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1、Unit3 Getting TogetherTopic1 基本句型1. Excuse me,could you please tell me your name? Sure,my name is Jane.2. Could you help me with it? No problem.3. Does he speak some Chinese? Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.He speaks English.4. What does he say in the letter?5. Jane,Sally and I are good friends.6. We ofte

2、n help each other.7. Many students in our class like English a lot,but I like it a little.8. What about you,Sam? No,I dont like English at all.词组9. pen pal10. help sb.with sth.11. a lot12. not.at all13. each other14. a little15. very much16. a lot of17. every day人称代词和一般现在时人称代词代表人或事物,它有人称、单复数、主格和宾格的变

3、化。第一人称第二人称第三人称主格I / weyou / youhe/she/it/they宾格me / usyou / youhim/her/it/them1.人称代词的主格和宾格。(1)主格的人称代词作句子中的主语。e.g.We are good friends.我们是好朋友。It is my cat.它是我的猫。(2)宾格的人称代词作动词或介词的宾语。e.g.We all like her very much.我们都非常喜欢她。 Please help me with Chinese.请帮助我学习汉语。2.实义动词的一般现在时。实义动词表示动作或状态,在句中能单独作谓语。在一般现在时中,一

4、般用动词原形,但如果主语是第三人称单数,动词必须用第三人称单数形式。e.g.I want to visit the Great Wall.我想游览长城。 He helps me study English.他帮助我学英语。实义动词在一般现在时中用助动词do(第三人称单数用does)构成否定句、疑问句;其答语也用do(does)。e.g.Do you come from the U.S.A.?你来自美国吗? Yes, I do.是的,我是。/No,I dont.不,我不是。 Does he live in England?他住在英国吗? Yes, he does.是的,他是。 /No, he d

5、oesnt.不,他不是。What does she say in the letter?她在信里说了什么?Unit 3-topic2基本句型1、 Kangkang,what does your mother do ? She is a teacher.2、 Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang.3、 Where does she work? She works in a hospital.4、 My father works on a farm.5、 She teaches English in a school.6、 She likes

6、to play with Kitty.1.名词所有格名词所有格的形式有两种,凡表示有生命的名词(人和动物)通常加“s”来构成所有格,作定语,放在被修饰的名词之前。e.g. Katesteacher凯特的老师,my teachers brother我老师的兄弟,Lilys cat莉莉的猫,a boys ball一个男孩的球,the dogs name这条狗的名字。表示无生命事物的名词所有格时,则用由of引出的介词短语来构成,也作定语。e.g. a pictureof a classroom一幅教室的图画,a door of the room房间的一扇门。有时,有生命的名词也可用of结构来表示所有

7、格。e.g. What is the name of her cat? = What is her cats name?她的猫叫什么名字?注意以s结尾的名词其后只能加表示所有格。e.g. TeachersDay教师节另外,若要表示分别所有,则需在每一个名词后均加s。e.g. Janes and Lindas fathers简的爸爸和琳达的爸爸如果表示共同所有,只需在最后一个名词后加s。e.g. Lucy and Lilysfather露西和莉莉的爸爸2.职业What does he do?他是干什么的?这是询问职业的一个特殊疑问句,其答语要用职业名称。还可以这样表达:Whatshe?/ Wha

8、t is his job?e.g. (1)What does she do?她是干什么的? She is a doctor.她是医生。(2)What is yourfather?你父亲是干什么的? He is a farmer.他是农民。(3)What do they do?/What are they?他们是干什么的? They are workers.他们是工人。3.构词法最常见的构词法有派生、合成和转化。(1)派生在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀构成新词。如:teachteacher;actactor; writerewrite(2)合成由两个或两个以上的词合成一个新词。如:class+

9、room classroom, grand+father grandfather, fifty+five fity-five.(3)转化一个单词由一种词类转换为另一种词类。如:动词转化为名词work(v.工作)work(n.)著作4.可数名词变复数的不规则变化(1) man, woman以及它们的合成词都是把中间的a变为e。e.g. man men,woman women,salesman salesmen(2) oo变为ee。e.g. foot feet, tooth teeth(3) mouse mice, child children(4)单复数同形。e.g. a Chinese two

10、 Chinesea sheep two sheepa deer two deer(5)集体名词总是复数。e.g. people,clothes, family(指全家人),class(指全班同学)。集体名词作主语时,谓语动词要与其保持一致。e.g. Jimsfamily are on the sofa.吉姆一家(坐)在沙发上。His clothes areon the bed.他的衣服在床上。Unit 3-topic31、 Help yourselves/yourself(to some fish)!2、 Would you like some eggs,Maria? Yes,please./

11、No,thanks.3、 What would you like to drink? Apple juice,please.4、 What do you usually have for breakfast,Michael? I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.5、 May I take your order,sir? Fish with vegetables and rice,please.6、 Would you like something to drink? Yes.A glass of apple juice,please.7、 M

12、ay I help you,sir?8、 Why not have some fish and eggs? Good idea.9、 They are all kind to me.10、 Im very glad to be here.1.名词和数(1)可数名词可以用数目来计数的名词叫可数名词。可数名词一般有单数和复数两种形式。(2)不可数名词有些名词不能用具体的数字来表示,我们称其为不可数名词,如rice, milk, meat, water, tea等,不能在其前面直接加数词或a/an,也不能在词尾加s或es,但some和any可直接放在其前面。e.g. some bread一些面包,s

13、ome coffee一些咖啡,any water一些水如需同数词连用,可用表示量的名词表示。即:数词+表示量的名词+ of +不可数名词。e.g. a cup of tea一杯茶,two glasses ofmilk两杯牛奶,three pieces of bread三片面包2.动词have表示“吃”,“喝”的意思。e.g. have some rice吃米饭, have dinner吃饭,have tea喝茶What do you want to have?你想吃/喝点什么?meal饭,餐Breakfast 早餐 Lunch 午餐Supper 晚餐Brunch 早午并餐 Dinner 正餐3

14、. would like表示“要,想要”,相当于want,但比want语气更委婉。它的结构通常是would likesth.想要某物。would like(sb.) to do sth.想(让某人)做某事。e.g. I would like some apples.我想要些苹果。I would like to go there.我想去那儿。Would you like.?你想要吗?表示客气地提出请求或建议。肯定回答:Yes, please. /Sure.否定回答:No, thanks. /thank you.Would you like to do sth.?你想去做某事吗?也表示向对方提出请

15、求或建议等。肯定回答:Yes, Id love/ like to.【重点短语和句型】1.Could you please + 动词原形?用来表示委婉的请求-Could you please tell me your name?- Sure/ No problem. Myname is Sally.- Sorry.2.tellsb. sth. = tell sth. tosb. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. aboutsth. 告诉某人关于某事Please tell me your name. = Please tell your name to me.Please tell Maria ab

16、out it. 请把这件事告诉玛丽亚吧。3.helpsb. dosth.= help sb. withsth. 在某方面帮助某人,帮助某人做某事Please help us find him.Could you please help mewithEnglish?= Could you please help me studyEnglish?4.wantto do sth.= would like to do sth. 想要做某事want sth. = would like sth. 想要某物want sb. to do sth.想要某人做He wantsto visitBeijing. =

17、He would like to visitBeijing.I want/would like an orange.Jane wants Kangkang to singsome songs withher.5.showsth. to sb.= show sb. sth. 把某物展示给某人看Maria shows a photo of her familytoKangkang.6.My English is very good. =I can speakEnglish very well.7.livein+ 地点 居住在某地live with + sb. 和某人住He live in Chin

18、a with his parents.8.knowa lot about 知道许多关于的事He knows a lot about China.9.say表示说话的内容,speak表示说某种语言的能力What does he sayin the letter?He can speaksome English.10.对事物的喜欢程度likevery much/a lot 非常喜欢likea little 有点喜欢dont likeat all 一点都不喜欢Many students in our class like Englisha lot, but I like it a little.He

19、 doesntlike chocolateat all.11.a lot of+可数名词复数/不可数名词I have a lot ofEnglish books.12.everyday 每天 each other 相互 some of them 他们中的一些eat out 下馆子,到外面吃饭13.play withsb. 和某人一块玩耍 like to do/doingsth. 喜欢(做)某事She likes to play withKitty.14.Help yourself/yourselves to sth. 随便吃(喝)15.bekind to sb. 对某人很友好They are

20、all kind tome. 他们对我很友好。 Its very kind of you. 你真好。16.be glad to do sth. 很高兴(乐意)做I am very glad to be here. 我很乐意在这里。Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。17.let sb. dosth. 让某人做某事Let me see.让我想一想。Let us help you find him. 让我们帮助你找到他。18.I am home. 我到家了。Maria isnt at home/in now. 玛丽亚现在不在家。Welcome to my home. 欢迎来我家。It

21、s time to go home. 该回家了。【单元知识点详解】1.实义动词变一般疑问句及其回答-Does he speak English?- Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.2.询问职业及工作地点-What does your mother do?(书面) /What is your mother?(口语)- She is an English teacher.-Where does she work?- She works/ teaches/studiesin a school / hospital / restaurant / on a farm / in

22、an office. 3.介绍家人This is a photo ofmy family.The young woman in red is my mother.Is the young woman in red your mother?(变一般疑问句)Who is the young woman in red?(对划线部分提问)My grandparents, my cousin and I are on the sofa.I have a big family. 我有一个大家庭。I love my family. 我爱我的家。4.就餐表达语1)-Would you like somethi

23、ng to drink ? 想不想喝些东西?-Yes, a glassof apple juice, please. / No, thanks.something to drink 一些喝的东西something to eat 一些吃的东西2)-What would you like to have/ eat / drink? 你想吃(喝)些什么?-Id like some rice and chicken. / Let me see. 我想想看。3)Would you like to have dinner with me? 想和我共进晚餐吗?-Yes, Id love to. / Yes,

24、 Id like to.- Im sorry, I have to4)-What do youusually have for breakfast? 你通常早餐吃什么?-Iusually havemilk and bread for breakfast.havefor breakfast/ lunch / dinner 早/午/晚餐吃.5)-May I take your order, sir? 请问,要点菜了吗?-Fish with vegetables and rice, please.6)May I help you ? = Can I help you ? =What can I do

25、 for you ?请问要吃/喝/买些什么?5.委婉地请求、提建议的五种表达Would you like sth. / to do?你愿意/想?What / How about sth. / doing? 怎么样?Why not do? 为什么不?Lets do! 让我们干吧!Why dontyou do? 为什么不?肯定回答:Yes, Id like/love to. /Good idea. /OK. / All right./ Id love that.否定回答: No, thanks. / Im sorry I cant, I have to do/Id like that, but I

26、m sorry I have no time.【重点语法】1. 人称代词的主格与宾格点拨:主格在句子中充当主语,放在动词之前;宾格放在动词之后构成动宾短语,放在介词之后构成介宾短语。主格Iweyouhesheitthey宾格meusyouhimheritthem-Do you know them?- Yes. They are my new classmates.2. 可数名词与不可数名词(1)可数名词:可以用数目来计数的名词,有单数和复数之分。如:banana, egg, apple, orange, noodles, vegetable, hamburger等。(2)不可数名词:不能用具体

27、的数目来表示,前面不能加a/an,没有复数形式。如:milk, chicken, bread, Coke, coffee, rice, juice, fish, tea, water, chocolate等。(3)不可数名词若要表示数量,可用:数词+量词+ of + 不可数名词。如:a glass of milk 一杯牛奶; ten bottles of apple juice十瓶橙汁;tenloaves of bread 十条面包(4)some/ a lot of +可数名词的复数/ 不可数名词many +可数名词的复数,much +不可数名词【书信的格式】1.称呼:顶格写,常用Dear 开头,表示亲切、客套,后面用逗号。2.正文:从称呼的下一行开始写,开头空两格。3.结束语:正文下面的客套话,写在右下角,首字母大写,末尾用逗号,常用Yours。4.签名:指写信人的签名,写在结束语的下面。


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