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1、九年级下册英语复习(一)词汇练习一、根据句意及首字母提示填单词1. Whats the p_ in Germany? -About eighty-two million.2. This house is w_ more than two million yuan.3. What are you doing these days? -Im b_ writing a book.4. If the population i_, there will be only standing room for everybody.5. -Im very tired. I can h_ go any furth

2、er. -Lets stop and have a rest.6. “Can I help you?” “Yes, Im looking for a pair of sports shoes.”“ What s_ do you need?”7. The dress is too e_. Do you have cheaper one?8. Youd b_ stay at home.9. Your shoes are very c_, even though they are a little expensive.10. Before you buy a computer, youd c_ ou

3、t all the information about different kinds of computers.11. The shop promised to o_ good service but in fact they didnt.12. They were very e_ to visit many places of interest.13. This is a s_ trip. It makes me feel differently and I will remember it forever.14. Before you buy a pair of shoes, youd

4、better t_ them on first.15. She enjoyed her visit to Beijing so much that she took a lot of p_ with the new camera.16. Students sometimes c_ that they are given too much homework to do every day.17. People like keeping a p_ as a companion, such as a cat or a dog.18. These two colours are very much a

5、like, but they are not e_ the same.19. He is r_ as the best doctor in town.20. Since he had a good e_, he was accepted by the company at once.21. Where do you prefer to live, in the city or in the c_?22. My f_ subject is English. I like it very much.23. After he g_ from high school, he made up his m

6、ind to be a doctor.24. Working hard will bring you great s_.25. The wound is not yet h_. You need to stay in hospital for another week.26. It was raining when we played a _ No. 64 Middle School.27. The boys football team has never l_ to the girls football team, but yesterday they failed.28. It is a

7、s_ result that the girls football team beat the boys football team 43.29. He feels c_ of passing the examination because he has fully prepared for it.30. He felt a little n_ when it was his turn to speak at the meeting.31. Good work d_ good pay.32. “Play nicely and dont be r_!” “Dont worry, Mum. Wer

8、e good friends and were always polite to each other.33. They decided to c_ on with it however difficult it is.34. He didnt work hard enough. As a result, he f_ in the maths exam.35. Are you satisfied with the p_ of the girl players.36. A d_ is a person whose job is to find out information that that

9、will help catch the criminals(罪犯).37. An i_ is a person who inspects schools, factories, etc.38. A t_ is a person who steals something.39. A r_ is a person who robs somebody or some place.40. A v_ is a person who is killed or hurt in an accident.41. There is a big t_ jam at the rush hour.42. He was

10、so b_ writing an article that he forgot to have breakfast.43. He is always making e_ for being late for class. This time he said he had lost the key to the bike.44. Fish cant be kept a_ without water or air.45. The mountain is so s_ that very few people have climbed to the top of it.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.

11、China has the _(large) population in the world.2. At the _(begin) of the term, I learnt how to search the Internet.3. Please read the story and then answer the _(follow) questions.4. The Great Wall is _(wide) enough for ten people to walk side by side.5. Tom works much _(hard) than he did.6. As peop

12、les lives get better, _ and _(many) people want to travel abroad.7. He felt _(true) sorry for what he had said.8. They had a _(discuss) yesterday about which car to buy.9. -What does it stand for? -It stands for _(inform)10. You should drive more _(care) next time.11. “Have you make a _(decide)?” “N

13、ot yet.”12. A young man _(name) Lin Tao wants to see you.13. Do you find the story _(interest) to read.14. This shirt cost much _(little) than that one.15. She walked so _(slow) that she missed the last bus.16. Li Lei did _ in the race, but Lin Tao did even _ (bad).17. The shop sells _(man) shoes an

14、d clothes.18. Which of the two cities is _(far) away.19. She looked quite _(please) to see him again.20. Can you finish the work by _(you)?21. A pet can give people a lot of _(please).22. Toms parents feel quite _(worry) because he is not very good at his lessons.23. When I came to the hospital, the

15、 _(operate) was going on.24. Its _(pain) to get an injection.25. Do you know _(who) daughter she is?26. The people were _(sleep) when an earthquake happened.27. They had learned at _(less) five hundred new words by the end of last term.28. Please put the medicine in the _(safety) places.29. We are v

16、ery _(grate) for your help.30. It is _(possible) for us to cook meals without any energy. 31. The driver was so _(care) that his car hit a tree.32. Looking after noisy children is _(tire) a work.33. The girls PE teacher was pleased with the girls _(perform).34. She made the score 21, with a beautifu

17、l _(shoot) in the boys goal.35. In the _(twelve) minute, Lu Ming scored.36. The teacher told us a _(fun) story and it made everybody laugh.37. If you win the match, you will be the _(win).38. Dont make a _(decide) hastily(匆忙地) before you think it over.39. They lost to the girls football team and the

18、y were very _(happy).40. He is lying in bed looking very _(relaxation) and happy.41. The old man is _(terrible) ill.42. Next Sunday is _(child) Day.43. He answered the question at once and the teacher was _(please).44. Nobody can go _(with) sleep for a week.45. They make many kinds of _(use) things

19、in that factory.46. Do you brush your _(tooth) every evening?47. I dont think maths is as _(interest) as English.48. It was the _(die) of his father that made him sad.49. _(fail) is the mother of success.50. The people in some of the _(little) developed countries live a hard life.三、在空格上填一个适当的词,使句意完整

20、1. “Its _ you,” he handed the gift to me.2. You may find the shop _ the end of the road.3. Year _ year went by and no word came from him.4. Slow _ the speed! You are driving too fast.5. The problem is really difficult. _, I think we can work it out.6. _ you are right, but I still cant agree with you

21、.7. “Is there any good news?” “Yes. The price of the meat has gone _ _ 10 percent. 8. I like this place best. I wont go anywhere _.9. “ Have you _ been to Paris?” “ Yes, once.”10. He didnt run fast _ to catch the train.11. “Do you remember the time we met each other first?” “Yes, You were still a li

22、ttle girl _.”12. In order to pass the examination they worked harder _ ever before.13. Ill be back _ a day or two.14. If the population keeps _ growing like this, there will be no room for people to stand in on the earth.15. When at Rome do _ the Romans do.16. You eat too _. Youll be hungry very soo

23、n.17. I havent a pen. Can you lend me _?18. Please wait for me here _ just one or two minutes.19. He was not clever _ good-looking.20. There are one thousand, four hundred _ sixty students in our school.21. Can you imagine where we shall be in _ ten years?22. You cant go by car, but there are many _

24、 ways of getting there.23. “Im a little _.” “Good! But you still need to stay _ bed for another day.”24. As time went _, things began to change.25. “You shouldnt stay _ so late.” “But my parents dont really care if I am at home.”26. She said she would never leave her hometown. She would stay there _

25、.27. He felt much better _ he took the medicine.28. Nine months _, they met in Beijing again.29. The doctor will be with you _ a few minutes. Wait a moment, please.30. “Do you have cakes _ the shape of a heart?” “Yes. We make cakes _ different shapes.”31. His parents were very glad that he made _ mi

26、stakes than before.32. Dont worry. Theres plenty of room _ you.33. There were several people interested in this plan, _ Mrs. Brown.34. A few people were killed in the fire, but _ were saved.35. Noise is unpleasant, _ when you are trying to sleep.36. Temperatures change _ the time of the year.37. He

27、isnt getting better. In fact he is getting _.38. Many people in Beijing have dogs _ pets.39. “You seemed to have traveled a _.” “Yes. Ive _ to many different places.”40. Thats _ that I want to say. I have nothing else to say.41. I have explained everything, but _ now she doesnt understand.42. Its no

28、t easy _ one to do good all ones life.43. What did you have _ lunch today?44. Mother told us the good news _ lunch.45. “Am I late?” “No, not _ _.”46. The food wasnt good, but _ _ it was cheap.47. How soon will the meeting be _?48. “Whats your _?” “Ive got a bad headache.”49. Everyone is a fool _, an

29、d none at all time.50. _ _ he was a little shy, but now he acts more natural.51. “Did they lose?” “Im afraid _.”52. The match will be _ their team and ours.53. In a football match its even possible to score goals in the _ minute.54. The boys team were very unhappy because they didnt think they shoul

30、d lose _ the girls so easily.55. “Whats the match _?” “Its not so exciting as I thought.56. As time went on, he found it _ and _ difficult to support his family.57. “Have you read this book or that book?” “_. I read them two years ago.58. _ _ food is good to eat. So you should choose the food which

31、is good for you.59. If you run after two hares, you will catch _.60. Do you want a bath(洗澡) at once, _ shall I have mine first?61. Its _ late to do anything now. We can only wait.62. It _ that nobody knew the bad news. All were very happy then.63. “What did she ask you to help her _?” “ Her homework

32、.”64. Dont talk like that _ children. Its not good for them.65. Dont work too _. Think of your health.66. Im sure I met her somewhere before. I just cant remember exactly where at _ _.67. When I went in, I was just _ time to see the beginning of the film.68. My seat us next to _ of the headmaster.69

33、. “_ was your trip?” “Exciting.”70. “Have you been to Paris?” “No, _.”71. “Whats the money _?” “Mother gave it to me to buy breakfast.”72. “Did _ call when I was out?” “Yes. But theres no call for you.”73. Theres _ in this box, its empty.”74. My shoes are different from the _ you had _ yesterday.75.

34、 “_ be do it all at once?” “Yes, he must.”76. Its sure to be _ _. Dont worry.77. Im afraid youre asking _ much.78. He arrived half an hour _.79. I feel exactly _ you.80. I asked my parents for advice. They _ agreed with me.81. _ a word he left the room. We knew he got very angry.82. She said she won

35、t see you. Why do you _ stay here?83. You can only find it here. You cant get it _ else.84. How far _ is it from here?85. I dont like Jack. Hes the kind of person who talks _ but do _.86. Whos the girl standing _ there by that window?87. I have finished my homework and I have nothing _ to do today.8

36、8. Shes left. She walked _ _ the room without a word.89. He tried to killed two birds _ a stone.90. Dont worry about it any more. Im sure you could do _ next time.91. Youve given _ your parents and your teacher a lot of trouble.92. He was _ young _ you must excuse him for doing that.93. Ive said sor

37、ry to him, but hes _ very angry.94. Dont stand so _ to the train. Its too dangerous.95. The boy climbed _ to a higher branch(树枝) on the tree.96. Most of my classmates have a watch, _ I dont.97. He couldnt decide _ to return home or not.98. “How _ do you go home?” “Once a week.”99. That night we stay

38、ed _ a small hotel _ the foot of the mountain.100. Im very grateful _ you _ bringing me the books.101. Lets wait _ the train stops.102. The sun always goes _ in the west103. The country has a _ population though its quite a big country.104. “Can you go now?” “Sorry, Ive still got _ _ things to do.”1

39、05. I like to drink coffee _ milk and sugar in it. I dont like black coffee.106. My father buys _ beer but more cigarettes now.107. “How can this maths problem be worked out?” “Sorry, Ive _ idea.”108. They arrived _ a small village _ a cold night.109. Please show me a bigger _ because the shoes are

40、too small.110. He _ be in this office. I saw him in the street just now.(二)中 考 集 萃(根据学生易错易混整理)选择填空( ) 1. The _ now is that we have lots of _ to ask. A. problem, questionsB. questions, problems C. question, problem D. problem, question( ) 2. The Englishman, Stevenson(斯蒂文森) invented _.A. the ship B. the car C. the plane D. the train( ) 3. There are few _ in the kitchen. Lets go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.A. vegetables B. fruit C. meat D. eggs( ) 4. Let the children go away. They are making too much _ he


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