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1、中小学英语学习成绩测试()二级考试试题(总分:分;答题时间:分钟)听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I. 听辨单词(共小题,计分)选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。每小题只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)1. A. melon B. TV C. bedroom D. tomato2. A. jeep B. T-shirt C. radio D. pencil3. A. potato B. nurse C. bus D. orange4. A. doctor B. living room C. tiger D. flower5. A. cake B. ruler C. kitchen D. lampB

2、)选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。每小题只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. II. 听辨句子(共小题,计分)听音,为你听到的问句找到适合的答句。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)11. A. Im in Class One. B. Im in Grade Six. C. Im in Row Five. D. Im Number Seven.12. A. She is a teacher. B. It is in the garden. C. It

3、is a little puppy.D. Its black and white.13. A. Its a long one. B. He is 30 years old. C. It is 20 dollars. D. It is outside the house.14. A. He is at home.B. He is in the reading-room. C. He is reading a story book. D. He is good pupil.15. A. May is.B. Dora is. C. Its Mays. D. Its Doras.III. 对话理解(共

4、小题,计分)根据你听到的对话内容判断图片正误, 正确的写“”,错误的写“”。对话只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)IV. 短文理解(共小题,计分)你将听到一篇短文及文后的五个问题,选出能正确回答文后所提问题的选项。短文及问题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)21. A. Its clean. B. Its big.C. Its small.D. Yes, its nice.22. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, they are.D. No, they arent.23. A. Its white. B. Its clean and bright. C. I

5、ts black. D. Its on the front.24. A. Its big. B. Its near the blackboard. C. Its at the back of the classroom. D. Its in front of the window.25. A. There is a blackboard. B. Theres a ruler. C. There are some clocks. D. There are some flowers.)根据你听到的信的内容把这封信补充完整。书信读两遍。(答案写在答题纸上)Dear Doctor Bob,My26_i

6、s always telling me that I eat too many27_. She says that I need to eat healthy food. She wants me to28_my bike every day. She wants me to go to swim every week. I dont29_swimming. Its hard to learn.At night she tells me to brush my30_. Im often too tired. I just want to go to bed.What should I do?J

7、acky基础知识与综合能力运用(共四大题,计分)I. 单词和短语(共小题,计分)看图,完成句子(首字母已给出)。(答案写在答题纸上)1. It is noon. It is a h_day. 2. I am my grandmothers g_. 3. Sally ties her h_every day. 4. Rita uses a r_ to draw a line. 5. The mother is pushing her b_in the park. )写出下列各词的反义词或对应词。(答案写在答题纸上)6. thick _7. ugly _8. buy _9. open _10. b

8、lack _)根据句意及汉语或英语提示完成句子(注意时态)。(答案写在答题纸上)11. The weather is fine, lets go to_.(放风筝)12. She is _her new shoes.(寻找)13. Lily and Lucy often _together.(做作业)14. April the _is Georges birthday.(ten)15. My aunt is 38 years old, she is a good_. (teach)II. 选择填空(共小题,计分)从、四个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上)16.英语中不定冠词a用

9、于以_开头的单词前,定冠词the用在以_开头的单词前一般读/i:/。A. 元音音素; 辅音音素 B. 辅音音素; 元音音素C. 元音字母; 辅音字母 D. 辅音字母; 元音字母17.WTO表示_。A. 国际奥委会 B. 第一次世界大战C. 国际长途 D. 世界贸易组织18. Tony has seven_.A. pencils box B. pencil boxesC. pencil boxs D. pencils boxs19. Is it the twins bedroom? Yes, it is. Its _bedroom.A. Ann and AnnasB. Anns and Anna

10、s C. Ann and Anna D. her20. Who is _duty today? And who can tell me what this is _English?A. on ;at B. on ;ofC. at; inD. on; in21. Rose often goes to _on Sundays. But now she is_.A. swimming; swimming B. swim, swim C. swim; swimmingD. swimming; swim22. Colour the flowers_, please.A. a red B. red one

11、C. red D. the red one23. Its _eight oclock. _go to the school.A. about; Its time to B. on; Its time C. in; Its time for D. about; Its time in24. I would like to _a look at your computer, please.A. seeB. haveC. putD. know25._in the washroom? Its me.A. WhosB. WhatsC. Whichs D. Wheres26.下列哪个问题是询问天气状况的?

12、A. How do you go to school? B. How old are you, Betty?C. Whats the date today?D. Whats the weather like today?27.Excuse me, where is the bus stop, please? Turn left, and youll see it. _A. The same to you. B. Thanks.C. Youre welcome.D. Goodbye!28. A. Why do you study English? B. Whats wrong with you?

13、C. Where are you going? D. Where is your father?29. A. How are you?B. Merry Christmas!C. Happy Birthday!D. A nice day, isnt it?30. A. Sorry, I cant.B. Yes, please.C. Here you are.D. Sorry, I dont know.)根据情景从所给的选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话。(答案涂在答题纸上)Mum: David, What would you like for dinner? David:._Mum: I like f

14、ish, too. Do you like big fish or small fish? David:2._Mum: OK, Ill buy a big one. David:3._Mum: Its a good idea. David:4._Mum: I think we have some grapes in the fridge. David:5._Mum: OK, I will go to the supermarket now. A. I think big fish is better. B. No, we have eaten all up already.C. I would

15、 like to eat fish. D. And buy some grapes, please, mum. E. Can we have some tomato soup, please?III.阅读理解(共小题,计分)()根据图的内容回答下列问题。(答案写在答题纸上) 36. What kind of party is it? _37. When is Bettys birthday? _38. What is Bettys third plan? _39. Where is Bettys birthday? _40. How old is Betty this year? _(B)根据

16、图文内容在短文中找到合适的词完成句子。(答案写在答题纸上)Many animals like it cold,others like it hot.Their bodies are just made that way,whether(是否) they like it or not.Many animals swim a lot, others need to be dry.If its too wet or dry for them,some animals will die.Every animal needs food,like grass or meat.It has to live

17、in a place with food,so it can be full.Animals need a home,like a hole or a nest.Some need a place to sleep in winter,to keep their young and to rest.41. Many animals like it cold, others like it_.42. Some animals will _if its too dry.43. The cow likes to eat_.44. We call a bears home_.45. Some anim

18、als sleep in winter to keep their _and to rest.(C)根据短文内容完成下面Timmy说的话。(答案写在答题纸上)How many words do we use?Dear friends, do you know how many words you use every day? 500 or 1000? It is an interesting question.A man called William Shakespeare wrote lots of plays(剧本). He used about 21,000 different word

19、s; he was so clever.Most of us use between 1000 and 2000 words. Some people only use 300 words a day. To read and understand books well, you need to know more words. Why not add to the number of words you use? When you come to a word you do not know, look it up in a dictionary, it is good practice!T

20、immy: Oh, I never think how 46_words I use everyday. The famous writer 47_ could use about 21,000 different words, he was so48_. I will look it 49_ in the dictionary, if I meet a hard word. I want to know more50_, then I can read what I want.IV. 小作文(计分)提示:假如你是这三只小猫中的一只,你的名字叫做Mimi, 以“My Happy Life”为题

21、,用第一人称写一篇小作文。(作文写在答题纸上)要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰,规范; 2.可根据图意和提示词在描写的同时,做适当的发挥; 3.不得少于个单词。 提示:warm温暖的 quilt棉被 take good care of好好照顾 naughty淘气的 dream梦想 catch mice捉老鼠 brave勇敢的中小学英语学习成绩测试()二级考试试题答案及听力录音原文听力试题(共三大题,计3分)I. 听辨单词(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A)15 ABACB B) 610 BCABDII. 听辨句子(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1115 CBCCA

22、III. 对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)1620 FFTTFIV. 短文理解(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A)2125 CCABDB)26. mother 27. sweets 28. ride 29. like 30. teeth基础知识与综合能力运用(共四大题,计70分)I. 单词和短语(共15小题,每小题分,计15分)A) 1. hot 2. grandson 3. hair 4. ruler 5. babyB) 6. thin 7. beautiful 8. sell 9. close(shut) 10. whiteC) 11. fly kites 12. lookin

23、g for 13. do their homework 14. tenth 15. teacherII. 选择填空(共20小题,每小题分,计20分)) 1620 BDBAD2125 CCABA2630 DBBBBB) 3135 CAEDBIII. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)A) 36. Its a birthday party. 37. Its on November 8. 38. Open presents. 39. Its (at)123 Main Street. 40. She is five years old this year.B) 41. hot 42. die

24、 43. grass 44. hole 45. youngC) 46. many 47. William Shakespeare 48. clever 49. up 50. wordsIV. 小作文(共题,计20分)My Happy LifeHi, everyone! I am Mimi. I am three months old. I have two sisters. Mum takes good care of us. Every morning, we get up late, and have milk for our breakfast. I love milk very muc

25、h. Every night we sleep in the warm quilt. I often play with my sisters. My mum often says I am a naughty kitten. I have a dream, I want to grow up, then I can catch mice. I want to be a brave cat.(81 words)中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)二级考试试题听力部分录音原文I. 听辨单词A)选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。每小题只读一遍。1. banana 2. jacket 3. bean

26、 4. panda 5. eraserB)选出你听到的单词所代表的图片。每小题只读一遍。6. bedroom 7. cook 8. sing 9. snowy 10. nightII. 听辨句子听音,为你听到的问句找到适合的答句。每个句子只读一遍。11. What row are you in?12. Wheres your little puppy?13. How much is your new dress?14. What is Dick doing?15. Who is helping Dora with her English?III. 对话理解根据你听到的对话内容判断图片正误,正确

27、的写“T”,错误的写“F”。对话只读一遍。Sam: Mary, do you know how dad goes to work every day?May: He goes to work by car.Sam: How does grandfather go out for a walk every day?May: He goes to the park on foot.Sam: How about our aunt Windy?May: She goes to work by bus. And you, Sam?Sam: I go to school by bike every day

28、.May: me, too. I love riding bikes.IV. 短文理解A)你将听到一篇短文及文后的五个问题,选出能正确回答文后所提问题的选项。短文及问题读两遍。This is a classroom. Its nice and bright, but it is small. The doors and windows are clean. The desks and chairs are clean, too. The walls are white. On the front wall there is a blackboard. The teachers desk is

29、big. It is near the blackboard. On the desk, there are some flowers. There is a clock on the wall. Its not old, it is new. Questions:21. Is the classroom big or small?22. Are the windows clean?23. What colour is the wall?24. Where is the teachers desk?25. Whats on the teachers desk?B) 根据你听到的信的内容把这封信

30、补充完整。书信读两遍。Dear Doctor Bob,My mother is always telling me that I eat too many sweets. She says that I need to eat healthy food. She wants me to ride my bike every day. She wants me to go to swim every week. I dont like swimming. Its hard to learn.At night she tells me to brush my teeth. Im often too

31、 tired. I just want to go to bed.What should I do?Jacky欢迎您的光临,Word文档下载后可修改编辑.双击可删除页眉页脚.谢谢!希望您提出您宝贵的意见,你的意见是我进步的动力。赠语; 1、如果我们做与不做都会有人笑,如果做不好与做得好还会有人笑,那么我们索性就做得更好,来给人笑吧! 2、现在你不玩命的学,以后命玩你。3、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。4、不要做金钱、权利的奴隶;应学会做“金钱、权利”的主人。5、什么时候离光明最近?那就是你觉得黑暗太黑的时候。6、最值得欣赏的风景,是自己奋斗的足迹。7、压力不是有人比你努力,而是那些比你牛几倍的人依然比你努力。


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