2022年高考英语作文专题复习: 高中常见题材范文与最新话题范文汇编(全面实用!).docx

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2022年高考英语作文专题复习: 高中常见题材范文与最新话题范文汇编(全面实用!).docx_第1页
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1、第 1 页 共 41 页2022 年高考英语作文专题复习: 高中常见题材范文与最新话题范文汇编I. 高中常见题材范文一、申请信(应聘志愿者)【2018 年 6 月浙江高考】假定你是李华,你校英语协会招聘志愿者,接待来访的国外中学生请你写信应聘,内容包括:1口语能力;2相关经验;3应聘目的注意:1词数 80 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to apply for the post of volunteers which is advertised in the school newspaper. I found thisposi

2、tion quite appealing to me and Im well qualified for the job.First, I have a good command of spoken English, contributing to my interaction with foreign friends.Second, precious experience about treating exchange students makes it possible for me to deal with somepotential problems better. Besides,

3、I think it an excellent opportunity to broaden my horizons and improvemy social skills.Id highly appreciate it if you could give me a chance. (93W)Yours,Li Hua二、邀请信 (邀请外教过春节)第 2 页 共 41 页【2017 年 11 月浙江高考】假如你是李华,得知外教 Mr. Hall 寒假不回国,想邀请他到你家过春节,请给他写一封信,内容包括:1. 时间;2. 一同过节的人;3. 活动。注意:1词数 80 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以

4、使行文连贯。Dear Mr. Hall,Knowing you will stay in China during Winter holiday, Im writing to express my sincere invitation for youto spend the Spring Festival with my family.The Spring Festival, to be held next Sunday, means cozy reunion for us, and thus my family are willing toenjoy it with you. Moreove

5、r, various interesting activities such as setting off the firework, decorating thehouse with conventional characters, will surely provide you with a deep insight into old Chinese traditions.Looking forward to your reply. I just cant wait to meet you. (90W)Yours,Li Hua三、感谢信(感谢朋友帮助学习)【2019 年 6 月浙江高考】假

6、定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的朋友 Alex 即将返回自己的国家,请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:1. 表示感谢;2. 回顾 Alex 对你的帮助;3. 临别祝愿。第 3 页 共 41 页注意:1词数 80 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear Alex,Knowing you will be back to your motherland, Im writing to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your generoushelp.I used to feel it embarrassing to speak English in

7、 public. It was you that spared time to talked to me asmuch as possible. With your encouragement, I have gained much confidence. Plus, you recommendedoriginal books to me and shared your reading reviews with me, which kindled my passion for reading andwidened my horizons. But for your unreserved hel

8、p, I would not have advanced so greatly in Englishlearning.Thanks again. Wish you a pleasant journey. (98W)Yours,Li Hua四、求助信 1(生活类钱包遗失)【2018 年 11 月】假定你是李华,乘坐 FL753 航班抵达伦敦后发现钱包遗失。请给航空公司写一封邮件说明情况并寻求帮助。内容包括:1. 行程信息;2. 钱包特征;3. 联系方式。注意:1词数 80 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第 4 页 共 41 页Dear Sir or Madam,Im Li Hua, a

9、 passenger who took the Flight FL753 to London this morning, and Im writing for some help.It was after leaving the London Airport that I found my wallet was lost. The wallet, with a credit card andsome cash in it, is a small pink one. Its so important to me that I cant afford to lose it. I wonder if

10、 you coulddo me a favor to find it back. Should more information be needed, you can reach me at 13512345.Thanks again and looking forward to your early reply. (95W)Yours,Li Hua四、求助信 2(求助外教分享诗歌朗诵技巧)【2021 年 1 月八省联考】假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教 George 写封邮件求助,内容包括:1. 说明比赛要求;2. 请他推荐英文诗;3. 请教朗诵技巧。Dear Geo

11、rge,As I intend to participate in the English poetry recitation contest to be held by our school, Im writing toask you for help.In the contest, all contestants are required to recite one complete English poem within 3minutes andtheir scores will be given based on their pronunciation, intonation, emo

12、tion and performance on the spot. SoI wonder if you could select some classic poems and give me some tips on recitation techniques? I wont letyou down.I would appreciate it if you could come to my aid and look forward to your reply. (97w)Yours,Li Hua第 5 页 共 41 页五、推荐信(推荐学中文资源)【2020.6 温州三模】 假定你是李华, 你的

13、英国朋友 Gary 学习汉语时碰到困难,写信请你推荐相关学习资源,帮助解决问题,请你回信,内容包括:1. 资源名称;2.推荐理由。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细,以使行文连贯。【参考范文一】Dear Gary,I m writing in response to your request for information about Chinese pronunciation. Im pleased toprovide you with answers to solve your problem.Hello Talk is a suitable app for you. It

14、has a collection of audio materials covering various levels. It alsooffers a voice recorder tool, with which you may record your pronunciation and compare it with that of anative speaker. With the app, you will make great progress.Best wishes! (76W)Yours,Li Hua【参考范文二】Dear Gary,Hearing that you encou

15、nter several problems in Chinese learning, I d like to offer you my suggestions.An app called Hi Chinese is my top recommendation. It features dialogues in real life context, which willensure you a good command of daily useful expressions. Besides, keeping a dictionary at hand is also amust for you.

16、 Hence, I highly recommend The Modern Chinese Dictionary in which various meanings of thesame word are exemplified in detail.第 6 页 共 41 页Wish you every success in your Chinese learning.Yours,Li Hua【参考范文三】Dear Gary,Happy to know that you re studying Chinese recently, Im writing to answer your request

17、 in your letter.CCTV 4 is a choice second to none, where you can be completely exposed to authentic pronunciation ofChinese as well as daily conversations. As for writing Chinese characters, you can search bookstores for“The Beginners Guide to Chinese Calligraphy and practice it as instructed.Hopefu

18、lly, the information above will be of some help to you.YoursLi Hua六、告知信 1(告知接力赛信息)【1】假定你是校马拉松跑团团长李华,近期你们即将参加 70 公里接力赛,请写封邮件告知你的队友William 比赛事宜。内容包括:1. 比赛信息;2. 赛前准备;3. 表达期待。注意:1. 字数 80 词左右;2. 适当添加细节,使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear William,Im writing to inform you of the coming 70-kilometer relay race, which is to be

19、 held in South Park nextSunday.We intend to keep daily training for one hour after school every day to increase our stamina and speed.第 7 页 共 41 页Plus, an experienced coach will be invited to give us some guidance on how to cooperate better. And theuniforms will be provided in advance, please tell m

20、e your size. Do keep in mind that sufficient sleep canguarantee our performance, so have a good rest.I believe with our joint efforts, we can definitely win the race. (99W)Yours,Li Hua六、告知信 2(告知同学演出取消)【2】假如你是李华,下周你校将开展中国传统文化周活动。你已邀请交换生 Jerry 观看下周六学校古典音乐俱乐部举行的古筝表演, 但该表演因故取消。请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:1. 告知表演取消; 2

21、.提议参加其它活动;3. 期待回复。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Dear Jerry,I regret to inform you that the Chinese Zither performance scheduled at 6 P.M. next Thursday has to becanceled. It happens that some of the actors will participate in the art festival of the city at that time.It is a pity that we ca

22、nt appreciate the splendid performance by actors in traditional costumes. Wouldyou like to attend the Chinese Classics Reciting contest on Friday instead? It provides another opportunityto explore the charm of Chinese culture. I bet it will never fail to satisfy you. Looking forward to your reply.(9

23、3W)Yours,第 8 页 共 41 页Li Hua七、慰问信(安慰生病同学)假定你是李华,你班来自美国的交换生 Peter 生病住院了,因为落下很多功课,心理十分焦虑和郁闷。请给他发封邮件,内容包括:1. 表示关心;2. 提供帮助;3. 祝愿康复。Dear Peter,I m sorry to hear that you are ill and under treatment in hospital. Are you feeling better now? Everyone inclass is concerned about you.Being in hospital is never

24、a comfortable experience and I can totally understand your uneasiness andanxiety. However, please stay positive, which will guarantee a speedy recovery. As for your missed lessons,we are always ready to offer a helping hand. Having us behind you, you will find everything better off soon.Though it se

25、ems tough now, everything is bound to come back on track. Were looking forward to your earlyrecovery. (98W)Yours,Li Hua八、道歉信(约会失约)假如你是李华,你的好友 Tom 约你明晚和他家人共进晚餐,但你因故不能应约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示歉意;2. 解释原因;3. 弥补方法。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第 9 页 共 41 页【参考范文】Dear Tom,Thank you for your invitati

26、on to dinner at your home tomorrow evening.Unfortunately, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you and your family, because I will be fullyoccupied then for an important exam coming the day after tomorrow. I feel sorry for missing such a happyget-together. I hope that all of you enjoy a good t

27、ime. Is it possible to have a private meeting with youafterwards? If so, please drop me a line about your preferable date. I long for a pleasant chat with you.Please allow me to say sorry again. (99W)Yours,Li Hua九、咨询信 1(咨询租房情况)假定你是李华,下个月要去伦敦大学做为期一年的交流学生。你在网上看到 Tom 出租房屋的广告,你有意向租住 Tom 的房子。请给 Tom 写一封邮件

28、,内容包括:1. 询问价格;2. 询问房屋设施; 3. 询问交通是否便利。注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear Tom,Im Li Hua, an exchange student to study in London next year. Having seen your advertisement forrenting, Im writing to ask for some detailed information.Firstly, what I care about is how much the rent is per month.

29、Additionally, I am interested to knowwhether you will provide some necessary household appliances like a washing machine so that I can getmyself prepared in advance. By the way, could you please tell me if it is convenient for me to take the publictransport like metro near your house?Your prompt rep

30、ly will be much appreciated. (97W)第 10 页 共 41 页Yours,Li Hua九、咨询信 2(咨询旅游路线)假定你是李华,打算今年暑假去美国旅游。请你给 Travel America 国际旅行社写一封电子邮件进行咨询,内容如下:1. 请其推荐合适的旅游路线;2. 请其告知相关的旅游费用;注意;1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Sir/Madam,Im planning to travel to the USA in the coming July. Therefore, Im writing to inquire ab

31、out travel routesof your agency.I intend to stay in America for about 10 days, during which I hope to have a look at some unique naturalscenery and have a taste of local customs. So, could you please recommend some suitable travel routes?In addition, Id like to know the prices of the routes, coverin

32、g all the traveling expenses.A reply at your earliest convenience is highly appreciated. (86W)Yours,Li Hua十、书面通知(社团活动招新通知)你校英语社团将要排演英语话剧 Sound of Music,需要一些演员。请你根据以下提示,向国际部的学生写一份通知,内容包括:1. 报名时间;第 11 页 共 41 页2. 报名地点;3. 报名条件。【原创范文】NoticeTo enrich students school life, an English play Sound of Music is

33、 to be put on by the English club. Andsome actors and actresses are in great need.Participants are required to be proficient in spoken English. Whoever loves acting and is willing to workwith others is also expected. More importantly, if you love acting and are willing to work with others, you areth

34、e right person we are looking for.All the applicants are required to sign up before this Friday at Room 211 of the teaching building. Lookingforward to your joining. (96W)English Club十一、祝贺信+感谢信(祝贺外教)【2021 年 4 月稽阳联考】假定你是李华,你的新西兰外教 John 因为对学校所做的贡献而获得了嘉奖,请你用英语给他写一封祝贺信,内容包括:1. 祝贺获奖;2. 感谢付出;3. 表达祝愿。注意:1.

35、 词数 80 词左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear John,Im writing to covey my utmost congratulations on your winning “Outstanding Teacher Award” of the year,Undoubtedly, you deserve this honor since the past year witnessed your devotion to teaching and your第 12 页 共 41 页unreserved help to our students. You al

36、ways tried different teaching modes, which made us exposed todiverse class atmosphere and kindled our passion for English learning. Besides, you spared your free timeto give us one-on-one guidance based on individual academic performance. Without your patience andefforts, we would not have advanced

37、greatly in English learning.Congratulations to you again and all my best wishes for you. (99W)Yours,Li Hua十二、介绍信(介绍社团活动)【2021 年 1 月佛山】假定你是你校英语诗社的负责人。你校留学生 Tom 写信向你询问你们诗社的相关情况。请你写一封回信,介绍诗社并欢迎大家加入,内容包括:1. 诗社成立的时间和目的;2. 诗社日常活动;3. 欢迎加入。注意:1. 词数 80 词左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear Tom,More than delighte

38、d to know that you take interest in our English Poetry Club, Im writing to introducesome details about it.To provide English lovers with a platform to appreciate the beauty of poetry, our English Poetry Clubwas founded in 2017. The main activities are to regularly invite some experts to deliver the

39、lecture aboutEnglish poems and hold poetry reading seminars, where students read poems and share their feelings.Since its foundation, our club has enriched our after-school life.If you join us, it will surely add to our enjoyment. Look forward to your joining. (98w)Yours,第 13 页 共 41 页Li Hua十三、投诉信(购买

40、商品质量不好)【2021 年 5 月温州三模】假定你是李华,两周前你在国外某网站购买的商品有问题,请给该网站负责人写一封邮件,要求退货退款,内容包括:1. 商品信息;2. 退款原因. 注意:1.词数 80 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to complain about the schoolbag I bought on your online store last week, which I consider isof poor quality.When receiving it, I was disappoin

41、ted to find that it was poorly packed up. Besides, there are a fewblack spots on it, which cant be wiped away. Worse still, the zipper doesnt work well, which made meannoyed.So I would like to have it returned and declare a full refund.Looking forward to your earliest reply. (79W)Yours,Li Hua十四、欢迎辞(

42、欢迎交换生)【2021 年 1 月浙江高考】假定你是李华,下周有新西兰学生访问你校,你将作为学生代表致欢迎辞。请为此写一篇发言稿,内容包括:第 14 页 共 41 页1. 表示欢迎;2. 介绍活动安排;3. 表达祝愿。注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【原创范文】Dear friends,Im Li Hua. On behalf of our school, Im more than delighted to extend a warm welcome to you.Towelcome you, various activities have been arra

43、nged. To get you exposed to our teaching mode, wewill invite you to take class with us. Additionally, a visit to our world-famous places of interest is scheduled,which will surely promise you an unforgettable memory here. Finally, a farewell party will be held to shareour experience and feelings dur

44、ing your stay here.I hope you feel at home and enjoy your stay here. Thank you! (94W)十五、演讲稿(运动建议)【2021 年南京一模】假定你是李华,报名参加学校 ”Be Sporty, Be Healthy” 为主题的演讲比赛。请你写一份英文演讲稿,内容包括:1. 问题:因学业紧张,疏于活动:2. 建议:要合理安排,正常锻炼。1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【参考范文】Be Sporty, Be Healthy Hello,everyone!第 15 页 共 41 页I feel h

45、onored to be here to talk to you on exercise. We students are heavily burdened with school work,and thus spare little time for regular physical exercise.However, we all need a sound body. So I suggest we fit exercise into our busy schedule, making it partof our daily routine. Put down our books to s

46、tretch our arms from time to time. Do some jogging andjumping every day. If we can make exercising our life habit, we will surely benefit from it both physically andmentally.Thats all. Thank you. (80W)十六、新闻报道(报道朗诵比赛)假定你是李华,是你校英文报的记者。上周六你校学生会主办了一场英语经典作品朗诵比赛。请你以 “AnEnglish Recitation Competition” 为题写一

47、篇英文报道,内容包括:1. 参赛选手;2. 比赛过程; 3. 活动意义。 注意:1. 词数 80 左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。An English Recitation CompetitionLast Saturday, the Student Union organized an English Recitation Competition at the lecture hall, whichnearly drew the attention of every student and teacher.Representatives selected from every cla

48、ss participated in it. At the beginning, contestants wererequired to recite the classic works they had prepared within five minutes. Afterwards, the judges evaluatedtheir intonation, pronunciation, and performance on the spot. In the end, the top 10 competitors wereawarded the prize and certificate

49、as encouragement.The activity turned out a great success as it offered us access to English classic works and kindled theirinterest in them. (98W)第 16 页 共 41 页十七、倡议书(节约粮食,杜绝浪费)假如你是学生会主席李华。你校学生吃饭浪费现象严重。最近,你校学生会发起了一个名为“杜绝浪费”的主题活动,请你代表学生会写一个倡议书,内部包括:1. 介绍现状;2.杜绝浪费的必要性;3. 提出倡议。Dear fellow students,These

50、 days has witnessed the shocking food waste on campus, which makes me heartbroken. So it ishigh time that we highly advocate not pouring untouched food into dustbins.Every single grain means hardship. How foolish it is to take food for granted. Besides, when we pour thefood, many people around the w


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