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1、 人教版新起点英语二年级上册期末试卷A卷笔试部分一、让下列迷路的字母回到自己的家。(6分)f nr g oh二、在四线三格上写出字母(1)【Bb,Cc,M m Kk ,Hh,f,g】。 (2)【Jj, Oo,Ss,Pp ,Dd ,Ll,N,y ,】每个字母写一次。(10分)三、判断中英文意思是否相符,相符的打“”不相符的打“”。(14分)1.妈妈 mother( ) 2. 瘦的thin ( )3.超市supermarket( )4. 动物园park ()5.朋友 friend ( )6. 哥哥brother ( )7.湖lake ( ) 8. 奶奶flower ( )9.爷爷grandfath

2、er( )10. 医院school ()11.圣诞老人 FatherChristmas ( )12.他是英俊的 He is handsome .( )13.圣诞树 ChristmasTree ( )14.新年快乐 Merry Christmas( )四、给下面句子选择正确的答案。(6分)五、选择正确的中文。(8分)1、( ) Whats his name ? A、他叫什么名字? B、她是我的妈妈。2.()Merry Christmas ! A、新年快乐! B、圣诞快乐!3.()Whos she ? A、他是谁? B、她是谁?4.()Thereare boats in the park. A、公

3、园里有船。 B、这是我的妈妈。5、()Whatdoes he look like ? A、他长什么样? B、她长什么样?6. ( ) Sheis pretty . A、她是高的。 B、她是漂亮的。7.()She is a girl. She is tall. A、她是一个女孩,她是高的。B、她是高的。8.()Imgoing to the bookshop . A、我打算去书店。 B、我打算去公园。五、为下面的句子选择正确的句子并连线。(6分)1. Here is a present for you ! A.He is my father .2. Whos he? B、Imgoing to th

4、e park.3.Where are you going ? C、Thankyou !六、根据句子内容选择相应的图片。(18分)( )1、Bill is big.( )2、Joy is pretty.( )3、Andy is short.( )4、Yaoyaois tall( )5、Lily is thin.( )6、Binbin is handsome.七、把下面人物的称谓和相对应的人线连起来。(20分)brother sistermefather mothergrandfather grandmother八、写单词1人称代词:第一人称代词: (我) , (我们)第二人称代词:(你) , 你

5、们 第三人称代词: (她) (他) (它) (他们)2系动词:3默写字母表补充下列书写体的字母表,注意书写工整。10九、选词填空is am are1.What _ you doing? I_ playing withmy toy car.2.Lingling _ skipping.3.I _ opening the door.4.Daming _ doing a play with somechildren.5._ you sad? Yes, no one _ playingwith me.6.They _playing hide and seek.7.These boys _ playing

6、 football.8._ your mother reading a book? Yes, sheis.9.What _ he doing? It_ a secret.10._he doinghis homework? No, he isnt.十、选择题()1._ are you playing? We are playing catch.A. What B. Where()2. What is Amy doing now? She is _A. playingclapping games B. play clapping games()3. What _ you like doing?I

7、like _.A.do/swimming B. is/ swim()4. Lets _ football.A. playing B. play()5. He is playing with _ car. A. herB. his十一、Read andwrite.(写出相邻的大小写字母)12%Dd _ Gg _ Ii Jj _ _ Nn _ P p_ Rr_ Tt _ Vv _ Yy _-b-t-U-M-L-V - -h- -i-十二、找出下列划线部分与其他三项发音不同的单词16. A he B feetC bread D green17. A bookB look C cook D after

8、noon18. A timeBit C ship D big19. A batB same C tape D radio20. A busB jump C true D cut人教版新起点英语二年级上册期末试卷B卷一、写出下列字母的邻居(12分)。1 _ F_ 2. _m _ 3. _v_4. _ Hh_ 5. _ Ll _ 6. _Rr_二、正确抄写下列的单词和句子(10分)。1. English blouse puppet bottle2. I can see some monkeys.3. Lets count the crayons.4. Id like a blouse5. Lets

9、 keep the school clean!三、英汉互译(10分)1. 五只猴子_ 2. 一辆吉普车_3.数鸡蛋 _ 4. 数学和音乐 _5. 在沙发上_四、找出不同类的词并将序号写在括号内。(20分)( ) 1.A. box B. bottle C. milk( ) 2.A. on B. in C. open( ) 3.A. book B. desk C. bed( ) 4.A. where B. there C. what( ) 5.A. father B. mother C. nurse( ) 6.A. bread B. ruler C. pencil( ) 7.A. dress B.

10、 can C. jacket( ) 8.A. bear B. pear C. panda( ) 9.A. spring B. winter C. T-shirt( ) 10.A. peach B. banana C. rice五、读上句,找下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打 (10分)。1. What can David do? ( ) David can run. ( ) I can run.2. What can you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I can see a duck.3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, t

11、hank you.4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I dont. ( ) No, I dont.5. What do you have? ( ) I have a doll. ( )I have doll.。六、在II栏中选出I栏的答句,将其序号填在题前的括号内(8分)。( )1. Wheres the pencil? A. Twelve.( )2. What can you see? B. I can see a bird.( )3. How many? C. Id like a coat.( )4. Can I help you? D. Its in the box.( )5. What colour? D. Its red.七、连词成句(10分)。1. is, where, plane, the, (?)_?2. is, a, box, there, in, the desk, (。)_.3. lets, table, clean, keep, the(。)_.4. do, have, what, you, lessons, (?)_?八、根据单词,把图形画在方框里(18分)。1. TV 2. dress 3. plane4. panda 5. two yo-yos 6. doll060s.


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