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1、江苏省扬州市江都区第三中学2022-2023学年七年级下学期3月阶段检测英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听录音选图片1Where is Rickys present from? ABC2What does the woman do? ABC3What does Tom enjoy doing? ABC4When will they go to the theatre? ABC二、听短对话选答案5On which floor does Nick live? AThe fifth floor.BThe eighth floor.CThe fifteenth floor.6Wh

2、ere is the library? ANext to the hospital.BOn Taiping Road.CBehind the park.7How many students come to the meeting? AAbout 70.BAbout 17.CAbout 7.8What is the man? AA teacher.BA nurse.CA doctor.9How many bedrooms are there in the womans home? ATwo.BThree.CFour.10What will the speakers(说话者) do this ev

3、ening? AWatch a match.BSee a film.CEat some food.三、听长对话选答案听对话,回答下列小题。11How is their new kitchen?ADirty.BBig.CSmall.12Why does John want a bigger(更大的)sitting room?ATo put a fridge in it.BTo put a table in it.CTo put two sofas in it.四、听录音完成表格(含选项)听短文,回答下列小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。Sallys houseShe lives

4、 in a small house with her parents and _13_.Sallys workShe works in a _14_. She works hard.Sallys dreamShe hopes to buy _15_ for her parents in Paris one day.13Atwo brothersBtwo sistersCa brother and a sister14Aa restaurantBa schoolCa hospital15Aa large houseBa large flatCa building五、听短文选答案听短文,回答下列小

5、题。16Who is going to give Ma Lili a birthday party?AMa Lili.BHer friends.CHer parents.17How many people are coming to Ma Lilis party?ATwenty-five.BTwenty.CTwenty-one.18What doesnt her father buy for her?AApples.BOranges.CTomatoes.19How old is Ma Lili going to be?A12.B13.C14.20What time does the party

6、 begin?AAt four.BAt half past four.CAfter five.六、单项选择21Beijing, _ capital of China, has _ long history.Aa; theBan; theCthe; aDan; a22 Which is your favourite place in your house? The _. Warm water always makes me comfortable after a days work.AbalconyBstudyCbathroomDliving room23_ useful message it

7、is! Thank you very much.AHowBWhat anCWhatDWhat a24Which floor do you live _?The _ floor.Aon, nineBon, ninthCin, ninethDin, nine25_ mothers cant come to the meeting because they go to Beijing.AJims and JackBJim and JacksCJims and JacksDJim and Jack26 There are _ shirts on the shelf. Which one would y

8、ou like? The _ one on the left.Afive; fourthBfifth; fourCfifth; fourthDfive; four27Nobody knows _ about him because he tells us _ about himself.Aanything; somethingBsomething; everythingCanything; nothingDsomething; anything28She notices them _ football on the playground when she is on her way to th

9、e classroom.AplaysBto playCplayingDare playing29The handbag is very nice. Is it _?Yes, but Ill give it to my sister as _ birthday present.Ayour; herByou; herCyours; hersDyours; her30 _ will your father return home? Its a long time since I saw him last time. Just in two days.AHow longBHow oftenCHow s

10、oonDHow old31Anna, were reading for hours in the room. Lets _the green trees. All right.Alook out ofBlook out atClook out fromDlook out to32My school isnt far from here. Its only _ walk.Afifteen minutesBfifteen minutesCfifteen minutesDfifteen minutess33There _ an international marathon in Yangzhou _

11、 the morning of 16 April, 2023.Really? I cant miss it.Awill have, inBis going to have, onCwill be, onDis, in34I hope you _ to my birthday party tomorrow.OK, I _.Acome, doBto come, willCcan come, willDwill come, do35What are your neighbours like?_.AThey are kind and helpfulBThey often meet at the com

12、munity centreCThey are all farmersDThey like chatting with each other七、完形填空Yangzhou is _36_ Jiangsu Province of China. It has a _37_ of nearly 2,500 years. It is said that the emperor (皇帝) of the Sui Dynasty visited Yangzhou three times and the emperors Kangxi and Qianglong of the Qing Dynasty visit

13、ed Yangzhou six times each. All the visits made many places of interest in Yangzhou _38_ nationwide (在全国范围内). Now, Yangzhou welcomes a lot of _39_ from home and abroad. Qiong Hua, a rare flower, is famous and only exists (存在,生存) in Yangzhou, _40_ it is chosen as the city flower of Yangzhou. The _41_

14、 usually come out around late April or in the first ten days of _42_. The ginkgo (银杏树), the city tree of Yangzhou, is famous as an ancient tree all over the world. Within the city, there are several dozen ginkgo trees that have lived for _43_ years. The Slender West Lake (瘦西湖) lies in the north of Y

15、angzhou. It covers a(an) _44_ of about 123.6 hectares (公顷). It is named so because it shares the _45_ shape (形状) of the West Lake in Hangzhou, but it _46_ slimmer. It runs a distance of _47_ five kilometres and looks like a Chinese painting. Yangzhou food _48_ one of the reasons why lots of visitors

16、 love the city so much. Here all dishes, whether cheap or expensive, _49_ very elaborate (精致的) and _50_. Welcome to Yangzhou!36AonBinCatDto37AsizeBhistoryCareaDage38AluckyBfamousCsafeDfriendly39AwaitersBvisitorsCartistsDmanagers40AsoBbecauseCorDbut41AcityBflowersCpeopleDtree42AMarchBAprilCMayDJune43

17、AthousandBthousand ofCthousandsDthousands of44AhistoryBcolourCareaDage45AsameBdifferentCstrangeDinteresting46AsoundsBfeelsClooksDsmells47AoverBmoreConDabove48AmaybeBmay beCareDbe49AareBisCwasDbe50AdeliciousBbadCboringDunhealthy八、阅读单选Heres a shopping receipt (收据) of Jenny.Jiangdu Huarunsuguo Supermar

18、ket 118 Dongfanghong Road Yangzhou, 22520002/04/202315:17 PMNumberItemProductPrice1Pair of trousers3597981144¥100.001Pair of socks8294653379¥5.001Pair of socks8294653379¥5.001Sweater3607889911¥200.00Total¥ 310.00Cash(现金)¥ 350.00Change¥ 40.00WELCOME NEXT TIME!51When did Jenny go shopping?AIn the afte

19、rnoon.BIn the evening.CIn the morning.DI dont know.52How many kinds of things did Jenny buy?AFour.BThree.CFive.DOne.53How much money did Jenny spend on them?A¥350.B¥310.C¥40.D¥200.What do American middle school students like to be? Some students say they want to be doctors or singers. Some want to b

20、e teachers or workers. But Kelly Brown, 13, wants to be a vegetarian cook. It is a new and interesting job. Kelly Brown wants be a cook because she doesnt eat things from animals. Now she has a problem. She cant find a vegetarian cook on the computer, so she says she will be the first vegetarian coo

21、k and also the best one in the USA Kelly Brown has a website(网址)for herself and other people. It is . She makes cooking videos for people. “I dont like to cook with things from animals,” she says. “I like to cook with vegetables .” Now her website is very popular and it helps many people a lot. Ever

22、y day about 3,000 people learn to cook a healthy meal there. To thank her for helping animals, the organization PETA (善待动物组织) calls her a “Kind Kid”. Do you want to be a vegetarian cook like Kelly Brown?54Kelly Brown is a 13-year-old student from _.AEnglandBAustraliaCCanadaDthe USA55What does Kelly

23、Brown want to be?ATeacher.BSinger.CCook.DDoctor.56Which one may Kelly Brown like to cook with?ABCD57“” is a website for people to _.Asee Kellys photosBlearn to cookClook after animalsDbe kind childrenOnce a king got two nice falcons (猎鹰) from his son. He never saw the beautiful falcons before. He lo

24、ved them so much and he asked the best falconer to train(训练) them to fly.After a few months, the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon could fly high in the sky, but the other was just staying on the stick of a tree quietly.The king called all his falconers togethe

25、r and asked them to try every way to make the other falcon fly. But all of them failed. One day, when the king was taking a walk in the forest, he had an idea suddenly. He sent for a farmer in the forest into his palace to train it at once.The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above

26、 in the sky freely. “It is unbelievable!” shouted the king. How could you make it happen?” The farmer replied, “Its very easy. I just cut off the stick where the falcon rested.”It is always the same to us. We all have “two flying wings(翅膀)” as well, but we dont often notice them and stay where we ju

27、st for safety and comfort. We wont know we can fly so high and freely till we have no stick to rest on.58What did the king do after he got the two falcons?AHe kept them on the branch of a tree.BHe sent them to a farmer in the forest.CHe made the best falconer train them to fly.DHe set them free and

28、let them fly in the sky.59Why did the king call all his falconers together?ABecause he wanted to get more falcons.BBecause he wanted the other falcon to fly.CBecause he wanted them to see his falcons.DBecause he wanted to know more about his falcons.60What does the underlined word “unbelievable” mea

29、n in Chinese?A高兴B不可信任C好玩D难以置信61What is the best title for the text?AThe Clever KingBThe Nice FalconsCThe Best FalconerDThe Flying WingsThere are over 800 boarding schools (寄宿学校) in the UK with students from home and foreign countries. Boarding schools started hundreds of years ago in the UK. The ear

30、liest boarding schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now boys and girls can go to boarding schools from the age of 7 to 18.What to DoIn the UK, boarding schools have 3 terms in a school year, with about 13 weeks in each term. Students study and live together. They cant go outside if their t

31、eachers dont allow them to do that. In some schools, each student has his or her subject plan. Besides the usual classrooms and labs, the boarding schools have lots of other facilities (设施) for their students, including music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres. Most boarding schools

32、have a “light out time”. When its time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off. There are house-masters to take care of students all the time, especially after school hours.What to WearAll the students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie

33、, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict._In the UK, boarding schools provide students with many different kinds of delicious food. They can choose to have a full English breakfast or simple bread. They can also choose bet

34、ween a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. There is self-service for salad, other side dishes and a dessert. Students can also make themselves something to eat at any time in a kitchen, or drink tea or have a snack between meals.62According to the passage, _ can study in boarding

35、 schools in the UK.Asix-year-old English boysBseven-year-old Chinese boysCfive-year-old American girlsDfour-year-old Canadian girls63In Paragraph 2, the underlined phrase “light out time” probably means _.Atime to get upBtime to go to bedCtime to enjoy the moviesDtime to turn on lights64Which is the

36、 best title for the last paragraph?AWhat to EatBHow to EatCWhat to CookDHow to Cook65Which of the following is TRUE about boarding schools in the UK?AThere are only 680 boarding schools in the UK.BThe students cant ask house-masters for help after school hours.CThe students cant go swimming in the s

37、chool.DThe students can make food in the kitchen at any time.九、根据汉语提示填空66Thailand has beautiful _ (海滩).67We should do more exercise and breathe _ (新鲜的) air.68On his _ (九十九) birthday, he gets a big cake from his grandson.69My uncle is _ (饲养) twenty chickens for eggs on the farm.70You can find more _

38、(信息) about FULL RIVER RED满江红on the Internet.十、用所给单词的正确形式填空71I know both of the _ (postman) names.72Most people in _ (west) countries like coffee very much.73The Eiffel Tower is the symbol (象征) of _. (French)74The drawer above is full of _ (knife) and forks.75More and more _ students work as voluntee

39、rs.(college)十一、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool!” and then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too.One April 1st, a bus is going along a country ro

40、ad. Then it slows down and stops. The driver tries hard to start the bus, but he fails. Then he turns to the passengers with a worried look on his face and says “This poor bus is getting old. Theres only one thing we can do if we want to get home today. I shall count three, and on the word THREE. I

41、want you all to lean(倾斜) forward suddenly as hard as you can. Only in this way may the bus get started again, but if you dont follow my advice, Im afraid there is nothing else I can do. So all the passengers lean back against their seats and get ready for the drivers order. Then the driver begins to

42、 count. “Get ready,” he says. “One! Two! Three!” All the passengers try hard to lean forward when they hear his last word, and the bus immediately starts again. “April Fool!” the driver says loudly with a smile. The passengers suddenly realize it is April 1st and the bus is full of laughter(笑声).76Wh

43、en do people usually play tricks on others in some countries?_77Why does the driver stop the bus?_78What does the driver ask passengers to do when they hear the word THREE?_79How do the passengers feel when the driver cries “April Fool!”?_80Is there anything wrong with the bus?_十二、短文首字母填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)I am in a big office at school with other twelve teachers. Sometimes the o_81_ is a busy place. Some students are c_82_ in and going out with their notebooks, o_83_ are waiting to recite(


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