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1、上海市初三英语一模试卷V. Choose the best answer.31. Arthur would like to write _ article on English Spelling Opening for the school newspaper.A. aB. theC. /D. an32. We all respect policemen and firemen because they think more of others than _.A. themB. themselvesC. theirD. theirs33. Jack has thought of several

2、 ways of solving the problem but _ of them works.A. bothB. allC. neitherD. none34. Clowns (小丑)attracted the attention of the crowd _ wearing colourful clothes.A. byB. withC. onD. at.35. This foggy morning all the students arrive at school on time, _ Helen who has a high fever.A. besidesB. besideC. e

3、xceptD. except for36. Being buried in the mine was terrible _ the 33 Chile miners (矿工) never gave up in a time of trouble.A. althoughB. soC. forD. but37. Its Joyces _ to organize our schools Got talent (达人秀)next week.A. knowledgeB. responsibilityC. emotionD. ceremony38. Miss Mary _ her voice so that

4、 the students sitting far away could hear her clearly.A. roseB. risesC. raisedD. raises39. Its going to rain. Youd better _ the windows opens when leaving the claassroom.A. leaveB. not leaveC. to leaveD. not to leave40. Louis and I visited Shanghai Science & Technology Museum _during the summer holi

5、day.A. sometimeB. sometimesC. some timeD. some times41. The policemen worked very hard to keep the 2010 Shanghai World Expo _ .A. safeB. safelyC. safetyD. save42. Nowadays science fiction isnt as _ as cartoons among teenagers.A. most popularB. more popularC. popularD. less popular43. They doctors ha

6、ve tried _ to save the wounded people after the big terrible fire.A. something possibleB. everything possibleC. possible something D. possible everything 44. _ exciting news that Chinese Womens Volleyball team won the gold medal again!A. WhatB. What anC. HowD. How an45. Susans short-term aim is_ a j

7、ournalist for Shanghai Students Post.A. becomeB. to becomeC. becomingD. becomes46. Drivers must be very _ the traffic signs and rules.A. pleased withB. familiar withC. strict withD. busy with47. - Tom doesnt know how to make certain faces come to life in his comic strips- _.A. So do IB. So am IC. Ne

8、ither do ID. Neither am I48. Linda and her father _ each other for mothers before they met yesterday afternoon.A. havent seen B. didnt seeC. hadnt seenD. wouldnt see49. Excuse me, whats this for? - Its a cleaner and it _ to pick up the dirty things.A. usesB. is usedC. is usingD. has used 50. It is i

9、mportant to know that your brain stores memory _ you are asleep.A. beforeB. untilC. thoughD. while51. When the summer camp came to an end, the students felt sad. The underline part means “_”.A. got backB. came trueC. was readyD. was over52. Nearly all the boys in our school are keen on football. The

10、 underline part means “_”.A. interested inB. good atC. harmful toD. bad for53. Must I book the flight ticket to Australia by phone? No, you _. You can also do it online.A. mustntB. needntC. cantD. couldnt54. Sorry Im late, for my bike broke down suddenly on my way here this morning. _ .A. Thats all

11、rightB. Thats rightC. All rightD. Youre welcome55. Do you know whom _ ?A. dose this jacket belong toB. is this jacket belong toC. this jacket belongs to D. this jacket is belonging to 56. Would you mind my using your printer for a while? Mine doesnt work now. _ .A. Never mindB. Certainly notC. take

12、it easyD. I dont knowVI. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.57. Do you know who will teach _ Chemistry next term? (we) 58. There are many nice toys for _ in that new shop. (child) 59. Ellen and Michael all agree that _ is the same important as knowledge. (able) 60. Liu

13、 Xiang won his _ Asian Games title in a row of Mens 110m Hurdles. (three) 61. Recycling and _ materials can help reduce the amount of land pollution. (use) 62. The higher the ground is, the _ the air becomes. (thin) 63. Ben lost his purse yesterday, but _, there wasnt much money in it. (lucky)64. So

14、me frames of the comic strips can be left without borders to add _. (vary) VII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.65. Martin has to walk to school early in the morning. (改为否定句) Martin _ _ to walk to school early in the morning. 66. My cousins often keep in touch with their friends by e-mai

15、l. (对划线部分提问) _ _ my cousins often keep in touch with their friends? 67. The ice cream will melt, so youd better put it in the bridge at once. (保持原句意思不变) The ice cream will melt _you_ put it in the bridge at once. 68. Mr. Li chose ten students to take part in the English reading contest last week. (改

16、为被动语态) Ten students _ _ to take part in the English reading contest by Mr. Li last week. 68. Miss Emma needed some flour to make a cake. (改为反意疑问句) Miss Emma needed some flour to make a cake, _ _ ? 68. Little Tom ate too many chocolates. He had toothache. (两句合并为一句) Little Tom ate _ many chocolates _

17、he had toothache. Part 3 Reading and WritingVIII. Reading comprehensionA .True or false.Nowadays, one of the most popular kinds of communication on the Internet is through personal Web sites called blogs. Blog is a shortened name for Web log. Anyone can crate his or her own blog and update informati

18、on to their blogs evry day. A blog may contain stories or pictures, link to other Web sites and get some comments(评价) from visitors.Blogs offer a way to present news or personal information. Blogs have become a place for public expression on many subjects. It is estimated(估计)that there are more than

19、 sixty million blogs around the world. People who have blogs are called bloggers. In the united States, many people have blogs. So do many other Americans, including teenagers and college students. Surely, some bloggers are experts in their fields and forever have invaluable contents to offer us. Mo

20、st of those bloggers are discussing new ideas, hot topics from their life experiences. Nevertheless, even famous bloggers would run out of contents without constant(持续的)learning. This is one reason why many bloggers end up with nothing to write. However, they forget this and think they have unlimite

21、d contents just waiting to burst from their brain. Gradually, they fail to own the fresh thoughts.In fact, it applies everywhere: Think youre successful in your sport? Stop practicing. See what happens. Your English has been improved to the greatest possible level, but dont want to learn something n

22、ew? Youll soon be behind others. In todays society, a degree tells little about what you know. It does tell about what you can learn. For instance, the IT world is constantly changing. Anything learnt today will probably be useless in a few short years. The point is to learn to learn. Blogging works

23、 exactly the same way. Never stop learning, or your blog will close forever one day.71. Everyone can design his or her own blog and add information to their blogs every day.72. Blogs arent allowed to connect to the other Web sites through the Internet.73. There are more than six million blogs on man

24、y subjects around the world.74. Bloggers like to share their fresh ideas, hot topics and express their personal opinions.75. Without constant learning famous bloggers could still get the contents from their brain.76. In todays society a degree shows much about what you know.77. People wont get tired

25、 of your blogging if youre continuously improving your writing.B. Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)Out of all of Americans symbols, none has proved more famous than the Statue of Liberty. This giant figure, torch in hand and standing on a stone base, has acted as the American Dream for a cent

26、ury. Its worth remembering that the statue is a reminder that the USA is a land of immigrants(移民):indeed it was New York Harbor where the first European immigrants arrived and ended their journey into the unknown and the hopeful beginning of a new life.The statue, which holds a torch to light the wo

27、rld, was the creation of the French sculptor Bartholdi, who crafted(精心制作) it a hundred years after the American Revolution. Bartholdi built Liberty in Paris between 1874 and 1884, starting with a model and making it larger four times to its present size. The arm carrying the torch was exhibited in M

28、adison Square Park for seven years, but the whole statue wasnt officially accepted to stand for the American people until 1884. Then it was taken apart and shipped to New York. Another two years passed before it could be properly open to the public. Money had to be collected to fund(资助) the construc

29、tion of the base, and for some reason its very hard to collect this sum of money. Nevertheless because of the great of a rich man, Joseph Pulitzer, a keen supporter of the statue, raised all the money in the end, and the statue of Liberty was formally displayed by President Cleveland on October 28,

30、1886. The statue was closed for a few years in the mid-1980s for repairs and, in 1986, fifteen million people gathered on Manhattan for the statues centennial celebrations.Today you can climb steps up to the crown. Dont be surprised if theres an hour-long wait to enjoy the journey. Even if there is,

31、 Liberty Parks views of the lower Manhattan skyline are worth seeing because they are definitely unique.78. The Statue of Liberty is located in _A. Washington B. Paris C. New York D. Boston 79. The Statue of Liberty can remind people that European immigrants _A. were good at their craftingB. were th

32、e first to discover this landC. looked forward to leading a new lifeD. collected money for the American Revolution80. A(n)_sculptor created and built the statue in Paris.A. American B. French C. British D. Italian81. In which year was the whole statue exhibited to the American people?A. 1874 B. 1876

33、 C.1884 D. 188682._ helped fund the construction of the base of the statue.A. President Cleveland B. Manhattan citizens C. The sculptor Bartholdi D. Joseph Pulitzer83. The underlined word “centennial” in this passage probably means _A. a hundred years B. eighty years C. fifty years D. ten years 84.

34、From the passage, we can learn _A. the statue of Liberty wasnt open to the public during the 1980s.B. the Statue of Liberty has captured most Americans hearts.C. the stone base of the statue was shipped to America with other partsD. people can go up to the crown by lift to enjoy the views of New Yor

35、kC. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)(14分)Although people can do different sports with the help of equipment, running is still the simplest way to exercise. The following introductions may help you make your running more pleasant and safe.Buy a pair of good r

36、unning shoes. You dont have to buy the top shoes, which could 85 your much money. However, its important to buy the actual running shoes which will 86 sufficient cushioning (缓冲) to protect your back, your feet and your legs from injury.Walk before you run! For the first four weeks, you should have a

37、 5-15 minute warm-up walk before breaking into a trot(小跑)Make sure you run and walk 87 three times a week. It wont really do you a favor if you do less than this. Please dont run if you are unwell, as this might increase the time youll take to recover.Run for time, not for instance. Your running pro

38、gram should be planned to 88 increase the time you spend on your feet, rather than the kilometers. If you ran a total of thirty minutes last week, dont increase this by more than ten minutes the following week.Never copy the top athletes! These top runners were both with superior genes (基因) that 89

39、their bodies to deal with stress loads, therefore ordinary runners should not follow their example.Be patient! Dont be in a hurry to take part in road races, etc., no matter how much your friends expect you. Wait until you can run 30 minutes without resting before lining up for that first 5 km for f

40、un.Find a friend who has the same interest to run with. Some of the greatest friendship might have been _90_ during training runs.Enjoy yourself running. Its nice to be competitive, but not if the pressures are going to affect your _91_ and general lifestyle. Dont go in for a race every week because

41、 this is the surest way of becoming hurt.Are you ready to run now?85. A. spendB. costC. payD. purchase 86. A. predictB. preventC. provideD. process 87. A. at leastB. at mostC. at firstD. at all 88. A. suddenlyB. usuallyC. quicklyD. slowly 89. A. makeB. enableC. haveD. teach 90. A. gainedB. happenedC

42、. discoveredD. purchased 91. A. aimB. freedomC. healthD. brain D. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)A Bike Hire Plan Has Started in LondonLondon has become a cycle friendly area after the action of a new bike hire (租用)project. It has

43、been desinged to e 92 more people to cycle in and around central London. So how does it work? First you have to sign up to the project to get a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes, which are kept at parking stations in and around central London. You have to pay for the key and then you pay as

44、you go, according to the l 93 of time you use the bike. The organization, Transport for London, runs the project and h 94 to have 6,000 bikes and 400 parking stations by the end of the year. The new hire system wants to ease congestion (缓解拥堵) in London and is expected to have up to 40,000 extra cycl

45、e trips a day into the city centre.London Mayor Boris Johnston started the project and said London used to be a f 95 of thousands of shining cars and the project might change the outlook of their streets. However, a few problems have appeared s 96 the project was started last Friday. Transport for London admitted they could expect a few small difficulties and allow cyclists not to pay for the first day as a bush. Some people found they couldnt park their bike e 97 and nobody recorded their hire time of the bike on the first day. Others arent satisfied with the number o


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