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1、SALES CONTRACT销售合同 562946 562947This contract is concluded on the 1th day of July 2012 (the “Effective Date”) between (the “Buyer”) and (the “Seller”).(买方)与(卖方)于二零一二年七月一日(生效日期)订立本合同。1. SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 合同目的The Seller agrees to sell and deliver Coal in bulk and the Buyer agrees to purchase and a

2、ccept delivery of Coal in bulk at the terms and conditions set out below:根据下述条款与条件卖方同意售卖和运送散装煤炭而买方同意购买及接受散装煤炭。2. DEFINITIONS 定义 Actual Calorific Value means:实际热值意即the calorific value of the Coal as stated in the final certificate of analysis basis kcal/kg (NAR);载明于最后检验证的煤炭热值Affiliates means:分支机构意即in

3、 relation to any company or corporation, a Subsidiary or Holding Company of that company or corporation or any other Subsidiary of that company or corporation or of that Holding Company;Banking Day and Business Day mean:银行工作日和营业日意即any day except a Saturday or Sunday on which banks in the city of New

4、 York, New York, USA, are generally open for the conduct of business;Calorific Value (CV) means:热值(CV)意即the calorific value of the Coal expressed in BTU/lb or kcal/kg;Holding Company:控股公司has the meaning given to it in the definition of Subsidiary;INCOTERMS 2010 means:贸易术语2010意即the 2010 edition of th

5、e standard trade definitions published by the International Chamber of Commerce;Kcal/kg means:大卡/公斤意即the heating value of coal expressed in kilo-calories per kilogram;Laytime means:装卸时间意即the time allowed for discharging the vessel;Laycan means:受载期意即the agreed days during which the vessel shall arriv

6、e at the port of discharge for the commencement of discharge;Metric Ton (MT) means:公吨(MT)意即1 metric ton of 1,000 kilograms or 2204.62 lbs;NAR means:收到的净值Net As Received;Subsidiary means:子公司意即a company or corporation which, in relation to another company or corporation (a “Holding Company”): (a) is c

7、ontrolled, directly or indirectly, by the Holding Company; (b) more than half the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the Holding Company; or (c) which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the Holding Company; and for this purpose, a company or corporat

8、ion shall be treated as being controlled by a Holding Company if the Holding Company is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the composition of its board of directors or equivalent body;US$ means:美元$意即the lawful currency of the United States of America.3. QUANTITY 数量One cape-sized shipments

9、of 165,000 Metric Tons +/- 10% in vessels option.一艘好望角型船只165,000公吨正负10%。4. QUALITY 质量Colombian original coal in accordance with the following typical specifications (the “Coal”):哥伦比亚原煤符合下述典型规格(煤炭)Basis 基础Typical 典型Rejection 拒收Measure 计量Total Moisture 总水分As received15.0 approx%Inherent Moisture 内在水分A

10、ir dried7.0 approxVolatile Matter 挥发物As received36 approx %Ash Content 灰分As received12.0 approx16.0%Sulphur Content 含硫量As received0.81.0%Net Calorific Value 净热量As received58005600kcal/kgHardgrove Index (HGI) 哈氏指数45.0 approxSize: 0-50mm 尺寸-Ash Fusion Temp.煤灰熔融温度(reducing)Initial Deformation 初始变形-1150

11、 approxCBuyers Right to Reject 买方拒收权The Buyer has the right to reject the Coal if: 买方有权拒收,如: The loadport Net Calorific Value (as received) result is below 5600 kcal/kg; or 装货港净热值(收到时)低于5600大卡/公斤,或 The loadport Sulphur content (as received) result is over 1%; or 装货港含硫量(收到时)高于1%,或 The loadport Ash co

12、ntent (as received) result is over 16%. 装货港灰分(收到时)高于16%5. PRICE 价格The price per Metric Ton of the Coal shall be calculated as follows:煤炭的每公吨价格计算如下:Price 价格US$ xxx per MT delivered CIF 1 safe port, 1 safe berth in Fangcheng port, Guangxi province, China, basis 5,800 kcal/kg (NAR) with no draft restri

13、ctions at discharge port.每公吨美元$ xxx CIF 一个安全港口,一个在中国广西省防城港的安全、没有吃水限制泊位,基础5,800大卡/公斤(收到时净值)。Price Adjustment 价格调整Calorific Value 热值In the event the Actual Calorific Value is above or below 5,800 kcal/kg (NAR) a pro-rata price adjustment will be deducted from or added to the Price, calculated as follo

14、ws: 假如实际热值高于或低于5,800大卡/公斤(收到时净值),则价格将按比例计算调整,算法如下:Where: 算式中Freight means the actual freight rate per Metric Ton, to be advised by Seller to Buyer; FOB Price means the CIF price less Freight.Freight 运费即是由卖家方报给买方的每公吨实际运费。FOB Price 即是CIF价格扣除Freight运费。6. SHIPPING SCHEDULE 装运时间表The Coal shall be loaded

15、during May or June 2012 in Sellers option and subject to suitable vessel availability. 煤炭由卖方选择于二零一二年五月或六月装运,视乎船只供应情况。If a workable letter of credit is not received by Sellers bank in accordance with the clause 8. PAYMENT, Seller shall have the right but not the obligation to delay or suspend perform

16、ance of any of its obligations under this contract and/or terminate this contract. Any losses arising out of Buyers failure to open a workable letter of credit in time shall be for Buyers account.假如卖方未能按照第八条付款所示如期收到可操作的信用证,卖方有权推延或搁置其供货责任以及/或终止本合同。因买方未能开出可操作的信用证而招致的任何损失均由买方负责。7. DELIVERY 运送CIF (Incot

17、erms 2010) 1 safe port, 1 safe berth in Fangcheng port, Guangxi province, China, basis 5,800 kcal/kg (NAR) with no draft restrictions at discharge port.CIF(贸易术语2010)一个安全港口,一个于中国广西省防城港的安全、无吃水限制的安全泊位,基础5,800大卡/公斤(收到时净值)。Buyer shall provide at discharge port a safe berth reachable on arrival where the

18、vessel shall always be able to enter, discharge, lie and leave afloat.买方须于卸货港提供一安全泊位,让船只到达时可以随时进入、卸货、停靠和离开。Vessel Nomination 船只通报Seller shall notify the Buyer of the following details in writing: 卖方将以书面形式通知买方以下资料:a. The name (or IMO number) of the vessel that the Seller nominates including the age,

19、flag, class, deadweight tonnage, beam, length overall and draft of the vessel; 船只的名称(或IMO编号)包括船龄、载重吨位、船宽、整体长度以及吃水量。b. The estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the port of discharge. 到达卸货港的预计日期。Buyer shall confirm acceptance of vessel nomination within 1(one) Business Day of Sellers nomination.

20、 卖方通报后买方须於一个营业日内确认。The Seller shall give written notice to the Buyer of the progress of the vessel five (5) days, three (3) days, two (2) days and twenty four (24) hours before the ETA of the vessel at the port of discharge. The Seller shall inform the Buyer of any deviation in excess of twenty-four

21、 (24) hours to the aforementioned ETA.卖方将于预计船只抵达卸货港前五天、三天、两天和二十四小时以书面通知买方船只的进度。如有偏差,卖方将于前述的预计抵达日二十四小时前通知买方。The Seller maysubstitute any vessel nominated under this contract by another vessel by giving a notice of substitution to the Buyer at any time prior to ETA of the original vessel. 卖方或于预计抵达日前任何

22、时候发出更换通知书通知买方更换原来通报的船只。Discharge rate 卸载速度Buyer shall guarantee a minimum discharge rate of 25,000 metric tons per weather working day, Sundays and holidays included (PWWD SHINC). 买家须保证每一可卸载工作天最少卸载25,000公吨,包括星期天和公众假期。Turn time: 12 (twelve) hours.等泊时间:十二小时Agency, port charges, dues and taxes At the d

23、ischarge port, the Seller is only accountable for port charges associated with bringing the vessel alongside the discharge berth. Any taxes, dues or other charges levied against the cargo shall be for the Buyers account. All such charges shall be paid promptly by the Buyer such that the Buyer is in

24、a position to take delivery of the cargo without delay.在卸货港卖方只负责牵涉引领船只停靠泊位的码头费用,买方须负责其他所有费用。买家须及时支付该等费用以免导致延误。Stevedores 装卸工The stevedores shall be appointed by the Buyer. The stevedores and anyone employed by the stevedores shall be under the supervision of the Master. Loss and/or damage caused by

25、Stevedore act or omission, if any, to be settled directly between stevedores / Buyer and Master / owners. 买方负责委派装卸工。装卸工与任何受雇于装卸工人仕均由船长监督。如装卸工的行为或疏忽引致损失及/或损失,由装卸工/买方与船长/船东直接解决。Product discharged by Buyer 买方卸载货物Product is to be discharged and taken free from the vessels holds at the Buyers risk and ex

26、pense. 货物由船只卸载转移的风险和费用由买方负责。Notice of Readiness and Laytime 准备就绪通知与卸货时间 After arrival at the port of discharge, Notice of Readiness may be tendered by the vessel during or outside of office hours at any time of day or night, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays included, whether in port or not, whether i

27、n berth or not, whether in free pratique or not, whether customs cleared or not.船只抵达卸货港后,将随时发出准备就绪通知,无论是办公或非办公时间,日与夜,包括星期六,星期天与公众假期,无论在港口与否,在泊位与否,入港与否以及清关与否。Laytime shall commence at the earlier of: 卸货时间将随下开情况开始,以先发生着为准:a. Twelve (12) hours after Notice of Readiness has been tendered; or 发出准备就绪通知后十二

28、小时,或b. The actual commencement of discharge. 实际卸货开始时。Laytime shall cease on completion of discharge (holds to be left by stevedores swept cleaned, to Masters satisfaction). Any extra time used solely for the Buyers draft survey shall count as Laytime. Time used for final draft survey, shall always c

29、ount as Laytime and time used.卸货完成后卸货时间即终结(剩余的装卸工须清扫干净直至船长满意)。任何额外用于买方进行吃水测量的时间均算作卸货时间。用于最终吃水调查的时间通常算作卸货时间及耗用时间Time and costs of shifting directly between berths at the Buyers or Port Authoritys request shall count as Laytime and all in doing so shall be for the Buyers account. 买方或港口当局要求在泊位间直接转移花费的时

30、间和成本算作卸货时间并由买方负责。Any time lost during discharging due to the vessels inability to discharge or due to any other defect and/or default in the vessel, deficiency and/or default of the vessels personnel shall not count as Laytime. 卸货时由于船只不能卸货或由于任何的船只缺陷及/或缺失、不足及/或由于船员的缺失导致的时间损失不算作卸货时间。In the event of we

31、ather conditions which, in the opinion of either the Port Authority or the Master make discharging perilous, and all discharging operations are suspended then all such time lost shall not count as Laytime, unless vessel is already on demurrage, and the Master may close hatches in case of heavy rain,

32、 heavy snow, or hail. In case of rain, all holds which have not been fully discharged should be closed in order to avoid wetting the Coal. 天气方面,如果港口当局或船长认为会引致卸货危险而暂停卸货操作则所有时间损失将不计算入卸货时间内,除非船只已然滞期,而船长或会于大雨、大雪或下冰雹时关闭舱门。大雨时,所有未卸载的剩余货物应该关闭以防弄湿煤炭。Laytime permitted at the discharge port shall be calculate

33、d on bill of lading quantity.提单上数量将会计算可允许的卸货时间。Demurrage and Despatch 滞期费与速遣费The demurrage rate shall be as per the governing Charter Party. 滞期费依据租船合约中的规定计算。If total Laytime used exceeds total Laytime allowed, Buyer shall pay Seller demurrage per day or pro rata for the excess time. If the total Lay

34、time used is less than the total Laytime allowed, the Seller shall pay despatch to the Buyer for the time saved at the rate equal to fifty per cent (50%) of the demurrage rate per day or pro rata part thereof.如果所用卸货时间超出可允许的卸货时间,买方将付与卖方按日计算的滞期费或按比例计算的超时费。如果所用卸货时间少于可允许的卸货时间,则卖方将付与买方按节省了的时间计算的速遣费,费率是滞期

35、费或超时费的50%。Laytime calculations shall be presented by the Buyer within 30 (thirty) calendar days of the completion of discharge. Demurrage / despatch shall be paid by the party so owing within 3 (three) Business Days of agreement of Laytime calculations against presentation of the owed partys invoice

36、.卸货时间总计将于卸货完毕后三十个日历日内由买方出具。 按装货时间总计议定付款方将于收款方开出发票后三个营业日内支付滞期费/速遣费。8. PAYMENT 付款Letter of Credit 信用证Payment shall be made by Buyer in US$ without any deduction, withholding, offset or counterclaim whatsoever by means of a fully workable irrevocable documentary letter of credit, to be opened by a bank

37、 and in a form fully acceptable to Seller covering 100% (one hundred percent) of the cargo value based on Sellers pro forma invoice value of quantity of 165,000mt and allowing a tolerance of +/- 10% in quantity.付款以美元结算,不得扣减,留存,抵消或反诉,付款工具使用由银行开出的按卖方备考发票货物总值的100%不可撤销、卖方接受的信用证,货物数量165,000公吨,容许正负10%数量差异

38、。1. The letter of credit must be opened within 3 (three) Business Days after this contract signed.信用证必须于签署本合同后三个营业天内开出。2. Time is of the essence for the opening of the letter of credit. The opening of the letter of credit shall be a condition precedent to the Sellers obligation to deliver the Coal.

39、开出信用证的时间极为重要。开出信用证是卖方履行供煤责任的先决条件。3. The letter of credit shall be available and negotiable at the counters of any bank and shall provide that:信用证可于任何银行议付而且:a) Third party documents are acceptable; 第三方文件可接受;b) Underdrawings and multiple drawings are allowed; 可以不足额兑付及多次兑付。 c) Documents to be presented

40、 within 42 days of the bill of lading date; 文件可以于提单日期后42天内提交。d) The value of the letter of credit may escalate/de-escalate in accordance with the price formula without any further amendment; 信用证的金额可以按计价方程式上浮/下浮,无需改证。e) Spelling mistakes and other typographical errors not affecting unit price, quanti

41、ty and/or amount are acceptable; and 不影响单价、数量及/或总额的拼写错误可以接受。f) Interest payable may be drawn separately; 应付利息可以另行兑付。g) The quality specifications stated are typical values. If such values differ from the actual values shown on the certificate of analysis issued at the port of loading, they cannot be

42、 deemed as a discrepancy under the letter of creditexcept for quality specifications that exceed or are below any stated rejection limit. 质量规格只是典型数值。如果该数值不符装货港的检验报告,于议付信用证时不能被视为误差,除非数值超过或低于拒收标准。4. If the certificate of sampling and analysis reflects specifications which are outside of the typical sp

43、ecifications but within the rejection limits as stated in clause 4. QUALITY, the beneficiary of the letter of credit may negotiate without discrepancy. 如果取样与检验报告的结果不符典型规格但仍然在拒收标准内(第四条。品质),则信用证不存在误差,受益人可以进行议付。5. The letter of credit shall be governed by UCP 600 (ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for D

44、ocumentary Credits).信用证受UCP 600 管辖。6. The letter of credit shall not bear any sanction clauses.信用证不得存在任何制裁条款。7. All charges relating to the opening of the letter of credit shall be for the Buyers account. Any charges from the advising/negotiating bank shall be for the Sellers account.开证费用由买方负责,议付费用由

45、卖方负责。Payment 付款95% of the value of the Coal based on the bill of lading weight and the analysis determined at the port of loading, shall be paid at sight under the letter of credit against presentation of the following original documents: 依据提单上的重量以及于装货港取得的检验报告,煤炭货值的95%将凭以下文件即期议付信用证:1. Sellers provis

46、ional invoice; 卖方临时发票;2. 3/3 original clean on board Charter Party bills of lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, marked “freight payable as per Charter Party”; 3/3全套洁净提单,凭指示空白背书标明运费按租船合同支付;3. Certificate of weight in 1 original and 1 copy; 重量证明,一正本,一副本;4. Certificate of analysis in 1 origin

47、al and 1 copy; 检验证明,一正本,一副本;5. Certificate of origin in 1 original and 1 copy. 产地来源证,一正本,一副本。Final payment shall be made under the letter of credit against presentation of the following documents: 最后货款凭以下文件议付信用证;If the calorific value (on a NAR basis) determined at the port of loading by an internationally recognised licensed marine inspector and at the port of discharge by CIQ is within 200 (two hundred) kcal/kg:如果热值(收到时净值),无论于装货港由国际认可的持牌海事督察检验及于卸货港由CIQ检验,都在200大卡/公斤以内:1. Sellers final commercial invoice; 卖方最终商业发票,


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