题,每题2分 ,满分10分)阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。Helen usually gets up very early in the morning. She often goes to school at about 7:30. She has her first lesson at eight oclock. She d

13、oesnt go home at noon(中午). She has lunch at school. After lunch, she has a good rest for half an hour(半小时). Then she plays games with her classmates. Classes are over at 4:30. Helen goes home with her friends at about five. At six thirty, she has dinner with her parents. She goes to bed at 9:30. Tha

14、ts Helens day.( ) 1. Helen usually gets up late in the morning. ( ) 2. The first lesson begins at about 7:30.( ) 3. Helen doesnt have lunch at home.( ) 4. Helen goes home with her classmates at about four. ( ) 5. Helen has dinner at six thirty.十二.书面表达。( 10分)以“We Like Sports”为题写一篇作文。要求:语句通顺、条理清晰,不少于4

15、0个单词。人教精通版小学英语五年级下册期末测试英语试卷答案听力原文一、1.think 2.wait 3.late 4.head 5.basketball二、1.Is he a student?2. How many music lessons do you have in a week ?3. How much is it? 4. Would you show me that pair of short pants ?5.What is wrong with you?三、1.I often borrow books from the library. 2.I want a toy plane.

16、3.We should help old people. 4.I have a toothache.5.He is playing the guitar.参考答案一.BCABA 二.BABB 三.AAACB四.1.You shouldnt read in bed. 2. I want to buy a motorbike.3. . How many English lessons do you have in a week ?4. What is wrong with you? 5.I am cleaning the room.五、ACCBB 六、JIDFA HBGCE七、1.语音实验室 2.

17、制造噪音 3.康复卡 4.go home 5.singing八、CCBCB CCCBB 九、CCABC 十、EGJHB ADIFC 十一、FFTFT十二、作文评分要求:根据学生所写的内容和语言表达,初步确定其所属档次,然后赋分。如果书写差,格式、标点符号错误较多,以至于影响阅卷,降低一个档次。每档次给分范围和要求:第一档(9-10分)完全完成了试题内容,覆盖所有内容要求,应用了恰当的语法结构和词汇,基本没有语法和语汇错误,具有较强的语言表达能力,格式和标点规范,符合英语的表达习惯,行文连贯,表达清晰明了,可读性强,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(7-8分)符合题意要求,应用的语法结构和词汇基



20、.tellastory C.playgroundD.longjump E.takesomemedicine F.dragonfruit G.pickflowers H.watchthegames I.toyshipJ.washtheclothes 五、把下列句子中划线部分的英语译成汉语,汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。(10分)1.WeoftenhaveEnglishlessonsinthelanguagelab.()2.Dontmakenoiseinclass()3.Heresaget-wellcardforyou.()4.Youshould_(回家)early.()5.Iam_(唱歌

21、)now.()六、选择填空:(20分)七.情景对话。(10分)八、请从B栏中选出与A栏相对应的答语。(10分)人教精通版小学英语五年级下册期末测试、看图完成下列单词。(10分) l_br_ry b_ _e f_ _tba_ _ f_ _e sh _ _II、单项选择(20分)( )1.-Can I write them? -Yes, .A. I can B.you can C. I do( )2. We often borrow books _the library.A. on B. from C. to( )3. -What can I do you? Yes,I want to buy a

22、 shirt.A.with B. for C. /( )4.You_cross the street when the light is red. A. must B. mustnt C. shouldnt( )5. -Whats wrong you?-I feel sick and I have a fever. A. to B. for C. with( )6. -How is it?-It is _ yuan.A. many, fifty-three B. much, fifty-three C. much, fivety-three( )7.-Whats your mother_? -

23、Shes_the clothes.A. doing,washing B. washing,doing C. doing,wash( )8.-Are you watching the long jump?-No, _.A. Were watching the high jump B. Were watching the long jump C./( )9.This is _science lab._often have science lessons in it.A. we, Our B. our, We C. us, We( )10.-How_ English lessons do you h

24、ave in the language lab? -We have one English_ in the language lab.A. many, lessons B.much, lessons C. many, lessonIII、根据句意用所给词的正确形式补全下面的句子。(20分)1.-Whats the boy doing? -Hes _ (play)ping-pong.2.-How much _(is)those trousers? -They are eighty-eight yuan.3.How many_(lesson)do you have?-Six a day.4.Pet

25、er, you shouldnt _(read)in bed.5.I like a pair of shoes. Can I try _(they)on?IV、A) 找出正确回答,并将它们的序号填入题前的括号里。(10分)( ) 1. Can I help you? A. They are sixty-nine yuan.( ) 2. Would you show me that pair of shoes? B.Hes reading books. ( ) 3. What is he doing? C.I have a toothache.( ) 4. How much are the pa

26、nts? D. I want to buy a toy plane.( ) 5. Whats wrong with you? E. Sure, here you are.B)选择正确的句子抄写在横线上,使对话内容完整(20分)。A. I cant go to school today. B. This is Miss Liu speaking.C. Take good care of yourself. D. I have a headache. E. You should go to a doctor.A: May I speak to Miss Liu,please?B: (1)_.A:

27、Good morning,Miss Liu.This is Kate.Im ill today.(2)_?B: Oh dear!Do you have a cold?A: Yes,I have a bad cold.Im afraid(3)_.B: Dont worry about your lessons.(4)_. A: Yes.My mum will take me to the doctor.B: Ok. (5)_.A:Thank you.V、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(10分)1.many, How, do, have, you, music lessons, in, a, w

28、eek (?)_2. should, go, to, early, You, bed(.)_ 3. telling, I ,a, story, am (.) 4. card, a, get-well, you, for, Heres (.) 5. the, Are, watching, you, high, jump(?) IX、阅读理解 (共5小题,每题2分 ,满分10分)阅读短文,并根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。Helen usually gets up very early in the morning. She often goes to school at about 7:3

29、0. She has her first lesson at eight oclock. She doesnt go home at noon(中午). She has lunch at school. After lunch, she has a good rest for half an hour(半小时). Then she plays games with her classmates. Classes are over at 4:30. Helen goes home with her friends at about five. At six thirty, she has din

30、ner with her parents. She goes to bed at 9:30. Thats Helens day.( ) 1. Helen usually gets up late in the morning. ( ) 2. The first lesson begins at about 7:30.( ) 3. Helen doesnt have lunch at home.( ) 4. Helen goes home with her classmates at about four. ( ) 5. Helen has dinner at six thirty.人教精通版小

31、学英语五年级下册期末测试听力原文及答案笔试部分答案I、library bi ke fo otbal l fa ce sh i pII、ABBBC BAABAIII.1.playing 2.are 3.lessons 4.read 5.themIV.A)DEBAC B)BDAECV.1.How many music lessons do you have in a week?2.You should go to bed early.3.I am telling a story.4.Heres a get-well card for you.5.Are you watching the high jump?十一、FFTFT


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