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1、I. 单项选择(10分)( )21. I have got two tickets _ the concert.A. on B. of C. for D.about( )22. Please answer my question in a _ voice. A. loud B. loudly C. aloud D. weak( )23. This kind of skirt looks _ and sells _. A. well; well B. nice; good C. nice; well D. good; nice( )24. This is _ book. Its good for

2、 you. A. quiet good B. quiet good a C. a good quiet D. quite a good( )25. The officer ordered the soldiers _ down quickly. A. lying B. lies C. lay D. to lie( )26. We really dont know _. Could you help us? A. how to do B. what to do C. to do what D. to do how( )27. I wont leave here until my mother _

3、 back. A. will come B. is coming C. came D. comes( )28. _? My watch doesnt work. A. Why are you here B. How do you do C. Whats wrong D. Whats this( )29. She told us that she _ her handbag on the bus. A. left B. forgot C. missed D. failed( )30. He _ eight hundred thousand dollars for his Benz(奔驰) car

4、. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent. 完形填空(10分)Eric finished his school last year. He went to a big city to _31_ a job. He went from one company to another but _32_ wanted him. He had to go back to his small town. When he came to the train station, he felt _33_ and tired. It was late at night, and the

5、 _34_ was full of people. Many were waiting to _35_ train tickets. When he bought the last ticket, he saw a woman with a crying baby. He gave them his ticket. He thought they needed it _36_ than he did. After _37_ left, he sat on the bench and didnt know _38_ to do. Just then, an old man came to him

6、, “Young man, I _39_ what you did for the woman. I need your help. I have a company and I need a good young man like _40_. Would you like to come to my company?”( )31. A. find B. see C. look for D. buy( )32. A. everyone B. nobody C. nothing D. someone( )33. A. happy B. interesting C. sad D. glad( )3

7、4. A. city B. company C. farm D. station( )35. A. buy B. sell C. give D. pass( )36. A. less B. more C. fewer D. worse( )37. A. Eric B. the bus C. the train D. the man( )38. A. what B. which C. why D. where( )39. A. saw B. heard C. missed D. forgot( )40. A. that B. you C. myself D. her. 阅读理解(20分)ADea

8、r John,Im very excited about your coming and staying in Chichester next week. The day after tomorrow I have to go away on business for three days at the beginning of the week, but I will be back when you come. Ill leave a key with my friend next door at Number 21, so you wont have to wait before I r

9、eturn.Now let me tell you how to get here, though(尽管) its not very difficult to find.Walk up the Star Road until you come to the first set of traffic lights and then turn right. Turn left at the next crossing. Go straight, and Landsdowne Road is the second on the right. There you can find my house,

10、the door at Number 22.Oh! I nearly forgot to ask you about the most important thing: could you bring a sleeping-bag? Well, I must go now. I have to go and take the car from the garage(汽车修理店) on Land Road. I was out yesterday, when it broke down on the way.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Mike( )41. John w

11、ill come and stay in Mikes house _. A. at the beginning of this week B. next week C. at the weekend D. the day after tomorrow( )42. How many days will Mike go away on business? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )43. Mike will leave a _ with his friend next door at Number 21. A. house B. car C. sl

12、eeping-bag D. key( )44. Mikes house is on the _. A. Chichester Road B. Star Road C. Landsdowne Road D. Land Road( )45. Whats wrong with the writers car? A. A thief stole(偷) it on the way. B. Mike sold it to someone else. C. It broke down on the way. D. Someone drove it away by mistake. BA page from

13、Li Mings diaryThursday, June 20th SundayToday I was so happy to know that I did quite well in my last weeks Science exam. Thank you, Daniel, you told me the “map idea”. 1Its a new way of going over lessons.Because of the map idea, Ive learned how to find out the main idea in every lesson. And in my

14、mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge. Its really good. I can remember a lot in that way.I had never thought of changing the way of my study before. I was always complaining about my poor memory. Now I know the problem is not my memory. I just need a good way of study. The map idea is

15、 so cool. It made my study much easier and more enjoyable. I realized 2learning how to learn is the most important.将画线句子翻译成汉语:46. 1 _47. 2 _根据文章内容,用适当的词完成下列句子,每空一词。48. There was a Science exam in Li Mings class _ _. Li Ming did _ in it.49. Daniel taught Li Ming a good way of study. It is called _ _.

16、50. Because of the idea, Li Ming could find out the _ _ of every lesson and remembered _ _. 词汇(10分) A) 根据句意和首字母提示填空。51. I often hear her c_ about her sons laziness(懒惰).52. Itll be better to have a_ around. Its dangerous for you teenagers to go camping(野营) alone.53. He didnt pass the exam, so he was

17、u_.54. My job doesnt i_ making coffee for the boss.55. This coat is in s_. I like it very much.B) 用括号中所给词语的适当形式填空。56. The children enjoyed _ (they) in the museum last Sunday.57. Sally brought us a piece of _ (surprise) news.58. Everyone in my class was _ (invite) to the party except me.59. There are

18、 all _ (kind) of computers in that shop.60. Julia ran past the finishing line as fast as _ (possible).V. 根据要求完成句子(5分)61. I think you should do it by yourself. (改为否定句) I _ _ you _ do it by yourself.62. What do you think of our city? (改为同义句) _ do you _ our city?63. She has to take her daughter to pian

19、o lessons. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ to take her daughter to piano lessons?64. Parents are trying to plan their childrens life. (对画线部分提问) _ are parents trying _ _?65. I have this kind of book. Johnson has this kind of book, too. (改为同义句) Johnson has _ _ kind of book _ me.完成句子(5分)66. 他需要足够的睡眠。He _ to get _ _.

20、67. 学习很重要,但另一方面,你也要多做运动。Study is important. But _ _ _ _, you should exercise more.68. 我妈妈希望我每天晚上都呆在家里。My mother wants me _ _ _ _ every night.69. 你和同学们相处得怎么样?How are you _ _ _ your classmates?70. 我想弄明白为什么汤姆没邀请我参加他的生日聚会。I want to _ _ why Tom didnt invite me _ his party. 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。(10分)A: Hi, Gi

21、na! Why are you wearing a hat?B: (71) _A: Whats wrong with your hair?B: (72) _A: Let me have a look. Oh, its not ugly at all.B: But it makes me look like a boy. It seems better when Im in the hat.A: But its summer. (73) _B: What should I do?A: Ive got an idea. (74) _B: Oh, will it be strange?A: No!

22、Then you should cut your hair a little shorter. (75) _B: Yes, very good idea. Then I can say Im a boy, right?A. Its short and ugly.B. Short hair is very popular.C. You wear sunglasses.D. I dont like my haircut.E. Its too hot to wear a hat. 书面表达(10分)假如你叫Betty, 请用下面所提供的信息写篇短文,告诉你最好的朋友Mary你的烦恼。内容提要:这几天

23、,你发现同学们对你不太友好。上个星期六,班上的一位同学举行生日聚会,他邀请了很多同学,但没有邀请你。你感到很烦恼,于是向她诉说此事,并向她征求意见。(80词左右)_ 参考答案:I. 21-25 CACDD 26-30 BDCAA. 31-35 CBCDA 36-40 BCAAB. 41-45 BBDCC46. 这是一种新的复习功课的方法。 47. 学会怎样学习才是最重要的 48. last week; well 49. map idea 50. main idea; a lot. 51. complaining 52. adults 53. upset 54. include 55. styl

24、e 56. themselves 57. surprising 58. invited 59. kinds 60. possibleV. 61. dont think; should 62. How; like 63. Does; have64. What; to do 65. the same; as.66. needs; enough sleep 67. on the other hand 68. to stay at home 69. getting on with 70. find out; to. 70-75 DAECB . One possible version:Dear Mar

25、y,I have a problem these days. I think I need your help.I am not getting on well with some of my classmates. They are not friendly to me. I dont know why. Last Saturday one of my classmates had a birthday party at home. He invited many classmates in my class except me. I feel worried and I dont know

26、 what to do. Could you tell me what I should do? Yours, Betty 句子成分(members of the sentence)英语的句子由主语部分与谓语部分组成。主要有下列六种句子成分:1)主语(subject)名词和代词它是句子所要说明的人或事物,是一句的主体。如I study English(我学习英语)中的I。2)谓语动词(predicate verb) 动词它是说明主语的动作或状态的,如I study English中的study。3)表语(predicative) 名词、代词和形容词它是放在连系动词之后表示主语的身分或特征的,如

27、I am a student(我是一个学生)中的student;Our classroom is clean(我们的教室很干净)中的clean。4)宾语(object) 名词和代词它是表示及物动词动作的对象的,如I study English中的English。介词后面的名词或代词,叫做介词的宾语,如They dont work on Sunday(他们星期天不工作)中的Sunday,就是介词on的宾语。5)定语(attribute) 形容词它是限定或修饰名词或代词用的,如He likes to drink co1d milk(他喜欢喝冷牛奶)中的co1d。6)状语(adverbial) 副词

28、它是修饰动词、形容词、副词用的,如He works hard(他努力工作)中的hard。注虚词在句子中一律不能作为句子成分。不定冠词a,ana) a和an均用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物中的一个,相当于汉语的一,但不强调数目观念。b) a用在辅音之前,an用在元音之前。如:a notebook一个笔记本,a cigarette一支香烟,an old man一位老人,an English class一堂英语课。字母u读作ju:时,由于第一个音j是辅音,故前面用a,不用an。如:a useful book一本有用的书,a university一所大学。字母h如不发音,第一个音又是元音,前面用

29、an而不用a,如an hour一小时,an honest person一个诚实的人。c) a和an在句中分别弱读作E和En。2)定冠词thea)表示某一类人或事物中的某一个或某一些,相当于汉语的这或那。b)不论单数名词或复数名词,也不论可数名词或不可数名词,前面都可以用the。c)在元音前读Ti,辅音前读TE。如the evening (傍晚),the car (汽车);在元音字母u发ju:和半元音字母。y发j时,仍读。如the unit (单位),the yard (院子)。英语中不定冠词a (an)的用法1)指一个人、动物或一件事物属于某一类。如:Xiao Xus father is a

30、miner.小徐的父亲是矿工。(而不是其他工种)Give me a ballpen , please.请给我一支圆珠笔。(而不是钢笔或其他种类)2)指任何一个人、动物或一件事物。如:A steel worker makes steel.钢铁工人炼钢。(意即任何一个钢铁工人都炼钢)A triangle has three angles.三角形有三个角。(意即任何一个三角形都有三个角)3)指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。如:He comes from a firm in Beijing.他来自北京某一家公司。A young man wants to see you.有个青年人要见你。A ca

31、r stopped in front of the gate.一辆汽车停在大门前。4)不定冠词还可指事物的单位,如每日、每斤等。如:Butter is 4 yuan a kilo.黄油四元钱一公斤。He drove the car at 18 miles an hour.他行车速度为每小时十八英里。The Chinese Export Commodities Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year.中国出口商品交易会每年在广州举行两次。The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day. 医

32、生叫他一天吃三次药。定冠词 the 的用法1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。如:This is the house where Lu Xun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。(以别于其他房子)The book on the desk is an English dictionary.书桌上的那本书是一本英语词典。(特指桌上的那本书。注意名词book被 on the desk短语所限定。)Cairo is the capital of Egypt.开罗是埃及的首都。We plan to cut the wheat in these fields in three days time

33、.我们计划三天后割这些地的小麦。(特指这些地里的小麦)2)指说话人与听话人彼此所熟悉的人或事物。如:Open the door, please.请开门。(双方都知道指的是哪一个门)The Manager is in his office.经理在他的办公室里。(双方都知道指的是哪个经理)Lets meet at the railway station.我们在火车站碰头吧。(双方都知道指的是哪一个火车站)3)复述上文提过的人或事物。如:Last week I read a story and a play. The story is about the Second World War and t

34、he play about the life of university students.上周我读了一篇故事和一个剧本。那篇故事是关于第二次世界大战的,剧本是关于大学生生活的。4)表示在世界上独一无二的事物,如 the sun太阳,the moon月亮,the earth地球,the sky天空,the world世界。5)定冠词the用于单数可数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物。如:The Chinese student of English is apt to make such mistakes.中国学英语的学生容易犯这样的错误。.The favourite fast food in th

35、e United States is the hamburger.美国最为人所爱吃的快餐是汉堡包。The compass was invented in ancient China.古代中国发明了指南针。演奏乐器时,乐器的名称前也常用定冠词the。如:At the Childrens Palace,some children learn to play the piano,others learn to play the violin.在少年宫里,有的小孩学弹钢琴,有的学拉小提琴。注一语法书中的the verb(动词)和动植物学书中的the elephant(象)和the rose(玫瑰)等,

36、都属于这一类。注二马是有用的动物有下面三种说法,如:A horse is a useful animal.The horse is a useful animal.Horses are useful animals.6)表示阶级、党派的名词前必须用the。如the Chinese Communist Party中国共产党,the working class工人阶级,the bourgeoisie资产阶级,the Labour Party(英国)工党7)定冠词还可与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表某一类人或物。如the poor穷人,the rich富人,the wounded伤员,the

37、sick病号,the beautiful美丽的事物。8)在序数词、形容词最高级和表示方位的名词前,常用定冠词the。如:Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。January is the first month of the year.元月是一年中的第一个月份。The sun rises in the east.日出东方。9)下面一些说法中习惯上须用定冠词the。如:in the morning在早上或上午in the afternoon在下午in the evening在晚上to go to the theatre(cinema)到

38、剧院(电影院)去看戏(电影)专有名词前冠词的用法专有名词前一般不用冠词,如Shanghai上海,Britain英国,Edgar Snow埃德加斯诺。但在下列几种场合中,却经常要用定冠词。1)在江河、海洋、山脉、群岛的名称前。如:the Yellow River黄河,the Baltic(Sea)波罗的海,the Pacific (Ocean)太平洋,the Atlantic(Ocean)大西洋,the Xisha islands西沙群岛,the Tianshan Mountains天山,the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山。2)在含有普通名词的专有名词前。如:a)某些国名前:the Peop

39、les Republic of China中华人民共和国,the United States of America美国(有些国名并不含有普通名词,但也用定冠词,如:the Philippines菲律宾,the Sudan苏丹。)b)某些机关团体等组织名称前:the National Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会,the State Council国务院,the United Nations联合国c)朝代、时代的名称前:the Tang dynasty唐朝,the Warring States period战国时代。3)在某些建筑物的名称前。如:the National Art Gallery国家美术馆,the Great Wall长城,the Peking Zoo北京动物园,the British Museum大英博物馆。4)在报纸、杂志、旅馆等名称前。如:the Peoples Daily人民日报,the Readers Digest读者文摘,the Being Hotel北京饭店。5)在姓名复数形式前,指一家人。如:The Lius have mov


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