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1、20182019学年度第二学期英语期末考试试卷(A卷)班级 学号 姓名 总分(考试形式:闭卷 满分:120 分 时间:120分钟)高二英语 (满分:120 分 )第一部分:英语知识运用(共一节,满分10分)第一节:单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. When _ at the door, Mother asked, “Who was it?”A. knocking B. knocked C. someone was knocking D. she was knocking2. -I regret _ you that y

2、ou didnt do well in the exam yesterday.-Now I regret not _ your advice.A. to tell; to accept B. telling; to have acceptedC. to tell; having accepted D. telling; having accepted3. Was it for that reason _ you didnt come to join us in the speech competition?A. that B. why C. which D. what4. I didnt go

3、 to the concert, but I do wish I _ there.A. was B. were C. had been D. have been5. Every dollar is made full use of _ science and technology in that area. A. to develop B. develop C. developing D. to developing6. They lost their way in the forest, and _ made matters worse was that night began to fal

4、l.A. what B. it C. that D. which7. George Orwell, _ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. A. the real name B. what his real name C. his real name D. whose real name8. Hand in hand with reading, Dave _ the habit of making notes. A. raised B. developed C. created D. brought up9. Hav

5、ing exercise every day will do great good to your health.A. a great many B. plenty of. C. a great deal D. a great number of10. Certain vitamins can give you more , if youre always feeling tired. A. ability B. power C. energy D. force第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(本节共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文并完成每篇后面的题目。从A、B、

6、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。AThousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states. They wanted to buy lottery tickets(彩票). The tickets cost only $0.9 each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $ 90 million. That was the second largest lottery jackpot(积累资金)in history.More

7、 than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing. Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80. The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million. But that little chance certainly didnt affect ticket sales. In the last few days before the drawing, tickets wer

8、e selling at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second. Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action. Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people. It allows them to dream about wealth theyll probably never have. But many people believe l

9、otteries are no better than legalized(合法化的) gambling. Some critics(批评家) note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets. There are also many addicts(成瘾者) who take the game seriously. They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets. Some clubs have been formed

10、to help them kick the habit.Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes. The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens. But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice(恶

11、习), under the name of social progress. No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans. 11. The main idea of the passage is that_. A. lotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys them B. playing a lottery is j

12、ust like investing in the stock market C. a lot of people buy lottery tickets, but lotteries cause disagreement D. lotteries are just legalized vice12. In just one hour in the last few days, the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling _. A. $1.62 million B. $ 90 million C. $ 9.6 million D. $ 87 m

13、illion13. People who are addicted to playing lotteries should _. A. join a club B. kick the habit C. win the Pennsylvania D. save every centBFailure is probably the most fatiguing(令人疲劳) experience a person ever has. There is nothing more tired than not succeeding, being blocked, not moving ahead. It

14、 is an evil circle. Failure causes fatigue, and fatigue makes it harder to get to work, which adds to the fatigue.We experience this tiredness in two main ways: start-up fatigue and performance fatigue. In the former case, we keep putting off a task that we are forced to take up. Either because it i

15、s too boring or because it is too difficult, we avoid it. And the longer we put it off, the more tired we feel.Such start-up fatigue is very real, although not actually physical, not something in our muscles and bones. The cure is obvious, though perhaps not easy to apply: willpower exercise. The mo

16、ment I find myself turning away from a job, or putting it under a pile of things I have to do, I clear my desk of everything else and attack the difficult item first. To prevent start-up fatigue, always treat the most difficult job first.Performance fatigue is more difficult to handle. Here we are w

17、illing to get started, but we cant seem to do the job right. Its difficulties appear to be insurmountable and however hard we work, we fail again and again. The mounting experience of failure carries with it an ever-increasing burden of mental fatigue. In such a situation, I work as hard as I can, a

18、nd then let the unconsciousness take over.14. Which of the following can be called an evil circle?A. Success-tiredness-success-tirednessB. Failure-tiredness-failure-tirednessC. Failure-success-failure-successD. Success-failure-success-failure15. According to the passage, when keeping putting off a t

19、ask, we can experience_.A. failure B. performance fatigue C. start-up fatigue D. unconsciousness 16. To overcome start-up fatigue, we need _.A. doing exercise B. prevention C. strong muscles D. strong willpower17. The underline “insurmountable” (in the last paragraph) probably means “_”.A. too diffi

20、cult to overcome B. easy to understandC. imaginary D. known to everyoneCThe law is a great many of rules, showing when and how far a man is likely to be punished, or to be made to hand over money or property to his neighbours, and so forth. These rules are contained (包含) in books. A lawyer learns th

21、em mainly by reading books. He begins by doing little else than read, and after he has prepared himself by, say, three years study to practise, still, all his lifelong and almost every day, he will be looking into books to read a little more than he already knows about some new questions which he ha

22、s to answer. The power to use books, then, is a talent (天资) which the would be (将要成为的) lawyer ought to have. He ought to be very flexible (灵活的) and fine to make it easy for him to collect ideas from printed words. He ought to be ready in finding what a book contains, and something of an instinct (本能

23、) for where to look for what he wants. But although this is the power of which he will first feel the need, it is not the most important. A lawyer does not study law to recite; he studies it to use it and act upon the rules which he has learned in real life. His business is to try cases in court and

24、 to advise men what to do in order to keep out or get out of trouble. He studies his books in order to advise and to try his cases in the right way.18. The first thing a law student has to do is to _.A. read books B. hand over money C. practise law D. answer questions19. After three years of reading

25、,_.A. he can study law B. he can stop readingC. he still has to continue reading D. he is able to give intelligent answers20. According to this passage, a would-be lawyer ought to have the ability to _. A. make best use of books B. read every book carefully C.read any books without difficulty D. loo

26、k for books everywhere21. The main business of a lawyer is to _. A. discuss the material he has read B. advise people who have legal (法律上的) problemsC. learn about real life D. study the lawD Because we can feel that things are heavy. We think of weight as being a fixed quality in an object, but it i

27、s not really fixed at all. If you could take a one-pound packet of butter 4,000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh only a quarter of a pound. Why would things weigh only a quarter as much as they do at the surface of the earth if we took them 4,000 miles our into space? The reason is this: All

28、 objects have a natural attraction for all other objects this is called gravitational attraction. But this power of attraction between two objects gets weaker as they gets farther apart. When the butter was at the surface of the earth, it was 4,000 miles from the centre (in other words the radius (半

29、径) of the earth is 4,000 miles). When we took the butter 4,000 miles out, it was 8,000 miles from the centre, which is twice the distance. If you double the distance between two objects, their gravitational attraction decreases (减少) two times two. If you treble(翻三倍) the distance, it gets nine times

30、weaker (three times three). If you take it four times as far away, it gets sixteen times weaker (four times four) and so on.22. The best title for this passage is _. A. The Earth weight B. Weight in Space C. Changing weight on the Earth D. Weight On and Off the Earth23. We can feel things are heavy

31、because _. A. weight is a fixed quality in an object B. they are far away from the centre of the earth C. of the earths strong attraction for them D. they are not taken away from the surface of the earth24. The farther apart two objects get, _ the power of attraction between them become.A. the stron

32、ger B. the weakerC. the same D. the more different25. If an object weighed one pound 8,000 miles above the earth, it would weigh _ on the surface of the earth. A. 6 pounds B. 4 pounds C. 9 pounds D. 1/9 pound第二节(本节共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Too many of us are waiting to

33、o long to live our best lives. We keep putting everything off until tomorrow. Then, before we know it, we find ourselves asking, How did it get so late so soon?So wed better make today the beginning of our new life. Take time to figure ourselves out. Take time to realize what we want and need. Take

34、time to love, laugh, cry, and learn. _26_ Here are five things we should start doing today:Accept ourselves. The secret to happiness and success is the acceptance of ourselves. We will never become who we want to be if we rely on everyone else to qualify us. _27_ So always go with ourselves, never a

35、gainst ourselves. Be who we were created to be and we will set the world on fire.Make ourselves a priority. To tell the truth, there are only a few people in this world who will stay 100% true to us, so we should stay true to ourselves. Put our own needs into the list of things to do._28_ Dont sit b

36、ack and let things happen to us. Go out and make things happen. We are what we do, not what we say well do. Stop saying I wish and start saying I will. Turn our dreams into plans.Do the work. We cant underestimate(低估) a person who always works hard. Be that person. _29_ Always remember that the task

37、 ahead of us is never greater than the strength within us. Do whats right, not whats easy. Our dreams are worth it._30_ We cant force things to happen; we can only drive ourselves trying crazily. Theres a time and place for everything. So dont force whats not yet supposed to fit into our life. When

38、its meant to be, it will be. Work hard, and be patient.A. Take positive action.B. Enjoy every moment of life.C. Life is shorter than it often seems.D. Everyone has a different way of life.E. Accept ourselves just the way we are.F. Allow life to happen like its supposed to.G. In life, we dont get wha

39、t we wish for; we get what we work for.第三部分 英语知识运用(满分40分)第一节 完形填空(本题共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Until I was 13, I assumed I was just like everyone else. But one day I read a piece of paper in my dads briefcase that _31_everything. Thats when I saw the words: “S

40、imone is said to have Asperger syndrome.”I screamed at my dad, “Tell me what it is!” He _32_ that I have a mild form of brain disorders, which was a problem that shapes the way I interact with other people. I wasnt sure exactly what he _33_, but it didnt matter. I just wanted to try to _34_ my shock

41、 and go back to the way things were before I knew. But even though I wouldnt _35_ acknowledge the news, Aspergers still destroyed my confidence and made me _36_ and isolated. I felt like an outcast(被抛弃者)-not just because Aspergers made it hard for me to make friends, but because now I had this _37_

42、. I just wanted to be like everyone else. _38_, at 16, I said to myself, “Enough! You cant run and hide from it, girl. Just face it.”Its funny, the first time I thought something was _39_ was not because of what I couldnt do - it was because of what i could do. In the sixth grade, while other kids w

43、ere _40_ with spelling, I was like a human spell-checker! Ive also had a photographic memory, and _41_ I call my “super powers”-extrasensory hearing and acute awareness: I can _42_ phone numbers people dial just by the sound the buttons make when pressed or _43_ hear one sour note in an entire symph

44、ony! And I can _44_ pay attention to two things at once. Dont get me wrong. Aspergers can be very confusing. For years I felt like a butterfly _45_ in its cocoon(茧),waiting to emerge. It took years of work with a psychologist to _46_ the difficulty of making friends. Im not going to let Aspergers cr

45、eate _47_ for me. That why I am happy to have found out about and faced my _48_. Aspergers is a metaphor(象征) for life: We all have _49_ , but the key is to be able to have the _50_ to face whats bad about them and still find whats good. 31. A. preventedB. changedC. determinedD. improved32. A. explai

46、ned B. realized C. apologizedD. suspected33. A. meantB. predictedC. concernedD. doubted34. A. admitB. subscribeC. recognize D. ignore35. A. appropriatelyB. consciously C. previouslyD. automatically36. A. anxiousB. stressedC. lonelyD. ashamed37. A. signB. symbolC. labelD. signal38. A. ConsequentlyB. GraduallyC. FortunatelyD. Eventually39. A. unusualB. sp


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