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1、7下 Unit 6 Our Local Area Topic 1 There is a computer in your study? 一. 重难点讲解 1、 Its on the second floor. There is a study next to my bedroom.它在二楼。我卧室的隔壁有一间书房。 (1) floor “地板;楼层”,常以介词on连用。 表示楼层时,英美之间是有区别的: 英国 美国 一楼:the ground floor the first floor 二楼:the first floor the second floor 三楼:the second floo

2、r the third floor 在表示几层楼的房间时,不用floor,而用story(美)或storey(英) Eg: a five-story/storey house 一栋五层的房间。 My family lives on the fourth floor of that 15-story/storey building. 我家住在那座十五层楼房的四层楼上。 (2) next to 在近旁,紧邻 I sit next to Jim. 我坐在吉姆旁边。 2、There is a study next to my bedroom . (1)study 名词,“书房” 复数为studies.

3、 Eg: Tom often does his homework in his study.汤姆经常在他的书房里做作业。 Is there a sofa in your study?你的书房有沙发吗? (2) study 动词,“学习,研究” Eg: We are studying Section A. 我们正在学习A部分。 Su Lan doesnt study Japanese at school. 苏兰在学校不学日语。 3、Why not come upstairs and have a look? 为什么不上楼来看看呢? (1) come upstairs 上楼 。反义词“come d

4、ownstairs下楼” (2) have a look “看一看,瞧一瞧” 后面可+ at sth have a look at sth 看一看某物 have a walk散步 have a bath洗澡 have a swim游泳 have a talk谈话 have a rest 休息 (3) Why not+动词原形?句型是提建议的一种表达法,形同“Why dont + 人称代词 + 动 词原形上+ ?”。这样的句型常用来启发或建议某人做某事。回答常用: Ok, lets/All right./Thats a good idea. 4、what kinds of rooms are t

5、here in your room? Kind of=a little Im kind of hungry. Kinds of 种类A kind of 一种 a kind of animal All kind of 各种各样Eg: Let me have a look at your pictures. 让我看看你的照片。 5、Wow! there are so many books on the shelves. 哇,书架上有这么多书啊! so many + 名词复数 “这么多的” so much + 不可数名词 “这么多的” Eg: There are so many students h

6、ere. 这儿有这么多的学生。 There is so much milk in the bottle. 瓶里有这么多的牛奶。 6、Whats in front of the classroom? In front of “在前面” 指在某物外面的前面 反义词 “at back of “ Eg: In front of / At back of my home there is a rive. 在我家前/后面有一条河。 In the front of “在的前部” 指物体内部的前面 反义词 “at the back of” Eg: He sits in the front of / at th

7、e back of the classroom. 他坐在教室的前面/后面 Eg: My English teacher is talking to/with my father .我的英语老师正在和我父亲谈话。 7、There is near my desk.在我桌子附近。 near 意为“在.附近,靠近”。 next to是短语介词,意为“在近旁”所表达的距离要比near 更近。 Eg: Sarah is sitting next to the window.萨拉挨着窗户坐着。 Sarah is sitting near the window 萨拉坐在窗户附近。 8. But there i

8、s one next to my family photo on the wall但是墙上全家福旁边有一个(挂 钟)。 on the wall在墙体外部表面。 Eg: There is a picture on the wall.墙上有副画。 in the wall (全部或部分)在墙体里。 There are three windows in the wall.墙上有三扇窗户。 There is a holw in the wall. 墙上有个洞。 9、Dont put them there . Put them away, please.别把它们放在那儿,请把它们收起来放好。 (1) Do

9、nt put them there . 是否定形式的祈使句。句型结构 Dont + 动词原形 Eg: Dont be late for school!上学别迟到! (2) put away “将收起” 短语动词相当于及物动词,后面加宾语。当宾语是代词 时用宾格,且代词放在中间,若宾语是名词时可放后面也可放中间。 Eg: put them away put your books away=put away your books 类似的用法还有 put on(穿上); take off (脱下); give back (归还); work out(算出). 10、How many rooms ar

10、e there in the picture? how many +可数名词复数+ are there + 地点状语?由how many 引出的there be 句 型中的数词提问,回答用there be+数词(+名词+地点状语) Eg: How many books are there on the desk? 桌上有多少书? There are seven books.有七本书。 对不可数名词前的词或短语提问,用 how much+不可数名词+is是there + 地点状语? Eg: How much milk is there on the table?桌上有多少牛奶? -There a

11、re five bottles of milk on it.有五瓶。 How much tea is there in the cup?茶杯里有多少茶水? -There is only a little.只有一点儿。 11、in the tree 在树上。并非树上固有,是外来的东西在树上; on the tree在树上。表示本来长在树上的叶子或果实。 Eg: There are some birds in the tree 树上有一些鸟。 There are many apples on the tree.树上有很多苹果。 12、On the left of the yard, there i

12、s a kitchen and a dining room.在院子的左边,有一个厨房和一个餐厅。 (1)left 名词“左,左边”;形容词 “左边的 ” Eg: Some people write with left hand.有些人用左手写字。 Turn left.向左转 (2)on the left of 在的左边 Eg: On the left of the road.在公路的左边。 类似的用法:on the right of在的右边;in the center of在的中央; At the back of.在后部;in the front of在的前部。 in the center o

13、f在中央= in the middle of(in the middle of还有在中间 一般指时间的中间) Eg:I will go to Beijing in the middle of August.八月中旬,我要去北京。 13、My father and I are watching TV in the living room.我和爸爸长在客厅看电视。 I 和其他人称并列时,一般放在最后 几个人称代词同时作主语时,排列顺序一般为:you and I you and he(she); You,she(he) and I; we and you; we and they; we, you

14、and they. 承认错误时I放在其他人前面,表示说话人勇于承认错误: Eg: You, she and I all like music.你、她和我都喜欢音乐。 I and my brother made the mistake.我和我弟弟放了这个错误。 二、语法1、There is / are (1) 用法:There be 有,其确切含意为某处或某时存在某人或某物。其结构是:There be + 某人或某物 + 表示地点或时间的状语。There be 后面的名词实际上是主语,be 动词的形式要和主语在数上保持一致,be动词后面的名词是单数或不可数名词时用is,名词是复数时用are。 (

15、就近原则)(2) 几种基本句式: There is a book and two pens on the desk. 桌上有一本书和两支笔。There are two pens and a book on the desk. 桌上有两支笔和一本书。There isnt a book on the desk. 桌上没有一本书。 There arent two pens on the desk. 桌上没有两支笔。 Is there a book on the desk? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. 桌上有一本书吗?是的,有。不,没有。 Are there two

16、pens on the desk? Yes, there are. No, there arent. 桌上有两支笔吗?是的,有。不,没有。 (3)与have的区别:There be 涵义不同 侧重 存在关系,表示某地或某时间存在某人/某物,there只是引导词,无意义。如:There is a boat in the river.河里 有一条船。 Have 侧重 所属关系, 属于所拥有的东西,第三人称用has。如: I have a nice watch. 我有一块好看的手表。 She has a new computer. 她有一台新电脑。 2.、方位介词(1)In在- - 里面(2)On在

17、- - 上面(3)Behind 在- - 下面(4)Near在- - 附近(5)Next to在- -旁边(6)In the front of在- - 前面三、重点词语: 1.On the second floor在二楼 2.Why not =Why dont you为什么不?3.Go upstairs上楼 4.Go downstairs下楼5.Have a look 看一看 6.A moment later过了一会儿7. Come in ,please请进 8. So many books这么多的书9.On the shelf在书架上 10.You have a nice study你的书房

18、真漂亮!11. Dining room餐厅 12.Living room客厅13. On the first floor在一楼 14.In the front of the house 在房子前面 15.In the kitchen在厨房 16. In the study在书房 17. In the dining room在餐厅 18. In the bedroom在卧室 19. In the garden在花园 20. Behind the door在门后面 21.Play with his pet dog和他的宠物狗玩耍 22. Play games玩游戏 23. Have dinner吃

19、饭 24. Talk about谈论25. Near my desk在我桌子旁 26.On your desk在你桌子上27.So on 等等 28. My family photo我的全家福照片29.On the wall在墙上 30.Put them away 请把它们收起来放好31.Put it away, please 把它/它们收起来放好32. Look after = take care of照看,照顾33.In front the house房子前面 34.In the bottle瓶子里35.Near the window窗户边 36.In the glass杯子里37.Mod

20、el planes飞机模型 38.Under the bed床下39.How many pairs多少双 40.In the tree树上41.On the tree树上 42.On the shelf书架上43.On the river河里 44.A small garden一个小花园45.Many beautiful flowers 许多美丽的花 46.In the garden花园里47.A big tree一棵大树 48.Under the tree在树下49.Very beautiful非常漂亮 50.A large living room一个在客厅51.A dining room一

21、个餐厅 52.A kitchen 一个厨房53.A bathroom一个卫生间 54.In the drawer在抽屉里55.On the chair 在椅子上 56.Under the chair在椅子下57.Dont put it / them here别把它/它们放在这儿 58.Write a letter写一封信59.Describe different rooms in your home描述你家不同的房间60.The things around your home房子周围的事物61.Im very glad to我很高兴62.Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信63.Tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事64.Tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事65.Tell sb sth 告诉某人某


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