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1、人教版五年级英语上册期末试卷一找出不同类单词。( )1. A.fresh B.young C.often D.healthy( ) 2. A.every B.front C.behind D.beside( ) 3. A.draw B.sing C.dance D.bike( ) 4. A.Sunday B.kind C.Tuesday D Wednesday( ). 5.A.house. B.building C.helpful D.village二选择正确的选项,补全下列单词。( )1.br_dg_ A.i,e B.a,e C.e,e( ) 2W_ _nesday A.e,e Be,d C

2、.a,e( ) 3.h_ us_ A.o,e B.a,e C.u,e( ) 4.b_ t_le A.on B.o,t C.o,l( ) 5.b_ hi_ d A.e,n B.e,a C.e,o三根据汉语提示完成句子。1.Shes quiet and _(有礼貌的)。2.What do you do on the _(周末)。3.They are _(周末)。4.There is a clock _(在.后面)the TV.5.Is there a_(桥)over the river?四用所给词的正确形式填空1.Hes _(help).2.Are there _(some) trees?3.He

3、 can _(does) some kung fu.4.There are so many_(mouse) in the room.5.There are _(lot) of clocks in the shop.五英汉互译。1.no problem _ 2.洗我的衣服_3.play sports_ 4.踢足球 _5.play the pipa _ 6.说英语 _六单项选择。( ) 1.What _ you _ on Sundays?A.are,do B.does, do C.do ,do( )2.What would you like _ eat?A.to B.for C.at( )3._

4、there a forest?A.Is B.Are C.Be( )4.Are there _ lakes in the park?A.some B.any C.a5.( )He can _ ping-pong.A.plays B.play the C.play6.( )Sarahs _ food is fishA. favourite B likes C.like7.( )There_ a banana and some apples_ the plate.A is, in B.are,on C. are,at8.( )Well have _English party next Tuesday

5、.A. a B.an C. /9.( )Do you often read books _ the weekend?A. on B.in C.of10.( )-_ the ball?-Its in front of the dog.A.Wheres B.Hows C.What11.( )Can you_your clothes?A. wash B.watch C.read12.( )-_ she like?_She is very kind.A.Hows B.what C.What13.( )I love ice cream. Its_.A.sweet B.hot C.fresh14.( )I

6、 like vegetables.Theyre_.A.sweet B.healthy C.hot15.( )She is old_strict._ we like her.A.but,and B. and ,but C.or,but16.( )They _English ,maths and science_Mondays.A. Has,on B.has,in C.have ,o17( )-_your art teacher?-Mr Jones.A.Whats B.Whose C.Who18.( )你想知道Amy是不是很聪明,你问Tom:_A.Is she polite? B.Is Amy s

7、hy? C.Is Amy clever?18. ( )对方问你周末是不是经常读书,如果你是,你说:_A.Yes,I am B.Yes,I do C.No,I dont19. ( )你去朋友家做客,朋友问你想喝点什么,你说:_A.I like tea B.Id like some tea. C.Id like a salad.20. ( )你想知道对方会做什么,你问:_A.What can you do? B.What do you do ? C.What are you doing ?21. ( )你想知道森林里有没有一个湖,你问:_A.Is there a river in the fore

8、st? B.Is there a bridge in the forest? C.Is there a lake in the forest?七按要求完成下列各题。1.She is young and funny.(对划线部分提问) _2.What can you do ?(对划线部分提问 ) _3.Is Mr Smith tall?(做否定回答) _4.On Thursdays we have art class. _5.cat, is , the, behind , chair,the.(连词成句) _八判断正误。(对的写T,错的写F)I come from a beautiful vil

9、lage .Look !This is a picture of my village.There are many rivers and bridges in the village.The water in the river is very clean. There are many fish in the rivers.Near the village,there are many mountains.There are many big trees on the mountains.You can see many birds in the mountains.The sky in

10、the village is blue.The air is fresh.Welcome to my Green Village!2015年秋季学期五年级期末试卷座次号 科目:英语总分100分笔试部分(60分)五、Read and circle(读一读,圈出每组中不同类的一个10分) 1. A. old B. young C. tall D. teacher 2. A. Monday B. week C. Tuesday D. Friday 3. A. salad B. fresh C. hot D. sweet 4. A. cartoon B. sing C. dance D. draw 5

11、. A. between B. beside C. bottle D. behind 六、Read and choose(读一读,选一选10分)( ) 1. I _ helpful, he _ helpful, too. A. is, amB. am, is C. am, are ( ) 2. What do you do _ the weekend? A. on B. in C. at ( ) 3. Do you often play_ football? A. a B.the C. / ( ) 4. What would you like _ eat? A. to B. for C. wi

12、th ( ) 5. We _ beef noodles and fish today. A. are B. have C. do( ) 6. Id like some _ for lunch. A. rice B. water C. plants ( ) 7. What _ you do for the party? A. do B. can C. is ( ) 8. Today well learn _ kung fu, can you do _ kung fu? A. any, some B. some, some C. some, any ( ) 9. I can play _ ping

13、-pong, but I cant play _ pipa. A. / , the B. the, the C. the, / ( ) 10. There _ big bed and some toys in the room. A. are B. is C. am 七. Read and write. (连词成句12分) 1. lakes, any, on, the, mountain, there, are _?2. the, dog, it, is, in, front, of _. 3. do, any, kung fu, can, you _?4. your, favourite,

14、food, is, what _?5. Wu Yifan, is, like, what _? 6. lake, is, a , in, there , park , the. _.八、Read, choose and write(读一读,根据情景选择句子10分)1. Mike 和John 正在谈论他们的新老师,下面是他们的对话。 M: Mr Wang will be our new music teacher. J: Really? _? M: Hes kind. J: Is he strict? M: _. 4. Mike 和John正在谈论晚会的事情,下面是他们的对话。 M: Well

15、have a party this weekend. _?J: I can sing English songs.M: _? J: _. But Jack can. 九. Read and finish(阅读下面的短文,完成文后题目18分)In a dark(黑暗的), dark wood(森林), there is a dark, dark house.And in the dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark hallway.(走廊)And in the dark, dark hallway, there are some dark, dark s

16、tairs.(楼梯)And down(向下) the dark, dark stairs, there is a dark, dark room. And in the dark, dark room, there is a dark, dark cupboard.(橱柜)And in the dark, dark cupboard, there is a dark, dark box.And in the dark dark box, there is a bog mouse. (一) 根据短文的内容顺序,排列下面的词语。(8分) ( ) house ( ) hallway ( ) cupb

17、oard ( ) box ( ) wood( ) stairs ( ) room () mouse(二) 在短文中找出与划线部分读音相同的单词,并把它写在后面括号中的横线上。(10分)1. food afternoon (_) 2. round mouse (_) 3. book good (_) 4. birthday say (_) 5. rain paint (_)人教版五年级上册英语期末试卷及答案笔试部分(80分)一、Translation.(英汉互译。10分)1.草2.照片3.桥4.水果5.茄子6.衣服 7.greenbeans8.healthy9.moutain10.cloud 二

18、、Lookandwrite.(10分) 1、写出下列单词的缩写形式。 (星期一) (星期二) (星期三) (星期四) (星期五)2、写出下列单词的反义词。 (young) (strict) (tall) (thin) (quiet)三、Readandmatch.(将右栏答语前的题号填在左边的括号内。10分)()1.Whatsshelike?A.Icanmakethebed.()2.Whosyourartteacher?B.Quiet.()3.Howmanytakesarethere?C.Two.()4.Whatcanyoudo?D.Mr.Zhang.()5.Whatsyourfavoritef

19、ruit?E.Yes,Ican.()6.Canyouwashtheclothes?F.Bananas.()7.Whatsyourmother?G.Overthedoor.()8.Whereistheair-conditioner?H.Adoctor.四、Rearrangethesentences.(连词组句。10分)1.canIthebedmake .2.shequietis ?3.youcanWhatdo 4.prettyyoungandShes 5.anyfishArethereriverinthe ?五、Readandchoose.(选择填空,将正确答案的序号写在括号里。10分)()1.





24、herisgettinghisbooksandputtingtheminhisschoolbag.Goodbye,Ihavetogonow,Ihavetoopenthedoor.Theschoolbusiscoming.()1.WhoisPeter?A.HesJohnsfriend.B.HesMarysfriend.C.HesMarysbrother.()2.HowoldisJohn?A.Seven.B.Eight.C.Wedontknow.()3.WhatisJohndoing?A.Hesputtingonhisshoes.B.HesspeakingtoPeter.C.Heshavingbreakfast. ()4.WhoscombingJohnshair?A.Mary.B.MotherC.Grandmother.()5.HowdoJohnandMarygotoschool?A.OnfootB.Bybus.C.Bybike.七、描写一个你最喜欢的动物。


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