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1、Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 1同步练习一、翻译下列词组。Fly a kiteMake a modelJoin a club二、将下列句子译成英语。1我会游泳。 _2我想会做模型。_3我会唱歌。_4我会骑自行车。_三、下列句子可以组成一则会话。根据提示,请排列出顺序。 A Yes, I can.B Do you want to join the art club?C Can you paint?D What club do you want to join?E Can you swim?F No, I cant.G Yes, I do.H I dont know.1D 2_ 3_

2、 4_ 5 6_ 7_ 8_四、完形填空。( ) 1. Please call me _ 8989766. Ain Bat Cabout Dwith( ) 2. _ like to go swimming _ summer.AChildren, on BChildren, in CA child, on DA child, in( ) 3. Miss Read is good _musicShe can be good _ children in the music club.Aat, at Bwith, with Cat, with Dwith, at( ) 4. The young _ p

3、lays the _ very well.Apianist, piano Bpiano, pianist Cpianist, pianist Dpiano, piano( )5. What can you do, Lin Tao? _.AI like sports BI want to join the music clubCI am well DI can do Chinese Kung Fu五、翻译下列单词。KiteSwimModelBike答案:一、 放风筝 做模型 加入俱乐部二、 I can swim.I can make a model.I can sing.I can ride a

4、 bike.三、 DHBGEACF四、 BBCAB五、 风筝 游泳 模型 自行车Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 1同步练习一、根据句意及词首字母写出单词。1. Gina wants to g_ to the music club.2. Can you s _ English?3. I can play the guitar but cant play the f _.4. My e-mail a _ is cindyyjones 163. com5. Can you s_?二、从第栏中找出第栏中问句的相应答语。 ( )1. What club do you want to join

5、? A. Very well.( )2. Whats your phone number? B. Its $10.( )3. How are you? C. Its 8989766.( )4. How can I contact you? D. The music club.( )5. How much is the shirt? E. You can call me at 898976.三、单项选择。( ) 1. Tom wants _ to you. Are you free? Ato tell Btells Cto talk Dtalks( ) 2. Can you help me _

6、my English? Awith Bof Clearning Dabout( ) 3. Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin.Athe, the B, Cthe, D , the( ) 4. I _ a cup of tea. A. want to B. want C. like to D. could like( ) 5. Can you paint? _. A Yes, a little BYes, little CNo, a little DNo, little四、翻译下列单词。BikeMusic Can Ride五、翻译下列词组。R

7、ide a bikeMake a modelGo to swimmingListen to music答案:一、 go speak football address swim二、 DCAEB三、 CADBA四、 自行车 音乐 可以 骑五、 骑自行车 做模型 去游泳 听音乐Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 1同步练习一、根据图片填写单词1. This is a _2. I want to _ 3. Lets make a _ 二、翻译下列短语1. 踢足球 2.放风筝 3.做飞机模型 4.堆雪人 三、翻译1.你会踢足球吗?2.不,我不会。3.你会游泳吗?4.是的,我会。四、单项选择1.

8、- you play football? - Yes, I can.A. Can B. Do2. Can you ride a bike?A. a B. an C. / 3. I can a kite.A. play B. fly4. Can you swim? - No, I .A. can B. cant五、补全短语1.踢足球 football2. 放风筝 fly a 3. 做飞机模型 make a 4. 堆雪人 a snowman答案:一、1. football 2. swim 3. snowman二、1.play football 2.fly a kite 3.make a model

9、 plane 4.make a snow man三、1. Can you play football?2. No, I cant.3. Can you swim?4. Yes, I can.四、1-4 AABB五、1.Play 2.kite 3.model plane 4. makeUnit 1 Playtime Lesson 1习题一、 Look and write.1、 This is a _2、I want to _ 3、Lets make a _ 二、Read and write. 连词成句。1、snowman a make lets _2、 swim how about you ?

10、I want to._答案:一、1、football 2、 swim 3、snowman二、1、lets make a snowman 2、I want to swim,how about you?Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 2同步练习一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Does she want _ (join) the club?2. Lets join the _ (swim) club.3. Jack _ (not like) the school show.4. He cant _ (play) the piano. 二、完成句子。1. 你姐姐会游泳还是会跳舞?Can

11、your sister swim _ _?2. 玛丽想和你成为朋友。Mary wants _ _ _ with you.3. 格林先生不会敲鼓。Mr. Green _ _ the drums.4. 我可以参加艺术节吗?Can I _ _ the Art Festival?三、翻译下列单词。Swim BikeKite 四、翻译下列词组。Play footballPlay basketballMake a kiteMake a bus model五、翻译下列句子。I can swim.I can fly a kite.I can ride a bike.I can make a model.答案:

12、一、 join swimming doesnt like play二、 or dance to be friend cant play join in三、 游泳 自行车 风筝四、 踢足球 打篮球 做风筝 做一个公共汽车的模型五、 我会游泳。我会放风筝。我会骑自行车。我会做模型。Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 2同步练习一、单项选择题。( ) 1. Bill can play _ violin but he cant play _ chess. A. the, 不填 B. the, the C. 不填, theD. a, 不填( ) 2. _ does he want to join

13、 our club? A. What B. How C. Why D. Where( ) 3. Victor sings well. He can _ in our school music festival. A. isB. areC. beD. am( ) 4. Our school show is _ 6:00 pm _ Sunday. A. at, onB. on, in C. in, atD. on, at( ) 5. Jennifers friends are _. A. music B. musicians C. teacherD. people二、词汇。1. His aunt

14、_(唱歌) very well.2. Lets _(加入) the music club.3. Miss Brown tells us _ .(故事)4. Can he _(说) Chinese?5. We can see three _(钢琴) in the room.三、翻译下列单词。Swim ModelFootballPlay四、翻译下列词组。Play footballPlay basketballMake a model Make a car model五、翻译下列句子。I can swim.I can fly a kite.I can play football.I can play

15、 basketball.答案:一、 BACAB二、 Sing join story speak piano三、 游泳 模型 足球 玩四、 踢足球 打篮球 做模型 坐汽车模型五、 我会游泳。 我会放风筝。 我会踢足球。 我会打篮球。Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 2同步练习一、看图写出你所学到的单词或短语( ) ( ) ( )二、翻译句子1. 我会骑自行车。2. 汤姆会做飞机模型。3. 你会堆雪人吗?是的,我会。三、连词成句,注意标点符号1. snowman, a, make, lets _2. swim, how, about, you, I, want, to_四、完成对话A:

16、Hello, Lily!B: _1_, Tom!A: _2_?B: Im going to fly a kite in the park. _3_?A: Yes, I can.B: Ok, lets together!五、根据汉语提示完成句子1. I often fly a _ after school.2. Mary can _(唱歌)and _(跳舞).3. Bill likes make a _(飞机模型).答案:一、fly a kite ride a bike play football二、1. I can ride a bike.2. Tom can make a model pla

17、ne.3. -Can you make a snowman? Yes, I can.三、1. Lets make a snowman2. I want to swim, how about you?四、1. Hello 2. Where are you going 3. Can you fly a kite五、1.kite 2.sing dance 3.model planeUnit 1 Playtime Lesson 2习题一、根据图片补充完整下列句子。1、They play _2、I want to _3、I like _二、你问我答。1、 Can you ride a bike ?_2、

18、 What do you want to do today?_答案:一、1、basketball2、play football3、play the piano二、结合本节课所学内容的答案皆可。Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 3同步练习一、 单项选择。1. _ you want to play football?A. Do B. Are C. Can 2. I can play basketball _.A. wellB. goodC. great3. Our team got eighty _.A. point B. points C. grades 二、 补全句子。1. You

19、can _(跑的很快).2. You got _(二十分).3. _(我是你的第一位粉丝。).三、翻译下列单词。Swim BikeKite 四、翻译下列词组。Make a model Make a car modelMake a kiteMake a bus model五、翻译下列句子。I can write.I can fly a kite.I can ride a bike.I can make a model.答案:一、 AAB二、 Run fast twenty scores I am your first fan.三、 游泳 自行车 风筝四、 做模型 做汽车模型 做风筝 坐公交模型五

20、、 我会写。我会放风筝。我会骑自行车。我会做模型。Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 3 同步练习一、 翻译句子。1. Do you want to play basketball?_2. You can jump really high._3. Can you run fast?_4. 你篮球打得很好。_二、 回答下列问题。1. -Can you fly high?-No, _2. - Do you want to play basketball?-Yes, _三、翻译下列单词。Snowman BikeKite 四、翻译下列词组。Play footballPlay basketbal

21、lMake a kiteMake a snowman 五、翻译下列句子。I can swim.I can fly a kite.I can drive a car.I can make a snowman.答案:一、 你想去打篮球吗? 你可以跳的很高。 你跑的很快嘛? You play basketball well.二、 No, I cant. Yes, I do.三、 雪人 自行车 风筝四、 踢足球 打篮球 做风筝 对雪人五、 我会游泳。我会放风筝。我会开车。我会堆雪人。Unit 1 PlaytimeLesson 3 同步练习一、写出下列单词的汉语意思1. swim 2. dog 3. c

22、at 4. bike 5. football 6. time 二、翻译短语1.放风筝 2.踢足球 3.堆雪人 4.骑自行车 三、把单词和首字母栏连接起来,组成一个完整单词 pple b at dike aog c四、翻译句子1. 你会做飞机模型吗,莉莉?2. 汤姆会堆雪人。3. 对不起,我不会。4. 看,我会游泳!五、完成对话A: Can you play football?B: Sorry, 1 .A: Can you ride 2 ?B: 3 , I cant.A: Can you swim?B: Yes, 4 .答案:一、1.游泳 2.狗 3.猫 4.自行车 5.足球 6.时间二、1.f

23、ly a kite 2. play football 3.make a snowman 4.ride a bike三、pple b at dike aog c四、1.Can you make a model plane, Lily?2. Tom can make a snowman.3. Sorry, I cant.4. Look! I can swim.五、1. I cant 2. a bike 3. No/Sorry 4. I can Unit 2 Weather Lesson 3习题一、 填一填。1、Its raining, lets take our _2、Whats _ in Hef

24、ei today ?3、Lets go out, its_today.二、 答一答。1、What weather do you like ?_2、Whats the weather like today? _答案:一、1、 umbrella.2、 Weather3、 sunny二、无标准答案Unit2 Weather Lesson 2习题一、 写出下面地点的英语名称1、 哈尔滨_2、 加拿大_3、 欧洲_二、 练对话1、 Its raining nowlets take our_2、I want to go to Beijing in summer Its very _in Beijing答案

25、:一、1、Harbin 2、Canada 3、Europe二、 1、umbrella2、hotUnit 2 WeatherLesson 1同步练习一、将下列句子按正确顺序排列。( )Hello! What are you doing?( )Its rainy today. How about Harbin?( )Its sunny.( )Ok. Bye.( )Not much. Whats the weather like in Shanghai?二、 完成句子。1、天气怎么样? _the weather_? 2、天气冷。Its _. 3、脱下你的毛衣。 _your sweater. 4、别忘

26、了你的雨伞。Dont _ your_.三、翻译下列单词。SunnyRainyCloudy四、翻译下列词组。Play footballPlay basketballBeautiful day五、翻译下列句子。Its sunny.Its cloudy.Its rainy.答案:一、13452二、what is like cold put off forget umbrella三、晴天 雨天 多云四、踢足球 打篮球 美好的一天五、今天是晴天。今天是多云。今天是雨天。Unit 2 WeatherLesson 1同步练习一、选出不同类的单词。 ( )1、A. umbrella B. garden C.

27、raincoat D. hat( )2、A .hot B. cold C. cool D. coat( )3、A. there B. these C. those D. this( )4、A. windy B. window C. cloudy D. sunny( )5、A .she B. shirt C. socks D. shoes二、单项选择,请将正确选项的字母标号填写在题前括号内。( )1、Its _. Put on your raincoat! A. windy B. sunny C. rainy D. snowy ( )2、Can I play football now, mom?

28、 Its going to rain. A. yes, you can. B. No, you cant. C. no, you cant. D. Yes, you can.( )3、Sarah wants a pair of _.A. shoe B. sock C. shoes D. pant( )4、Is it _ ?Yes, its _ . A. rainy cool B. cloudy hot C. windy hot D. windy warm( )5、This is the _ report. Its cold in Beijing.A. P.E. B. weather C. mu

29、sic D. English三、下面是打乱顺序的问答句,把答句字母标号填在相应问句前的括号内。 ( )1、What are you doing? A. Its cool.( )2、Whats the weather like there? B. They are on your feet.( )3、Is it cold? C. Im watching TV.( )4、What are these? D. These are shoes.( )5、Where are my shoes? E. No, its not.四、连词成句。_1、Kunming whats weather the in l

30、ike ?_2、the report this weather is ._3、wear T-shirt I my can ?_4、I to the have door close ._答案:一、 BDABA二、 CBCAB三、 CAEDB四、 1、Whats the weather like in Kunming ? 2、This is the weather report. 3、 Can I wear my T-shirt? 4、I have to close the door. Unit 2 WeatherLesson 1同步练习一、根据图片内容填写天气 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、

31、单词填写1.下雨的 _2.晴朗的 _3.雨伞 _4.天气 _5.多云的 _三、填一填1. Its raining, lets take our _2. Whats _ in Hefei today?3. Lets go out, its_today.四、翻译1.今天天气怎么样?_2.上海今天下雨。_3.北京天气怎么样?_五、答一答1. What weather do you like?_2. Whats the weather like today? _答案:一、rainy cloudy sunny snowy二、1. rainy 2. sunny 3. umbrella 4. weather

32、 5. cloudy三、1. umbrella 2. weather 3. sunny四、1.Whats the weather like today?2. The weather in Shanghai is rainy.3. Whats the weather like in Beijing?五、无标准答案Unit 2 WeatherLesson 2同步练习一、然后试着读出下列单词,圈出你不会读的单词 。cold cool warm hot 二、单词理解:对照汉语,读词并连线。cold cool warm hot 凉爽的/凉的 温暖的/暖和的 热的/烫的 寒冷的/冷的三、句型体验:我会连词

33、成句写下来。1、 I can now outside go(?) 2、time what it is (?)3、 I can have soup some (?)四、翻译下列句子。Whats the weather like today?Its cold.Its sunny.Its rainy.答案:一、 略二、 寒冷的/冷的 凉爽的/凉的 温暖的/暖和的 热的/烫的三、 Can I go outside now?What time is it?Can I have some soup?四、 今天天气怎么样?今天好冷。今天是晴天。今天是雨天。Unit 2 WeatherLesson 2同步练习

34、一、看图,在句子的横线上填上适当的词。(每空一词)Good morning, this is the weather report. Its in Harbin. Its very . .It s in Beijing. 二、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题1. Whats the weather like in Harbin? 2. Is it cool? 3. What time is it now?三、情景反应。1、( ) Whats the weather like there? A. No, you cant.2、( )What time is it? B、Yes, it is.3、( )Can I wear my new skirt? C、Its rainy4、( ) Is it cool? D、Its twelve ocl


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