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1、JOIN IN英语六年级下册课本知识点Starter Unit Join usWords: blink眨(眼) pony 小马boss 老板,领导 really 确实地,的确cowboy 牛仔 spacecraft 宇宙飞船 for now 目前 暂时 supersonic 超音速的pilot 飞行员 pm 下午(用于表示重点的数字之后)think 想,认为 have to 必须,不得不 from to 从到 want to be 想成为Sentences:1. What do you want to be in ten years time from now?十年后你想做什么?2. You

2、could be But I dont want to be I want to be I dont want to be 你可能成为 但是你不想成为一个 我想成为一个我不想成为3. I dont really know. 我真的不知道4. I really have to go. 我真的必须走了5. Where is Simon from? Simon 来自哪里?6. What does he love? 他喜欢做什么?7. What did he do from 3 to 5 pm? 从3点到5点你做了什么?8. What is your favourite subject at scho

3、ol and why? 在学校你最喜欢的学科是什么? 为什么?9.I also like PE . I love to run a lot for exercise. 我也喜欢体育。我喜欢将跑步作为一项锻炼。10.Tomorrow I will play football with my friends in the park after school. 明天放学后,我将和朋友们踢足球。Grammar:一般过去时:主+动词的过去式 例: I had a fun day yesterday.一般现在时:主+V (当第三人称单数作主语时,动词要变化)例:It makes me so happy.一

4、般将来时:主+will +V例: Tomorrow I will play football with my friends .There be 句型:There is a /an There are someUnit 1 My cousin and IWords: auntie 姑妈,姨妈,伯母,婶婶,舅妈 friendly 友好,友善的 little 幼小的 Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节 koala 考拉 Australian 澳大利亚人 baby 婴儿 outgoing 外向的 sixth 第六 Canberra 堪培拉 Spring Festival 春节 climb 攀

5、登,爬 tail 尾巴 fact 事实,真相 nice 好的,漂亮的 kind 和蔼的 pretty 漂亮的 lovely 可爱的 tall 高的 short 矮的 strong 强壮的 cool 酷的 clever 聪明的 beautiful 美丽的 before 之前 Phrases:be born in 出生于 start doing sth. 学习做某事have a good time=have fun 玩的开心 过得愉快 come from 来自 speak+语言 说某种语言looks like 看起来像 take photos 拍照 Sentences:1 .I was born

6、in Australia. 我出生在澳大利亚。2. She is a pretty girl from Australia.她是一个来自澳大利亚的可爱女孩。3. We are having so much fun in China. 我们在中国非常开心。4. Did you have a good time at Spring Festival?你春节过得开心吗?5. She went to Australia before I was born. 她在我出生之前就去了澳大利亚。6. He can speak a little Chinese.他能说一点汉语。7.I took lots of

7、photos at our big family get-together. 现在我们的大家庭聚会上拍了很多照片。8. It is the biggest city in Australia. 它是澳大利亚最大的城市。9. Australia is the worlds biggest country.澳大利亚是世界第六大国家。10. There are many Chinese Australians in the country. 在这个国家有许多澳大利亚华人。Grammar一般过去时: 动词的过去式 例:learn-learnt形容词的用法:主+ 系(be)+表(形容词)例:Liza i

8、s pretty and lovely. She is outing, too.最高级:the biggest city the words sixth biggest countryUnit2 Food and healthWords: active好动的 fit健壮的,健康的 habit习惯 glass一杯之量 healthy健康的,健壮的 health健康 kind种类 look after照顾,照料 protein蛋白质notat all一点也不 sugar食糖 warm热情的,热忱的 own自己的 stay维持 string bean菜豆whole grains天然谷物Phrases

9、:1. try. try to do:努力;企图做某事 (通过一定的努力才能做到)try doing: 试着做某事2. if 如果 If you have a favourite food, you can try a new one.3. be good for对有好处be bad for:对不利be good to: 对友好be good at:擅长Eating more vegetables is good for your health.Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes4. get ill : 生病Youll have to see a

10、 doctor if you get ill.5. a cup of ( 指带柄的瓷杯,用来喝茶,牛奶,咖啡等,指一杯的量)a glass of (通常指玻璃杯,用于饮酒,喝水等)a cup of tea a cup of coffee a glass of water a glass of juice6. different kinds of: 不同种类的many kinds of: 很多种There are many different kinds books in the bookstore.7. too much: 太多much too: 太;非常8. not at all She d

11、oesnt like her baby at all.9. in front of: 在前面 (指在某一范围以外的前面)There is a tall tree in front of the house.10. most of the day 一天大部分时间11. look after :照顾 = take care of look ahead: 向前看 look at: 朝看 look back: 回头看 look for: 寻找 Sentences:1. Orange fruit and vegetables are good for your eyes.橘色的蔬菜和水果对健康有益。2.

12、 Vegetables are healthy.蔬菜是健康的。3. Cola is bad for your health.可乐不益于健康4. Chips are unhealthy.薯条是不健康的。5. Eat plenty of different fruit.吃大量的不同的蔬菜和水果。6. Why are you so fit and strong?你为什么如此健康?7. What sports do you usually do?你经常参加什么体育运动?8. She loves eating very much. 她很喜欢吃。9. She eats a lot and drinks t

13、oo much cola every day.她每天吃很多并且喝大量的可乐10. She doesnt watch her weight at all. 他一点都不在意自己的体重。11.She sits in front of the TV most of the day.他一天的大部分时间都坐在电脑前。12.So, she often gets ill and goes to see a doctor. 所以,她经常生病并且去看医生。13. You have to look after yourself. 你必须照顾好自己。14. You have to change your eating

14、 habits. 你必须改变你的饮食习惯。Unit 3 TelevisionWords: diary 日记 difficult 困难的flavour味道 gentleman先生 guide导游 horrible可怕的 lady女士 rope绳索 saying格言,谚语 share分享 show娱乐表演 strawberry草莓 tour参观,游览 vanilla香草精beautiful美丽的 hometown家乡castle城堡 first第一的 ghost 鬼魂 tower塔funny有趣的 excellent卓越的Scotland苏格兰Phrases:live in 居住 keep a d

15、iary 写日记 be difficult for对来说是难的be good at擅长 work harder 努力工作 be going to 将要做某事 have a great time玩得开心 come out 出来listen to music 听音乐 go riding/fishing/swimming 去骑车/钓鱼/游泳do maths exercises 做数学练习 read 阅读 play football 踢足球 watch TV 看电视 play table tennis打乒乓球 paint 涂色Sentences:1. Keep a diary, and someday

16、 itll keep you.记日记吧,总有一天它会记下你的一生。2. I keep a diary every day.我每天都写日记。3. I like reading and writing. 我喜欢阅读和写作。4. Mr Brown gave us five sums to do .布朗先生给了我们五道算术题做。5. I will work harder.我要更努力地学习。6. I dont think it is true. 我认为那不是真的。7. It was so funny.太有趣了。 8. This castle is 800 years old. 这座城堡有800年的历史了

17、。9. In the tower theres a ghost. 在塔里有一个幽灵。10. I havent got any money. 我没有钱。11. Let me go. 让我走吧。12. What can I wear? 我能穿什么?13.This is how he killed the people he didnt like. 这就是他如何杀死他不喜欢的人。14. Best tour in my life. 我生命中最好的一次旅行。 Grammar:一般将来时: 主+ be going to + 动词原形 主+ will + 动词原形Unit 4 In townWords: b

18、lind使失明 brave 勇敢的college学院,大学 confident 有信心的dead 死的,去世的 die死去 everything 所以事物;每件事物 fight 与作战forest森林 hold on 紧紧抓住leave把留在某处 move打动,使感动 soldier 士兵 the poor穷人 wise 有智慧的 woman 女人 young 年轻的 hero 英雄 popular受欢迎的 hybrid 混血儿 scientist科学家 around 大约;在周围 almost 几乎,差不多 camp 活动营地 deer 鹿 footballer 足球运动员 heart 心

19、king 国王writer 作者 Nottingham 诺丁汗 hybrid rice 杂交水稻 Argentina阿根廷 England英格兰Sentences:1. About a hundred children are having a summer camp in Beijing. 大约有一百个孩子在北京过夏令营。2. Some are from the USA, the UK, and Australia. Others are from China. 一些来自美国,英国和澳大利亚。另外的来自中国。3. He also gives money to help the poor ch

20、ildren in Argentina. 他也资助阿根廷的贫困孩子。4.Because of his work, we have more rice to eat and the world has fewer hungry people. 因为他的工作,我们有更多的大米可以食用,世界上挨饿的人越来越少。5.She died a long time ago, but her diary lives on and moves many people. 她很久前就死了,但是她的日记却传了下来感动了许多人。6. She never gave up hope and always saw the go

21、od in everything. 她从不放弃希望,总是看到事情好的一面。7. She left college two years ago, but she didnt stay in the city. 她两年前就离校了,但是她没有呆在城市里面。8.But at that time we were too shy to speak. 那时候我们太害羞都不说话。9. We couldnt even speak Putonghua. 我们连普通话都不会说。10.She taught us to sing and dance. 她教我们唱歌跳舞。11.It feels good to be ar

22、ound her. 跟她在一起感觉很好。 12.The pupils are telling stories about their heroes. 学生正在讲关于他们的英雄的故事。13. Lets wait until he is very close. 我们等他过来。14.Ill stay with you. Well fight the Sheriff and help the poor. 我将会与你们一起抵抗谢里夫帮助平民。Grammar:1. 现在进行时 be doing(am/is/are + V-ing)2. 一般过去时:动词的过去式3. 否定句 not.4. be from 来

23、自5. give sth to sb 给某人某物6. be kind to sb 对某人友好7. be friendly to sb 对某人友好8. live in 住在, stay with sb 和某人呆在一起hide from躲避.9. 动词第三人称单数形式Unit 5 I loving readingWords: competition竞赛 read阅读rest休息 win赢得favourite最喜爱的 read喜欢的读物rest休息 win赢得competition比赛 celebrate庆祝Sherwood forest舍伍德森林bookworm书虫 must be一定trick骗

24、局 Spiderman 蜘蛛侠joy喜悦 heroine女主人公 hood风帽 be full of充满a lot of/ lots of许多 story-stories故事heavy重的 without没有Sentences:1. I love reading books. 我热爱读书。2. Its true that Im a bookworm. 我真的是个书虫。3. There are monsters, big and small.有怪兽,有大的有小的。4. One day the Sheriff and his men caught Robin in the forest. 有一天谢

25、里夫的人在森林里抓住了罗宾。 5. My favourite comic is Spiderman. 我最喜欢的喜剧是蜘蛛侠。6. My favourite book is called Gold.我最喜欢的一本书是金子。7. The people understand that the gold is not so important. 人们明白了金子并没有那么重要。8. Robin will be happy to see you. 罗宾看见你会很开心。9. Please dont kill me. 请不要杀我。10. Ill win the first prize! 我将赢得第一名。11

26、. Dont go, Robin. This is a trick! 不要走,罗宾,这是个骗局。Grammar:1. 现在进行时 be doing2. That从句3. 一般过去时4. 介词 in on about(关于) from with(带有,具有)without(没有) for(对某人来说.)5. Let 祈使句:表示让我/我们. + V原形Unit 6 The world of my dreamsWords: ocean海洋 owl猫头鹰sure当然 wish希望 war战争 beautiful美丽的expensive贵的 computer电脑dangerous危险的 enough充

27、足的every now and then偶尔 glad高兴的 robot机器人situation情况 dream梦想 peace和平Sentences:1. In the world of my dreams people live in beautiful houses with big gardens.我理想中的世界是人们都住在美丽的带着花园房子。2. People from many countries live together in peace. 许多国家的人们都和平的住在一起。3. In the world of my dreams there are no wars. 我理想中的

28、世界是没有战争4. There are more expensive cars. 有更贵的汽车。5. Its true that I love my school. 我真的爱我的学校。6. But every now and then I start to dream in the middle of the day. 偶尔在中午的时候做梦。7. People have enough to eat. 人们有足够的吃的。8. Everywhere are parks and woods where we all can go and meet. 到处都是公园和树林,我们可以去那里见面。9. Bu

29、t why dont you just close your eyes? 你没什么不闭上眼睛呢?10. Dont go! Its dangerous。 不要去,太危险了。11. Which city is the biggest, Shanghai, Wuhan or Nanjing? 哪个城市最大,上海、武汉还是南京?12. Shanghai is the biggest. 上海最大。13. Which city is bigger, Wuhan or Nanjing? 哪个城市比较大,武汉还是南京?14. Wuhan is bigger than Nanjing. 武汉比南京大。15. I

30、 want to see the ocean. 我想看海。16. Dont go. Its too far. 不要去,太远了。17. Dont go. Its too dangerous. 不要去,太危险了。18. Im glad Im faster than the lion. 我好开心我比狮子跑的快。19. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ocean? 抱歉,打扰一下,你能告诉我去海边的路吗20. He remembered all the dangerous situations, but he was very happy. 他记得所有危险的情形,但是他还是很开心。Grammar: 1. There be 某地有某物. 2. 最高级+ est, 前面用the 构成:主+ be + the 形容词最高级 + 范围 3. 比较级+ er,后面用than (比) 构成:A + be + 形容词比较级 + than + B 4. 定语从句 that where 引导的. 5. 特殊疑问句 why dont you.? 你为什么不.? 6. 祈使句 Dont go! 不要去


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