1、读后续写:从失去信心到重新拾起运动梦想的历程 讲义阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。We were near the mountaintop of Tuxedo when a rock got moved and hit my lower leg halfway between ankle and knee. The impact cut through both bones and removed a big chunk (块)of my leg. I found myself hanging from a rope, 1,600m off the g
2、round, in sharp pain. I was afraid it might just drop off. After binding it to an ice-axe, my climbing partner abseiled down(缘绳下降)to get help. For two days I lay alone. My leg started to smell pretty bad. It took six days to get me off the mountain and to a hospital in northern India. The hospital w
3、as basic and the next day I was flown to Delhi for emergency surgery and then, when stable enough, back home. In the UK, after nine operations, my doctor recommended an amputation(截肢)if I wanted to be able to walk properly again. I was very sad. I had been competing in sport since I was a teenager.
4、My physical fitness and love of running felt as if they were an inseparable part of the person I was. I visited a center specializing in prostheses and the consultant there seemed terribly enthusiastic about my prospects as an amputee, telling me I would be walking within six months and maybe even p
5、laying football after a year. I found the experience too depressing for words and was determined to put off the decision for as long as possible. Every night I had the same dream: I would be hobbling along a grassy path using my crutches(拐杖)and then.Suddenly, I would lift them up and throw them in t
6、he river and Id start walking, and then running, as if there had never been anything wrong. When I woke it would take me a few seconds to remember.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。第一段I bought an exercise bike and used it for 30 minutes three times a week.第二段Almost 4 years after my accident, I en
7、tered a local half marathon.解题思路与分析在这篇续写短文中,作者需要展现主人公在面临重大身体伤害后,如何通过不懈的努力重建信心并挑战极限的过程。文章以“开始-发展-矛盾-解决-结局”五个阶段进行故事情节的构思,展现了主人公从失去信心到重新拾起运动梦想的心路历程。解题思路具体如下:1.开始阶段(失去信心)主人公因为登山事故导致腿部严重受伤,面临截肢的可能性。他从一个活跃的运动员变成了需要依靠拐杖行走的患者,这种巨大反差让他深感挫败,心理和身体上都承受着巨大的痛苦与压力。开篇部分要突出主人公在失去运动能力后的痛苦情绪,用细腻的情感描写展现他对曾经生活的怀念与对未来的不确
9、,这不仅是对身体的挑战,更是对自我心灵的突破。他从最初的跑步困难到逐渐找到节奏,最终坚持到终点。描述主人公在比赛中的心理变化,展现他如何克服恐惧与自我怀疑,坚持到底。5.结局阶段(自我超越)主人公成功完成了比赛,虽然结果如何已不重要,他真正战胜的是自己的心理障碍。他在重新挑战自我、证明自己的过程中,获得了自我肯定与对生活的热爱。续写时,可以通过具体的动作、情感和心理描写,让读者感受到主人公一步步走出困境、重拾梦想的过程。续写段落与分析第一段(发展阶段:逐步康复):I bought an exercise bike and used it for 30 minutes three times a
10、 week. At first, each session felt like torture. My leg throbbed with pain, and every pedal reminded me of my lost strength. But I refused to give up. Gradually, my endurance improved, and I felt a tiny flicker of hope. Each successful ride became a small victory, restoring a piece of my lost confid
11、ence. Soon, the bike wasnt enough. I needed more. So, I started swimming. In the water, I felt free again. It was exhausting, but each stroke was a step closer to reclaiming my strength.段落分析:该段落展现了主人公从开始锻炼到逐渐感受到恢复的力量与希望的过程。通过情感词汇(如“torture”、“pain”、“tiny flicker of hope”)表现最初训练时的艰难与困境,同时用“victory”来表现
12、他内心的小小成就感。最后,通过引入游泳,暗示他希望挑战更多的运动形式,为后续段落做铺垫。使用的语法和写作手法:1.对比手法:最初的痛苦与后来逐渐的进步形成鲜明对比,突出了主人公的坚持与成长。2.情感词汇:如“torture”和“hope”表现心理和情感的变化,使得情节更加生动。第二段(结局阶段:自我超越):Almost 4 years after my accident, I entered a local half marathon. Standing at the starting line, I felt a surge of emotionsfear, excitement, and
13、gratitude. As the race began, each step was a struggle. My leg ached, and doubts crept into my mind. But I pushed on, remembering all those hours of training. Slowly, I found my rhythm. The wind in my face, the sound of feet hitting the pavementeverything reminded me of who I once was. Crossing the
14、finish line, I felt a sense of triumph. I hadnt just survivedI had conquered.段落分析:该段落展示了主人公参加马拉松比赛的过程,从最初的紧张与痛苦,到逐渐找回跑步的节奏,最终完成比赛,达到自我突破与心理升华。通过细腻的心理描写(如“fear, excitement, and gratitude”)表现了主人公内心的复杂情绪,同时在结尾处用“triumph”和“conquered”总结,突出主人公的成长与胜利感。使用的语法和写作手法:1.情感描写:通过细腻的情感词汇(fear, excitement, gratitude)表现主人公的心理状态,使得故事情节更加真实感人。2.短句与长句结合:短句用于强调动作与心理转变,如“But I pushed on”;长句用于详细描写比赛过程中感受与回忆,使得情节更具层次感。亮点分析:两个段落分别展现了主人公在康复过程中的身体恢复与心理重建,以及他在马拉松比赛中完成自我挑战的历程。通过对心理和情感的细致描写,突出了主人公面对困境时的坚韧与不屈精神。每段的结尾都带有一种正向的力量感,使得整个故事显得更加完整、积极而有力。