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1、2023年山东省济南市济阳区中考一模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空I noticed a dad and his son at the park last Sunday. His son wasnt able to communicate, but he seemed happy sitting in the _1_. The dad told me that his son could _2_ make some sounds. The boy had been in speech therapy (言语治疗) for years. After so much time

2、 in therapy, the boy was able to keep eye contact (眼神交流) _3_ a few seconds. He told me that his sons needs for the therapies were very expensive. But the father was _4_ by the achievement! The father and son connected, and those few seconds of eye contact _5_ the world to that dad!As we talked about

3、 therapy, the dad told me that he hoped to go for ice cream with his son someday. He said his father used to _6_ him out for ice cream and he hoped he could do the same with his child. Suddenly, the son _7_ putting his fingers in the sand, looked at his father and said, “Hi.” Seconds _8_, the boy we

4、nt back into his own world. The dad wanted to say _9_, but he couldnt. His love for this boy was so great that the words would not come. But what did come were tears. Those tears showed how _10_ he was of his son. A father loves his child more than words will ever be able to express._11_ they were s

5、trangers to me, I am honored (荣幸的) to have shared in this precious celebration of achievement in that _12_ young life. I hope someday they will be able to go for ice cream and have fun taking a trip. This event touched me _13_ and made me consider my relationship with my own father. I hope that as t

6、hey communicate further, more and more _14_ will be created for them to share. I _15_ the feelings held by all great fathers their hard work, their love, their pride, and their tears of love are all the same.1AseaBsandCyardDgrass2AhardlyBseldomConlyDnever3AwithBonCinDfor4ApleasedBupsetCrelaxedDinter


8、erBlikeCbelieveDdoubt二、补全对话单选(John and his friend Kate are talking on the phone. JJohn, KKate)J: Hello? K: Hi, John! _You werent at the party last Sunday.J: Im on vacation right now.K: Great! _J: Im afraid not. Its an unusual beach. In my opinion, the fewer people, the better.K: _J: Thats true.The s

9、un is shining brightly and the sea is so beautiful.K: Did you go there with your parents? J: Yes, my grandparents are also with us. They have great fun here.K: _J: Nothing much. I just read and rest every day. In fact, I was asleep before your call.K: Oh, Im sorry. _J: Thanks. See you next week.16AW

10、here are you?BAre you OK?CHow are you?DPardon me?17AWhat is your hobby?BWhere are you from?CIs it a place I know?DHow did you go there?18ACatch you on Monday.BSorry to hear that.CSee you tomorrow.DThat sounds nice.19ADid you have a good time there?BDid you do anything special there?CDid you go fishi

11、ng there?DDid you go out with your friends?20AHave a great vacation.BWelcome back to school!CDont forget to buy some gifts.DShow me your photos.三、阅读单选A 9-year-old boy, who lives in Idaho now, has raised 2,000 dollars for IHS by selling lemonade. The little boys name is Ben Miller. This week, Ben Mil

12、ler walked into IHS with a big bag full of cash.“Last weekend, we did a lemonade stand and we raised 1,150 dollars,” said Ben, “And Im so proud of myself.” Ben started to sell lemonade two years ago.When Ben did a lemonade stand at the first time, he raised 200 dollars. At the second time, he raised

13、 about 600 dollars. Each year the support for Bens lemonade stand grows bigger and bigger. As more and more people knew him through social media, people would drive to his lemonade stand to buy one.Ben is so happy to hand all the money he raises to IHS. “I want to donate money I made and give the an

14、imals supplies and food. So they can be happy.” Ben told KTVBBens mom says he loves animals and always has a heart for animals.“He just loves animals. In daily life, he would like to do many little things to protect animals. He loves dogs, but cats are his favorite. He is willing to spend every doll

15、ar of the money adopting every cat in our house if I allow him.” said Amy. “Im so proud of him and his kindness, and he makes me so happy.”Amy added.21How has Ben raised money for IHS?ABy selling lemons.BBy walking.CBy selling lemonade.DBy driving.22How much did Ben raise at the first time?A2, 000 d

16、ollars.B200 dollars.C1, 150 dollars.D600 dollars.23What animals does Ben like best?ADogs.BTigers.CPandas.DCats.24How does Amy feel about her son?AShe takes pride in him.BShe is angry with him.CShe is worried about him.DShe is strict with him.25Where is the text most probably from?AA news report.BA s

17、cience magazine.CA story book.DA sports newspaper.AntarcticaWeatherAntarctica lies in the most southern part of the world. It is the coldest area on Earth. There isnt much rain, but there is a lot of snow and wind. The lowest temperature was on 21 July in 1983 at -89.2!PopulationNobody lives in Anta

18、rctica all the time! The first people to stay there for a while were fishermen in 1786. Now there are about 5, 000 scientists and researchers there in the summer.History of exploration(探险)During 19071909, British explorer Earnest Shackleton explored Antarctica on foot. In 1911, two explorersa Britis

19、h man named Scott and a Norwegian named Amundsen raced 1, 400 kilometers to the South Pole(南极). Amundsen arrived first.Animals and birdsThere arent any large animals in Antarctica. Polar bears live at the North Pole. But there are a lot of penguins and seabirds. Every spring there are over 100 milli

20、on seabirds in Antarctica.26What does “Antarctica” mean in Chinese?A北冰洋B南极洲C太平洋D南美洲27When did the lowest temperature appear in Antarctica?AIn 1983.BIn 1907.CIn 1911.DIn 178628How did Earnest Shackleton get to Antarctica?AHe got there by plane.BHe drove there.CHe walked there.DHe got there by ship.29

21、Can Polar bears meet penguins in Antarctica according to the passage?AYes, they can.BNo, they cant.COf course.DWe dont know.30Which of the following is true?AThe first people to stay in Antarctica were policemen.BNow there are over 5, 000 scientists and researchers there in the summer.CAmundsen won

22、the race to Antarctica in 1911.DThere are some large animals in Antarctica.With the help of a student project, older couples can celebrate the big day many years after they married, Xu Lin and Zhou Lihua report in Wuhan, 2023.After being married for 38 years, Zhang Jianjun and Qin Shumei decided it

23、was time to get a picture. Dressed in formal clothes, they are finally ready for their wedding photos. The photographer, lighting operator and makeup artist are all young people. They communicate with the elderly couple to help them overcome nervousness to make sure of good photos.They are all stude

24、nts from Wuhan University of Engineering Science, in Hubei province, and they are taking wedding photos for those who had no chance to do so when they were young, as a form of community service.“Im thankful that Ive realized my dream to wear a wedding dress,”says Qin, 64, from Shijiazhuang, Hebei pr

25、ovince. “Our love is not the intense(强烈的) type, but we believe its important to be with each other.”While young people today like to travel to a famous place to have their wedding photos taken by a professional photographer, the older kept their big day simplenew couples around the 1970s often only

26、took a black-and-white photo to remember the big day.It was not until the early 1990s that professional wedding photo studios appeared in the Chinese mainland. Based on that reality, Yu Jinwen, 35, a professor from the university, started the meaningful project in 2015.It is also because of his gran

27、dfather. When he passed away in 2010, the family searched for a suitable photo of him but could not find one and had to use the photo on his ID card as a photo for the funeral(葬礼). It became Yus greatest regret in life.“The program has pleased the elderly and helped improve the ability of young stud

28、ents,”Yu says.“China is an aging society and juniors should pay more attention to seniors, many of whom are too shy to express their needs.”31When did Zhang Jianjun and Qin Shumei marry?Ain 1982.Bin 1984.Cin 1983.Din 1985.32Why did the young people communicate with the elderly couple before taking p

29、hotos?ABecause they wanted to help the old overcome nervousness.BBecause they can learn something from the old.CBecause they want to make more money.DBecause they would like to improve themselves.33Which of the following is true?AThe students take wedding photos for all the old people.BThe wedding p

30、hoto studios appeared in China before 1990.CYu Jinwen started the project because of his grandmother.DThe students taking wedding photos for the elderly are volunteers.34What do you think of Yu according to the passage?APolite.BWarm-hearted.CEmbarrassed.DNervous.35Which is the best title for the pas

31、sage?AWedding photos for the elderly.BLove of the elderly.CLove of young people.DStudents from Wuhan University.What does it mean to be green? Green is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. Buying a green product is a small step everyone can take. Dec

32、iding whether a product is green, however, isnt always easy. We need to consider the whole life cycle of the product, even after its of no use. Here is what we may keep in mind.The materials of a product are usually our first focus.What is it made of? Are there any harmful chemicals in it? Green pro

33、ducts are made of more natural materials which are free from harmful chemicals, so they can be good for our physical health.Packing is important. How is a product packed? Is it over-packed? Wed better choose glass, metal and paper packing, as these can be reused or more easily recycled. We can also

34、look for less packing or even choose unbagged products whenever possible.Location matters. Where was a product produced? Where are we buying it? Think about how much energy was used to get it to us. Try to choose local products. When it comes to food, it is a good idea to order directly from local f

35、armers, shop at markets and buy fruits in season. Buying from stores near our houses is also a good choice, because we can go there without driving a car.Look into what the company tells us about their product. Its easy to say that a product is “green” or “all natural”, but the words may be too good

36、 to be true. So, much of the information about a product should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, companies try to make us believe that their products are environmentally responsible.The greenest thing is certainly the one we dont buy. Things like food and clothing are necessary for life. Bu

37、t many others are not. Better than buying is choosing to leave an unnecessary product in the store and doing without. It sends a message to the producer, keeps money in our pockets, reduces waste and keeps the planet healthy.36What do we know from Paragraph 1?AGreen is just a kind of color.BGreen al

38、so means taking actions to protect the environment.CDeciding if a product is green is easy.DIt is a big step to buy a green product.37What is talked about in Paragraph 2?AWhy we first focus materials of a product.BWhat green products are made of.CHow a product is packed.DWhere a product is produced.

39、38Wed better choose this kind of packing except _.AglassBmetalCpaperDplastic39According to the writer, we should choose a product that is _.Amade of unnatural materialsBproduced abroadClocally producedDover packed40What is the best title for the passage?AReducing Energy Use.BKeeping Healthy.CRecycli

40、ng Waste.DBuying Green.四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式。“Lots of _41_ (restaurant) say theyre the best.” To be honest, we are not and weve never said we are. We just try to be a little bit better every day.” said Mr. Yang, who runs a restaurant _42_ (name) Grandpa Yang in Chongqing.Yang started t

41、he restaurant in 2011. He was _43_ (happy) when quite a lot of food was left uneaten. “If customers know more about the food before they order, they _44_ (know) what to pick.” he thought. So he decided to write something about each dish on _45_ (he) menu online.“Now there _46_ (be) something about t

42、he food. Compared with our General Tao Chicken, this one is not THAT good.” says the introduction of Orange Beef. Another introduction warns, “Dont let the name fool you. This one is NOT a real Sichuan dish.”“People often search online _47_ (find) the right restaurant. I dont want them to say, Oh, i

43、ts one of the best in the area, and it must be very good. but then they come here only to find its not so good,” Yang said, “Customers should read more about the food before they order, not only my introductions, _48_ other customers opinions.”Thanks _49_ his honesty, the restaurant is having a mome

44、nt under the sun. “I _50_ (have) a very exciting and busy time since I did like this,” said Yang, “and I love it.”五、阅读还原7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms. The Spring Equinox (春分), as the fourth term of the year star

45、ts on March 21 and ends on April 4 this year. It signals (标志) the equal length of the day and night time. _51_Egg-standing gamesStanding an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox. _52_ People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It is believe

46、d that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.Flying kitesSpring Equinox is a good time to fly kites. _53_ So to pray (祈祷) for health, they wrote their medical problems on paper kite. When the kite was in the air, people would cut off the string to let the paper kite fly away, symbolizing the flying away of diseases.Eating spring vegetablesEating spring vegetables during the Spring Equinox is a commonly practiced custom in many areas of China. “Spring vegetables”refers to seasonal vegetables that are different from place to plac


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