初三英语语法复习题(DOC 10页).doc

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1、代词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. _ is too difficult if you put your heart into it.A. EverythingB. SomethingC. NothingD. Anything( ) 2. My watch doesnt work. I think _ must be _ with it.A. anything, wrongB. nothing, goodC. anything, goodD. something, wrong( ) 3. Do you have _ to say for yourself? No, I have _ to s

2、ay at this moment.A. anything important, something importantB. anything important, nothing importantC. important something, nothing importantD. important anything, important nothing( ) 4. What about _ to eat?A. anythingB. everythingC. somethingD. nothing ( ) 5. The two friends were so pleased to see

3、 each other that they forgot _ .A. anything elseB. something elseC. nothing elseD. anything else( ) 6. There are two bags in the room. _ of them is new.A. EitherB. EachC. NeitherD. None( ) 7. What sport do you like better, basketball or swimming? I like _ but football.A. neither B. eitherC. everyD.

4、each( ) 8. There are many tall trees on _ side of the street.A. both B. allC. eitherD. any( ) 9. Both Japanese and French are new to me. I dont know _ of them.A. bothB. all C. eitherD. any( ) 10. There are many trees _ of the road! And _ of the trees is growing larger and larger. A. on both side, a

5、numberB. on each sides, a numberC. on both sides, the number D. on every side, the numberKEY:1- 5. CDBCD6- 10. CACCC介 词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. Why were your parents angry _ you yesterday evening?A. toB. on C. forD. with( ) 2. In England, people usually call me Tom _ short.A. for B. to C. on D. at( ) 3. Whe

6、re are you from? Im from the USA, what _ you?A. forB. about C. in D. on( ) 4. Who sits _ the middle _ the classroom?A. at, ofB. in, of C. on, inD. at, for( ) 5. We usually go to school _ Monday _ Friday.A. to, from B. from, onC. from, to D. on, to( ) 6. He usually has an egg and a bottle of milk _ b

7、reakfast.A. toB. on C. for D. of( ) 7. Please turn _ all the lights in the room, or Im afraid.A. down B. on C. for D. at( ) 8. It was raining, but the farmers still went _ working in the fields.A. forB. on C. with D. from ( ) 9. Please take your dirty clothes away _ here.A. fromB. off C. of D. at( )

8、 10. May I speak _ Becky, please? Hold on _ a moment, please.A. to, for B. for, to C. to, of D. to, atKEY:1- 5. DABBC6- 10. CBBAA连 词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. hey teach us English _ we teach them Chinese, we help each other.A. but B. and C. or D, as( ) 2. It was late. She took off her clothes _ went to bed.A.

9、 or B. so C. and D. but( ) 3. The students should know _ what _ why.A. so, as B. both, and C. either, or D. neither, nor( ) 4. The ground must be just right, _ too wet _ too dry.A. either, orB. both, andC. between, and D. neither, nor( ) 5. Would you like rice _ noodles?A. or B. butC. becauseD. so(

10、) 6. You must eat less food and take more exercise, _ youll be very fat.A. but B. and C. so D. but( ) 7. If you dont hurry up, _ youll be late for the meeting.A. andB. or C. so D. but( ) 8. Paul comes from Canada, _ he can speak very good Chinese.A. if B. so C. but D. because( ) 9. Mother was cookin

11、g _ I left home.A. whenB. whileC. becauseD. until( ) 10. We are hungry, I would like a bowl of rice, _ my mother would like some dumplings.A. when B. as C. whileD. sinceKEY:1- 5. BCBDA6- 10. DACAC数词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. The _ boy can speak Japanese very well.A. five years oldB. five year oldC. five years

12、 oldD. five-year-old( ) 2. _ is the most difficult in the book.A. Lesson ninthB. The ninth lessonC. Ninth LessonD. The nine lesson( ) 3. The Yellow River is _ longest river in China.A. the firstB. the secondC. firstD. the third( ) 4. September is _ month of the year.A. nine B. the nine C. ninth D. t

13、he ninth( ) 5. _ students are singing in the big classroom.A. Two hundredsB. Two hundreds ofC. Hundreds of D. Hundred of( ) 6. _ of the students are Young Pioneers in our class.A. Two threeB. Three timesC. Two thirdsD. Second three( ) 7. How many times have you been to Japan? _ .A. For the third tim

14、eB. Three timesC. A third time D. For three times( ) 8. _ birds are singing in the tall old tree.A. Several hundredsB. Hundreds of C. Several hundred of D. Hundred of( ) 9. How soon will you finish reading the book? In _ .A. one or two weeksB. one week or twoC. a week or twoD. a or two weeks( ) 10.

15、A cent is _ of a dollar.A. the hundredthB. one hundredth C. a hundredD. the hundredKEY:1- 5. DBBDC6- 10. CBBAB冠词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. Sunday is _ day of the week.A. oneB. the firstC. first D. the one( ) 2. Which is _ , the sun, the earth or the moon?A. biggerB. biggestC. the biggestD. big( ) 3. There is

16、a desk in his bedroom. On _ desk there is _ pencil-box.A. a, theB. the, theC. the, aD. a, a( ) 4. What _ good idea it is!A. aB. an C. theD. /( ) 5. Yesterday I went to _ school on _ foot.A. the, theB. /, /C. a, /D. the, /( ) 6. There is _ “U” in the word “useful” .A. aB. /C. anD. the( ) 7. Though he

17、 is rich, he has _ friends.A. a littleB. a fewC. a lot ofD. few( ) 8. There is a tall tree _ our classroom.A. in the front ofB. in frontC. in front ofD. at front the( ) 9. September 10th is _ in China.A. Teachers DayB. Teachers DayC. Teachers DayD. the Teachers Day( ) 10. People often go skating in

18、_ winter.A. /B. aC. an D. theKEY:1- 5. BCCAB6- 10. ADCAA形容词和副词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. This bike is _ than that one.A. twenty yuan dear tallB. twenty yuan dearerC. dear twenty yuanD. dearer twenty yuan( ) 2. Do you like those _ ?A. beautiful two big new green boxesB. beautiful two new green big boxesC. two

19、beautiful green new big boxesD. two beautiful big new green boxes( ) 3. We had better do the work better with _ money and _ people.A. little, fewerB. little, fewC. less, fewerD. less, few( ) 4. You study English _ as your brother, but you dont speak English _ much as he.A. as hard, such B. as harder

20、, suchC. as hard, soD. as harder, so( ) 5. He had never seen a _ film.A. more interestB. most interestingC. more interestingD. more interested( ) 6. A _ person is sometimes easier to be cheated than a child.A. growing-upB. grown-upC. up-growingD. grew-up( ) 7. If you to study hard, you must play com

21、puter games _ .A. more oftenB. oftenerC. less oftenD. few often( ) 8. Of the two children, the boy looks _ than that girl.A. the tallerB. the tallestC. a little tallD. taller( ) 9. The river is _ than that one.A. wide and deepB. wider and deeperC. widest and deepestD. wide and deeper( ) 10. _ you ta

22、ke _ healthy youll be.A. More exercise, moreB. Most exercise, mostC. The moe exercise, the more D. The most exercise, the mostKEY:1- 5. BDCCC6- 10. BCABC助动词和情态动词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. Can I leave my baby by herself at home when I go out? No, you _ .A. should better notB. would better notC. had better notD

23、. have to( ) 2. Many people want to see you. So you _ keep them waiting for you for more than two hours.A. needntB. cantC. wontD. might not( ) 3. You _ hurry. Theres a little time.A. needntB. mustntC. need D. cant( ) 4. You _ read in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.A. mustntB. needntC. cantD. may not

24、( ) 5. He said he _ finish reading the book tomorrow.A. can B. might C. needD. could( ) 6. Ill _ help him if he has trouble.A. couldB. can C. be able to D. may( ) 7. My daughter was lost ten minutes ago. You _ telephone the policemen.A. had ought toB. had better C. should have to D. had rather( ) 8.

25、 Oh, I forgot to bring my dictionary with me. Thats all right. You _ use mine.A. shouldB. must C. can D. have to( ) 9. You shouldnt go across the road without looking around, you _ hit by a car. A. wouldB. might beC. surelyD. likely had( ) 10. Though it was raining heavily, we _ get there in time.A.

26、 were able to B. could C. must D. shouldKEY:1- 5. CBAAD6- 10. CBCBA动词时态选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. Will you please show me the photo of your family? OK. I will _ it here tomorrow.A. take B. boring C. catch D. carry( ) 2. Some children work hard only to _ their parents happy.A. have B. make C. take D. try( ) 3.

27、 I like playing computer games, but it _ a lot of time.A. spendsB. usesC. takes D. pays( ) 4. How long may we _ our eyes closed? Only one minute.A. openB. keep C. make D. let( ) 5. All of the visitors are foreign, can you _ with them in English?A. sayB. tell C. speak D. talk( ) 6. Knives _ by people

28、 for cutting things.A. useB. usingC. used D. are used( ) 7. Two new man-made satellites _ up into space a few weeks ago.A. send B. sent C. are sent D. were sent( ) 8. He _ the news as soon as he arrived.A. told B. had told C. was told D. were told( ) 9. The bill will _ green trees when the next spri

29、ng comes.A. cover B. cover with C. be covered D. be covered with ( ) 10. Do you like this pair of shoes? Yes, it _ very nice.A. is looked B. looked C. looking D. looksKEY:1- 5. BBCBD6- 10. DDCDD动词语态选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. The maths problem is not easy _ .A. to work out B. to be work out C. worked out D. wo

30、rking out( ) 2. A new railway _ between Beijing and Shanghai.A. is being builtB. is been buildingC. has been building D. has being built( ) 3. By whom will the children be _ ?A. looked after B. looked at C. looked like D. looked around( ) 4. This is one of the tallest buildings _ in the city.A. whic

31、h has been seenB. that have been seenC. that have seen D. have been seen( ) 5. At last the parents had their son _ .A. saved B. saving C. has savedD. has been saved( ) 6. Doctors or teachers _ in every part of the world.A. are needingB. will need C. need D. are needed( ) 7. Bob _ to be one of the be

32、st students in his class.A. thoughtB. was thinking C. had thought D. was thought( ) 8. He had us _ at the bus station.A. wait B. to wait C. waited D. waiting ( ) 9. The public class made me _ in modern teaching.A. to interest B. interestC. interested D. interesting( ) 10. Youd better keep the window

33、s _ and the door _ .A. open, closed B. opened, closingC. opened, close D. open, closeKEY:1- 5. BAABA6- 10. DDDCA词和词组辨异选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. Are there any _ fish left in the lake?A. aliveB. livelyC. lifelessD. living( ) 2. His mother was ill. He had to _ a doctor.A. send for B. send outC. send up D. send

34、away( ) 3. _ , there is still a little time left.A. Hurry up B. SlowC. Take your time D. Quickly( ) 4. When you have enough money, you are allowed to _ .A. drive a carB. buy a car C. sell a car D. keep a car( ) 5. I want the cay to be stopped, I _ the car.A. want to stop B. want stop C. want you sto

35、pD. want you to stop( ) 6. Shall I call you Tom or Thomas? Oh, its not important. Either is OK.A. certainly not B. of course C. thats all right D. it doesnt matter( ) 7. The factory is not far from the centre of town.A. a long way to B. farther from C. near D. not near ( ) 8. You dont have to leave

36、for Hong Kong at once.A. mustntB. neednt C. havent D. cant( ) 9. It was raining hard when I got home yesterday evening.A. difficultyB. strongly C. quickly D. heavily( ) 10. English names are different from Chinese names.A. like B. unlikeC. the same asD. likingKEY:1- 5. DACBD6- 10. DCBDB并列句和复合句选择一项正确

37、的答案:( ) 1. There was _ that we couldnt hear what he said.A. such much noiseB. such many noise C. so much noise D. so many noise ( ) 2. Mr Brown is _ teacher _ he cant leave his office.A. so busy a, thatB. a very busy, that C. such busy a, thatD. so busy a, and( ) 3. He is happy _ he is poor.A. thoug

38、h B. and C. but D. so ( ) 4. I cant find the library book _ Ive looked for it everywhere.A. and B. if C. though D. because( ) 5. Miss Yang loves her work _ she loves books.A. until B. because C. ifD. before( ) 6. I dont know _ I will be free tomorrow. _ I am free, Ill come to see you.A. if, whether

39、B. whether, whether C. if, that D. if, if( ) 7. Well buy a computer if we _ enough money next year.A. will have B. are having C. do haveD. have ( ) 8. Dont get off the bus _ it stops.A. who B. what C. when D. that( ) 9. Can you tell me _ your parents are, Betty? A. whoB. what C. whenD. that( ) 10. W

40、hat was Jim doing _ his sister fell off the bike?A. while B. and C. whenD. but KEY:1- 5. CAACB6- 10. DDABC非谓语动词选择一项正确的答案:( ) 1. From his _ voice, I have to say that he is _ .A. surprising, surprisedB.surprised,surprising C.surprising,surprising D.surprised, surprised( ) 2. Do you mind _ the window?A

41、. I openingB. my open C. my opening D. I open( ) 3. I often hear him _ in the next room. Now you can hear him _ again.A. sing, singingB. to sing, sing C. singing, sing D. to sing, singing( ) 4. We have a lot of homework _ every day.A. do B. doing C. to have doneD. to do( ) 5. Youd better _ in class.

42、A. to not shout B. not to shout C. dont shout D. not shout( ) 6. He has his clothes _ once a week.A. washedB. wash C. to wash D. washing( ) 7. Its bad for you to _ in bed.A. read B. and readingC. to read D. reading( ) 8. After he finished _ breakfast, he went to school.A. to have B. having C. had D. has ( ) 9. The glass of water is too hot, I prefer some cold water _ .A. drinkB. drinking C. to drink D. drunk( ) 10. My father often enjo


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