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1、Unit3试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (15分)( ) 1. There is mouse in the house. How can we catch ? A. the; it B. the; oneC. a; itD. a; one( ) 2. The number of the students in Class Five forty. A. is B. are C. has D. have( ) 3. I want to give a talk, but I have no to stand on stage. A. reason B.

2、courage C. scare D. danger( ) 4. Hangzhou is famous tea and silk. What about Xian?A. as B. with C. about D. for( ) 5. Not only I but also she animals. We keep many pets at home.A. likes B. like C. will like D. liked( ) 6. This movie Dearest is great. It has many peoples hearts.A. caught B. moved C.

3、waited D. touched( ) 7. This short story me of my hometown.A. remembers B. takes C. reminds D. shows( ) 8. Peter used to a lot. But now he has given it up. A. smoking B. smoke C. smoked D. smokes( ) 9. People too many trees, so lots of animals lost their homes.A. turned down B. put down C. looked do

4、wn D. cut down( )10. We have no apples, so well use oranges to make juice apples.A. up to B. in balance C. instead of D. as well( )11. Paul is very brave. He seems to nothing. A. be afraid of B. be good at C. be interested in D. be bad for( )12. My aunt and uncle are on vacation and I have to their

5、pet cat.A. be proud of B. take care of C. come up with D. look forward to ( )13. She has read many books about animals, she?A. isnt B. doesnt C. hasnt D. didnt( )14. Bill warned us the mountain when it was rainy.A. dont climb B. wont climb C. not climb D. not to climb( )15. Dont feed animals in the

6、zoo! .A. Yes, I do B. Sorry, I wont C. Sure, I will D. No, thanks二. 完形填空 (10分) What animal do you think is the tallest in the world? Of course, it is the giraffe! The tallest giraffe may be as 16 as a two-floor building. The giraffe has a very long 17 and good sight (视力). So giraffes can see what ha

7、s 18 far away. As soon as they see 19 , they will tell other animals to escape quickly. So both antelopes (羚羊) 20 zebras love to stay with giraffes.Because 21 the long neck, the giraffe can reach the 22 on the trees easily. But when it is thirsty, it has some troubles. It must make its legs apart (分

8、离的) in order to be 23 enough to drink water. What does the giraffe do when it is in danger? When the mother giraffe and her baby meet a fierce lion, the mother giraffe becomes very 24 . She will kick the lion with her legs. The lion is 25 of her. The mother giraffe and her baby will be safe.( )16. A

9、. bigB. tall C. shortD. old( )17. A. headB. ear C. neckD. arm( )18. A. celebrated B. fallen C. discussed D. happened( )19. A. families B. enemies C. people D. friends( )20. A. andB. or C. soD. but( )21. A. forB. with C. of D. in( )22. A. leavesB. eggplants C. bamboo D. insects( )23. A. tall B. low C

10、. longD. short( )24. A. tiny B. gentleC. braveD. sad( )25. A. famous B. afraid C. friendly D. proud三. 阅读理解 (20分)ABiggie Burger, a new fast food restaurant, will soon be open in the town. A lot of people are holding signs shouting outside it. They dont want the restaurant to open. Never! “Their food

11、is really bad for us!” said Diana. “Its high in fat (脂肪) and sugar. We are going to say no to it!” “Our town is always a quiet place. It will bring visitors and trouble to this area,” said Barbara. However, some people disagree (持不同意见). They believe that Biggie Burger will bring them a lot of money

12、to help improve the town. The 17-year-old Sandy cant wait for Biggie Burger to open. “I love their hamburgers! And I can get a part-time job there.” Sandys dad, a cleaner, also agrees with his daughter. “Biggie Burgers prices are just right for us,” he said. Michael has a toy shop next door to Biggi

13、e Burger, and he is excited, too. “People who come to Biggie Burger may spend a few minutes in my shop and pick up something.” The town will hold a meeting on Thursday. Come and talk about what you think.根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。( )26. What are people doing outside Biggie Burger? A. They are dancing. B. They a

14、re shouting. C. They are playing. D. They are singing. ( )27. What does Barbara think of Biggie Burger? A. Its unhealthy. B. Its expensive. C. It will bring trouble. D. It will bring money. ( )28. Who wants to find a job in Biggie Burger? A. Sandy.B. Diana. C. Tony. D. Michael. ( )29. What can we le

15、arn from the passage? A. Biggie Burgers food is fresh. B. Barbara likes a busy life. C. Sandys father hates hamburgers. D. Sandys father likes Biggie Burger. ( )30. like Biggie Burger. A. Diana and Sandy B. Barbara and Michael C. Barbara and Sandy D. Sandy and Michael BOn November 17th, a tornado (龙

16、卷风) destroyed about 400 houses in Washington. Byler Danns house was one of them. Byler Dann had tried to lead his dog Maggie along with his wife and four kids to their basement (地下室) to shelter (躲避) from the tornado. But the dog was so scared that it wouldnt leave its room. When the family finally c

17、ame out, Byler Dann feared the worst for Maggie. However, after digging through the remains of the building the next day, Byler Dann found the dog only injured.But the happy story doesnt end there. A few hours later, the photos of Byler Dann and Maggie were posted to Reddit. The website began to enc

18、ourage people to donate money to help cure (治疗) Maggie. It would cost about 1,000 dollars. Many people gave away their money. It quickly met and exceeded (超出) Maggies cost. People would use the rest of money to help other animals in the affected area.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( )31. How many people are there in

19、 Byler Danns family?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.( )32. The dog Maggie was so that it didnt want to leave its room.A. scaredB. happy C. excited D. lonely( )33. What does the underlined word “injured” mean in Chinese?A. 失踪的 B. 受伤的 C. 开心的 D. 伤心的( )34. What is Reddit?A. It is a book. B. It is a hosp

20、ital. C. It is a dogs house.D. It is a website.( )35. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Byler Dann didnt save Maggie when the tornado came.B. Maggie escaped from its room at last.C. Reddit encouraged people to donate the money.D. The money was not enough to save Maggie.四. 词语运用 (10分)A. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词或短

21、语。36. How much (假期) do you get at your new job?37. Do you know what their (关系) is?38. Ann started to cry when she (切) her finger carelessly.39. There are a lot of (老鼠) in this old church. 40. We (握手) and smiled at each other.B. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。41. To a much air pollution, wed better walk to work inste

22、ad of taking a car.42. It is very d to be so close to a fierce tiger.43. She made a mistake, but she had no c to say sorry for what she had done. 44. G have long necks. They can eat the leaves on the top of trees.45. You are late today. Can you tell us the r?五. 连词成句,注意所给标点符号。 (5分)46. the, beginning,

23、 will, June, you, leave, at, of ?47. danger, the, disappearing, in, animal, is, of .48. did, they, why, cut, trees, down, the ?49. watching, cards, instead, lets, of, play, TV .50. take, he, to, not, told, photos, me, here .六. 任务型阅读 (10分)根据短文内容,完成后面各项任务。 In Botswana, southern Africa, the increased f

24、arming is bringing lions and man into more and more conflict (冲突). Valentin Gruener, from Germany, and Mikkel Legarth wanted to help save the lions. 51 They hoped to move the lions to a large protected area. 52 Sirga, a lioness (母狮), is now a beacon (灯塔) for the success of the Modisa Wildlife Projec

25、t. When she was young, she was driven out of her pride (狮群). 53 So they saved Sirga. With the help of them, Sirga now can hunt by herself. 54 And she has been their good friend.Mikkel said, “We are located on a huge farm with 10 to 15 lions, wild dogs and leopards (豹) that have been saved. 55 We are

26、 now looking for sponsors (赞助商) that can support us.”根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A. She treats the two men just like the other lions.B. So they founded the Modisa Wildlife Project in Botswana.C. The lions are wild but we have to feed them.D. Valentin and Mikkel coul

27、d not stand by and watch her die.E. In the area, the animals would have enough food to eat.51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 七. 短文填空 (10分)从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。其中有两项多余。food common south time place wonderdie hard travel with make turn“Little swallow (燕子) wears bright clothes, and comes here every spring.” Do you

28、remember the song? Have you ever (56) where all the swallows go during winter? They fly (57) in autumn to stay in warm places and fly back next spring. This type of (58) is called migration (迁徙).Not all the birds migrate. Some dont need to worry about (59) and they live in the same place all year ro

29、und. Robins (知更鸟), for example, can (60) to fruits if they cant find insects. For birds like swallows, who cant find enough food, winter is a (61) time. Plants die and insects hide. Swallows have to move to warmer (62).There are over 1,300 kinds of birds in China. More than half of them migrate. The

30、 (63) migratory birds (候鸟) are swallows, wild ducks, swans (天鹅) and wild geese.To study migration, scientists put a ring (64) a number around a birds leg. Some birds are caught again, or found after they (65). By checking the numbers, scientists can learn how far the birds have traveled.八. 补全对话 (10分

31、)从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话。A: (66)B: Im going to listen to the report on protecting animals. A: Really? Im interested in it. (67)B: Of course! We can learn how to protect animals together.A: (68)B: In our school library.A: (69) B: No. It will start at 2:30 pm. (70)A: No problem! See you then!B: See you!A. Whe

32、re will the report be given?B. So wed better meet at 2:00 pm.C. What are you going to do this afternoon?D. Shall we meet at 3:00 this afternoon?E. May I go with you?九. 书面表达 (10分)动物是人类的朋友。你的家里养了哪些小动物呢?你和小动物之间发生过什么故事呢?请你以“My favourite pet”为题写一篇英语短文,简单讲述一下你和小动物之间的故事。要求: 字迹工整,层次清晰; 语句通顺,语法正确; 不少于70词(开头已

33、给出,不计入总词数)。My favourite petThere is a special member in my family _参考答案:1-5 CABDA6-10 DCBDC11-15 ABCDB16-20 BCDBA21-25 CABCB26-30 BCADD31-35 CABDC36. vacation37. relationship 38. cut 39. mice 40. shook hands41. avoid 42. dangerous 43. courage 44. Giraffes 45. reason46. Will you leave at the beginnin

34、g of June47. The animal is in danger of disappearing48. Why did they cut down the trees49. Lets play cards instead of watching TV50. He told me not to take photos here51-55 BEDAC56. wondered 57. south 58. travel 59. food 60. turn 61. hard 62. places 63. common 64. with 65. die66-70 CEADBOne possible

35、 version:My favourite petThere is a special member in my family the dog Honey. Honey has lived with my family for more than three years, and we all love it. It is not only my favourite pet but also my good friend. Last Sunday, Honey and I had a walk by the lake. But when I stopped to watch the fish in the lake, I fell into it. Honey barked and jumped into the water at once. It did its best to pull me out of the water with its mouth. How brave Honey is!


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