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1、2020年湘少版小学六年级英语上学期期末模拟试卷及答案一、单词辨认。将下面的单词与图片配对,请将图片的字母序号填到相应的方框里。(10分)( ) 1. Christmas ( ) 2. theatre  ( ) 3. bike   ( ) 4. medicine  ( ) 5. candy( ) 6. bottle ( ) 7. present ( ) 8. picnic( )

2、 9. cough ( ) 10. cinema二、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Thank you. _.A. OK B. Youre welcome C. Hello( ) 2. The elephant is _ than the cat.A. bigger  B. smaller C. biggest( ) 3. What did you do during the holidays?_A. I go to Changsha

3、. B. I read storybooks. C. I play games with my friends.( ) 4. Dont play computer games too _.A. always B. never C. often( ) 5. Shall we go to the theatre? _.A. Good idea. B. Lets see a play. C. Thanks.( ) 6. Hello!

4、 Is that Anne? _.A. Yes, I am.  B. No, Thanks.  C. Yes. This is Anne.( ) 7. _ shall we meet? 10:00. A. Which B. What C. What time( ) 8. _ is a box of mooncakes?  50 yuan.A. How many  B. 

5、;How much C. How old( ) 9. How old are you?  _.A. Im fine, thank you.  B. Im ten years old.C. How are you.( ) 10. Here is a Christmas card for you. _.A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Im sorry.三、情景反应。(10分)( ) 1. 当你看到一年级小

6、朋友扔垃圾,你会对他说:_  A. We should save water.  B. Go away. C. We shouldnt litter.( ) 2. 朋友感冒了,你会建议他说:_A. Have a cold.  B. Drink more water. C. Drink more juice.( ) 3. 有一部新电影上映了,你会建议朋友说:_ A. Shall we go to the theatre? B.&

7、nbsp;We want to go to the cinema.C. Shall we go to the cinema?( ) 4. 你想告诉朋友明天会下雨,你应该说:_A. It will be sunny and cool tomorrow. B. It will be rainy tomorrow.C. Its sunny today.( ) 5. 春节到了,你会对朋友说:_ A. Happy New Year.B. Merry Christmas! C. Happ

8、y birthday!四、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)Tony is very busy. His grandmas birthday is on this Saturday. He and his parents are going to have a party for her. Tony invited (邀请) all his uncles and aunts to the party. Early Saturday morning, when Grandma reaches (到达) Tonys house, all the guests(客人) a

9、re there. There is a big birthday cake and a lot of good food on the table. Grandma is so happy to see all her children. Everyone says “Happy birthday!” to grandma.( ) 1. Tonys grandmas birthday is on this _.A. Friday  B. Saturday C. Sunday( ) 2.&nbs

10、p;The party is held (举办) at _.A. Tonys house B. Grandmas house C. a restaurant ( ) 3. _ come to Grandmas birthday party.A. Tonys friends B. Grandmas friends C. Tonys uncles and aunts( ) 4. There is a big _ on the table.A. cak

11、e B. box C. balloon( ) 5. Everyone says _ to Grandma.A. Happy New Year   B. Happy birthday C. Thank you五、连词成句。(5分)1. wrong is with What you (?)_2. do can What I (?)_3. help can I on road   the   them 

12、  (.)_4. cool It and sunny willbe (.)_5. waste not   should We water (.)_参考答案一、1-5 HCJIF 6-10 DGABE二、1-5 BABCA  6-10 CCBBA三、1-5 CBCBA四、1-5 BACAB五、1. What is wrong with you?2. What can I do?3. I can help them on the road.4. It will be sunny and cool.5. We should not waste water.


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